956 resultados para localized amyloidosis


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Lesions of anatomical brain networks result in functional disturbances of brain systems and behavior which depend sensitively, often unpredictably, on the lesion site. The availability of whole-brain maps of structural connections within the human cerebrum and our increased understanding of the physiology and large-scale dynamics of cortical networks allow us to investigate the functional consequences of focal brain lesions in a computational model. We simulate the dynamic effects of lesions placed in different regions of the cerebral cortex by recording changes in the pattern of endogenous ("resting-state") neural activity. We find that lesions produce specific patterns of altered functional connectivity among distant regions of cortex, often affecting both cortical hemispheres. The magnitude of these dynamic effects depends on the lesion location and is partly predicted by structural network properties of the lesion site. In the model, lesions along the cortical midline and in the vicinity of the temporo-parietal junction result in large and widely distributed changes in functional connectivity, while lesions of primary sensory or motor regions remain more localized. The model suggests that dynamic lesion effects can be predicted on the basis of specific network measures of structural brain networks and that these effects may be related to known behavioral and cognitive consequences of brain lesions.


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Uterine leiomyosarcomas (LMSs) are rare cancers representing less than 1% of all uterine malignancies. Clinical International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage is the most important prognostic factor. Other significant prognostic factors, especially for early stages, are difficult to establish because most of the published studies have included localized and extra-pelvian sarcomas. The aim of our study was to search for significant prognostic factors in clinical stage I and II uterine LMS. The pathologic features of 108 uterine LMS including 72 stage I and II lesions were reviewed using standardized criteria. The prognostic significance of different pathologic features was assessed. The median follow-up in the whole group was 64 months (range, 6-223 months). The 5-year overall survival (OS) and metastasis-free interval and local relapse-free interval rates in the whole group and early-stage group (FIGO stages I and II) were 40% and 57%, 42% and 50%, 56% and 62%, respectively. Clinical FIGO stage was the most important prognostic factor for OS in the whole group (P = 4 x 10). In the stage I and II group, macroscopic circumscription was the most significant factor predicting OS (P = 0.001). In the same group, mitotic score and vascular invasion were associated with metastasis-free interval (P = 0.03 and P = 0.04, respectively). Uterine LMSs diagnosed using standardized criteria have a poor prognosis, and clinical FIGO stage is an ominous prognostic factor. In early-stage LMS, pathologic features such as mitotic score, vascular invasion, and tumor circumscription significantly impact patient outcome.


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OBJECTIVES: Calcium-sensing receptors (CaSRs) have been localized in the juxtaglomerular apparatus where they may contribute to the regulation of renin release. In the present study, we investigated the in-vitro and in-vivo effects of the calcimimetic R-568 on renin release. METHODS: In vitro, the effect of calcimimetics on renin release was assessed by incubating freshly isolated rat juxtaglomerular cells with or without R-568 (1 and 10 mumol/l) in serum-free medium in the presence or absence of forskolin or CaCl2. In vivo, we measured the impact of R-568 (20 ng/min intravenously) on the acute changes in plasma renin activity (PRA) induced by either a 90 min infusion of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor captopril, or the beta-receptor agonist isoproterenol, or of a vehicle in or after a furosemide challenge in conscious Wistar rats. RESULTS: In vitro, R-568 dose-dependently blunted renin release, but also reduced the increase in renin due to forskolin (P < 0.01). Both isoproterenol and enalapril increased in vivo PRA to 3.1 +/- 0.3 and 3.7 +/- 0.5 ng Ang I/ml per h, respectively (P < 0.01), compared with vehicle (1.5 +/- 0.2 ng Ang I/ml per h). R-568 significantly reduced PRA to 2.1 +/- 0.1 ng/ml per h in isoproterenol-treated rats and to 1.6 +/- 0.2 ng/ml per h in enalapril-treated rats (P < 0.05). In low-salt treated animals, acute infusion of furosemide increased PRA from 8.7 +/- 3.2 to 18.6 +/- 2.3, whereas R-568 partially blunted this rise to 11.2 +/- 1.5 (P = 0.02). In vivo, R-568 significantly lowered serum calcium and PTH1-84, but the drug-induced changes in PRA were independent of the changes in calcium and parathyroid hormone. CONCLUSION: After the recent discovery of CaSRs in juxtaglomerular cells of mice, our results confirm the presence of such receptors in rats and demonstrate that these receptors modulate renin release both in vitro and in vivo. This suggests that CaSRs play a role as a regulatory pathway of renin release.


