854 resultados para multiple drug resistance
An understanding of within-host dynamics of pathogen interactions with eukaryotic cells can shape the development of effective preventive measures and drug regimes. Such investigations have been hampered by the difficulty of identifying and observing directly, within live tissues, the multiple key variables that underlay infection processes. Fluorescence microscopy data on intracellular distributions of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) show that, while the number of infected cells increases with time, the distribution of bacteria between cells is stationary (though highly skewed). Here, we report a simple model framework for the intensity of intracellular infection that links the quasi-stationary distribution of bacteria to bacterial and cellular demography. This enables us to reject the hypothesis that the skewed distribution is generated by intrinsic cellular heterogeneities, and to derive specific predictions on the within-cell dynamics of Salmonella division and host-cell lysis. For within-cell pathogens in general, we show that within-cell dynamics have implications across pathogen dynamics, evolution, and control, and we develop novel generic guidelines for the design of antibacterial combination therapies and the management of antibiotic resistance.
Escritores/as pós-coloniais têm se engajado em denunciar o doloroso legado da escravidão e do colonialismo, através da recuperação de histórias previamente apropriadas e distorcidas por narrativas mestras. A investigação e a narrativização do passado esquecido de ex-colônias têm sido uma estratégia empregada no sentido de se reconstruir identidades que foram fragmentadas devido às múltiplas opressões sofridas ou testemunhadas por autores. Michelle Cliff é uma romancista, poeta, e ensaísta diaspórica, nascida na Jamaica e que vive nos Estados Unidos. Ela é uma das muitas vozes pós-coloniais comprometidas com uma literatura de resistência que luta pela descolonização cultural e encoraja o sentimento de pertencimento. O objetivo dessa dissertação é analisar os romances de cunho autobiográfico de Cliff, Abeng (1984) e No Telephone to Heaven (1987), que lidam com questões relacionadas às práticas coloniais e pós-coloniais. Os dois romances retratam a saga da protagonista Clare Savage, através da qual Cliff revela o impacto da colonização no Caribe, denuncia as configurações de poder geradas a partir dos imbricamentos entre raça, gênero e classe, e critica a maneira deturpada como a história da Jamaica é transmitida e disseminada através da educação colonial à qual os Jamaicanos são submetidos. A autora também explora os efeitos que as diásporas exercem no processo de construção identitária e o movimento de resgate e recriação de uma história própria por parte dos sujeitos diaspóricos
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o comportamento dos níveis plasmáticos de grelina, em relação aos fatores de risco cardiometabólico, em uma população multiétnica de eutróficos e de obesos..A grelina é um peptídeo produzido predominantemente pelas células oxínticas gástricas, que desempenha importante papel na homeostase energética, promovendo estímulo do apetite e aumento do peso corporal, além de participar do controle do metabolismo lipídico e glicídico, interagindo diretamente com os fatores de risco cardiometabólico. Este é um estudo transversal. Duzentos indivíduos entre 18 e 60 anos com diferentes graus de índice de massa corporal (IMC) compuseram a amostra, assim dividida: cem eutróficos (IMC < 25 kg/m2) e 100 obesos (IMC ≥ 30 kg/m2). Todos foram avaliados para parâmetros antropométricos, determinação da pressão arterial (aferida por método oscilométrico através de monitor automático) e variáveis metabólicas (métodos usuais certificados). A grelina acilada foi mensurada pela técnica de sanduíche ELISA; a leptina, pelo método Milliplex MAP. O marcador inflamatório proteína C reativa ultrassensível(PCRUS)foi estimado por nefelometria ultrassensível. A insulina foi determinada por quimioluminescência e o HOMA-IR calculado pelo produto insulinemia (U/ml) X níveis de glicemia de jejum (mmol/L) / 22.5. Foram excluídos do estudo aqueles com história de comorbidades crônicas, doenças inflamatórias agudas, dependência de drogas e em uso de medicação nos dez dias anteriores à entrada no estudo. As concentrações de grelina