989 resultados para middle-out
Tutkielmassa käsitellään Euroopan unionin kemikaaliasetusta 1907/2006, joka astui voimaan 1.6.2007 ja sen vaikutuksia maahantuontiyrityksen toimintaan. Kemikaaliasetusta toteutetaan soveltamalla REACH-järjestelmää. REACH tulee sanoista Registration (rekisteröinti), Evaluation (arviointi), Authorisation (lupamenettely) Chemicals (koskee kemikaaleja). Tutkielman kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään pääosin kemikaaliasetusta. Empiirisessä osassa käsitellään asetuksen tuomia haasteita ja peilataan niitä maahantuontiyrityksen tähänastisiin kokemuksiin ja vaikutelmiin. Kohdeyrityksenä on kemian alan yritys PCC SE. Tutkielmassa selvitetään myös, miten REACH on vaikuttanut tarkastus- ja testauslaitokseen. Lisäksi REACH-järjestelmää peilataan olemassa olevaan kasvinsuojelu-ainedirektiiviin ja käytännön kokemuksia saaneeseen kasvinsuojeluaine-teollisuuteen. Lyhyesti käsitellään myös joidenkin EU:n ulkopuolisten maiden kokemuksia. Johtopäätöksenä voitaneen todeta, että kemikaaliasetuksen tavoitteet, terveyttä ja ympäristöä suojelevat toimenpiteet, koetaan positiivisina asioina. Asioiden selvittely, valtava työmäärä ja korkeat kustannukset koettiin negatiivisiksi asioiksi. Markkinoiden uskotaan jakautuvan harvempien ja suurempien yritysten kesken, ja PK-yritysten toiminta-mahdollisuudet vähenevät oleellisesti. Tarkastus- ja testaus-asiantuntijoiden vähäinen määrä vaikuttaa jo nyt testausaikatauluihin ja tulee yhä enemmän vaikuttamaan tulevaisuudessa.
La pseudarthrose est définie comme une fracture qui ne guérit pas sans intervention additionnelle neuf mois après le traumatisme et en l'absence de progression radiologique pendant les trois derniers mois. Les fractures ostéoporotiques sont à plus grand risque de complications chirurgicales. On se pose de plus en plus souvent la question d'ajouter un traitement médicamenteux pour accélérer le processus de guérison fracturaire. Il existe des données montrant que le tériparatide (anabolisant osseux issu de l'hormone parathyroïdienne) accélère la guérison osseuse et améliore le devenir fonctionnel, avec ou sans chirurgie, dans des situations de fractures typiques ou atypiques. Les risques liés à ce traitement sont faibles, mais la prescription nécessite l'accord de l'assurance-maladie dans cette indication. Nous rapportons notre expérience sur l'utilisation de cette molécule, hors indication officielle, dans des cas complexes de non-guérison fracturaire. Pseudoarthrosis is defined as a non healing fracture 9 months after trauma and without radiological progression within the last three months. Osteoporotic fractures have a greater risk of chirurgical complications. The question of giving a medical treatment in the purpose of accelerating fracture healing is an increasing concern. There are data showing that with teriparatide (bone anabolic treatment derived from the parathyroid hormone) bone healing and functional status are improved, with or without surgery, in the case of either typical or atypical fractures. The risks of this treatment are low but health insurance agreement is needed in this indication. We report our experience with the use of this molecule, out of the official indication, in complex situations of non healing fractures.
This article examines how Samuelson defined his own role as an economist as a technical expert, who walked what he called the "middle of the road" to-seemingly-stay out of the realm of politics. As point of entry I discuss the highly tempting offers made by Theodore M. Schultz in the 1940s to come over to Chicago, which Schultz persistently repeated over three years and despite strong Chicago faculty resistance. A contrast between Schultz's own experiences as an economic expert at Iowa State, Samuelson's work as an external consultant for the National Resources Planning Board during the Second World War, and the firm support of the MIT administration for Samuelson's research serves to pinpoint the meaning of being technical for Samuelson, and the relation of the technical economic expert to the realm of politics.