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In the process of phosphate rock acidulation, several impure P compounds may be formed along with the desirable Ca and NH4 phosphates. Such compounds normally reduce the content of water-soluble P and thus the agronomic effectiveness of commercial fertilizers. In order to study this problem, a greenhouse experiment consisting of three consecutive corn crops was conducted in samples of a Red-Yellow Latosol (Typical Hapludox) in a completely randomized design (6 x 2 x 2), with four replicates. Six commercial fertilizers were added to 2 kg of soil at a rate of 70 mg kg-1 P, based on the content of soluble P in neutral ammonium citrate plus water (NAC + H2O) of the fertilizers. Fertilizer application occurred either in the original form or leached to remove the water-soluble fraction, either by mixing the fertilizer with the whole soil in the pots or with only 1 % of its volume. The corn plants were harvested 40 days after emergence to determine the shoot dry matter and accumulated P. For the first crop and localized application, the elimination of water-soluble P from the original fertilizers resulted in less bioavailable P for the plants. For the second and third crops, the effects of P source, leaching and application methods were not as evident as for the first, suggesting that the tested P sources may have similar efficiencies when considering successive cropping. The conclusion was drawn that the water-insoluble but NAC-soluble fractions of commercial P fertilizers are not necessarily inert because they can provide P in the long run.


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Barbiturates are regularly used as an anesthetic for animal experimentation and clinical procedures and are frequently provided with solubilizing compounds, such as ethanol and propylene glycol, which have been reported to affect brain function and, in the case of (1)H NMR experiments, originate undesired resonances in spectra affecting the quantification. As an alternative, thiopental can be administrated without any solubilizing agents. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of deep thiopental anesthesia on the neurochemical profile consisting of 19 metabolites and on glucose transport kinetics in vivo in rat cortex compared with alpha-chloralose using localized (1)H NMR spectroscopy. Thiopental was devoid of effects on the neurochemical profile, except for the elevated glucose at a given plasma glucose level resulting from thiopental-induced depression of glucose consumption at isoelectrical condition. Over the entire range of plasma glucose levels, steady-state glucose concentrations were increased on average by 48% +/- 8%, implying that an effect of deep thiopental anesthesia on the transport rate relative to cerebral glucose consumption ratio was increased by 47% +/- 8% compared with light alpha-chloralose-anesthetized rats. We conclude that the thiopental-induced isoelectrical condition in rat cortex significantly affected glucose contents by depressing brain metabolism, which remained substantial at isoelectricity.


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The endodermis represents the main barrier to extracellular diffusion in plant roots, and it is central to current models of plant nutrient uptake. Despite this, little is known about the genes setting up this endodermal barrier. In this study, we report the identification and characterization of a strong barrier mutant, schengen3 (sgn3). We observe a surprising ability of the mutant to maintain nutrient homeostasis, but demonstrate a major defect in maintaining sufficient levels of the macronutrient potassium. We show that SGN3/GASSHO1 is a receptor-like kinase that is necessary for localizing CASPARIAN STRIP DOMAIN PROTEINS (CASPs)--major players of endodermal differentiation--into an uninterrupted, ring-like domain. SGN3 appears to localize into a broader band, embedding growing CASP microdomains. The discovery of SGN3 strongly advances our ability to interrogate mechanisms of plant nutrient homeostasis and provides a novel actor for localized microdomain formation at the endodermal plasma membrane.


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We describe a novel repair of an anterior inflammatory tracheal defect with mediastinitis, which occurred after external tracheal suspension of localized intrathoracic tracheomalacia. The malacic tracheal segment of 4-cm length containing the inflammatory tracheal defect was noncircumferentially resected. A temporary endotracheal silicone stent was introduced, and the trachea was closed by a pedicled pectoralis muscle flap reinforced with an embedded rib segment. Retrieval of the stent 5 months postoperatively resulted in a re-epithelialized, persistently stable, noncollapsible tracheal segment that showed the same diameter and configuration as the nonreconstructed part of the trachea.


