892 resultados para low-molecular-weight heparin
Blends of chromophore-labeled LLDPE and chromophore-labeled PMMA compatibilized by block copolymer of hydrogenated polybutadiene and methyl methacrylate (PHB-b-PMMA) were studied by nonradiative energy transfer (NRET) technique. The ratio of fluorescence intensity of the donor at 336 nm and the acceptor at 408 nm (I-D/I-A) decreased with an increase in block copolymer content. At about 8 wt.-% block copolymer content I-D/I-A reached a minimum value, indicating the interdiffusion of LLDPE chains and PMMA chains in the interface is strongest. The influence of temperature on the interdiffusion of polymer chains in the interface was also examined. Samples quenched in liquid nitrogen from 140 degrees C showed lower energy transfer efficiencies than those annealed from 150 degrees C to room temperature.
The relationship between molecular and crystalline structural characteristics of the ethylene -dimethylaminoethylmethacrylate copolymers (EDAM) was investigated and related to melt flow index MI and average gross content of DAM comonomer, in comparison with low density polyethylene (LDPE) produced by the common high-pressure radical polymerization process. Although the average molecular weight and its distribution are influenced predominantly by the polymerization conditions, DAM-content seems not to depend significantly on molecular weight according to the GPC-FT/IR measurement. Comonomer sequence distributions were determined quantitatively with the C-13-NMR spectra entirely assigned by DEPT and H-1-C-13 COSY techniques. The result suggests the alternating copolymerization tendency and surprisingly coincides with the simulation out-puts based on the assumption of continuous complete mixing reactor model, using Mayo-Lewis equation and the same Q-e values as previously reported on different types of copolymers such as EVA and St.DAM (VA;vinylacetate, St;styrene). It was confirmed by WAXD and SAXS analyses that the crystallinity X(c) and the thickness of lamellar crystal l(c) decreased with increasing DAM-content, whereas the a-lattice and b-lattice dimensions enlarged. X(c) and l(c) can definitely be correlated to the heats of fusion and crystallization measured by DSC. The average size of spherulites measured with light scattering photometry tends to be enlarged with decreasing molecular weight (increasing MI) and DAM-content.
Tumor necrosis factor receptors (TNFRs) are a superfamily of proteins characterized by the unique cysteine-rich domain (CRD) and their important roles in diverse physiological and pathological events such as inflammation, apoptosis, autoimmunity and organogenesis. The first member of the molluscan TNFR family, designated as CfTNFR, was identified from Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri by expressed sequence tag (EST) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length cDNA of CfTNFR was of 1334 bp, consisting of a 5' UTR of 17 bp, a 3'UTR of 69 by with a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORE) of 1248 by encoding a polypeptide of 415 amino acids with a theoretical isoelectric point of 8.33 and predicted molecular weight of 47.07 kDa. There were a signal peptide, a CRD, a transmembrane region and a death domain in the deduced amino acid sequence of CfTNFR, suggesting that it was a typical type 1 membrane protein. The high identities (22-40%) of CfTNFR with other TNFR superfamily members indicated that CfTNFR should be a member of TNFR superfamily, and moreover, it should be the first death domain-containing TNFR found in invertebrates. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that CfTNFR was closely related to TNFR-like proteins from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, Drosophila melanogaster and Ciona intestinalis, and they formed a separate branch apart from vertebrate TNFRs. The spatial expression of CfTNFR transcripts in healthy and bacteria challenged scallops was examined by quantitative real-time PCR. CfTNFR transcripts could be detected in all tested tissues, including haemocytes, gonad, gill, mantle and hepatopancreas, and significantly up-regulated in the tissues of gonad, gill, mantle and hepatopancreas after Listonella anguillarum challenge, indicating that CfTNFR was constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein involved in immune defence. The present results suggested the existence of the TNFR-like molecules and TNF-TNFR system in low invertebrates, and provided new insights into the role of CfTNFR in scallop innate immune responses to invading microorganisms. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rhodanines (2-thio-4-oxothiazolidines) are synthetic small molecular weight organic molecules with diverse applications in biochemistry, medicinal chemistry, photochemistry, coordination chemistry and industry. The X-ray crystal structure determination of two rhodanine derivatives, namely (I), 3-aminorhodanine [3-amino-2-thio-4-oxothiazolidine], C3H4N2OS2, and (II) 3-methylrhodanine [3-methyl-2-thio-4-oxothiazolidine], C4H5NOS2, have been conducted at 100 K. I crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/n with unit cell parameters a = 9.662(2), b = 9.234(2), c = 13.384(2) angstrom, beta = 105.425(3)degrees, V = 1151.1(3) angstrom(3), Z = 8 (2 independent molecules per asymmetric unit), density (calculated) = 1.710 mg/m(3), absorption coefficient = 0.815 mm(-1). II crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Iba2 with unit cell a = 20.117(4), b = 23.449(5), c = 7.852(2) angstrom, V = 3703.9(12) angstrom(3), Z = 24 (three independent molecules per asymmetric unit), density (calculated) = 1.584 mg/m(3), absorption coefficient 0.755 mm(-1). For I in the final refinement cycle the data/restraints/parameter ratios were 2639/0/161, goodness-of-fit on F-2 = 0.934, final R indices [I > 2sigma(I)] were R1 = 0.0299, wR2 = 0.0545 and R indices (all data) R1 = 0.0399, wR2 = 0.0568. The largest difference peak and hole were 0.402 and -0.259 e angstrom(-3). For II in the final refinement cycle the data/restraints/parameter ratios were 3372/1/221, goodness-of-fit on F(2) = 0.950, final R indices [I > 2sigma(I)] were R1 = 0.0407, wR2 = 0.1048 and R indices (all data) R1 = 0.0450, wR2 = 0.1088. The absolute structure parameter = 0.19(9) and largest difference peak and hole 0.934 and -0.301 e angstrom(-3). Details of the geometry of the five molecules (two for I and three for II) and the crystal structures are fully discussed. Corresponding features of the molecular geometry are highly consistent and firmly establish the geometry of the rhodanine
L’infertilité affecte environ 15% des couples en âge de se reproduire. Dans près de la moitié des cas, des facteurs masculins sont à la base de l’infertilité, quoique les causes exactes demeurent souvent inconnues. Les spermatozoïdes de mammifères subissent une série d’étapes de maturation avant d’acquérir la capacité de féconder un ovocyte. Les premiers changements ont lieu à l’intérieur de l’épididyme, où les spermatozoïdes gagnent la capacité de se mouvoir ainsi que de reconnaître et d’interagir avec l’ovocyte. Suite à l’éjaculation, ils doivent subir une seconde série de modifications à l’intérieur du tractus génital femelle, nommée capacitation. Nous avons préalablement démontré que chez le bovin, la famille de protéines BSP (Binder of SPerm) est essentielle à la capacitation. Des homologues des BSP ont aussi été isolés du fluide séminal de porc, de bouc, de bélier, de bison et d’étalon. Malgré la détection d’antigènes apparentés aux BSP dans le fluide séminal de souris et d’humain, les homologues des BSP n’ont jamais été caractérisés chez ces espèces. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que des homologues des BSP seraient exprimés chez la souris et l’humain et joueraient un rôle dans la maturation des spermatozoïdes. Nous avons démontré que des séquences homologues aux BSP sont présentes dans les génomes murin et humain. Le génome murin contient trois séquences; Bsph1, Bsph2a et Bsph2b, tandis qu’une seule séquence (BSPH1) a été identifée chez l’humain. Les séquences d’ADNc de Bsph1, Bsph2a et BSPH1 ont été clonées, tandis que Bsph2b serait probablement un pseudogène. Les trois gènes sont exprimés uniquement dans l’épididyme et font partie d’une sous-famille distincte à l’intérieur de la famille des BSP. Chez