acilada mostraram tendência de redução ao longo dos graus de adiposidade (P<0,001); a leptina se comportou de maneira oposta (P<0,001). Os níveis de grelina se correlacionaram negativamente com IMC (r = -.36; P<0,001), circunferência da cintura (CC) (r=-.34; P<0,001), relação cintura/quadril (RCQ) (r=-.22; P=0,001), diâmetro abdominal sagital (DAS) (r=-.28; P<0,001), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) (r=-.21; P=0,001), insulina (r=-.27; P<0,001), HOMA-IR (r=-.24; P=0,001) e PCRUS (r=-.29; P<0,001); e positivamente com o HDL-colesterol (r=.30; P<0,001).A PCRUS acompanhou o grau de resistência insulínica e os níveis de grelina também mostraram tendência de redução ao longo dos tercis de resistência insulínica (P=0,001). Em modelo de regressão linear múltipla as principais associações independentes da grelina acilada foram sexo feminino (P=0,005) e HDL-colesterol (P=0,008), ambos com associação positiva e IMC (P<0,001) (associação negativa). Esses achados apontam para uma associação da grelina acilada com melhor perfil metabólico, já que seus níveis se correlacionaram positivamente com HDL-colesterol e negativamente com indicadores de resistência insulínica e atividade inflamatória.
Economical achievement of optimal growth in developing countries may lead to sustainable poverty reduction. Agricultural activities play an important role in economy and human being welfare, which leads to establishment of food security and quality. Aquaculture products in developing countries share 51.4 percent of total agricultural production.7—percent in developed countries. Therefore undoutedly food production by means of quality and quantity has to be increased .The history of shirmp production goes back to 500 years ago. Today 50 countries of the world produce shirmp .In Islamic Republic of Iran shrimp production started since 1992 in the coastal region of Persian Gulf. The shrimp culture farms canbe classified in to 4 different categories; Extensive, semi-extensive, intensive and super instensive. Global ecological manitenanc is one of the major concerns of authorities Human manipulation of nature is the most destructive activity. Industrial sweage leakage in to the rivers and water sources is a big issue that causes reduction in the aquatic population. Heavy metals have an inhibitory effect in the production and growth of sealife. Human intake of food treated with anti microbial cause's allergy, hypersensitivity and develops microbial resistance. Organochlorine compounds contamination may found in hepato pancreatic tissues of aquatic products, Aresnic may transfer to man via plant & animal product contamination. In 1991 during Persian Gulf Mir 700 oil well set
Objectives: To investigate the molecular epidemiology of HIV in China's Yunnan Province, where the initial HIV-1 outbreak among injecting drug users (IDU) occurred in 1989, and to analyse the genesis and interrelationship of the epidemic with that in surrounding areas. Design: A molecular epidemiological investigation was conducted among IDU in three prefectures in Yunnan Province, including Wenshan (east), Honghe (southeast) and Dehong (west). Methods: Thirty-nine specimens were collected from consenting IDU in 2000-2001. The nucleotide sequences of 2.6 kb gag-RT and 340 base pair (bp) env (C2/V3) regions were determined. Phylogenetic tree and recombination breakpoint analyses were performed. Results: The circulating recombinant form (CRF), CRF08_BC, predominated in east Yunnan near Guangxi Province (89% in Wenshan and 81% in Honghe), whereas it was not detected in Dehong(0/14) in the west. In contrast, 71% (10/14) of the Dehong isolates were unique recombinant forms (URF), mostly between subtypes B' (Thailand variant of subtype B) and C, with distinct profiles of recombination breakpoints. The subtype B' accounts for the remaining 29% (4/14) of Dehong isolates. Interestingly, two Honghe isolates (2/16) shared some of the precise B'/C recombination breakpoints with CRF07_BC. Conclusion: New recombinant strains are arising continually in west Yunnan near the Myanmar border. Some appeared to be secondary recombinants derived from CRF07_BC that had further recombined with other strains. The uneven distribution of subtypes, CRF and URF, suggests the presence of independent transmission networks and clusters among IDU in Yunnan. (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.