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The role of PIP(2) in pancreatic beta cell function was examined here using the beta cell line MIN6B1. Blocking PIP(2) with PH-PLC-GFP or PIP5KIgamma RNAi did not impact on glucose-stimulated secretion although susceptibility to apoptosis was increased. Over-expression of PIP5KIgamma improved cell survival and inhibited secretion with accumulation of endocytic vacuoles containing F-actin, PIP(2), transferrin receptor, caveolin 1, Arf6 and the insulin granule membrane protein phogrin but not insulin. Expression of constitutively active Arf6 Q67L also resulted in vacuole formation and inhibition of secretion, which was reversed by PH-PLC-GFP co-expression. PIP(2) co-localized with gelsolin and F-actin, and gelsolin co-expression partially reversed the secretory defect of PIP5KIgamma-over-expressing cells. RhoA/ROCK inhibition increased actin depolymerization and secretion, which was prevented by over-expressing PIP5KIgamma, while blocking PIP(2) reduced constitutively active RhoA V14-induced F-actin polymerization. In conclusion, although PIP(2) plays a pro-survival role in MIN6B1 cells, excessive PIP(2) production because of PIP5KIgamma over-expression inhibits secretion because of both a defective Arf6/PIP5KIgamma-dependent endocytic recycling of secretory membrane and secretory membrane components such as phogrin and the RhoA/ROCK/PIP5KIgamma-dependent perturbation of F-actin cytoskeleton remodelling.


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The QDR (quinidine drug resistance) family of genes encodes transporters belonging to the MFS (major facilitator superfamily) of proteins. We show that QDR transporters, which are localized to the plasma membrane, do not play a role in drug transport. Hence, null mutants of QDR1, QDR2 and QDR3 display no alterations in susceptibility to azoles, polyenes, echinocandins, polyamines or quinolines, or to cell wall inhibitors and many other stresses. However, the deletion of QDR genes, individually or collectively, led to defects in biofilm architecture and thickness. Interestingly, QDR-lacking strains also displayed attenuated virulence, but the strongest effect was observed with qdr2∆, qdr3∆ and in qdr1/2/3∆ strains. Notably, the attenuated virulence and biofilm defects could be reversed upon reintegration of QDR genes. Transcripts profiling confirmed differential expression of many biofilm and virulence-related genes in the deletion strains as compared with wild-type Candida albicans cells. Furthermore, lipidomic analysis of QDR-deletion mutants suggests massive remodelling of lipids, which may affect cell signalling, leading to the defect in biofilm development and attenuation of virulence. In summary, the results of the present study show that QDR paralogues encoding MFS antiporters do not display conserved functional linkage as drug transporters and perform functions that significantly affect the virulence of C. albicans.