les ongulés, les BSP sont exprimées par les vésicules séminales, sont ajoutées aux spermatozoïdes lors de l’éjaculation et représentent une proportion significative des protéines du plasma séminal. Au contraire, les BSP épididymaires ne sont retrouvées qu’en faibles quantités dans le fluide séminal. L’étude de leur rôle dans les fonctions spermatiques était donc plus difficile que chez les ongulés, où l’isolement des protéines natives du plasma séminal à l’aide de techniques de chromatographie était possible. Afin d’étudier sa fonction, nous avons exprimé BSPH1 recombinante dans E. coli. Les ponts disulfure des domaines de type-II caractéristiques de ces protéines ont fait en sorte que l’expression de BSPH1 fusionnée à une étiquette hexahistidine ou glutathion-S-transférase a donné lieu à des protéines insolubles dans les corps d’inclusion. La production de BSPH1 soluble a été possible grâce à l’ajout d’une étiquette thiorédoxine et l’expression dans une souche au cytoplasme oxidatif. BSPH1 a été purifiée par affinité et sa liaison aux partenaires connus des BSP, la phosphatidylcholine, les lipoprotéines de faible densité et la membrane des spermatozoïdes, suggérait que la protéine recombinante possédait sa conformation native et pouvait être utilisée pour des essais fonctionnels. La forme native de BSPH1 a été détectée dans le plasma séminal humain suite au fractionnement par gel filtration. La liaison de BSPH1 native à une colonne d’affinité à l’héparine a indiqué qu’elle partage aussi cette propriété de liaison avec la famille des BSP, et pourrait lier les GAGs semblables à l’héparine du tractus génital féminin. Une colonne d’immunoaffinité anti-BSPH1 a été préparée à l’aide d’anticorps générés contre des protéines recombinantes, et a permis d’isoler BSPH1 native à partir d’extraits de spermatozoïdes humains. Nos résultats montrent que BSPH1 native serait localisée dans les microdomaines « rafts » de la membrane. Sa masse moléculaire apparente était de 32 kDa, ce qui est supérieur à la masse prédite selon sa séquence en acides aminés, indiquant la présence probable de modifications post-traductionnelles, ou d’une migration anormale. L’effet de BSPH1 recombinante et des anticorps anti-BSPH1 sur la motilité, la viabilité et la capacitation a aussi été étudié. Les deux dernières variables ont été mesurées par un essai de cytométrie en flux, optimisé dans cette étude. Aucun effet des protéines recombinantes ou des anticorps sur la motilité et la viabilité des spermatozoïdes n’a été noté. Quoiqu’une stimulation modeste, quoique significative, de la capacitation ait été observée à la plus faible concentration de BSPH1, les concentrations plus élevées n’ont pas montré d’effet. De la même manière, les anticorps anti-BSPH1 n’ont pas eu d’effet significatif sur la capacitation. Ces résultats suggèrent que BSPH1 produite dans E. coli n’affecte pas la capacitation de façon marquée. Cependant, puisque BSPH1 native possède probablement des modifications post-traductionnelles, une protéine recombinante produite dans des cellules de mammifères pourrait affecter les fonctions spermatiques. De manière alternative, les BSP épididymaires remplissent peut-être un rôle différent dans les fonctions spermatiques que celles sécrétées par les vésicules séminales des ongulés. Les résultats décrits dans cette thèse pourraient contribuer à améliorer le diagnostic de l’infertilité masculine, ainsi que les techniques de reproduction assistée et éventuellement, pourraient mener au développement de contraceptifs masculins.
Low-protein content natural rubber latex was produced by using a nonionic surfactant-polyethylene glycol (PEG). Extractable protein content of natural rubber latex was found to decrease with PEG treatment and reduction increased with increase in the molecular weight of PEG. The low-protein latex samples were characterized by tensile testing, Fourier transform infrared and thermogravimetric analysis. The results have shown 35% reduction in the extractable protein content, without any compromise on the mechanical properties of the latex; however, thermal stability of low-protein latex was found to be reduced marginally with PEG treatment.
