995 resultados para mahogany shoot borer


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Salt stress decreases the osmotic potential of soil solution causing water stress, causing toxic effects in the plants resulting in injuries on the metabolism and nutritional disorders, thus compromising the plant growth, resulting in lower production. The calcium silicate and magnesium can perform the same function as limestone, besides providing silicon to plants, may also contribute to the resistance of plants to salt stress. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of calcium and magnesium silicate on the growth of the castor oil plant BRS Energia cultivated under saline conditions. This study evaluated plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, dry weight of shoot and root, and soil chemical characteristics. There was no interaction between factors of salinity level and of silicate level regarding the evaluated variables. There was a direct relationship between salinity levels and plant growth in height and stem diameter. The K concentration in soil were affected by salinity levels.


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The present paper aimed at testing the action of non-lyophilized venom of Africanized bees Apis mellifera through topical applications on Diatraea saccharalis egg masses. The CL50, DL50 and the most susceptible age of eggs to the venom topic application were also determined. Three-day-old eggs were the most susceptible to the venom action with CL50 equal to 8.6 mg/ml and DL50 equal to 0.173 mg/mass. The venom loses its action after being stored for 15 days.


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Bioassays were carried out to identify and characterize the allelopathic potential effects of forage legumes leucena (Leucaena leucocephala), mineirão (Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Mineirão) and calopogônio (Calopogonium mucunoides) on germination and radicle elongation of the pasture weeds desmódio (Desmodium adscendens), guanxuma (Sida rhombifolia) and assa-peixe (Vernonia polyanthes). Aqueous seeds and shoot extracts were prepared in a concentration of 10% (w/v). The pH and osmotic potential were measured in each extract. The effects of the osmotic potential on the results were calculated considering the regression equations adjusted to the variations of osmotic potential in each parameter and the osmotic potential of the extracts. The results showed that the pH did not constitute in a source of variation of the results. The donor species indicated allelopathic potential that varied in function of donor and receiver species and part of the donor plant. The aqueous shoot extract of mineirão and calopogônio showed inhibition potential higher than the extract from seeds, while for leucena the effects more evident were obtained with the extract from seeds. Comparatively, the radicle elongation was a more sensitive indicator than germination to the effects of the extracts.The receiver species assa-peixe was the less sensitive to the effects of the extract.


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Toxic levels of Al and low availability of Ca have been shown to decrease root growth, which can also be affected by P availability. In the current experiment, initial plant growth and nutrition of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum var. Latifolia) were studied as related to its root growth in response to phosphorus and lime application. The experiment was conducted in Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil, in pots containing a Dark Red Latosol (Acrortox, 20% clay, 72% sand). Lime was applied at 0.56, 1.12 and 1.68 g kg -1 and phosphorus was applied at 50, 100 and 150 mg kg -1. Two cotton (cv. IAC 22) plants were grown per pot for up to 42 days after plant emergence. There was no effect of liming on shoot dry weight, root dry matter yield, root surface and length, but root diameter was decreased with the increase in soil Ca. Shoot dry weight, as well as root length, surface and dry weight were increased with soil P levels up to 83 mg kg -1. Phosphorus concentration in the shoots was increased from 1.6 to 3.0 g kg -1 when soil P was increased from 14 to 34 mg kg -1. No further increases in P concentration were observed with higher P rates. The shoot/root ratio was also increased with P application as well as the amount of nutrients absorbed per unit of root surface. In low soil P soils the transport of the nutrient to the cotton root surface limits P uptake. In this case an increase in root growth rate due to P fertilisation does not compensate for the low P diffusion in the soil.


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Palm of Arecoideae subfamily, the pejibaye palm occurs mostly at Tropical America areas, and has achieved outstanding economic importance for heart-of-palm production with traditional farming. This work aimed to describe and record propagation structures and seedlings, throughout the different stages of their germination process, since this species is mainly propagated by seeds. The seeds were set for germination on trays with cotton and sterilized water. Representative samples were taken out from each of the different germination stages. They were photographed and drafted using a clear chamber. The propagation structures and seeds external surface were outlined and photographed. The seeds were longitudinally cut for observation and documentation of the inner morphology. The first germinative event was the growth of an undifferentiated, approximately globular cells mass, which emerged from the micropilar depression. Then, the cells mass acquired a cylinder aspect, with the early shoot and root differentiation taking place. Later, there was evidence of primary root and aerial portion. This shoot was coated by a closed and chlorophylled sheath. A lateral root outgrown at the primary root's base and an adventitious root became visible at the embryonic axis. Three other sheaths evolved at the shoot, unrolling one at a time, allowing, finally, the emergence of the primary leaf which is bifid and has parallel veins, typical of its family. Internally, an haustorial structure was developed and seemed to be related with the digestion of the endosperm, occupying, gradually, all the seed's internal space.