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Le diabète est une maladie chronique caractérisée par une élévation du taux de sucre dans le sang aussi appelé « glycémie » reflétant un état pathologique. L'élévation de la glycémie au long cours a des répercussions délétères sur nombreux de nos tissus et organes d'où l'apparition de complications sévères chez les sujets diabétiques pouvant atteindre les yeux, les reins, le système nerveux, le système cardiovasculaire et les membres inférieurs. La carence en une hormone essentielle à notre organisme, l'insuline, est au coeur du développement de la maladie. L'insuline induit la captation du glucose circulant dans le sang en excès suite à une prise alimentaire riche en glucides et favorise son utilisation et éventuellement son stockage dans les tissus tels que le foie, le tissu adipeux et les muscles. Ainsi, l'insuline est vitale pour réguler et maintenir stable notre niveau de glycémie. Les cellules bêta du pancréas sont les seules entités de notre corps capables de produire de l'insuline et une perte de fonctionnalité associée à leur destruction ont été mises en cause dans le processus pathologique du diabète de type 2. Cependant la pleine fonctionnalité et la maturation des cellules bêta n'apparaissent qu'après la naissance lorsque le pancréas en développement a atteint sa masse adulte définitive. Enfin, une fois la masse des cellules bêta définitive établie, leur nombre et volume restent relativement constants au cours de la vie adulte chez un sujet sain. Néanmoins, au cours de périodes critiques les besoins en insuline sont augmentés tel qu'observé chez les femmes enceintes et les personnes obèses qui ont une perte de sensibilité à l'insuline qui se traduit par la nécessité de sécréter plus d'insuline afin de maintenir une glycémie normale. Dans l'hypothèse où la compensation n'a pas lieu ou n'est pas aboutie, le diabète se développe. Le processus de maturation postnatale ainsi que les événements compensatoires sont donc des étapes essentielles et de nombreuses questions sont encore non résolues concernant l'identification des mécanismes les régulant. Parmi les acteurs potentiels figurent de petites molécules d'ARN découvertes récemment appelées microARNs et qui ont été rapidement suggérées très prometteuses dans l'identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques dans le cadre du diabète et d'autres pathologies. Les microARNs vont réguler l'expression de notre génome sans en modifier la séquence, phénomène également appelé épigénétique, ce qui résulte en des différences de comportement et de fonction cellulaires. Les microARNs sont donc susceptibles de jouer un rôle clé dans l'ensemble des processus biologiques et notre environnement associé à nos prédispositions génétiques peuvent grandement modifier leur niveau et donc leur action, qui à son tour se répercutera sur notre état physiologique. En effet nous avons identifié des changements de microARNs dans les cellules d'îlots pancréatiques de modèles animaux (rats et souris) associés à un état de résistance à l'insuline (grossesse et obésité). Par le biais d'expériences in vitro sur des cellules bêta extraites de rats et conservées en culture, nous avons pu analyser de plus près l'implication des microARNs dans la capacité des cellules bêta à sécréter de l'insuline mais aussi à se multiplier et à survivre au sein d'un environnement toxique. Ainsi, nous avons identifié des microARNs qui participent positivement à la compensation des cellules bêta, sous la direction d'hormones telles les estrogènes ou d'une hormone libérée par l'intestin au cours de la digestion (l'inerétine GLP1) et qui est largement utilisée comme agent thérapeutique dans la médication contre le diabète. Dans un second temps nous avons utilisé une stratégie similaire afin de déterminer le rôle de microARNs préalablement détectés comme étant changés au cours du développement postnatal des cellules bêta chez le rat. Cette étude a également mené à l'identification de microARNs participant à la maturation et à l'expansion de la masse des cellules bêta sous l'influence de la composition du régime alimentaire et des besoins en insuline adéquats qui en dépendent. Ces études apportent la vision de nouveaux mécanismes moléculaires impliquant les microARNs et démontrant leur importance pour le bon fonctionnement des cellules bêta et leur capacité d'adaptation à l'environnement. -- Les cellules bêta sont une composante des îlots pancréatiques de Langerhans et sont des cellules hautement différenciées qui ont l'unique capacité de sécréter de l'insuline sous l'influence des nutriments suite à une prise alimentaire. L'insuline facilite l'incorporation de glucose dans ses tissus cibles tels le foie, le tissu adipeux et les muscles. Bien que les besoins en insuline soient relativement constants au cours de la vie d'un individu sain, certaines conditions associées à un état de résistance à l'insuline, telles la grossesse ou l'obésité, requièrent une libération d'insuline majorée. En cas de résistance à l'insuline, une dysfonction des cellules bêta plus ou moins associée à leur mort cellulaire, conduisent à une sécrétion d'insuline insuffisante et au développement d'une hyperglycémie chronique, caractéristique du diabète de type 2. Jusqu'à présent, les mécanismes moléculaires sous- jacents à la compensation des cellules bêta ou encore menant à leur dysfonction restent peu connus. Découverts récemment, les petits ARNs non-codant appelés microARNs (miARNs), suscitent un intérêt grandissant de par leur potentiel thérapeutique pour la prise en charge et le traitement du diabète. Les miARNs sont de puissants régulateurs de l'expression génique qui lient directement le 3'UTR de leurs ARN messagers cibles afin d'inhiber leur traduction ou d'induire leur dégradation, ce qui leur permet de contrôler des fonctions biologiques multiples. Ainsi, nous avons pris pour hypothèse que les miARNs pourraient jouer un rôle essentiel en maintenant la fonction des cellules bêta et des processus compensatoires afin de prévenir le développement du diabète. Lors d'une première étude, une analyse transcriptomique a permis l'identification de miARNs différemment exprimés au sein d'îlots pancréatiques de rattes gestantes. Parmi eux, le miR-338-3p a démontré la capacité de promouvoir la prolifération et la survie des cellules bêta exposées à des acides gras saturés et des cytokines pro-inflammatoires, sans altérer leur propriété sécrétrice d'insuline. Nous avons également identifié deux hormones reconnues pour leurs propriétés bénéfiques pour la physiologie de la cellule bêta, l'estradiol et l'incrétine GLP1, qui régulent les niveaux du miR-338-3p. Ce miARN intègre parfaitement les voies de signalisation de ces deux hormones dépendantes de l'AMP cyclique, afin de contrôler l'expression de nombreux gènes conduisant à son action biologique. Dans un projet ultérieur, notre objectif était de déterminer la contribution de miARNs dans l'acquisition de l'identité fonctionnelle des cellules bêta en période postnatale. En effet, directement après la naissance les cellules bêta sont reconnues pour être encore immatures et incapables de sécréter de l'insuline spécifiquement en réponse à l'élévation de la glycémie. Au contraire, la réponse insulinique induite par les acides aminés ainsi que la biosynthèse d'insuline sont déjà fonctionnelles. Nos recherches ont permis de montrer que les changements de miARNs corrélés avec l'apparition du phénotype sécrétoire en réponse au glucose, sont régis par la composition nutritionnelle du régime alimentaire et des besoins en insuline qui en découlent. En parallèle, le taux de prolifération des cellules bêta est considérablement réduit. Les miARNs que nous avons étudiés coordonnent des changements d'expression de gènes clés impliqués dans l'acquisition de propriétés vitales de la cellule bêta et dans la maintenancé de son identité propre. Enfin, ces études ont permis de clairement démontrer l'importance des miARNs dans la régulation de la fonction des cellules bêta pancréatiques. -- Beta-cells are highly differentiated cells localized in the pancreatic islets and are characterized by the unique property of secreting insulin in response to nutrient stimulation after meal intake. Insulin is then in charge of facilitating glucose uptake by insulin target tissues such as liver, adipose tissue and muscles. Despite insulin needs stay more or less constant throughout life of healthy individuals, there are circumstances such as during pregnancy or obesity which are associated to insulin resistance, where insulin needs are increased. In this context, defects in beta-cell function, sometimes associated with beta-cell loss, may result in the release of inappropriate amounts of insulin leading to chronic hyperglycemia, properly defined as type 2 diabetes mellitus. So far, the mechanisms underlying beta- cell compensation as well as beta-cell failure remain to be established. The recently discovered small non-coding RNAs called microRNAs (miRNAs) are emerging as interesting therapeutic targets and are bringing new hope for the treatment of diabetes. miRNAs display a massive potential in regulating gene expression by directly binding to the 3'UTR of messenger RNAs and by inhibiting their translation and/or stability, enabling them to modify a wide range of biological functions. In view of this, we hypothesized that miRNAs may play an essential role in preserving the functional beta-cell mass and permitting to fight against beta-cell exhaustion and decompensation that can lead to diabetes development. In a first study, global profiling in pancreatic islets of pregnant rats, a model of insulin resistance, led to the identification of a set of differentially expressed miRNAs. Among them, miR-338- 3p was found to promote beta-cell proliferation and survival upon exposure of islet cells to pro- apoptotic stimuli such as saturated fatty acids or pro-inflammatory cytokines, without impairment in their capacity to release insulin. We also discovered that miR-338-3p changes are driven by two hormones, the estradiol and the incretin GLP1, both well known for their beneficial impact on beta- cell physiology. Consistently, we found that miR-338-3p integrates the cAMP-dependent signaling pathways regulated by these two hormones in order to control the expression of numerous genes and execute its biological functions. In a second project, we aimed at determining whether miRNAs contribute to the acquisition of beta-cell identity. Indeed, we confirmed that right after birth beta-cells are still immature and are unable to secrete insulin specifically in response to elevated concentrations of glucose. In contrast, amino acid-stimulated insulin release as well as insulin biosynthesis are already fully functional. In parallel, newborn beta-cells are proliferating intensively within the expanding pancreas. Interestingly, we demonstrated that the miRNA changes and the subsequent acquisition of glucose responsiveness is influenced by the diet composition and the resulting insulin needs. At the same time, beta-cell proliferation declines. The miRNAs that we have identified orchestrate expression changes of essential genes involved in the acquisition of specific beta-cell properties and in the maintenance of a mature beta-cell identity. Altogether, these studies clearly demonstrate that miRNAs play important roles in the regulation of beta-cell function.


