887 resultados para maladie de Parkinson
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common, progressive neurodegenerative disease characterised by degeneration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons, aggregation of α-synuclein and motor symptoms. Current dopamine-replacement strategies provide symptomatic relief, however their effectiveness wear off over time and their prolonged use leads to disabling side-effects in PD patients. There is therefore a critical need to develop new drugs and drug targets to protect dopaminergic neurons and their axons from degeneration in PD. Over recent years, there has been robust evidence generated showing that epigenetic dysregulation occurs in PD patients, and that epigenetic modulation is a promising therapeutic approach for PD. This article first discusses the present evidence implicating global, and dopaminergic neuron-specific, alterations in the methylome in PD, and the therapeutic potential of pharmacologically targeting the methylome. It then focuses on another mechanism of epigenetic regulation, histone acetylation, and describes how the histone acetyltransferase (HAT) and histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes that mediate this process are attractive therapeutic targets for PD. It discusses the use of activators and/or inhibitors of HDACs and HATs in models of PD, and how these approaches for the selective modulation of histone acetylation elicit neuroprotective effects. Finally, it outlines the potential of employing small molecule epigenetic modulators as neuroprotective therapies for PD, and the future research that will be required to determine and realise this therapeutic potential.
Cette étude exploratoire menée à Mirebalais (Haïti) vise à mieux comprendre les stratégies d’autogestion utilisées par les personnes diabétiques vivant dans cette commune. Nous nous sommes basés sur le modèle de la triade desease / illness / sickness décrit par Kleinman et al. (1978) et Young (1982) pour appréhender l’adaptation des personnes diabétiques dans leur environnement social et familial. Treize entrevues individuelles semi-structurées de diabétiques ont été réalisées. Les personnes qui arrivent à mieux vivre avec le diabète sont celles qui ont combiné les recommandations médicales, le savoir populaire et leur contexte de vie. Les résultats de cette étude peuvent être utilisés comme piste d’intervention dans des programmes entourant la prévention des complications de la maladie et l’amélioration des conditions de vie des diabétiques.
Compte tenu de l’ampleur des maladies chroniques et de leur répercussion économique sur la société française, l’Éducation thérapeutique du patient (ÉTP) est devenue incontournable. Cependant, la place des savoirs expérientiels revendiquée par les patients réinterroge le pouvoir professionnel des soignants. Notre recherche est descriptive et intègre une approche quasi-experimentale. Il s’agit d’étudier l’influence des stratégies hétérorégulatives mises en œuvre par les infirmières en activité d’ÉTP sur l’apprentissage des personnes adultes atteintes de maladie chronique à autoréguler leur santé-dans-la maladie. Nous avons créé un dispositif de formation qui repose sur une triangulation théorique entre la théorie sociocognitive de Bandura (2003) et plus précisément les sources d’activation du sentiment d’efficacité personnel (SEP), un construit issue des sciences infirmières qu’est la santé-dans-la-maladie (Ellefsen, 2010) et une approche en soins infirmiers fondée sur les forces (Gottlieb et Gottlieb, 2014) mettant un fort accent sur le partenariat de collaboration soignés-soignants. Nos groupes témoins (GT) et expérimentaux (GE) ont été composés de dyades d’infirmières et de patients atteins de diabète de type 2, en atelier d’ÉTP sur le thème de l’hypoglycémie et ce, dans deux Centres hospitaliers universitaires (CHU) différents. Ce sont au total huit infirmières et trente patients qui ont été investigués. Le GT est constitué de quatre infirmières ayant chacune un groupe de patients et il en est de même pour le GE. Nous avions un GT et un GE dans chacun des CHU. Nos outils de recueil de données identiques pour les deux groupes sont : une échelle psychométrique créée par nos soins et vérifiée statistiquement, destinée à mesurer le SEP spécifique des patients avant la formation, de suite après la formation et à distance de la formation à un mois ; la vidéoscopie avec grille d’encodage pour observer en différé les pratiques pédagogiques des infirmières. Seules les infirmières du groupe expérimental ont été formées à notre dispositif. Les données recueillies ont subi un traitement statistique. Suite à l’analyse des résultats, nous sommes en mesure de dire qu’il existe une différence entre les pratiques pédagogiques des infirmières du GT et du GE. Les infirmières du GE ont mis en œuvre l’intégralité des sources d’activation du SEP dont le construit de santé-dans-la-maladie dans une dynamique de partenariat de collaboration et il existe un impact significatif sur les scores d’auto-efficacité des patients du GE en post-test immédiat avec maintien dans le temps à un mois. Ceci n’est pas le cas pour les patients du GT. Les infirmières du GT ont réalisé les pratiques pédagogiques qu’elles avaient l’habitude de mettre en œuvre. Les scores d’auto-efficacité des patients du GT ne connaissent pas d'évolution notable en post-test immédiat et à un mois.