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A recent report of the parasitic mite species Acarophenax lacunatus (Cross and Krantz) (Prostigmata: Acarophenacidae) attacking populations of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) led to the present investigation. Maximum female size and average number of progeny per female mite were assessed at eight different temperatures (ranging from 20 to 41°C) and 60% r.h. using R. dominica as the host. The ability of the mite species to suppress eggs, first instar larvae, and adults of R. dominica was assessed at 30°C and 60% r.h. The largest female sizes of the mite and progeny numbers were obtained around 30°C (259 μm and 17 offspring/female respectively) with minimum values obtained at the most extreme temperatures used in this study. Mite densities of at least four individuals per 500 ml jar containing 50 adults of R. dominica, resulted in almost complete suppression of eggs, first instar larvae, and adults of the host species after 45 days. This same range of mite densities led to reductions of wheat weight losses of 15 and 25% after 45 and 60 days after infestation respectively. Acarophenax lacunatus shows good potential as a biological control agent of R. dominica.


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The knowledge of nutrient mobility is an important tool to define the best fertilizer management and diagnosis techniques. Patterns of boron (B) mobility in plants have been reviewed, but there is very little information on B distribution and mobility in cotton. An experiment was conducted to study plant growth and B distribution in cotton when the nutrient was applied in the nutrient solution or to the leaves, and when a temporary deficiency was imposed. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum, Latifolia, cv. IAC 22) was grown in nutrient solutions where B was omitted or not for 15 days. Boron was applied to young or mature cotton leaves in some of the minus B treatments. Root growth decreased when the plants were transferred to B solutions, but there was a full recovery when B was replaced in the nutrient medium. Boron deficiency, even when temporary, reduced cotton shoot dry matter yields, plant height and flower and fruit set, and these could not be prevented by foliar application of B. Because of decreased dry matter production, leaves of deficient cotton plants actually showed higher B concentrations than non deficient leaves. This would be misleading when a mature leaf is sampled for diagnosis. If there is any B mobility in cotton phloem, it is very low.


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The parasitic mite Acarophenax lacunatus kills the eggs upon which it feeds and seems to have potential as a biological control agent of stored grain pests. The lack of biological studies on this mite species led to the present study carried out in laboratory conditions at eight different temperatures (ranging from 20 to 41°C) and 60% relative humidity using Rhyzopertha dominica as host. The higher the temperature, the faster: (1) the attachment of female mites to the host egg (varying from 1 to 5 h); (2) the increase in body size of physogastric females (about twice faster at 40°C than at 20°C); and (3) the generation time (ranging from 40 to 220 h). In addition, the higher the temperature, the shorter the maximum female longevity (ranging from about 75 to 300 h). The two estimated temperature thresholds for development of A. lacunatus on R. dominica were 18 and 40°C. The average number of female and male offspring per gravid mite were 12.8 and 1.0, respectively, with sex ratios (females/total) ranging from 0.91 to 0.94 (maximum at 30°C). The net reproductive rate and intrinsic rate of increase also presented maximum values at 30°C (12.1 and 0.04, respectively).


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The project is being conducted in the town of Analândia, São Paulo, Brazil. The constructed wetlands system for water supply consists of a channel with floating aquatic macrophytes, HDS system (Water Decontamination with Soil - Patent PI 850.3030), chlorinating system, filtering system and distribution. The project objectives include investigating the process variables to further optimize design and operation factors, evaluating the relation of nutrients and plants development, biomass production, shoot development, nutrient cycling and total and fecal coliforms removal, comparing the treatment efficiency among the seasons of the year; and moreover to compare the average values obtained between February and June 1998 (Salati et al., 1998) with the average obtained for the same parameters between March and June 2000. Studies have been developed in order to verify during one year the drinking quality of the water for the following parameters: turbidity, color, pH, dissolved oxygen, total of dissolved solids, COD, chloride, among others, according to the Ministry of Health's Regulation 36. This system of water supply projected to treat 15 L s-1 has been in continuous operation for 2 years, it was implemented with support of the National Environment Fund (FNMA), administered by the Center of Environmental Studies (CEA-UNESP), while the technical supervision and design were performed by the Institute of Applied Ecology. The actual research project is being supported by FAPESP.