Embryonic stem (ES) cells provide a unique tool for introducing random or targeted genetic alterations, because it is possible that the desired, but extremely rare recombinant genotypes can be screened by drug selection. ES cell-mediated transgenesis has so far been limited to the mouse. In the fish medaka (Oryzias latipes) several ES cell lines have been made available. Here we report the optimized conditions for gene transfer and drug selection in the medaka ES cell line MES1 as a prelude for gene targeting in fish. MES1 cells gave rise to a moderate to high transfection efficiency by the calcium phosphate co-precipitation (5%), commercial reagents Fugene (11%), GeneJuice (21%) and electroporation (>30%). Transient gene transfer and CAT reporter assay revealed that several enhancers/promoters and their combinations including CMV, RSV and ST (the SV40 virus early gene enhancer linked to the thymidine kinase promoter) were suitable regulatory sequences to drive transgene expression in the MES1 cells. We show that neo, hyg or pac conferred resistance to G418, hygromycin or puromycin for positive selection, while the HSV-tk generated sensitivity to ganciclovir for negative selection. The positive-negative selection procedure that is widely used for gene targeting in mouse ES cells was found to be effective also in MES1 cells. Importantly, we demonstrate that MES1 cells after gene transfer and long-term drug selection retained the developmental pluripotency, as they were able to undergo induced differentiation in vitro and to contribute to various tissues and organs during chimeric embryogenesis.
A GaInNAs/GaAs multiple quantum well (MQW) resonant-cavity enhanced photodetector (RCF-PD) operated at a wavelength of 1.3 mum with the full width at half maximum of 4nm has been demonstrated. The GaInNAs RCE - PD was grown by molecular beam epitaxy using a homemade ion-removed dc plasma cell as a nitrogen source. GaInNAs/GaAs MQW shows a strong exciton peak at room temperature, which is very beneficial for applications in long-wavelength absorption devices. For a 100 mum diameter RCE-PD, the dark current is 20 and 32 pA at biases of 0 and 6 V, respectively, and the breakdown voltage is - 18 V. The measured 3 dB bandwidth is 308 MHz, which is limited by the resistance of p-type distributed Bragg reflector mirror. The tunable wavelength in a range of 18 nm with the angle of incident light was observed.
Novel microstructured and pH sensitive poly(acryliac acid-co-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)/poly(vinyl alcohol) (P(AA-co-HEMA)/PVA) interpenetrating network (IPN) hydrogel films were prepared by radical precipitation copolymerization and sequential IPN technology. The first P(AA-co-HEMA) network was synthesized in the present of IPN aqueous solution by radical initiating, then followed by condensation reaction (Glutaraldehyde as crosslinking agent) within the resultant latex, it formed multiple IPN microstructured hydrogel film. The film samples were characterized by IR, SEM and DSC. Swelling and deswelling behaviors and mechanical property showed the novel multiple IPN nanostuctured film had rapid response and good mechanical property. The IPN films were studied as controlled drug delivery material in different pH buffer solution using cationic compound, crystal violet as a model drug.
