984 resultados para marcapasso duplo-sítio atrial


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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and atrial fibrillation (AF) frequently coexist. However, the extent to which CKD increases the risk of thromboembolism in patients with nonvalvular AF and the benefits of anticoagulation in this group remain unclear. We addressed the role of CKD in the prediction of thromboembolic events and the impact of anticoagulation using a meta-analysis method. Data sources included MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane (from inception to January 2014). Three independent reviewers selected studies. Descriptive and quantitative information was extracted from each selected study and a random-effects meta-analysis was performed. After screening 962 search results, 19 studies were considered eligible. Among patients with AF, the presence of CKD resulted in an increased risk of thromboembolism (hazard ratio [HR] 1.46, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.20 to 1.76, p = 0.0001), particularly in case of end-stage CKD (HR 1.83, 95% CI 1.56 to 2.14, p <0.00001). Warfarin decreased the incidence of thromboembolic events in patients with non-end-stage CKD (HR 0.39, 95% CI 0.18 to 0.86, p <0.00001). Recent data on novel oral anticoagulants suggested a higher efficacy of these agents compared with warfarin (HR 0.80, 95% CI 0.66 to 0.96, p = 0.02) and aspirin (HR 0.32, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.55, p <0.0001) in treating non-end-stage CKD. In conclusion, the presence of CKD in patients with AF is associated with an almost 50% increased thromboembolic risk, which can be effectively decreased with appropriate antithrombotic therapy. Further prospective studies are needed to better evaluate the interest of anticoagulation in patients with severe CKD.


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Pulmonary embolism (PE) related to the presence of right heart thromboemboli entails a higher mortality rate than PE alone. Furthermore, right heart thromboemboli are often associated with deep venous thrombosis. The most effective therapy for haemodynamically stable patients remains unknown, although recent data suggest that thrombolytic therapy is associated with a better outcome. We describe the case of an 83-year-old woman, hospitalized with PE consequent to right heart thrombus-in-transit, in whom investigation revealed a concomitant deep venous thrombosis. She required thrombolysis, given the high mortality risk that is traditionally associated with this clinical entity.


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1.1 Edoxaban is recommended, within its marketing authorisation, as an option for preventing stroke and systemic embolism in adults with non-valvular atrial fibrillation with one or more risk factors, including: congestive heart failure hypertension diabetes prior stroke or transient ischaemic attack age 75 years or older


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Energias Renováveis e Gestão de Energia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Realizado no âmbito do programa do controlo da asma, pretende divulgar informação de forma clara, rigorosa e simples.


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A agricultura de base familiar é mais apropriada para o estabelecimento de estilos de agricultura sustentável, principalmente pela sua maior capacidade de proceder a utilização dos agroecossistemas aos ideais de sustentabilidade. A produção agropecuária de base familiar, na maioria das vezes, tem um caráter de manutenção e sustentação das famílias no campo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as atividades pecuárias de mais exploradas por agricultores de base familiar da comunidade de Sítio de Areia, município de Água Nova- RN. Verificou-se que 97% dos agricultores criam uma ou mais espécies de animais domésticos para fins alimentares e/ou comerciais, verificou-se que a avicultura foi predominante com 47% de presença nas unidades agropecuárias sendo esta atividade mantida pelas esposas dos agricultores.