BACKGROUND: Most studies of family attitudes and burden have been conducted in developed countries. Thus it is important to test the generalizability of this research in other contexts where social conditions and extended family involvement may be different. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between the attitudes of caregivers and the burden they experience in such a context, namely Arica, a town located in the northernmost region of Chile, close to the border with Peru and Bolivia. METHODS: We assessed attitudes towards schizophrenia (including affective, cognitive and behavioural components) and burden (including subjective distress, rejection and competence) in 41 main caregivers of patients with schizophrenia, all of whom were users of Public Mental Health Services in Arica. RESULTS: Attitude measures differed significantly according to socio-demographic variables, with parents (mainly mothers) exhibiting a more negative attitude towards the environment than the rest of the family (t = 4.04; p = 0.000).This was also the case for caregivers with a low educational level (t = 3.27; p < 0.003), for the oldest caregivers (r = 0.546; p = 0.000) and for those who had spent more time with the patient (r = 0.377; p = 0.015). Although attitudes had significant association with burden, their explanatory power was modest (R2 = .104, F = 4,55; p = .039). CONCLUSIONS: Similar to finding developed countries, the current study revealed a positive and significant relationship between the attitudes of caregivers and their burden. These findings emphasize the need to support the families of patients with schizophrenia in this social context.
The historical pole of this research distinguishes differing historical and cultural contexts in which the scholar al-Bïrûnî evolved. Between the years 973 and 1017, he lived in Khwarezm (Kät and JürjänTya), Ray, and Jürjän. He also dwelt in Kabul and Ghazna, both situated on a passage between Persia and India, and travelled to some parts of early medieval India between the years 1017 and 1030. Evidence pointing to him having made actual direct observations beyond the abode of Islam remains scanty. According to his writings, only five locales emerge as having been visited by him, all situated in today's Afghanistan and Pakistan. When al-BTrunl visited these places, he encountered the society of the Indian Shähis, who followed a form of Brahmanism. Al-Bïrûnï's knowledge of Sanskrit was the result of a long process that lasted at least 30 years (1000-1030). In order to reach the level of Sanskrit that enabled him to translate several works from Sanskrit into Arabic, he needed to work with literate people well-versed in Sanskrit, who may also have had some comprehension of Arabic, and/or Persian. The textual pole of this dissertation examines the question of the relationship between al- Bïrûnï's Arabic Kitab Sank and Kitäb Pätangal - two works related to Sämkhya-Yoga - and their possible Sanskrit sources. A philological survey based on these Arabic translations and on Sämkhya-Yoga Sanskrit literature highlights that al-Bïrûnï's translations, both, are related to the classical phase in the development of these two Indian philosophical systems. Despite the early spread of Yoga and Sämkhya ideas through Sanskrit literature, it seems that between the early 11th and 16th centuries they lost vitality amongst Indian scholars. Therefore, al-Bïrûnï's translation of works related to these specific Indian philosophies in the early 11th century CE deserves attention. The second pole of this study also demonstrates that al-BTrünl's hermeneutics played an important part in his transmission of these two Indian schools of thought, as he highly transformed his source in both form and substance. This dissertation considers the question of the relationship between al-Bïrûnï's Arabic translations and their possible Sanskrit sources from the viewpoint of Translation Studies; which makes it possible to point out potential candidates for being al-Bïrûnï's original Sanskrit sources with some confidence. Overall, the Kitäb Sank and the Kitäb Pätangal represent original works of Sämkhya and Yoga, as viewed and transmitted by a Perso-Muslim scholar, rather than pure translations of Sanskrit work.
On the basis of a large populationbased sample who underwent full polysomnography at home (HypnoLaus cohort), we recently reported that 49·7% of men and 23·4% of women aged 40 years or older had an apnoea-hypopnoea index of 15 events per h or more1 according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) 2013 scoring criteria. When excessive daytime sleepiness (ie, Epworth score >10 [maximum score 24]) was included in the definition with an apnoea-hypopnoea index of 5 events per h or more, the prevalence was 12·5% in men and 5·9% in women. This high prevalence of sleep disordered breathing reinforced the idea that the treatment decision should not only be based the apnoeahypopnoea index, but should also take into account associated symptoms and cardiovascular and metabolic comorbidities. After this Article was published, several readers contacted us to ask for the prevalence of sleep apnoea syndrome in our sample according to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-3) criteria. These criteria include either the presence of an apnoea-hypopnoea index of 5 events per h or more associated with obstructive sleep apnoearelated symptoms or cardiovascular and metabolic comorbidities, or an apnoea-hypopnoea index of 15 events per h or more (figure).