TX01, a pathogenic Edwardsiella tarda strain isolated from diseased fish at an epidemic-inflicted fish farm in China, exhibits resistance to multiple classes of antimicrobial agents. The genes (kn(R). catA3, and tet(A), respectively) encoding resistance to kanamycin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline were cloned and found to be 99-100% identical to the corresponding genes carried by known plasmids and transposons of human, animal, and environmental isolates. Further study demonstrated that TX01 harbors a plasmid, pETX, which proved to be (i) the carrier of the tet and cut operons; (ii) a mobile genetic element that is capable of transferring between bacteria of different genera. These results, which, to our knowledge, documented for the first time the co-existence of chloramphenicol and tetracycline resistance determinants on a conjugative plasmid in a pathogenic E tarda strain, indicated that gene acquisition via horizontal transferring of pETX-like mobile genetic entities may have played an important part in the dissemination of antimicrobial resistance and that there have existed for some time widespread genetic exchanges between bacteria of human, animal/fish, and environmental origins. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A basic understanding of abundance and diversity of antibiotic-resistant microbes and their genetic determinants is necessary for finding a way to prevent and control the spread of antibiotic resistance. For this purpose, chloramphenicol and multiple antibiotic-resistant bacteria were screened from a mariculture farm in northern China. Both sea cucumber and sea urchin rearing ponds were populated with abundant antibiotic-resistant bacteria, especially marine vibrios. Sixty-five percent chloramphenicol-resistant isolates from sea cucumber harbored a cat gene, either cat IV or cat II, whereas 35% sea urchin isolates harbored a cat gene, actually cat II. The predominant resistance determinant cat IV gene mainly occurred in isolates related to Vibrio tasmaniensis or Pseudoalteromonas atlantica, and the cat II gene mainly occurred in Vibrio splendidus-like isolates. All the cat-positive isolates also harbored one or two of the tet genes, tet(D), tet(B), or tet(A). As no chloramphenicol-related antibiotic was ever used, coselection of the cat genes by other antibiotics, especially oxytetracycline, might be the cause of the high incidence of cat genes in the mariculture farm studied.
Prostate and breast cancers are two of the most common types of cancer in the United States, and those cancers metastasize to bone in more than two thirds of patients. Recent evidence suggests that thermal therapy is effective at treating metastatic bone cancer. For example, thermal therapy enables targeted drug delivery to bone, ablation of cancer cells in bone marrow, and palliation of bone pain. Thermal therapy of bone metastases would be greatly improved if it were possible to image the temperature of the tissue surrounding the disease, which is usually red bone marrow (RBM). Unfortunately, current thermal imaging techniques are inaccurate in RBM.
This dissertation shows that many of the difficulties with thermal imaging of RBM can be overcome using a magnetic resonance phenomenon called an intermolecular multiple quantum coherence (iMQC). Herein, iMQCs are detected with a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pulse sequence called multi-spin-echo HOMOGENIZED with off resonance transfer (MSE-HOT). Compared to traditional methods, MSE-HOT provided ten-fold more accurate images of temperature change. Furthermore, MSE-HOT was translated to a human MRI scanner, which enabled imaging of RBM temperature during heating with a clinical focused ultrasound applicator. In summary, this dissertation develops a MRI technique that enables thermal imaging of RBM during thermal therapy of bone metastases.
BACKGROUND: The Affordable Care Act encourages healthcare systems to integrate behavioral and medical healthcare, as well as to employ electronic health records (EHRs) for health information exchange and quality improvement. Pragmatic research paradigms that employ EHRs in research are needed to produce clinical evidence in real-world medical settings for informing learning healthcare systems. Adults with comorbid diabetes and substance use disorders (SUDs) tend to use costly inpatient treatments; however, there is a lack of empirical data on implementing behavioral healthcare to reduce health risk in adults with high-risk diabetes. Given the complexity of high-risk patients' medical problems and the cost of conducting randomized trials, a feasibility project is warranted to guide practical study designs. METHODS: We describe the study design, which explores the feasibility of implementing substance use Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) among adults with high-risk type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) within a home-based primary care setting. Our study includes the development of an integrated EHR datamart to identify eligible patients and collect diabetes healthcare data, and the use of a geographic health information system to understand the social context in patients' communities. Analysis will examine recruitment, proportion of patients receiving brief intervention and/or referrals, substance use, SUD treatment use, diabetes outcomes, and retention. DISCUSSION: By capitalizing on an existing T2DM project that uses home-based primary care, our study results will provide timely clinical information to inform the designs and implementation of future SBIRT studies among adults with multiple medical conditions.
Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) is a transmembrane protein found on the surface of vascular endothelial cells (ECs). Its expression is upregulated at inflammatory sites, allowing for targeted delivery of therapeutics using ICAM-1-binding drug carriers. Engagement of multiple copies of ICAM-1 by these drug carriers induces cell adhesion molecule (CAM)-mediated endocytosis, which results in trafficking of carriers to lysosomes and across ECs. Knowledge about the regulation behind CAM-mediated endocytosis can help improve drug delivery, but questions remain about these regulatory mechanisms. Furthermore, little is known about the natural function of this endocytic pathway. To address these gaps in knowledge, we focused on two natural binding partners of ICAM-1 that potentially elicit CAM-mediated endocytosis: leukocytes (which bind ICAM-1 via β2 integrins) and fibrin polymers (a main component of blood clots which binds ICAM-1 via the γ3 sequence). First, inspired by properties of these natural binding partners, we varied the size and targeting moiety of model drug carriers to determine how these parameters affect CAM-mediated endocytosis. Increasing ICAM-1-targeted carrier size slowed carrier uptake kinetics, reduced carrier trafficking to lysosomes, and increased carrier transport across ECs. Changing targeting moieties from antibodies to peptides decreased particle binding and uptake, lowered trafficking to lysosomes, and increased transport across ECs. Second, using cell culture models of leukocyte/EC interactions, inhibiting regulatory elements of the CAM-mediated pathway disrupted leukocyte sampling, a process crucial to leukocyte crossing of endothelial layers (transmigration). This inhibition also decreased leukocyte transmigration across ECs, specifically through the transcellular route, which occurs through a single EC without disassembly of cell-cell junctions. Third, fibrin meshes, which mimic blood clot fragments/remnants, bound to ECs at ICAM-1-enriched sites and were internalized by the endothelium. Inhibiting the CAM-mediated pathway disrupted this uptake. Following endocytosis, fibrin meshes trafficked to lysosomes where they were degraded. In mouse models, CAM-mediated endocytosis of fibrin meshes appeared to remove fibrin remnants at the endothelial surface, preventing re-initiation of the coagulation cascade. Overall, these results support a link between CAM-mediated endocytosis and leukocyte transmigration as well as uptake of fibrin materials by ECs. Furthermore, these results will guide the future design of ICAM-1-targeted carrier-assisted therapies.
In order to clarify the role of Pl2 resistance gene in differentiation the pathogenicity in Plasmopara halstedii (sunflower downy mildew), analyses were carried out in four pathotypes: isolates of races 304 and 314 that do not overcome Pl2 gene, and isolates of races 704 and 714 that can overcome Pl2 gene. Based on the reaction for the P. halstedii isolates to sunflower hybrids varying only in Pl resistance genes, isolates of races 704 and 714 were more virulent than isolates of races 304 and 314. Index of aggressiveness was calculated for pathogen isolates and revealed the presence of significant differences between isolates of races 304 and 314 (more aggressive) and isolates of races 704 and 714 (less aggressive). There were morphological and genetic variations for the four P. halstedii isolates without a correlation with pathogenic diversity. The importance of the Pl2 resistance gene to differentiate the pathogenicity in sunflower downy mildew was discussed.
Performing Resistance/ Negotiating Sovereignty: Indigenous Women’s Performance Art In Canada investigates the contemporary production of Indigenous performance and video art in Canada in terms of cultural continuance, survivance and resistance. Drawing on critical Indigenous methodology, which foregrounds the necessity of privileging multiple Indigenous systems of knowledge, it explores these themes through the lenses of storytelling, decolonization, activism, and agency. With specific reference to performances by Rebecca Belmore, Lori Blondeau, Cheryl L'Hirondelle, Skeena Reece and Dana Claxton, as well as others, it argues that Indigenous performance art should be understood in terms of i) its enduring relationship to activism and resistance ii) its ongoing use as a tool for interventions in colonially entrenched spaces, and iii) its longstanding role in maintaining self-determination and cultural sovereignty.