Der Wechsel von Tag und Nacht erzeugt einen regelmäßigen Rhythmus von verschiedenen Umweltreizen, allen voran Licht und Temperatur. Fast jedes bis zum heutigen Tage untersuchte Lebewesen besitzt einen endogenen Mechanismus zur Zeitwahrnehmung, und diese "innere Uhr" befähigt Lebewesen dazu, sich vorausschauend an rhythmische Umwelt-Änderungen anzupassen. Circadiane Rhythmen bestehen auch ohne jegliche äußere Reize und basieren auf einem molekularen Rückkopplungs-Mechanismus, der Rhythmen in Genexpression und Proteinkonzentration von etwa 24 Stunden erzeugt. Obwohl sich die grundsätzlichen Mechanismen und Komponenten dieses molekularen Uhrwerks in allen Insekten ähneln, zeigte sich jedoch immer mehr, dass es im Detail doch wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Insektengruppen gibt. Während das molekulare Uhrwerk der Fruchtfliege Drosophila melanogaster inzwischen sehr gut untersucht ist, fehlen bei den meisten Insektengruppen immernoch eingehende Untersuchungen. Fast nichts ist über die molekulare Basis von circadianen Rhythmen bei der Schabe Rhyparobia maderae bekannt, obwohl diese Art bereits seit Langem als Modellorganismus in der Chronobiologie dient. Um mit der Forschung am molekularen, circadianen System von R. maderae zu beginnen, wurde die Struktur und das Expressionsprofil der core feedback loop Gene per, tim1 und cry2 analysiert. Mittels degenerierten Primern und RACE konnte das vollständige offene Leseraster (OLR) von rmPer und rmCry2, und ein Teil des rmTim1 OLR kloniert werden. Eine phylogenetische Analyse gruppierte rmPER und rmCRY2 gemeinsam mit den Orthologa hemimetaboler Insekten. Viele bei D. melanogaster funktionell charakterisierte Domänen sind bei diesen Proteinen konserviert, was auf eine ähnliche Funktion in der inneren Uhr von R. maderae hinweist. Mittels quantitativer PCR konnte gezeigt werden, dass die mRNA von rmPer, rmTim1 und rmCry2 in verschiedenen Lichtregimen in der gleichen Phasenlage Tageszeit-abhängig schwankt. Die Phasenlage stellte sich bei unterschiedlichen Photoperioden jeweils relativ zum Beginn der Skotophase ein, mit Maxima in der ersten Hälfte der Nacht. Auch im Dauerdunkel zeigen sich Rhythmen in der rmTim1 und rmCry2 Expression. Die Amplitude der rmPer Expressionsrhythmen war jedoch so gering, dass keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Zeitgeberzeiten (ZT) festgestellt werden konnten. Mittels Laufrad-Assays wurde untersucht wie Kurz- und Langtag Lichtregime die Verhaltensrhythmen beeinflussen. Es konnten nur Unterschiede in der Periodenlänge unter freilaufenden Bedingungen festgestellt werden, wenn höhere Lichtintensitäten (1000lx) zur Synchronisation (entrainment) genutzt wurden. Die Periode des freilaufenden Rhythmus war bei Tieren aus dem Kurztag länger. Die photoperiodische Plastizität zeigte sich also auch auf Verhaltensebene, obwohl höhere Lichtintensitäten notwendig waren um einen Effekt zu beobachten. Basierend auf den Sequenzen der zuvor klonierten OLR wurden gegen rmPER, rmTIM1 und rmCRY2 gerichtete Antikörper hergestellt. Die Antikörper gegen rmPER und rmTIM1 erkannten in western blots sehr wahrscheinlich spezifisch das jeweilige Protein. Zeitreihen von Gehirngewebe-Homogenisaten zeigten keinen offensichtlichen circadianen Rhythmus in der Proteinkonzentration, wahrscheinlich auf Grund einer Oszillation mit niedriger Amplitude. In Immunhistochemischen Färbungen konnte nur mit dem gegen rmPER gerichteten Antikörper aus Kaninchen ein Signal beobachtet werden. Beinahe jede Zelle des Zentralnervensystems war rmPER-immunreaktiv im Zellkern. Es konnten keine Unterschiede zwischen den untersuchten ZTs festgestellt werden, ähnlich wie bei den western blot Zeitreihen. In dieser Studie konnten erstmals molekulare Daten der circadianen Uhr von R. maderae erfasst und dargestellt werden. Die Uhrgene per, tim1 und cry2 werden in dieser Schabenart exprimiert und ihre Domänenstruktur sowie das circadiane Expressionsmuster ähneln dem hypothetischen ursprünglichen Insektenuhrwerk, welches der circadianen Uhr von Vertebraten nahesteht. Das molekulare Uhrwerk von R. maderae kann sich an unterschiedliche Photoperioden anpassen, und diese Anpassungen manifestieren sich im Expressionsprofil der untersuchten Uhrgene ebenso wie im Verhalten.