The intention of this paper is to further the discussion around the development of theories of public relations by introducing to the mix the concept of the Other from the field of cultural studies. The development of discipline-specific theories as part of a “scholarly body of knowledge” (Wylie, 1994, p.2) – or at least a “unique” knowledge base (Parkinson, 2001) – has been suggested as one of the defining characteristics of a true profession. In the case of public relations, this is a development that has occurred relatively recently. Since public relations first began to emerge as a distinct practice in the early part of the 20th century, there has been a tendency to appropriate theories from other areas (such as organisational and media studies) to create a relevant theory base to explore, describe and predict public relations activities. However, these theories were often rarely more than a ‘best fit’ solution, and resulting areas of discrepancy led to much confusion surrounding the form and function of public relations. It could be argued therefore that the development of dedicated public relations theory – ideas that encompass the creation, maintenance and enhancement of relationships between organisations and publics as primary motivations – only began in the latter half of the 20th century with the work of people such as Grunig and Hunt, and latterly Ledingham and Bruning among others.
This research investigated the role of mother-centred issues that influence breastfeeding behaviours. The need for social marketing research for breastfeeding is indicated by the fact that despite evidence of the health benefits to both the infant and mother of longer breastfeeding duration, rates in developed countries have failed to increase in recent decades. Breastfeeding is a complex behaviour that for many women involves barriers that influence their commitment to continue breastfeeding. Structural equation modelling was used on a sample of 405 respondents to an online survey. The analysis revealed that personal social support had a significant impact on breastfeeding self-efficacy, which in turn had a significant impact on breastfeeding behaviour. The findings and implications for both social marketing theory and practice are discussed.
Objective: To assess the efficacy of bilateral pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) as a treatment for primary progressive freezing of gait (PPFG). ------ ----- Methods: A patient with PPFG underwent bilateral PPN-DBS and was followed clinically for over 14 months. ------ ----- Results: The PPFG patient exhibited a robust improvement in gait and posture following PPN-DBS. When PPN stimulation was deactivated, postural stability and gait skills declined to pre-DBS levels, and fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose positron emission tomography revealed hypoactive cerebellar and brainstem regions, which significantly normalised when PPN stimulation was reactivated. ------ ----- Conclusions: This case demonstrates that the advantages of PPN-DBS may not be limited to addressing freezing of gait (FOG) in idiopathic Parkinson's disease. The PPN may also be an effective DBS target to address other forms of central gait failure.
This article explores the use of probabilistic classification, namely finite mixture modelling, for identification of complex disease phenotypes, given cross-sectional data. In particular, if focuses on posterior probabilities of subgroup membership, a standard output of finite mixture modelling, and how the quantification of uncertainty in these probabilities can lead to more detailed analyses. Using a Bayesian approach, we describe two practical uses of this uncertainty: (i) as a means of describing a person’s membership to a single or multiple latent subgroups and (ii) as a means of describing identified subgroups by patient-centred covariates not included in model estimation. These proposed uses are demonstrated on a case study in Parkinson’s disease (PD), where latent subgroups are identified using multiple symptoms from the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS).
The need for social marketing research in the area of breastfeeding is highlighted by the failure of campaigns to increase breastfeeding rates over the past two decades in developed countries. This is despite evidence of the health benefits of longer breastfeeding duration to both baby and mother, and the high levels of expenditure on these campaigns. Whilst past campaign approaches typically focus on baby-oriented factors, breastfeeding is a complex behaviour that for many women involves barriers that influence their commitment to continued breastfeeding. Using social marketing, this research investigates the role of mother-centred factors on loyalty to breastfeeding. A sample of 405 Australian women completed an online survey. The data were analysed using structural equation modelling, which revealed that mother-oriented, rather than baby-oriented, factors influence attitudinal and behavioural loyalty to breastfeeding.
