853 resultados para measurement and reporting intellectual capital
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study builds on the Corporate governance and development of capital markets in Latin America report published by the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), which looked at the regulatory framework related to the principles of corporate governance in the region and assessed its contribution to the development of capital markets. This book complements the previous study and is the result of a joint effort by CAF, the Inter- American Development Bank (IDB) and ECLAC to identify the key elements of corporate governance for determining debt instrument issuance risk in potential conflicts of interest arising from relationships among shareholders, executives and bondholders
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
ABSTRACT: This study defined the normal variation range for different subsets of T-lymphocyte cells count in two different Brazilian regions. We analysed the T-lymphocytes subpopulations (CD3+, CD4+, CD8+) in blood donors of two Brazilian cities, located in North (Belem, capital state of Para, indian background) and Northeast (Salvador, capital state od Bahia, African background) regions of Brazil. Results were compared according to gender, stress level (sleep time lower than 8 hours/day), smoking, and alcohol intake. Lymphocytes subpopulations were measured by flow cytometry. Five hundred twenty-six blood donors from two Brazilians cities participated in the study: 450 samples from Bahia and 76 samples from Pará. Most (60%) were men, 59% reported alcohol intake, 12% were smokers, and 80% slept at least 8 h/day. Donors from Bahia presented with significantly higher counts for all parameters, compared with Para. Women had higher lymphocytes levels, in both states, but only CD4+ cells count was significantly higher than men's values. Smokers had higher CD4+ counts, but sleep time had effect on lymphocytes levels only for Para's donors (higher CD3+ and CD4+ counts). That state had also, a higher proportion of donors reporting sleep time <8 h/day. The values for CD3, CD4 and CD8+ cells count were significantly higher in blood donors from Bahia than among those from Pará. Female gender, alcohol intake, stress level, and smoking were associated with higher lymphocyte counts. The use of a single reference range for normal lymphocytes count is not appropriate for a country with such diversity, like Brazil is.
INTRODUCTION: Biological age is an important parameter for growth and development assessment. It can be evaluated through the observation of radiographic changes in skeletal maturation of cervical vertebrae. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to: a) verify if there is correlation between growth curve and the stages of bone age of animals used in laboratories, by evaluating radiographs of the cervical vertebrae; b) correlate these stages with their correspondents in humans. METHODS: 35 Wistar rats were evaluated for a period of 160 days, starting at day 22nd (weaning), with cross sections for periodic weighing, length measurement and digital radiography. Radiographs of the cervical vertebrae (C2 and C3) were measured by means of a computer program (Radio IMP). Data were submitted to statistical analysis (ANOVA) and Pearson correlation. RESULTS: Growth spurt was characterized by fast increasing in weight and length. Through ANOVA, differences were observed in the cervical measurements between days 22, 97, 127, 157, 187 and 217 (p <0.001). A high correlation was found between increasing in body length and weight, as well as in cervical vertebrae height (r = 0.86). Increments in concavities of vertebrae were also observed, similar to humans. CONCLUSIONS: There is correlation between body growth and maturation of cervical vertebrae in rats. Despite the continuous development of concavities, it was not possible to clearly identify the 5/6 stages as in studies of cervical vertebrae maturation in humans.
The study attempts to develop the concept of financial fragility and explore the advancement of their chances, since he started in 1970 until the present day with the most respected authors. The analysis focuses on the possibility of changing the cycle of economic activity that is due to the vulnerability, and so that it is related to the behavior of firms and agents. What can be done to prevent such a crisis. Thus, the authors present the factors and explain how the credit market, operating assets and investments of capital goods under the influence in that economy. It also consists in the analysis to visualize the size of the influence of credit, interest and investments made by the evaluation of a data set
Interest in the electronic properties of carbon nanotubes has increased in recent years. These materials can be used in the development of electrochemical sensors for the measurement and monitoring of analytes of environmental interest, such as pharmaceuticals, dyes, and pesticides. This work describes the use of homemade screen-printed electrodes modified with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) for the electrochemical detection of the fungicide thiram. The electrochemical characteristics of the proposed system were evaluated using cyclic voltammetry, with investigation of the electrochemical behavior of the sensor in the presence of the analyte, and estimation of electrochemical parameters including the diffusion coefficient, electron transfer coefficient (α), and number of electrons transferred in the catalytic electro-oxidation. The sensor response was optimized using amperometry. The best sensor performance was obtained in 0.1 mol L-1 phosphate buffer solution at pH 8.0, where a detection limit of 7.9 x 10-6 mol L-1 was achieved. Finally, in order to improve the sensitivity of the sensor, square wave voltammetry (SWV) was used for thiram quantification, instead of amperometry. Using SWV, a response range for thiram from 9.9 x 10-6 to 9.1 x 10-5 mol L-1 was obtained, with a sensitivity of 30948 µA mol L-1, and limits of detection and quantification of 1.6 x 10-6 and 5.4 x 10-6 mol L-1, respectively. The applicability of this efficient new alternative methodology for thiram detection was demonstrated using analyses of enriched soil samples.
