955 resultados para milk yield in cows
This experiment evaluated temperament, vaginal temperature, and plasma cortisol in beef cows from wolf-naive and wolf-experienced origins that were subjected to a simulated wolf encounter. Multiparous, pregnant, nonlactating Angus-crossbreed cows from the Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center located near Burns, OR (CON; n = 50), and from a commercial operation near Council, ID (WLF; n = 50), were used. To date, grey wolves are not present around Burns, OR, and thus CON were naive to wolves. Conversely, wolves are present around Council, ID, and WLF cows were selected from a herd that had experienced multiple confirmed wolf-predation episodes from 2008 to 2012. Following a 50-d commingling and adaptation period, CON and WLF cows were ranked by temperament, BW, and BCS and allocated to 5 groups (d 0; 10 CON and 10 WLF cows/group). Groups were individually subjected to the experimental procedures on d 2 (n = 3) and d 3 (n = 2). Before the simulated wolf encounter, cow temperament was assessed and blood samples and vaginal temperatures (using intravaginal data loggers) were collected (presimulation assessments). Cows were then sorted by origin, moved to 2 adjacent drylot pens (10 WLF and 10 CON cows/pen), and subjected to a simulated wolf encounter event for 20 min, which consisted of 1) cotton plugs saturated with wolf urine attached to the drylot fence, 2) continuous reproduction of wolf howls, and 3) 3 leashed dogs that were walked along the fence perimeter. Thereafter, WLF and CON cows were commingled and returned to the handling facility for postsimulation assessments, which were conducted immediately after exposure to wolf-urine-saturated cotton plugs, wolf howl reproduction, and 20-s exposure to the 3 dogs while being restrained in a squeeze chute. Chute score, temperament score, and plasma cortisol concentration increased (P <= 0.01) from pre- to postsimulation assessment in WLF but did not change in CON cows (P >= 0.19). Exit velocity decreased (P = 0.01) from pre-to postsimulation assessment in CON but did not change (P = 0.79) in WLF cows. In addition, WLF cows had a greater (P = 0.03) increase in temperature from pre-to postsimulation assessments compared with CON cows. In conclusion, the simulated wolf encounter increased excitability and fear-related physiological stress responses in cows that originated from a wolf-experienced herd but not in cows that originated from a wolf-naive herd.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of type of norgestomet auricular implant (new - N or previously used during 5 days - U), season of the year (summer - S and winter - W), and parity (12 heifers - H and 23 cows - C) on synchronization of follicular wave emergence in buffaloes. For this purpose, 35 buffaloes were examined daily by ultrasonography until follicular wave emergence was detected. Data were analysed by ANOVA, using PROC GLIMMIX. No interactions were observed in none variables. Time of follicular wave emergence and number of follicles at emergence were not affected by type of implant or season of the year. Parity also did not influence the number of follicles at emergence. However, follicular wave emergence occurred later in heifers than in cows. In conclusion, the previous use of a norgestomet auricular implant independent of the season of the year does not affect the time or the number of follicles at follicular wave emergence in buffaloes. Nevertheless, although heifers and cows had a similar number of follicles at emergence, the time of follicular wave emergence occurs earlier in cows than in heifers.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of season of the year (summer and winter) and parity (heifers and cows) on oocyte quality and number in buffaloes. For this purpose, 71 buffaloes had follicular wave emergence synchronized before OPU. OPU of all follicles >= 2mm was done 5 days after the beginning of the hormonal protocol, in 4 replicates (two for each season). Data were analyzed by ANOVA using PROC GLIMMIX, in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. No interactions were observed in following variables: number of follicles, number of total and viable oocytes, recovery rate, percentage of viable oocytes, grade I oocytes, grade II oocytes, grade III oocytes, denuded oocytes, expanded cumulus oocytes, and atretic/degenerated oocytes. Number of follicles visualized at OPU and recovery rate were not affected by parity or season. Relative to parity, number of total and viable oocytes were greater in heifers than in cows, respectively. Concerning season of the year, number of viable oocytes and viable oocyte rate were increased in winter. In conclusion, better oocyte quality can be obtained from heifers and during winter in buffaloes. However, the number of total oocytes seems to be more influenced by parity than by season of the year in this species.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study aimed to evaluate the potential for milk production (MP), lactation length (LL) and calving interval (CI), analyze the environmental component affecting these traits, and to estimate the heritability and repeatability for milk production in crossbreds of Murrah buffalo cows in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. Data was composed of 487 observations of MP from 136 lactations recorded between the years of 2000 and 2010. In the analysis of variance for PL, the fixed effects were season (1- October to March, 2 -April to September) and year of the beginning of lactation, calving order and the LL (covariate). For the analysis of LL only the fixed effect of year of the beginning of lactation was included, and finally for the CI analysis, year of the beginning of lactation and calving order. The estimates of covariance were obtained using unicharacteristic analysis by Bayesian inference method, applyingan animal model, through Gibbs sampling. The additive genetic, permanent environment and residual effects were included as random effects in the model. The averages (sd) of MP, LL and CI were 2,218.03 kg (408.18), 282.59 days (39.48) e 422.49 days (91.05), respectively. All the effects included in the models were important (P<0.01). The estimates of heritability and repeatability for PL were 0.29 and 0.69, respectively. The results suggest that there is a moderate genetic variability among individuals for PL, indicating the possibility to obtain gain using selection.
Soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow & P. Sydow is one of the major diseases of the soybean crop. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of sowing dates, plant populations and reduced doses of fungicides on soybean rust severity and its effects on plant development and yield, cultivar MG/BR46 (Conquista). Field experiments were conducted in the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 harvests, under natural rust infestation of soybean rust. As from the appearance of the first disease symptoms, also began the fungicide spraying and the disease severity assessments. To understand the nature and extent of the effects of different treatments, a multivariate analysis of factors was applied. For the majority of the agronomic characters and factors, one-third to two-thirds of their variability can be explained by changes in plant populations or by differences in the fungicide treatments, and the remainder, was explained by sowing date variations. The fungicide treatments and sowing dates are determinants in disease severity and its interference on crop productivity. The characters of plant growth are more dependent on plant population variations. Treatments with azoxystrobina + ciproconazol promoted smaller disease severities, reflecting in productivity increase. The plant populations can be reduced up to 160.000 plants ha(-1) without losses in the disease control and the soybean yield. In general, the earliest sowings provided increase in the plant development, although the rust control was less efficient.