998 resultados para mucilage canals


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Malvaceae shows a rich morphological diversity of secretory structures, which are of great ecological and taxonomical relevance. Nonetheless, until the present moment, studies on the secretory structures of the studied species were not found. Pavonia alnifolia A.St.-Hil. is endangered species of extinction with restricted distribution within the restingas of Rio the Janeiro and Espírito Santo, Brazil. The species were collected from the former and usual techniques on plant anatomy and histochemistry were performed. Anatomical and histochemical studies of the secretory structures of Pavonia alnifolia are showed in this work. The presence of external and internal secretory structures of mucilage in many organs, idioblasts of phenolic and lipid substances and floral nectaries what is a very important adaptative survival mechanism of the species in the restinga environment. The secretion produced by nectaries is envolved with maintenance of interations with visiting insects, what constitutes a good model to experimental studies with an ecological approach.


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Seeds of Aechmea bromeliifolia, A. castelnavii (Bromelioideae); Dyckia duckei, D. racemosa (Pitcairnioideae) and Tillandsia adpressiflora (Tillandsioideae) were collected in the Amazon regions (Mato Grosso) and studied to describe morphological characterization and post-seminal development, which can be taxonomically useful, and to assess percent germination. All the species have epigeous germination and produce cryptocotyledonary plantlets. Seeds have no dormancy and percent germination is high (over 86%), which facilitates the production of seedlings and conservation studies. Exclusive characteristics of the genera include: the seed coat of Aechmea (Bromelioideae) has mucilage that prevents desiccation; whereas that of Dyckia (Pitcairnioideae) has membranaceous wings and that of Tillandsia (Tillandsioideae) has feathery appendages, both of which make dispersal easier and establish the epiphytic habit. Initial post-seminal development of Aechmea (Bromelioideae) and Dyckia (Pitcairnioideae) is marked by the emergence of primary roots, interpreted as a basal character, whereas that of Tillandsia adpressiflora (Tillandsioideae) is marked by the emergence of the cotyledon, interpreted as a derived character. Dyckia and Tillandsia have a small tank only in the seedling phase while the contrary occurs in Aechmea.


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Objective: To evaluate the influence of three adhesive systems on the bond strength of fiber post luted to root dentine. The hypothesis was that the bond strength is influenced by the adhesive system. Method: The canals of thirty single-root bovine roots (16mm in length) were prepared using the preparation drill (FGM) until 12mm. 14 mm of each root was embedded with acrylic resin and the specimens were allocated into three groups (n=10), considering the factor adhesive (3 levels): Gr1- Scotchbond Multipurpose Plus (3M ESPE), Gr2- One Step (Bisco) and Gr3- Excite DSC (Ivoclar Vivadent). The adhesive systems were applied using a microbrush, according to the manufacture's recommendations. The fiber posts (White Post DC, FGM) were luted with dual resin cement (All-Cem,FGM). After, the cores with composite resin (Llis, FGM) were made and each set of root/post/core was submitted to the mechanical cycling (Erios, Brazil) (10 6 cycles, 84N, 4 Hz, inclination of 45 o, 37 oC, water). Each specimen was cut in 4 samples (1.8mm in thickness), which were submitted to the push-out test in a universal testing machine (ServoPulser - Shimadzu) (50Kgf, 1mm/min). The data (MPa) were analyzed using ANOVA (1-way) and Tukey test (5%). Results: The factor adhesive (P=0.00352) influenced the bond strength significantly (ANOVA). Gr1 (6.8±3.8 MPa) a presented higher bond strength values than Gr2 (3.1±1.5 MPa) b and similar to Gr3 (4.4±3.3) a,b. Moreover, Gr3 and Gr2 were similar between them (Tukey). The hypothesis was accepted. Conclusion: Based on the results it was concluded that chemical and dual polymerization adhesive system should be used for the adhesive luting fiber post procedures.


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Aim: In this study, we evaluated the effect of photopolymerization on Vickers microhardness of dual-polymerized resin cement at three locations when a translucent quartz fiber post was used. Materials and Methods: Single-rooted bovine teeth received quartz fiber post systems (length: 12 mm) using a dual-polymerized resin cement. In Group 1, the posts were cemented but not photopolymerized, and in Group 2, the posts were both cemented and photopolymerized. After cementation, approximately 1.5-mm thick sections were obtained (two cervical, two middle, and two apical) for regional microhardness evaluations. Statistical Analysis: Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS software (ver. 11.0 for Windows; SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Microhardness (kg/mm 2 ) data were submitted to two-way analysis of variance (two-way ANOVA) and repeated measures with microhardness values as the dependent variable and polymerization status (two levels: with and without) and root region (three levels: cervical, middle, and apical) as independent variables. Multiple comparisons were made using Dunnett's T3 post-hoc test. P values of <0.05 were considered to indicate statistical significance in all tests. Results: Photopolymerization did not significantly change the microhardness values when compared with no photopolymerization. Microhardness values also showed no significant difference between the three regions in the root canals in both groups. Conclusions: The mode of polymerization of the cement tested in combination with the translucent quartz fiber post system did not affect the microhardness of the cement at the cervical, middle, or apical regions of the root.