Violence against children and adolescents, ranging from negligence to sexual abuse, is an imperative public health problem. The ill treatments are considered as nonaccidental traumas, actions or omissions against children, who suffer physical or emotional violence. The main perpetrators are fathers, mothers, guardians, family, friends or the children‘s primary caretaker. It is very important to identify abuse cases, because this allows proper medical and legal intervention. In Brazil, the law n. 8.069, of July 13, 1990, known as the ECA -Statute for Children and Adolescents (SCA), stipulates the obligation to report suspected or confirmed cases of ill treatment against a child or adolescent to the Guardianship Council of the respective locality. The health professionals play a crucial role with regard to identifying cases of violence, collecting information, making early diagnosis of suspect cases and reporting such cases to the authorities. The dentists can contribute significantly, as most injuries occur in the orofacial region. Bite marks, burns, bruising, among others, are easily identified during a dental consultation. The aim of this work was to verify the awareness and attitudes of Brazilian dentists concerning violence against children and adolescents. This research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Dentistry of Araraquara – São Paulo State University (FOAr – UNESP). Sixty-three dentists answered an open and closed questionnaire concerning their formation, knowledge, experience and attitudes towards ill-treated children and adolescents. Among other results, thirty-nine dentists (61.9%) affirmed to have the means to identify illtreatment cases, 13 (20.6%) reported having some experience on this matter, but only 8 reported the cases to the Council of Guardianship, as determined by Brazilian law. Twenty percent of the reasons presented for not notifying the Council were fear of reprisal, and 60.0% were uncertain concerning the ethical and legal implications. Physical violence was the most reported form of identified violence (76.9%), followed by negligence (38.5%). Among the 13 professionals that had experience with violence cases, in 10 cases the perpetrators were identified – in 70.0% of the cases, the parents were the originators of such violence. It was concluded that further formation and orientation are necessary, in order to prepare dentists to act correctly when, during their professional activities, they encounter cases of violence against children and adolescents.
A espécie vegetal, Petroselinum sativum Hoff, conhecida como salsa, é amplamente utilizada na medicina popular brasileira como diurético. O objetivo desse estudo é verificar se o uso brasileiro do extrato aquoso da salsa tem efeitos semelhantes com investigações que mostram o efeito diurético da P. sativum em ratos. MÉTODOS: 19 Ratos foram anestesiados e canulamos a traquéia, artéria carótida esquerda (para a medição da pressão arterial) e bexiga urinária (para coletar urina). Depois de 40 minutos para adaptação das condições cirúrgicas, ratos anestesiados foram administrados de acordo com seus grupos: controle (CON), administração oral com 1.0 mL de água filtrada, e grupo tratado (AE), administração oral com extrato aquoso de sementes de salsa 20% (AE). Urina foi coletada três vezes (de 30 em 30 minutos) e então esse material foi utilizado para determinações de sódio e potássio, para avaliar a quantidade excretada desses íons. Pressão arterial foi medida pelo manômetro de mercúrio por 9 vezes. Todos os dados foram estatisticamente avaliados. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: nos parâmetros anestesiados, o grupo CON não mostrou nenhuma diferença; mas o grupo AE mostrou um aumento do fluxo urinário e da quantidade excretada de sódio e potássio, e também uma diminuição da pressão arterial. Todos os parâmetros apresentaram essas modificações após 30 minutos de administração do AE (p<0,05). Esses resultados mostram que o tratamento com o AE leva a efeitos natriurético e hipotensor em ratos Wistar anestesiados, confirmando o uso da população brasileira dessa erva como diurético.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Currently, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is one of the most widely used bariatric surgeries. Banding the pouch forms a banded gastric bypass operation, an accepted and frequently used variant. Placing a silastic ring around the pouch to band the gastric bypass operation increases the restriction mechanism. However, the ubiquitous use of the banded gastric bypass remains controversial. One of the controversies is the effect of the silastic ring on patients' perception of their well being after surgery because of the frequency of vomiting. A prospective, blindly randomized, comparative trial was undertaken to resolve this controversy. Four hundred subjects scheduled for gastric bypass surgery were randomized into two arms of the trial, 200 with a silastic ring (WR) and 200 without (NR). After 2-year follow-up, the variables associated with the scores of Bariatric Analysis and Reporting Outcome System (BAROS) were analyzed. The initial median weight (125 kg), BMI (47), and age (36 years) were the same in both the NR and WR groups. The median excess weight loss, weight regain, and incidence of vomiting were 71, 10.5, and 7.75 %, respectively, in the NR group vs. 75.4 and 1.1, and 24.4 % in the WR group. The mean QOL score was 79 % in the NR group vs. 80 % in the WR group. After 2-year follow-up, silastic ring placement in the RYGB resulted in greater weight loss and weight stability and a threefold greater incidence of vomiting. There was no difference in the scores in the quality of life analysis.
