926 resultados para light intensity
Ocean acidification and carbonation, driven by anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), have been shown to affect a variety of marine organisms and are likely to change ecosystem functioning. High latitudes, especially the Arctic, will be the first to encounter profound changes in carbonate chemistry speciation at a large scale, namely the under-saturation of surface waters with respect to aragonite, a calcium carbonate polymorph produced by several organisms in this region. During a CO2 perturbation study in 2010, in the framework of the EU-funded project EPOCA, the temporal dynamics of a plankton bloom was followed in nine mesocosms, manipulated for CO2 levels ranging initially from about 185 to 1420 ?atm. Dissolved inorganic nutrients were added halfway through the experiment. Autotrophic biomass, as identified by chlorophyll a standing stocks (Chl a), peaked three times in all mesocosms. However, while absolute Chl a concentrations were similar in all mesocosms during the first phase of the experiment, higher autotrophic biomass was measured at high in comparison to low CO2 during the second phase, right after dissolved inorganic nutrient addition. This trend then reversed in the third phase. There were several statistically significant CO2 effects on a variety of parameters measured in certain phases, such as nutrient utilization, standing stocks of particulate organic matter, and phytoplankton species composition. Interestingly, CO2 effects developed slowly but steadily, becoming more and more statistically significant with time. The observed CO2 related shifts in nutrient flow into different phytoplankton groups (mainly diatoms, dinoflagellates, prasinophytes and haptophytes) could have consequences for future organic matter flow to higher trophic levels and export production, with consequences for ecosystem productivity and atmospheric CO2.
C14 uptake rates and chlorophyll content from incubation experiment L1C016 at station DI182_11864#41
C14 uptake rates and chlorophyll content from incubation experiment L2C003 at station DI183_11869#29
La historia de la construcción de las catedrales góticas es la historia de la búsqueda de la luz. Esta afirmación casi metafísica, recoge una realidad asumida por todos los historiadores tanto de la arquitectura antigua como del resto de las artes. La luz en el gótico ha sido descrita bajo múltiples matices como son su carácter simbólico, cromático e incluso místico, sin embargo no existe, en el estudio del conocimiento de la luz gótica, ninguna referencia a la misma como realidad física cuantificable, cualificable y por tanto, clasificable. La presente tesis doctoral aborda el concepto de la iluminación gótica desde una perspectiva nueva. Demuestra, con un método analítico inédito, que la iluminación gótica es cuantificable y cualificable. Para ello analiza en profundidad la iluminación de una selección de 6 edificios muestra, las catedrales de Gerona, Toledo, Sevilla y León, la basílica de Santa María del Mar y la capilla de la Sainte Chapelle de París, mediante una toma de datos “in situ” de iluminación y su comparación con los datos lumínicos obtenidos por un programa de soleamiento de la simulación en tres dimensiones de los distintos proyectos originales góticos. El análisis exhaustivo de las muestras y su introducción en el método analítico descrito, permite determinar, en primer lugar, unas cualidades inéditas que identifican la luz de los espacios góticos según unos parámetros nuevos como son la intensidad, expresividad, recorrido, distorsión y color. También describe cuales son los factores determinantes, de nuevo inéditos, que modulan cada una de las cualidades y en que proporción lo hacen cada uno de ellos. Una vez establecidas las cualidades y los factores que las definen, la tesis doctoral establece los rangos en los que se mueven las distintas cualidades y que conformarán la definitiva clasificación según “tipos de cualidad lumínica”. Adicionalmente, la tesis propone un procedimiento abreviado de acercamiento a la realidad de la iluminación gótica a través de unas fórmulas matemáticas que relacionan los factores geométricos detectados y descritos en la tesis con el resultado luminoso del espacio en lo que concierne a las dos cualidades más importantes de las reflejadas, la intensidad y la expresividad. Gracias a este método y su procedimiento abreviado, la clasificación se hace extensible al resto de catedrales góticas del panorama español y europeo y abre el camino a nuevas clasificaciones de edificios históricos de distintas épocas, iniciando un apasionante camino por recorrer en la recuperación de “la luz original”. Esta clasificación y sus cualidades podrán a su vez, ser utilizadas como herramientas de conocimiento de un factor determinante a la hora de describir cualquier espacio gótico y su aportación pretende ser un nuevo condicionante a tener en cuenta en el futuro, ayudando a entender y respetar, en las posibles intervenciones a realizar sobre el patrimonio arquitectónico, aquello que fue en su inicio motor principal del proyecto arquitectónico y que hoy día no se valora suficientemente tan solo por falta de conocimiento: su luz. The history of the construction of the Gothic cathedrals is the history of the search for light. This almost etaphysical statement reflects a reality accepted by all historians both of ancient architecture and other arts. Light in the Gothic period has been described under multiple approaches such as its symbolic, chromatic and even mystical character. However, in the study of the Gothic light, no references exist to it as a physical quantifiable and qualifiable reality and therefore, classifiable. This dissertation deals with the concept of Gothic light from a new perspective. With a new analytical method, it shows that Gothic lighting is quantifiable and can be classified regarding quality. To this end, a selection of 6 buildings light samples are analyzed; the cathedrals of Gerona, Toledo, Seville and León, the basilica of Santa María of the Sea and the Sainte Chapelle in Paris. "In situ" lighting data is collected and it is compared