Eighty-eight multiparous sows were used to evaluate whether type and timing of oil supplementation during gestation influences the incidence of low birth weight (LBW). Sows were allocated (eight per treatment) commercial sow pellets (3 kg/d; control diet) or an experimental diet consisting of control diet plus 10 % extra energy in the form of excess pellets, palm oil, olive oil (OO), sunflower oil (SO) or fish oil; experimental diets were fed during either the first half (G1) or second half (G2) of gestation. Growth performance and endocrine profile of LBW ( < 1·09 kg) and normal birth weight (NBW; 1·46–1·64 kg) offspring were compared. Maternal dietary supplementation altered the distribution curve for piglet birth weight. SOG1 sows had a greater proportion of LBW piglets (P < 0·05), whilst it was reduced in the OOG1 group (P < 0·05). Growth rate of LBW piglets was lower compared with their NBW siblings (P < 0·05) when dietary supplementation was offered in G2 but were similar for G1. At birth, LBW offspring of supplemented animals possessed more fat compared with the control group (P < 0·05); LBW offspring of control animals exhibited a more rapid decline in fat free mass/kg prior to weaning. Plasma metabolites and insulin concentrations were influenced by maternal diet and birth weight. In conclusion, maternal dietary supplementation altered the distribution of piglet birth weights and improved the energy status of LBW piglets. Supplementation with MUFA during G1 reduced the incidence of LBW, whereas PUFA had the reverse effect.
Since the first description of sulfated polysaccharides from seaweeds, the biological activities of these compounds have been evaluated under different aspects and experimental procedures. Among the broad biological activities presented by seaweed polysaccharides, anticoagulant action appears as a promising function. In this present study we have obtained sulfated polysaccharides from the green seaweed Codium isthmocladium by proteolytic digestion, followed by separation into five fractions (0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 and 1.2) by sequential acetone precipitation. The chemical analyses have demonstrated that all fractions are composed mainly by sulfated polysaccharides. The anticoagulant activity of these fractions was determined by activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and prothrombin time test (PT) using citrate normal human plasma. None fraction has shown anticoagulant activity by PT test. Furthermore, all of them have shown anticoagulant activity by aPTT test. These results indicated that the molecular targets of these sulfated polysaccharides are mainly in the intrinsic via of the coagulation cascade. Agarose gel electrophoresis in 1,3-diaminopropane acetate buffer, pH 9.0, stained with 0.1% toluidine blue showed the presence of two or three bands in several fractions while the fraction 0.9 showed a single spot. By anion exchange chromatography, the acid polysaccharides from the 0.9 acetone fraction were separated into two new fractions eluted respectively with 2.0 and 3.0 M NaCl. These compounds showed a molecular weight of 6.4 and 7.4 kDa respectively. Chemical analyses and infrared spectroscopy showed that Gal 1 and Gal 2 are sulfated homogalactans and differ one from the other in degree and localization of sulfate groups. aPPT test demonstrated that fractions 2,0 and 3,0M (Gal1 and Gal 2, respectively) have anticoagulant activity. This is the first time that anticoagulant sulfated homogalatans have been isolated from green algae. To prolong the coagulation time to double the baseline value in the aPTT, the required amount of sulfated galactan 1 (6,3mg) was similar to low molecular heparin Clexane®, whereas only 0,7mg of sulfated galactan 2 was needed to obtain the same effect. Sulfated galactan 2 in high doses (250mg) induces platelet aggregation. These results suggest that these galactans from C. isthmocladum have a potential application as an anticoagulant drug