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The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser irradiation on intracanal dentin surface by SEM analysis and its interference in the apical seal of filled canals. After endodontic treatment procedures, 34 maxillary human incisors were randomly assigned to 2 groups. In the negative control group (n=17), no additional treatment was performed and teeth were filled with vertically condensed gutta-percha; in the laser-treated group (n=17), the root canals were irradiated with Nd:YAG laser (1.5 W, 100 mJ, 15 Hz) before filling as described for the control group. Two specimens of each group were prepared for SEM analysis to evaluate the presence and extent of morphological changes and removal of debris; the other specimens were immersed in 0.5% methylene blue dye (pH 7.2) for 24 h for evaluation of the linear dye leakage at the apical third. SEM analysis of the laser-treated group showed dentin fusion and resolidification without smear layer or debris. The Student's t-test showed that the laser-treated group had significantly less leakage in apical third than the control group. Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that the morphological changes on the apical intraradicular dentin surface caused by Nd:YAG laser resulted in less linear dye apical leakage.


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of deproteinized bovine bone mineral in conjunction with a collagen membrane, at implants installed into sockets in a lingual position immediately after tooth extraction, and presenting initial horizontal residual buccal defects <2 mm. Material and methods: The pulp tissue of the mesial roots of 4P4 was removed in six Labrador dogs, and the root canals were filled with gutta-percha and cement. Flaps were elevated, and the buccal and lingual alveolar bony plates were exposed. The premolars were hemi-sectioned, and the distal roots were removed. Implants were installed in a lingual position and with the margin flush with the buccal bony crest. After installation, defects resulted at about 1.7 mm in width at the buccal aspects, both at the test and control sites. Only in the left site (test), deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) particles were placed into the defect concomitantly with the placement of a collagen membrane. A non-submerged healing was allowed. Results: After 3 months of healing, one implant was found not integrated and was excluded from the analysis together with the contralateral control implant. All remaining implants were integrated into mature bone. The bony crest was located at the same level of the implant shoulder, both at the test and control sites. At the buccal aspect, the most coronal bone-to-implant contact was located at a similar distance from the implant margin at the test (1.7 ± 1.0 mm) and control (1.6 ± 0.8 mm) sites, respectively. Only small residual DBBM particles were found at the test sites. Conclusion: The placement of an implant in a lingual position into a socket immediately after tooth extraction may favor a low exposure of the buccal implant surface. The use of DBBM particles, concomitantly with a collagen membrane, did not additionally improve the outcome obtained at the control sites. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Erythrocharax altipinnis is described from the Serra do Cachimbo, Pará, Brazil. The new taxon is distinguished from all of the Characidae genera by having the pelvic bones firmly attached through the isquiatic processes; a nearly triangular hiatus in the musculature covering the anterior chamber of the swim bladder between the first and second pleural ribs (pseudotympanum); the pedunculate, notably expanded and distally compressed teeth in both jaws; circumorbital series represented by antorbital and four infraorbital bones with laterosensory canals not enclosed; a single tooth row in the premaxillary with the teeth perfectly aligned and similar in shape and cusp number; the first three branched dorsal-fin rays distinctly elongate in males; a bright red adipose and caudal fins in life; a conspicuous dark midlateral stripe extending from the opercle to the tip of the median caudal-fin rays; and by the absence of a humeral spot. The phylogenetic position of the new taxon is discussed using morphological and molecular datasets, with conflicting results of both approaches discussed. Additionally, a summarized discussion on the current problems in the Characidae taxonomy is presented and the principal biases in the morphological dataset are also discussed. © 2013 Netto-Ferreira et al.