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Background: Transcatheter closure of atrial septal defects (ASD) has been accepted world-wide as an alternative to surgical closure with excellent results. This interventional, non-surgical technique plays an important role in the treatment of ASD mostly in the developing world where resources are limited. Objectives: To report the outcomes and short term follow-up of transcatheter closure of ASD over a 12-year period at our institution with limited resources. Patients and Methods: This retrospective study included all patients with the diagnosis of secundum ASD and significant shunting (Qp/Qs > 1.5:1) as well as dilated right atrium and right ventricle who had transcatheter closure at Integrated Cardiovascular Center (PJT), Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between October 2002 and October 2014. One hundred fifty-two patients enrolled in this study were candidates for device closure. Right and left heart cardiac catheterization was performed before the procedure. All patients underwent physical examination, ECG, chest X-ray and transthoracal echocardiography (TTE) prior to device implantation. Results: A total of 152 patients with significant ASD underwent device implantation. Subjects’ age ranged from 0.63 to 69.6 years, with median 9.36 years and mean 16.30 years. They consisted of 33 (21.7%) males and 119 (78.3%) females, with mean body weight of 29.9 kg (range 8 to 75; SD 18.2). The device was successfully implanted in 150 patients where the majority of cases received the Amplatzer septal occluder (147/150; 98%) and the others received the Heart Lifetech ASD occluder (3/150, 2%), whereas two other cases were not suitable for device closure and we decided for surgical closure. The mean ASD size was 19.75 (range 14 - 25) mm. During the procedure, 5 (4.9%) patients had bradycardia and 3 (2.9%) patients had supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), all of which resolved. Conclusions: In our center with limited facilities and manpower, transcatheter closure of atrial septal defect was effective and safe as an alternative treatment to surgery. The outcome and short-term follow-up revealed excellent results, but long-term follow-up is needed.


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O coelho-bravo, devido à sua importância ecológica e económica, tem sido alvo de diversos planos de gestão e vários esforços têm sido empreendidos no sentido de contrariar o decréscimo das suas populações. Este estudo foi realizado em três zonas de caça do Sítio Monchique e o principal objectivo é determinar se as medidas de gestão implementadas influenciam a distribuição e abundância da espécie na área de estudo. A abundância relativa foi interpolada com o método "Inverso do Peso da Distância" {IDW), e as relações entre presença de coelho e os descritores ambientais foram analisadas através de Modelos Lineares Generalizados (GLM). Os resultados da modelação estatística mostraram que as medidas de melhoria de habitat parecem ter sido determinantes para um aumento da área de distribuição do coelho-bravo nos locais intervencionados. São propostas novas medidas de gestão, cujo objectivo será promover a continuação do aumento da ocorrência e abundância da espécie neste local. /ABSTRACT: The wild rabbit, due to its ecological and economical role, has been the target of several management plans and considerable efforts have been made to enhance its populations. This study was held in three game estates located inside Monchique Natura 2000. Site and aims to determine if the habitat management actions implemented in the study area influence rabbit distribution and abundance. The relative abundance was interpolated to all study area with lnverse Distance Weight method {IDW} and the relationships between rabbit presence and the environmental descriptors were evaluated with Generalized Linear Models (GLM). The results of the statistical modelling showed that the management actions seem to have contributed significantly to an enhancement on the rabbit occurrence in the studied game estates. Several new management actions are proposed with the aim to continue to increase rabbit occurrence and abundance in this site.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Psicologia Clínica e Cultura, 2015.


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Background: Oral anticoagulation (OAC) reduces stroke risk in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), however it is still underutilized and sometimes refused by patients. This project was divided in two inter-related studies. Study 1 explored the experiences that influence prescription of OAC by physicians. Study 2 explored the experiences which influence patients' decisions to accept, decline or discontinue OAC. Methods: Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted in both studies. In Study 1four sub-groups of physicians (n = 16) experienced with OAC in AF were interviewed: consultant cardiologists, consultant general physicians, general practitioners and cardiology registrars. In Study 2 three sub-groups of patients (n = 11) diagnosed with AF were interviewed; those who accepted, refused, and who discontinued warfarin. Results: Study 1: Two over-arching themes emerged from doctors' experiences: (1) communicating information and (2) challenges with OAC prescription for AF. Physicians still adopt a paternalistic approach to decision-making. They should instead motivate patients to take part in treatment discussions and choices should reflect the patient's needs and concerns. Physician education should focus more on communication skills, individualised care and time-management as these are critical for patient adherence. Continuous OAC education for AF should adopt a multi-disciplinary approach. Further, interpreters should also be educated on medical communication skills. Study 2: Three over-arching themes comprised patients' experiences: (1) the initial consultation, (2) life after the consultation, and (3) patients' reflections. Patient education during the initial consultation was critical in increasing patient's knowledge of OAC. On-going patient education is imperative to maintain adherence. Patients valued physicians' concern for their needs during decision-making. Patients who had experience of stroke were more receptive to education aimed towards stroke risk reduction rather than bleeding risk. Patients' perceptions of warfarin are also influenced by the media. Comment: Qualitative research is crucial in exploring barriers to treatment as it provides an excellent insight into patients' experiences of healthcare. A patient-centred approach should be adopted and incorporated into physicians' education. Education and patient involvement in the decision-making process is essential to promote treatment acceptance and long-term adherence