Middle ear cholesteatoma is a relevant and relatively common disease that may have severe consequences. In the present pictorial essay, the authors have selected illustrative examples of multislice computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging depicting the main presentations of cholesteatomas, and describing their characteristics, locations, and major complications.
While obesity continues to rise globally, the associations between body size, gender, and socioeconomic status (SES) seem to vary in different populations, and little is known on the contribution of perceived ideal body size in the social disparity of obesity in African countries. We examined the gender and socioeconomic patterns of body mass index (BMI) and perceived ideal body size in the Seychelles, a middle-income small island state in the African region. We also assessed the potential role of perceived ideal body size as a mediator for the gender-specific association between SES and BMI. A population-based survey of 1,240 adults aged 25 to 64 years conducted in December 2013. Participants' BMI was calculated based on measured weight and height; ideal body size was assessed using a nine-silhouette instrument. Three SES indicators were considered: income, education, and occupation. BMI and perceived ideal body size were both higher among men of higher versus lower SES (p< .001) but lower among women of higher versus lower SES (p< .001), irrespective of the SES indicator used. Multivariate analysis showed a strong and direct association between perceived ideal body size and BMI in both men and women (p< .001) and was consistent with a potential mediating role of perceived ideal body size in the gender-specific associations between SES and BMI. Our study emphasizes the importance of gender and socioeconomic differences in BMI and ideal body size and suggests that public health interventions that promote perception of healthy weight could help mitigate SES-related disparities in BMI.
Background: Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) cardiac arrest is defined as a cardiac arrest (CA) presenting with a residual organized electrical activity on the electrocardiogram. In the last decades, the incidence of PEA has regularly increased, compared to other types of CA like ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia. PEA is frequently induced by reversible conditions. The "4 (or 5) H" & "4 (or 5) T" are proposed as a mnemonic to asses for Hypoxia, Hypovolemia, Hypo- /Hyperkalaemia, Hypothermia, Thrombosis (cardiac or pulmonary), cardiac Tamponade, Toxins, and Tension pneumothorax. Other pathologies (intracranial haemorrhage, severe sepsis, myocardial contraction dysfunction) have been identified as potential causes for PEA, but their respective probability and frequencies are unclear and they are not yet included into the resuscitation guidelines. The aim of this study was to analyse the aetiologies of PEA out-of-hospital CA, in order to evaluate the relative frequencies of each cause and therefore to improve the management of patients suffering a PEA cardiac arrest. Method: This retrospective study was based on data routinely and prospectively collected for each PEMS intervention. All adult patients treated from January 1st 2002 to December 2012 31st by the PEMS for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, with PEA as the first recorded rhythm, and admitted to the emergency department (ED) of the Lausanne University Hospital were included. The aetiologies of PEA cardiac arrest were classified into subgroups, based on the classical H&T's classification, supplemented by four other subgroups analysis: trauma, intra-cranial haemorrhage (ICH), non-ischemic cardiomyopathy (NIC) and undetermined cause. Results: 1866 OHCA were treated by the PEMS. PEA was the first recorded rhythm in 240 adult patients (13.8 %). After exclusion of 96 patients, 144 patients with a PEA cardiac arrest admitted to the ED were included in the analysis. The mean age was 63.8 ± 20.0 years, 58.3% were men and the survival rate at 48 hours was 29%. 32 different causes of OHCA PEA were established for 119 patients. For 25 patients (17.4 %), we were unable to attribute a specific cause for the PEA cardiac arrest. Hypoxia (23.6 %), acute coronary syndrome (12.5%) and trauma (12.5 %) were the three most frequent causes. Pulmonary embolism, Hypovolemia, Intoxication and Hyperkaliemia occurs in less than 10% of the cases (7.6 %, 5.6 %, 3.5%, respectively 2.1 %). Non ischemic cardiomyopathy and intra-cranial haemorrhage occur in 8.3 % and 6.9 %, respectively. Conclusions: According to our results, intra-cranial haemorrhage and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy represent noticeable causes of PEA in OHCA, with a prevalence equalling or exceeding the frequency of classical 4 H's and 4 T's aetiologies. These two pathologies are potentially accessible to simple diagnostic procedures (native CT-scan or echocardiography) and should be included into the 4 H's and 4 T's mnemonic.