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When late replantation is performed, the root surface and root canal should be treated. Notwithstanding failures still occur, because of the high rates of root resorption, evidencing the need to search for substances that may inhibit root resorption. The acetazolamide is a known anti-resorptive agent, and its use as root canal dressing may increase the success rates in the treatment of root resorption. Therefore, this study evaluated the effect of an acetazolamide paste used as root canal dressing in late replanted teeth. The study was conducted on 24 maxillary right incisors of rats, which were avulsed and divided in two groups. In group I, the teeth were kept dry for 30min, had their root surfaces rubbed with a blade, and were treated with 2% sodium fluoride at pH 5.5 for 20min; the root canals were instrumented and filled with acetazolamide paste; and then the teeth were replanted. In group II, the treatment was similar to group I, except for the root canal dressing, with utilization of calcium hydroxide in group II. At 15 and 60days after replantation, the animals were killed and the specimens were processed in a histotechnical laboratory for microscopic and morphometric analysis. The results demonstrated the ability of both intracanal substances to limit root resorption, yet they were unable to completely inhibit the root resorption. Replacement resorption lacunae were present in greater proportion in group II, at 60days. It was concluded that the acetazolamide paste was effective to limit the root resorption, being more effective in limiting the replacement resorption compared with calcium hydroxide. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of implant positioning into extraction sockets on bone formation at buccal alveolar dehiscence defects. Material and Methods: In six Labrador dogs the pulp tissue of the mesial roots of 4P4 was removed and the root canals were filled. Flaps were elevated bilaterally, the premolars hemi-sectioned and the distal roots removed. The implants were placed in contact with either the buccal (test site) or with the lingual (control site) bony wall of the extraction sockets. Healing abutments were affixed and triangular buccal bony dehiscence defects, about 2.7 mm deep and 3.5 mm wide, were then prepared. No regenerative procedures were done and a non-submerged healing was allowed. After 4 months of healing, block sections of the implant sites were obtained for histological processing and peri-implant tissue assessment. Results: After 4 months of healing, the bony crest and the coronal border of osseointegration at the test sites were located 1.71 ± 1.20 and 2.50 ± 1.21 mm apically to the implant shoulder, respectively. At the control sites, the corresponding values were 0.68 ± 0.63 and 1.69 ± 0.99 mm, respectively. The differences between test and control reached statistical significance (P < 0.05). Residual marginal bone defects were found both at the test and control sites. A statistically significant difference between test and control sites was only found at the lingual aspects (depth 2.09 ± 1.01 and 1.01 ± 0.48 mm, respectively). Similar heights of the buccal biological width were observed at both sites (about 5.1 mm). Conclusions: The placement of implants in a lingual position of the extraction sockets allowed a higher degree of bone formation at buccal alveolar dehiscence defects compared with a buccal positioning. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM), in conjunction with a collagen membrane, on bone resorption at implants installed in a lingual position immediately into extraction sockets with horizontal residual buccal defects >2.0 mm. Material & methods: The pulp tissue of the mesial roots of 1M1 was removed in six Labrador dogs, and the root canals were filled with gutta-percha and cement. Flaps were elevated. The molars were hemi-sectioned and the distal roots removed. Implants were installed in a lingual position and with the shoulder flush with the buccal bony crest. After installation, defects of about 2.5 and 2.7 mm in width resulted at the buccal aspects of the test and control sites, respectively. Only in the left site (test), deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) particles were placed into the defect concomitantly with the placement of a collagen membrane. On the control sites, no biomaterials were applied. A non-submerged healing was allowed. Results: After 3 months of healing, one control implant was not integrated and was excluded from the analysis, together with the contralateral test implant. All remaining implants were integrated into mature bone. The buccal alveolar bony crest was resorbed more at the test compared with the control sites, 2.2 ± 0.9 mm and 1.5 ± 1.3 mm, respectively. The vertical resorption of the lingual plate was 1.6 ± 1.5 mm and 1.5 ± 1.1 mm at the test and control sites, respectively. Only small residual DBBM particles were found at the test sites (1.4%). Conclusion: The use of DBBM particles to fill buccal defects of ≥2.5 mm at implants installed immediately into alveolar extraction sockets did not preserve the buccal bony wall. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Despite the excellent properties of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), the condensation technique may have some influence in its sealing ability. The purpose of this study was to compare the sealing ability of sonic and ultrasonic setting of MTA. Thirty-four extracted human teeth had their canals prepared and filled with Sealapex sealer and gutta-percha using the active lateral condensation technique. The teeth were rendered waterproof and apicoectomy performed at 3 mm from the apex. Root-end cavities (3.0 mm deep and 1.4 mm diameter) were prepared with diamond ultrasonic tips. The root-end cavities were filled with Pro-Root MTA® with ultrasonic vibration, sonic vibration or no vibration. The positive control group did not receive any material while the negative control group was totally rendered waterproof. After material set, the specimens were immersed in Rodhamine B for 24 h, under vacuum in the first 15 min, then washed, dried and split longitudinally for evaluating the infiltration at the dentin/material interface. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's tests at 5% significance level. Sonic vibration promoted the lowest infiltration values (p<0.05). It was concluded that sonic vibration could be considered an efficient aid to improve the sealing ability of MTA when used as root-end filling material.