Analyses of ecological data should account for the uncertainty in the process(es) that generated the data. However, accounting for these uncertainties is a difficult task, since ecology is known for its complexity. Measurement and/or process errors are often the only sources of uncertainty modeled when addressing complex ecological problems, yet analyses should also account for uncertainty in sampling design, in model specification, in parameters governing the specified model, and in initial and boundary conditions. Only then can we be confident in the scientific inferences and forecasts made from an analysis. Probability and statistics provide a framework that accounts for multiple sources of uncertainty. Given the complexities of ecological studies, the hierarchical statistical model is an invaluable tool. This approach is not new in ecology, and there are many examples (both Bayesian and non-Bayesian) in the literature illustrating the benefits of this approach. In this article, we provide a baseline for concepts, notation, and methods, from which discussion on hierarchical statistical modeling in ecology can proceed. We have also planted some seeds for discussion and tried to show where the practical difficulties lie. Our thesis is that hierarchical statistical modeling is a powerful way of approaching ecological analysis in the presence of inevitable but quantifiable uncertainties, even if practical issues sometimes require pragmatic compromises.
Patient discharge from post-anesthetic recovery (PAR) depends, among other factors, on normothermia and the patient's score on the Aldrete-Kroulik index. The objective of this study was to verify the relationship between the Aldrete-Kroulik index and body temperature in patients. This study was performed at the University of Sao Paulo University Hospital. Convenience sampling was used, and the sample consisted of 60 patients of ages between 18 and 60 years who underwent general anesthesia. The patients' body temperature was obtained by tympanic measurement, and the Aldrete-Kroulik index was measured on admission and at discharge from post-anesthetic recovery. The data were processed using SPSS, considering a significance level of 5%, and the Spearman and Wilcoxon tests were applied. In conclusion, no significant correlation was found between the two parameters for discharge.
Objective: To estimate the frequency and describe the clinical characteristics and respective treatments of previous history of wheezing. Methods: Infants aged 6-23 months with upper respiratory tract complaints and reporting previous wheezing were followed-up retrospectively. Data were registered on a validated standardized form. Results: Out of 451 infants, 164 (36.4%; 95%CI: 31.9-41.0) had a report of prior history of wheezing, 148 (32.8%; 95%CI: 28.5-37.4) during the first year of life. The mean age at the first episode of wheezing was 5.3 +/- 3.9 months. Among those who had had their first episode before 12 months of age, 38.5% reported 3 to 6 episodes and 14.2% > 6 episodes. Mean age at first episode was lower for those with a >= 3 episodes in comparison with those with <= 2 episodes (3.2 +/- 2.7 vs. 5.7 +/- 2.5 months, p < 0.001). Conclusion: One third of the infants reported wheezing during the first year of life. The earlier the first episode occurs, the more frequently wheezing recurs.
The effects of a moderate electrical stimulation on superoxide and nitric oxide production by primary cultured skeletal muscle cells were evaluated. The involvement of the main sites of these reactive species production and the relationship between superoxide and nitric oxide production were also examined. Production of superoxide was evaluated by cytochrome c reduction and dihydroethidium oxidation assays. Electrical stimulation increased superoxide production after 1?h incubation. A xanthine oxidase inhibitor caused a partial decrease of superoxide generation and a significant amount of mitochondria-derived superoxide was also observed. Nitric oxide production was assessed by nitrite measurement and by using 4,5-diaminofluorescein diacetate (DAF-2-DA) assay. Using both methods an increased production of nitric oxide was obtained after electrical stimulation, which was also able to induce an increase of iNOS content and NF-?B activation. The participation of superoxide in nitric oxide production was investigated by incubating cells with DAF-2-DA in the presence or absence of electrical stimulation, a superoxide generator system (xanthinexanthine oxidase), a mixture of NOS inhibitors and SOD-PEG. Our data show that the induction of muscle contraction by a moderate electrical stimulation protocol led to an increased nitric oxide production that can be controlled by superoxide generation. The cross talk between these reactive species likely plays a role in exercise-induced maintenance and adaptation by regulating muscular glucose metabolism, force of contraction, fatigue, and antioxidant systems activities. J. Cell. Physiol. 227: 25112518, 2012. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.