We investigated convection caused by surface cooling and mixing attributable to wind shear stress and their roles as agents for the transport of phytoplankton cells in the water column by carrying out two daily surveys during the stratified period of the Sau reservoir. Green algae, diatoms, and cryptophyceae were the dominant phytoplankton communities during the surveys carried out in the middle (July) and end (September) of the stratified period. We show that a system with a linear stratification and that is subject to weak surface forcing, with weak winds , < 4 m S (-1) and low energy dissipation rate values of the order of 1028 m2 s23 or lower, enables the formation of thin phytoplankton layers. These layers quickly disappear when water parcels mix because there is a medium external forcing (convection) induced by the night surface cooling, which is characterized by energy dissipation rates on the order of , 5x10(-8)m2s(-3). During both surveys the wind generated internal waves during the entire diurnal cycle. During the day, and because of the weak winds, phytoplankton layers rise in the water column up to a depth determined by both solar heating and internal waves. In contrast, during the night phytoplankton mixes down to a depth determined by both convection and internal waves. These internal waves, together with the wind-driven current generated at the surface, seem to be the agents responsible for the horizontal transport of phytoplankton across the reservoir.
COD discharges out of processes have increased in line with elevating brightness demands for mechanical pulp and papers. The share of lignin-like substances in COD discharges is on average 75%. In this thesis, a plant dynamic model was created and validated as a means to predict COD loading and discharges out of a mill. The assays were carried out in one paper mill integrate producing mechanical printing papers. The objective in the modeling of plant dynamics was to predict day averages of COD load and discharges out of mills. This means that online data, like 1) the level of large storage towers of pulp and white water 2) pulp dosages, 3) production rates and 4) internal white water flows and discharges were used to create transients into the balances of solids and white water, referred to as “plant dynamics”. A conversion coefficient was verified between TOC and COD. The conversion coefficient was used for predicting the flows from TOC to COD to the waste water treatment plant. The COD load was modeled with similar uncertainty as in reference TOC sampling. The water balance of waste water treatment was validated by the reference concentration of COD. The difference of COD predictions against references was within the same deviation of TOC-predictions. The modeled yield losses and retention values of TOC in pulping and bleaching processes and the modeled fixing of colloidal TOC to solids between the pulping plant and the aeration basin in the waste water treatment plant were similar to references presented in literature. The valid water balances of the waste water treatment plant and the reduction model of lignin-like substances produced a valid prediction of COD discharges out of the mill. A 30% increase in the release of lignin-like substances in the form of production problems was observed in pulping and bleaching processes. The same increase was observed in COD discharges out of waste water treatment. In the prediction of annual COD discharge, it was noticed that the reduction of lignin has a wide deviation from year to year and from one mill to another. This made it difficult to compare the parameters of COD discharges validated in plant dynamic simulation with another mill producing mechanical printing papers. However, a trend of moving from unbleached towards high-brightness TMP in COD discharges was valid.
Tutkielma käsittelee kieliopillisen suvun säilymistä myöhäisessä muinaisenglannissa (Late Old English) ja varhaiskeskienglannissa (Early Middle English). Tutkielman tavoitteena on päätellä, kuinka kieliopillinen suku säilyy kolmessa muinaisenglannin/varhaiskeskienglannin aikakautta edustavassa tekstissä. Lähdeaineisto on valittu edustamaan aikaa (1150-1225), jolloin kieliopillisen suvun on sanottu kadonneen englannin kielestä. Lähdeaineisto myös edustaa kahta eri tekstilajia, ja tarjoaa siten aineistoa niiden väliseen vertailuun. Aineistosta on analysoitu nominien päätteitä, demonstratiivipronomineja sekä anaforisia persoonapronomineja, joissa substantiivien kieliopillinen suku näkyy. Osa anaforisista viittauksista on selitettävissä personifikaatiolla, jolloin elottomiin objekteihin tai käsitteisiin on liitetty inhimillistäviä piirteitä. Tutkimuksen perusteella kieliopillinen suku säilyy vielä joissakin muodoissa 1200- luvulle saakka. Merkittävää on aineistossa esiintyvä runsas vaihtelu ja pyhimyselämänkertojen ja lääketieteellisen tekstin väliset erot.