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Crop rotation using cover crops with vigorous root systems may be a tool to manage soils with some degree of compaction. Root and shoot growth as well as nutrient accumulation by summer species suitable for crop rotation in tropical areas were studied at different subsoil compaction levels. Crotalaria juncea (Indian hemp), Crotalaria spectabilis (showy crotalaria), Helianthus annuus (sunflower), Pennisetum americanum (pearl millet) and Sorghum bicolor (guinea sorghum) were grown for 40 days in pots 33.5 cm high with 10 cm internal diameter. Soil in the pots had uniform bulkdensity of 1.25 Mg m-3 for the top and bottom 15 cm sections. Bulk densities of 1.31, 1.43, 1.58 and 1.70 Mg m-3 Were established in the 3.5 cm middle section. H. annuus and P. americanum had the highest early macronutrient accumulation. The grasses S. bicolor and P. americanum yielded twice as much shoot dry matter as the other species. Root growth generally decreased with increasing soil bulk density with C. spectabilis less affected than other species. Although the grasses were more sensitive to high soil penetration resistance, they showed higher root length densities at all compaction levels. P. americanum had the highest potential to be used as cover crop due to its high root density at high soil penetration resistances, vegetative vigour and ability to accumulate macronutrients. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objectives of this work were to characterize pineapple plants (Ananas comosus L. Merril) cv. Smooth Cayenne, cultured in vitro, in saline medium, in relation to bromelian activity, identifying the parts of the plant with the highest bromelian activity. Also under aim was the study of the influence of saline stress on the enzyme activity. Axillary buds of pineapple were cultivated in vitro in MS medium, supplemented with 2 mg.L-1 BAP and 1 mg.L-1 NAA. The levels of salinity tested were: 0.57 g.L-1 NaCl, 1.15 g.L-1 NaCl, and 2.30 g.L-1 NaCl. Bromelian activity was evaluated in the development of buds, shoots, and roots. The results showed that bromelian activity was higher in buds at the highest salt concentration at 15 days. Cultured shoots showed bromelian activity decreasing in the saline treatments in all the collection, up to 60 days in culture. The roots showed higher bromelian activity in the roots in saline medium.


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This work was carried out with Psychotria ipecacuanha, a Brazilian medicinal plant the roots of which contain emetine. The main objective was to develop a protocol for the micro-propagation of these species, by testing different culture techniques, the temporary immersion system, and the semi-solid and liquid media systems. In the semi-solid system, experiments were developed in flasks of two different sizes containing MS, B5, and WP media to which were added different growth regulators. Innoculum density was also evaluated. The liquid medium system consisted of MS medium supplemented with different growth regulators. For the temporary immersion system, the MS medium received an addition of 1.5mg/L BAP and 0.5mg/L GA3, and a reverse digital apparatus and vacuum pump were used. The liquid medium system with MS medium supplemented with 1.5mg/L BAP and 0.5mg/L GA3 presented the best results for shoot proliferation in a period of 30 days in culture (2.37 ± 0.32 shoots/explant). Cultures carried out for 90 days in the semi-solid system, using 8.5 × 5.5cm flasks and 3 explants per flask, developed 1.80 ± 0.20 shoots/explant, achieving 3.06 ± 0.51 cm of height adn presented superior survival ratio (96%). Explants cultured in temporary immersion system for 90 days showed 2.30 ± 1.10 shoots/explant achieving a growth of 2.08 ± 0.12 cm and 52% survival.


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This paper reports the occurrence of the longhorn beetle Phoracantha recurva Newman (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) attacking Eucalyptus citriodora logs in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. This Australian species was introduced in the country and is considered a quarentenary pest because it may negatively influence the exporting of eucalypts logs. Details on the biology, damage and control, as well as the different morphological characteristics between P. recurva and P. semipunctata are discussed.


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The acute toxicity of pellitorine, an amide isolated from Piper tuberculatum (Piperaceae) which is studied as a biopesticide in European corner borer, was evaluated on larvae and newly emerged adults of honeybee Apis mellifera by means of contact and ingestion bioassays. Workers in the larval and adult phase were separated in groups, which received pellitorine in different concentrations. The larvae were maintained in their own original cells, receiving feeding and normal care from the nurses. The adults were confined in wooden cages with screens, receiving artificial diet made up of sugar and water (1:1). The concentrations of 40, 200, 1 000, 5 000 and 25 000 ng a.i./individual were obtained diluting pellitorine in 98% ethanol. LD10 values of 39.14, 36.16 and 13.79 ng a.i./insect were determined for larvae, for adults by ingestion and adults by contact, respectively. The honeybee larvae were shown to be highly susceptible to the amide pellitorine.


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This objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different methods of red beet seedling production and direct sowing on the development of the plant in field conditions. 'Tall Top Early Wonder' was used as the cultivar. The experimental design was a randomized blocks with 4 replications of each treatment: T1 - seedling produced in trays of 288 cells; T2 - 200 cells; T3 - 128 cells; T4 - 128 cells; T5 - direct sowing and T6 - bare-root seedling. The seedlings produced in trays and bare root seedlings were transplanted in the field 28 DAS with spacing of 0.20 x 0.10m. The mean height of plants, leaf area, leaf dry matter, petiole dry matter, shoot dry matter, root dry matter, relationship between shoot dry matter and root dry matter, absolute growth rate, relative growth rate, net assimilation rate, leaf area ratio and specific leaf area were determined. Storage root fresh matter and mean storage root diameter were determined starting from 77 DAS. Initial growth of the plants were superior for the direct sowing, resulting in smaller RGR and NAR than the other treatments. Independent of the production method, an increase of the cycle of the crop was verified. T6 had larger delay in the initial development. There was no difference for productivity. Method T1, had less expenses with respect to substrate and space in the vegetation home, without reduction in production.