This paper demonstrates how social marketing insights were used to influence women’s loyalty to breastfeeding. The paper reports on a social marketing campaign undertaken by the Australian Breastfeeding Association and a government health department, which used a product development strategy in order to increase breastfeeding loyalty. Seeking new approaches to support breastfeeding behaviors is critical and timely, because while initiation rates of breastfeeding are high in developed countries such as the UK, Australia, Canada, and the USA, duration rates are significantly lower. Results indicate that a product focused strategy influences pregnant women’s loyalty to exclusively breastfeeding.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive, chronic neurodegenerative disorder for which there is no known cure. Physical exercise programs may be used to assist with the physical management of PD. Several studies have demonstrated that community based physical therapy programs are effective in reducing physical aspects of disability among people with PD. While multidisciplinary therapy interventions may have the potential to reduce disability and improve the quality of life of people with PD, there is very limited clinical trial evidence to support or refute the use of a community based multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary programs for people with PD. A two group randomized trial is being undertaken within a community rehabilitation service in Brisbane, Australia. Community dwelling adults with a diagnosis of Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease are being recruited. Eligible participants are randomly allocated to a standard exercise rehabilitation group program or an intervention group which incorporates physical, cognitive and speech activities in a multi-tasking framework. Outcomes will be measured at 6-week intervals for a period of six months. Primary outcome measures are the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and the Timed Up and Go (TUG) cognitive test. Secondary outcomes include changes in health related quality of life, communication, social participation, mobility, strength and balance, and carer burden measures. This study will determine the immediate and long-term effectiveness of a unique multifocal, interdisciplinary, dual-tasking approach to the management of PD as compared to an exercise only program. We anticipate that the results of this study will have implications for the development of cost effective evidence based best practice for the treatment of people with PD living in the community.
Gait freezing is an episodic arrest of locomotion due to an inability to take normal steps. Pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation is an emerging therapy proposed to improve gait freezing, even where refractory to medication. However, the efficacy and precise effects of pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation on Parkinsonian gait disturbance are not established. The clinical application of this new therapy is controversial and it is unknown if bilateral stimulation is more effective than unilateral. Here, in a double-blinded study using objective spatiotemporal gait analysis, we assessed the impact of unilateral and bilateral pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation on triggered episodes of gait freezing and on background deficits of unconstrained gait in Parkinson’s disease. Under experimental conditions, while OFF medication, Parkinsonian patients with severe gait freezing implanted with pedunculopontine nucleus stimulators below the pontomesencephalic junction were assessed during three conditions; off stimulation, unilateral stimulation and bilateral stimulation. Results were compared to Parkinsonian patients without gait freezing matched for disease severity and healthy controls. Pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation improved objective measures of gait freezing, with bilateral stimulation more effective than unilateral. During unconstrained walking, Parkinsonian patients who experience gait freezing had reduced step length and increased step length variability compared to patients without gait freezing; however, these deficits were unchanged by pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation. Chronic pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation improved Freezing of Gait Questionnaire scores, reflecting a reduction of the freezing encountered in patients’ usual environments and medication states. This study provides objective, double-blinded evidence that in a specific subgroup of Parkinsonian patients, stimulation of a caudal pedunculopontine nucleus region selectively improves gait freezing but not background deficits in step length. Bilateral stimulation was more effective than unilateral.
20.1 Epilepsy and an introduction to drugs used to treat 20.1.1 Introduction to epilepsy 20.1.2 Treatment of partial seizures 20.1.3 Treatment of generalised seizures 20.1.4 Treatment of status epilepticus 20.2 Neurodegenerative disorders; principles of treatment 20.2.1 Introduction to neurodegenerative disorders 20.2.2 Parkinson’s disease Introduction to Parkinson’s disease Dopaminergic system Treatment to enhance the dopaminergic system Treatment to inhibit the cholinergic system 20.2.3 Dementia/Alzheimer’s disease Introduction to Alzheimer’s disease Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease 20.2.4 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 43.4.1 Introduction 43.4.2 Treatment 20.3. Pain and opioid analgesics 20.3.1 Introduction to pain and analgesia 20.3.2 Introduction to opioids 20.3.3 Tolerance and physical dependence 20.3.4 Effects of opioids 20.3.5 Agonists at opioid μ receptors 20.3.6 Toxicity to opioids This section deals with the neurologic drugs. The neurologic drugs are used to treat epilepsy and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. The opioids for pain management are also discussed in this section.