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Introduction: The primary somatosensory cortex (SI) contains Brodmann areas (BA) 1, 2, 3a, and 3b. Research in non-human primates showed that BAs 3b, 1, and 2 each contain one full representation of the hand with separate representations for each finger. This research also showed that the finger representation in BA3b has larger and clearer finger somatotopy than BA1 and 2. Although several efforts to map finger somatotopy in SI by fMRI have been made at 1.5 and 3T these studies have yielded variable results and were not able to detect single subject finger somatotopy, probably due to the limited spatial extent of the cortical areas representing a digit (close to the resolution in most fMRI experiments), complications due to acquisition of consistent maps for individual subjects (Schweizer et al 2008), or inter-individual variability in sulcal anatomy impeding group studies. Here, we used 7T fMRI to investigate finger somatotopy in SI, some of its functional characteristics, and its reproducibility. Methods: Eight right-handed male subjects were scanned on a 7T scanner (Siemens Medical, Germany) with an 8-channel Tx/Rx rf-coil (Rapid Biomedical, Germany). 1.3x1.3x1.3mm3 resolution fMRI data were acquired using a sinusoidal readout EPI sequence (Speck et al, 2008) and FOV=210mm, TE/TR=27ms/2.5s, GRAPPA=2. Each volume contained 28 transverse slices covering SI. A single EPI volume with 64 slices was acquired to aid coregistration. 1x1x1mm3 anatomical data were acquire using the MP2RAGE sequence (Marques et al, 2009; TE/TR/TI1,2/TRmprage=2.63ms/7.2ms/0.9,3.2s/5s). Subjects were positioned supine in the scanner with their right arm comfortably against the magnet bore. An experimenter was positioned at the entrance of the bore where he could easily reach and stroke successively the two distal phalanxes of each digit. The order of stroked digit was D1 (thumb)-D3-D5-D2-D4, with 20s ON, 10s OFF alternated. This sequence was repeated four times per run and two functional runs were acquired per subject. Realignment, smoothing (FWHM 2 mm), coregistration of the anatomical to the fMRI data and calculation of t-statistics were done using SPM8. An SI mask was obtained via an F-contrast (p<0.001) over all digits. Within the mask, voxels were labeled with the number of the digit demonstrating the highest t-value for that particular voxel. Results: For all subjects, areas corresponding to the five digits were identified in contralateral SI. BA3b showed the most consistent somatotopic finger representation (see an example in Fig.1). The five digits were localized in a consecutive order in the cortex, with D1 most anterior, inferior and distal and D5, most posterior, superior and medial (mean distance between centres of mass of digit representations ±stderr: 4.2±0.7mm; see Fig. 2). The analysis of average beta values within each finger representation region revealed the specificity of the somatotopic region to the tactile input for each tested finger (except digit 4 and 5). Five of these subjects also presented an orderly and consecutive representation of the five digits in BA1 and 2. Conclusions: Our data reveal that the increased BOLD sensitivity at 7T and the high spatial resolution used in this study allow consistent somatotopic mapping using human touch as a stimulus and that human SI contains at least three separate regions that contain five separate representations of all single contralateral fingers. Moreover, adjacent fingers were represented at adjacent cortical regions across the three SI regions. The spatial organization of SI as reflected in individual subject topography corresponds well with previous electrophysiological data in non-human primates. The small distance between digit representations highlights the need for the high spatial resolution available at 7T.