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O impacto do modelo biográfico em educação sexual no constructo da erotofília/erotofobia e do duplo padrão sexual é avaliado, a partir das hipóteses de que este modelo contribui para a promoção da erotofília e atenuação do duplo padrão sexual. Os resultados não permitiram confirmar qualquer uma das hipóteses. Os indivíduos avaliados, independentemente da sua experiência no modelo biográfico, são mais erotofóbicos do que erotofílicos, e o duplo padrão sexual, de acordo com as pontuações médias e os resultados da análise de discurso, só se faz sentir com maior expressividade e significado na perceção social do duplo padrão sexual referente à liberdade sexual dos homens, com ou sem experiência no modelo biográfico, e das mulheres com experiência no modelo biográfico. Em todas as outras dimensões avaliadas do duplo padrão sexual predominou o padrão singular e o padrão sexual invertido (liberdade sexual relativa ao número de parceiros e expressões e vocábulos utilizados para caracterizar homens e mulheres com múltiplos parceiros).


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BACKGROUND: The well-being of relatives of patients having chronic heart diseases (CHD) has been found to be negatively affected by the patient's condition. Studies examining relatives of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) indicate that their well-being may be affected in a similar manner, but further research is needed. AIM: To explore and describe critical incidents in which relatives of patients experience how AF affects their well-being and what actions they take to handle these situations. DESIGN AND METHOD: An explorative, descriptive design based on the critical incident technique (CIT) was used. Interviews were conducted with 19 relatives (14 women and five men) of patients hospitalised in southern Sweden due to acute symptoms of the AF. RESULTS: The well-being of relatives was found to be affected by their worries (patient-related health), as well as the sacri-ficing of their own needs (self-related health). In handling their own well-being, these relatives adjusted to and supported the patient (practical involvement), along with adjusting their own feelings and responding to the mood of the patients (emotional involvement). CONCLUSION: The well-being of relatives of patients with AF was affected depending on the patients' well-being. In their attempt to handle their own well-being, the relatives adjusted to and supported the patients. Further research is needed in order to evaluate the effects of support to relatives and patients respectively and together.