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Heparin-binding proteins (HBP) from seminal plasma have been expected to participate in modulation of the acrosomal reaction, and have been correlated with fertility in some species. However, they have not been described in the dog. The aim of this study was to document the HBPs of canine seminal plasma. Six pooled samples of seminal plasma from three crossbred dogs were used. The HBPs were isolated by heparin affinity chromatography and the fractions recovered were pooled. One-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was carried out on 12 and 18% vertical minigels. The stained gels were scanned and the molecular weight (kDa) values for each band within a lane were calculated by image analysis software. The electrophoresis analysis of the pooled eluded fractions identified 19 bands, with molecular weights varying from 61.5 to 5.2 kDa. Previous studies, using one-dimensional SDS-PAGE, identified two bands (67 and 58.6 kDa), which were positively correlated with some semen parameters (sperm motility, sperm vigor, percentage of morphologically normal sperm and plasma membrane integrity). The 61.5 kDa band detected in the present study apparently corresponded to the 58.6 kDa band identified previously. Canine seminal plasma contained HBP; since HBP modulate the acrosome reaction in other species, they may have the same function in the dog. Further studies are necessary to better characterize this protein and determine if it is associated with fertility in the dog. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper offers the physical and chemical characterization of a new dextran produced by Leuconostoc mesenteroides FT045B. The chemical structure was determined by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy and 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy. The dextran was hydrolyzed by endodextranase; the products were analyzed using thin layer chromatography and compared with those of commercial B-512F dextran. The number-average molecular weight and degree of polymerization of the FT045B dextran were determined by the measurement of the reducing value using the copper bicinchoninate method and the measurement of total carbohydrate using the phenol-sulfuric acid method. The data revealed that the structure of the dextran synthesized by FT045B dextran sucrase is composed of d-glucose residues, containing 97.9% α-(1,6) linkages in the main chains and 2.1% α-(1,3) branch linkages compared with the commercial B-512F dextran, which has 95% α-(1,6) linkages in the main chains and 5% α-(1,3) branch linkages. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Opportunistic infections are an increasingly common problem in hospitals, and the yeast Candida parapsilosis has emerged as an important nosocomial pathogen, especially in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) where it has been responsible for outbreak cases. Risk factors for C. parapsilosis infection in neonates include prematurity, very low birth weight, prolonged hospitalization, indwelling central venous catheters, hyperalimentation, intravenous fatty emulsions and broad spectrum antibiotic therapy. Molecular methods are widely used to elucidate these hospital outbreaks, establishing genetic variations among strains of yeast. Aims: The aim of this study was to detect an outbreak of C. parapsilosis in an NICU at the Hospital das Clinicas , Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu, a tertiary hospital located in São Paulo, Brazil, using the molecular genotyping by the microsatellite markers analysis. Methods: A total of 11 cases of fungemia caused by C. parapsilosis were identified during a period of 43 days in the NICU. To confirm the outbreak all strains were molecularly typed using the technique of microsatellites. Results: Out of the 11 yeast samples studied, nine showed the same genotypic profile using the technique of microsatellites. Conclusions: Our study shows that the technique of microsatellites can be useful for these purposes. In conclusion, we detected the presence of an outbreak of C. parapsilosis in the NICU of the hospital analyzed, emphasizing the importance of using molecular tools, for the early detection of hospital outbreaks, and for the introduction of effective preventive measures, especially in NICUs. © 2012 Revista Iberoamericana de Micología.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)