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Prostate cancer (PCa) is a potentially curable disease when diagnosed in early stages and subsequently treated with radical prostatectomy (RP). However, a significant proportion of patients tend to relapse early, with the emergence of biochemical failure (BF) as an established precursor of progression to metastatic disease. Several candidate molecular markers have been studied in an effort to enhance the accuracy of existing predictive tools regarding the risk of BF after RP. We studied the immunohistochemical expression of p53, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and cyclin D1 in a cohort of 70 patients that underwent RP for early stage, hormone naïve PCa, with the aim of prospectively identifying any possible interrelations as well as correlations with known prognostic parameters such as Gleason score, pathological stage and time to prostate-specific antigen (PSA) relapse. We observed a significant (p = 0.003) prognostic role of p53, with high protein expression correlating with shorter time to BF (TTBF) in univariate analysis. Both p53 and COX-2 expression were directly associated with cyclin D1 expression (p = 0.055 and p = 0.050 respectively). High p53 expression was also found to be an independent prognostic factor (p = 0.023). Based on previous data and results provided by this study, p53 expression exerts an independent negative prognostic role in localized prostate cancer and could therefore be evaluated as a useful new molecular marker to be added in the set of known prognostic indicators of the disease. With respect to COX-2 and cyclin D1, further studies are required to elucidate their role in early prediction of PCa relapse after RP.