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The aim of this thesis was to describe and explore how the partner relationship of patient–partner dyads isaffected following cardiac disease and, in particular, atrial fibrillation (AF) in one of the spouses. The thesis is based on four individual studies with different designs: descriptive (I), explorative (II, IV), and cross-sectional (III). Applied methods comprised a systematic review (I) and qualitative (II, IV) and quantitative methods (III). Participants in the studies were couples in which one of the spouses was afflicted with AF. Coherent with a systemic perspective, the research focused on the dyad as the unit of analysis. To identify and describe the current research position and knowledge base, the data for the systematic review were analyzed using an integrative approach. To explore couples’ main concern, interview data (n=12 couples) in study II were analyzed using classical grounded theory. Associations between patients and partners (n=91 couples) where analyzed through the Actor–Partner Interdependence Model using structural equation modelling (III). To explore couples’ illness beliefs, interview data (n=9 couples) in study IV were analyzed using Gadamerian hermeneutics. Study I revealed five themes of how the partner relationship is affected following cardiac disease: overprotection, communication deficiency, sexual concerns, changes in domestic roles, and adjustment to illness. Study II showed that couples living with AF experienced uncertainty as the common main concern, rooted in causation of AF and apprehension about AF episodes. The theory of Managing Uncertainty revealed the strategies of explicit sharing (mutual collaboration and finding resemblance) and implicit sharing (keeping distance and tacit understanding). Patients and spouses showed significant differences in terms of self-reported physical and mental health where patients rated themselves lower than spouses did (III). Several actor effects were identified, suggesting that emotional distress affects and is associated with perceived health. Patient partner effects and spouse partner effects were observed for vitality, indicating that higher levels of symptoms of depression in patients and spouses were associated with lower vitality in their partners. In study IV, couples’ core and secondary illness beliefs were revealed. From the core illness belief that “the heart is a representation of life,” two secondary illness beliefs were derived: AF is a threat to life, and AF can and must be explained. From the core illness belief that “change is an integral part of life,” two secondary illness beliefs were derived: AF is a disruption in our lives, and AF will not interfere with our lives. Finally, from the core illness belief that “adaptation is fundamental in life,” two secondary illness beliefs were derived: AF entails adjustment in daily life, and AF entails confidence in and adherence to professional care. In conclusion, the thesis result suggests that illness, in terms of cardiac disease and AF, affected and influenced the couple on aspects such as making sense of AF, responding to AF, and mutually incorporating and dealing with AF in their daily lives. In the light of this, the thesis results suggest that clinicians working with persons with AF and their partners should employ a systemic view with consideration of couple’s reciprocity and interdependence, but also have knowledge regarding AF, in terms of pathophysiology, the nature of AF (i.e., cause, consequences, and trajectory), and treatments. A possible approach to achieve this is a clinical utilization of an FSN based framework, such as the FamHC. Even if a formalized FSN framework is not utilized, partners should not be neglected but, rather, be considered a resource and be a part of clinical caring activities. This could be met by inviting partners to take part in rounds, treatment decisions, discharge calls or follow-up visits or other clinical caring activities. Likewise, interventional studies should include the couple as a unit of analysis as well as the target of interventions.


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Data are lacking on the characteristics of atrial activity in centenarians, including interatrial block (IAB). The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of IAB and auricular arrhythmias in subjects older than 100 years and to elucidate their clinical implications. We studied 80 centenarians (mean age 101.4 ± 1.5 years; 21 men) with follow-ups of 6–34 months. Of these 80 centenarians, 71 subjects (88.8%) underwent echocardiography. The control group comprised 269 septuagenarians. A total of 23 subjects (28.8%) had normal P wave, 16 (20%) had partial IAB, 21 (26%) had advanced IAB, and 20 (25.0%) had atrial fibrillation/flutter. The IAB groups exhibited premature atrial beats more frequently than did the normal P wave group (35.1% vs 17.4%; P < .001); also, other measurements in the IAB groups frequently fell between values observed in the normal P wave and the atrial fibrillation/flutter groups. These measurements included sex preponderance, mental status and dementia, perceived health status, significant mitral regurgitation, and mortality. The IAB group had a higher previous stroke rate (24.3%) than did other groups. Compared with septuagenarians, centenarians less frequently presented a normal P wave (28.8% vs 53.5%) and more frequently presented advanced IAB (26.3% vs 8.2%), atrial fibrillation/flutter (25.0% vs 10.0%), and premature atrial beats (28.3 vs 7.0%) (P < .01). Relatively few centenarians (<30%) had a normal P wave, and nearly half had IAB. Our data suggested that IAB, particularly advanced IAB, is a pre–atrial fibrillation condition associated with premature atrial beats. Atrial arrhythmias and IAB occurred more frequently in centenarians than in septuagenarians.