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Seedling morphology is relevant in classification, taxonomy, and vegetation studies to understand plant life cycles, germination succession and requirements, and developmental progression. However, most morphological studies of seedlings lack analysis of organ anatomy, impeding the comprehension of series of development and establishment in a particular environment. Here, we have taken a traditional anatomical approach to examine the stages of seedling development in Epiphyllum phyllanthus, a holo-epiphytic cactus of tribe Hylocereeae. The goals were 1) to offer a comprehensive description of growth series in E. phyllanthus seedlings based on morphological and anatomical analysis and 2) to examine the initial growth phases in the life cycle of this species to identify organ development and understand their adaptive significance in relation to seedling establishment. Our results include descriptions of seed morphology, embryonic features, and seedling vascularization pattern in the root, hypocotyl, cotyledons, and epicotyl. The morphological and developmental patterns in E. phyllanthus seedlings have potential phylogenetic and ontogenetic implications in the Cactaceae. Characters such as the presence of mucilage on the seed coat, the lack of seed operculum, and large cotyledons in E. phyllanthus are comparable to basal cacti, but the root anatomy is more similar to columnar relatives. At the familial level, there is an apparent trend in decreasing number of phloem and xylem poles in the stele of primary root, correlated with degree of specialization and advanced phylogenetic position: tetrarch to septarch-octarch in basal lineages, tetrarch Cereus-type in columnar species, to the diarch vascular system in Rhipsalideae and some species with cylindric/globose stem. © Torrey Botanical Club.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of QMiX, SmearClear, and 17% EDTA for the debris and smear layer removal from the root canal and its effects on the push-out bond strength of an epoxy-based sealer by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Forty extracted human canines (n=10) were assigned to the following final rinse protocols: G1-distilled water (control), G2-17% EDTA, G3-SmearClear, and G4-QMiX. The specimens were submitted to a SEM analysis to evaluate the presence of debris and smear layer, respectively, in the apical or cervical segments. In sequence, forty extracted human maxillary canines with the root canals instrumented were divided into four groups (n=10) similar to the SEM analysis study. After the filling with AH Plus, the roots were transversally sectioned to obtain dentinal slices. The specimens were submitted to a push-out bond strength test using an electromechanical testing machine. The statistical analysis for the SEM and push-out bond strength studies were performed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (α=5%). There was no difference among the G2, G3, and G4 efficacy in removing the debris and smear layer (P>0.05). The efficacy of these groups was superior to the control group. The push-out bond strength values of G2, G3, and G4 were superior to the control group. The ability to remove the debris and smear layer by SmearClear and QMiX was as effective as the 17% EDTA. The final rinse with these solutions promoted similar push-out bond strength values. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Some manufacturers have recently added specific components to improve the ease of handling and insertion material properties of MTA in order to create MTA-based sealers. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the healing of periapical lesions in canine teeth after a single session of endodontic treatment with MTA Fillapex® compared with Sealapex® or Endo-CPM-Sealer®. Material and Methods: Sixty-two root canals were performed on two 1-year-old male dogs. After coronal access and pulp extirpation, the canals were exposed to the oral cavity for 6 months in order to induce periapical lesions. The root canals were prepared, irrigated with a solution of 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and filled with gutta-percha and different sealers, according to the following groups: 1) Sealapex®; 2) Endo-CPM-Sealer®; and 3) MTA Fillapex®. Some teeth with periapical lesions were left untreated for use as positive controls. Healthy teeth were used as negative controls. After 6 months, the animals were sacrificed and serial sections from the roots were prepared for histomorphologic analysis and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and the Brown and Brenn technique. The lesions were scored according to pre-established histomorphologic parameters and the scores statistically analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: All 3 materials produced similar patterns of healing (p>0.05); in particular, persistent inflammation and absence of complete periapical tissue healing were consistently noted. Conclusions: Preparation of the infected root canals followed by filling with the materials studied was insufficient to provide complete healing of the periapical tissues.


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This is the second contribution on the Permian permineralized flora of the Parnaíba Basin, NE Brazil that focuses on the gymnosperm woods from the Motuca Formation. We describe five new species of gymnospermous woods Damudoxylon buritiranaense sp. nov., Damudoxylon humile sp. nov., Damudoxylon roessleri sp. nov., Kaokoxylon punctatum sp. nov. and Taeniopitys tocantinensis sp. nov., and one new form, Taeniopitys sp. 1. The woods vary widely in their anatomy, mainly in their pith features, from simple parenchymatic to solenoid piths with canals and ducts, as well as different cells, such as secretory and sclerenchymatic ones. However, they have one characteristic in common - araucarian pitting in the radial walls of the tracheids. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.