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BALB/c mice were immunized with anti-idiotypic monoclonal (MAb) antibody (anti-Id or Ab2) directed against an AB1 MAb anti-carcinoembryonic (CEA) in order to obtain AB3 MAbs (anti-anti-Id). AB3 MAbs were shown to recognise the primary antigen (CEA) and one of them was tested extensively in vitro and in vivo. This AB3 MAb was shown to bind specifically to CEA on frozen sections of a human colon carcinoma by immunoperoxidase. Scatchard plot analyses showed that the affinity of this AB3 was of the same order of magnitude as the AB1. In vivo experiments, in nude mice bearing CEA-producing human colon-carcinoma xenografts showed that up to 30% of the intravenously injected dose of 125I-labelled AB3 were localized per gram of tumour tissue. Furthermore, calculation of the ratios of AB3 concentration in the tumour over those in normal organs such as lung, liver, kidney, spleen and bone gave relatively high values similar to results obtained with AB1. All together our results show that AB3 can localize as efficiently and specifically in the tumour as AB1, despite the fact that the mice from which it was derived were immunized with a mouse MAb (AB2) and had never been exposed to CEA.


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The clinical picture of 15 patients (10 male, five female) with amyloid arthropathy secondary to chronic renal failure treated with haemodialysis has been studied. The average period of haemodialysis was 10.8 years. Joint symptoms appeared between three and 13 years after starting haemodialysis. No patient had renal amyloidosis. Early symptoms were varied and often overlapped: knee swelling (seven patients), painful and stiff shoulders (seven), and carpal tunnel syndrome (six) were the most prominent. Follow up showed extension to other joints. Joint effusions were generally of the non-inflammatory type. Radiologically, geodes and erosions of variable sizes were seen in the affected joints, which can develop into a destructive arthropathy. Amyloid was found in abdominal fat in three of the 12 patients on whom a needle aspiration was performed. Four of 12 patients showed changes compatible with amyloid infiltration in the echocardiogram. One patient had amyloid in the gastric muscular layer, another in the colon mucus, and two of four in rectal biopsy specimens. Amyloid deposits showed the presence of beta 2 microglobulin in 10 patients. The clinical and radiological picture was similar to the amyloid arthropathy associated with multiple myeloma. These patients can develop systemic amyloidosis.


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Purpose: We have previously demonstrated that mutations in the FAM161A gene, encoding a protein with unknown function and no similarities with other characterized sequences, cause autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (RP). The purpose of this work is to investigate the functional role of FAM161A within the retina and its relationship with other proteins involved in RP. Methods: The subcellular localization of FAM161A in the retina was assessed by immunohistochemistry of retinal sections and dissociated photoreceptors from mice, which were stained using antibodies against FAM161A and antibodies against cilium markers. The function of FAM161A was further assessed in ciliated mammalian cell lines by expression of recombinant FAM161A with various fusion tags. The binary interaction between FAM161A and a collection of ciliary and ciliopathy-associated proteins was analyzed using a yeast two-hybrid assay. The results obtained with this technique were validated using independent protein-protein interaction assays (GST-pull downs, co-transfection and co-immunoprecipitation). Results: Native FAM161A localized at the connecting cilium of photoreceptor cells, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence in both dissociated photoreceptors and retinal sections of mice. More specifically, co-staining with markers for ciliary sub-structures (RPGRIP1L, Centrin, RP1, GT335) demonstrated that FAM161A decorated the basal body and the very apical part of the connecting cilium. Upon overexpression in ciliated cultured mammalian cells, FAM161A localized to the ciliary basal body. Yeast two-hybrid analysis of the binary interaction of FAM161A and an array of ciliary proteins revealed the direct interaction of FAM161A with three proteins of which the cognate genes are mutated in retinal ciliopathies. The confirmation of these interactions using different biochemical assays is currently in progress. Conclusions: FAM161A is a ciliary basal body protein of the photoreceptor connecting cilium, rendering the associated RP as a novel retinal ciliopathy. The confined expression of FAM161A in the retina and the direct interaction of FAM161A with other retinal ciliopathy-associated proteins may explain the retinal phenotype of this specific subset of mechanistically and phenotypically connected retinal disorders.