with lighting data obtained by a program of sunlight of the 3D simulation of various Gothic original projects. The comprehensive analysis of the samples and the data introduced in the analytical method described, allows determining, first, important qualities that identify the light of Gothic spaces according to new parameters such as intensity, expressiveness, trajectory, distortion and color. It also describes the determinant factors, which modulate each of the qualities and in what proportion they do it. Once the qualities and factors that define them have been established, in this doctoral dissertation the ranges regarding different qualities are set, which will make up the final classification according to "types of light quality". In addition, this work proposes an abbreviated procedure approach to the reality of the Gothic lighting through some mathematical formulae, relating the geometric factors identified and described in the study with the bright result of space regarding the two most important qualities of the light,intensity and expressiveness. Thanks to this method and to the abbreviated procedure, the classification can be applied to other Spanish and European Gothic cathedrals and opens up the way to new classifications of historic buildings from different eras, starting an exciting road ahead in the recovery of the "original light". This classification and its qualities may in turn be used as tools to know a determinant factor when describing any Gothic space. Its contribution is intended to be a new conditioning factor to keep in mind in the future, helping to understand and respect, in possible interventions on the architectural heritage, what was the main engine to start the architectural project and which today is not valued enough due to the lack knowledge: the light.
Concepts of lateral ordering of epitaxial semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are for the first time transferred to hybrid nanostructures for active plasmonics. We review our recent research on the self-alignment of epitaxial nanocrystals of In and Ag on ordered one-dimensional In(Ga)As QD arrays and isolated QDs by molecular beam epitaxy. By changing the growth conditions the size and density of the metal nanocrystals are easily controlled and the surface plasmon resonance wavelength is tuned over a wide range in order to match the emission wavelength of the QDs. Photoluminescence measurements reveal large enhancement of the emitted light intensity due to plasmon enhanced emission and absorption down to the single QD level.
ZnTe doped with high concentrations of oxygen has been proposed in previous works as intermediate band (IB) material for photovoltaic applications. The existence of extra optical transitions related to the presence of an IB has already been demonstrated in this material and it has been possible to measure the absorption coefficient of the transitions from the valence band (VB) to the IB. In this work we present the first measurement of the absorption coefficient associated to transitions from the IB to the conduction band (CB) in ZnTe:O. The samples used are 4 ?m thick ZnTe layers with or without O in a concentration ~ 1019 cm-3, which have been grown on semi-insulating GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The IB-CB absorption coefficient peaks for photon energies ~ 0.4 eV. It is extracted from reflectance and transmittance spectra measured using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Under typical FTIR measurement conditions (low light intensity, broadband spectrum) the absorption coefficient in IB-to-CB transitions reaches 700 cm-1. This is much weaker than the one observed for VB-IB absorption. This result is consistent with the fact that the IB is expected to be nearly empty of electrons under equilibrium conditions in ZnTe(:O). The absorption for VB to IB transitions is also observed in the same samples through reflectance measurements performed in the visible range using a monochromator. These measurements are compared with the quantum efficiency (QE) from solar cells fabricated under similar conditions.
A new type of domain in twisted-wedge negative nematics is reported. The wedge shape allows the separation of ordinary and extraordinary beams that can be studied separately. In these conditions, at least five different regions can be detected, depending on applied voltages and frequencies. Both rays are shown to yield different diffraction patterns. The relative light intensity of several spots of these paterns is also studied.
Several attempts have been carried out to manufacture intermediate band solar cells (IBSC) by means of quantum dot (QD) superlattices. This novel photovoltaic concept allows the collection of a wider range of the sunlight spectrum in order to provide higher cell photocurrent while maintaining the open-circuit voltage (VOC) of the cell. In this work, we analyze InAs/GaAsN QD-IBSCs. In these cells, the dilute nitrogen in the barrier plays an important role for the strain-balance (SB) of the QD layer region that would otherwise create dislocations under the effect of the accumulated strain. The introduction of GaAsN SB layers allows increasing the light absorption in the QD region by multi-stacking more than 100 QD layers. The photo-generated current density (JL) versus VOC was measured under varied concentrated light intensity and temperature. We found that the VOC of the cell at 20 K is limited by the bandgap of the GaAsN barriers, which has important consequences regarding IBSC bandgap engineering that are also discussed in this work.
El Hogar Digital Accesible (HDA) de la ETSIST nace con el propósito de acercar las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información a las personas que precisan de necesidades concretas de accesibilidad y usabilidad, dotándoles de herramientas que les permitan aumentar su calidad de vida, confort, seguridad y autonomía. El entorno del HDA consta de elementos de control para puertas, persianas, iluminación, agua o gas, sensores de temperatura, incendios, gas, sistemas de climatización, sistemas de entretenimiento y sistemas de seguridad tales como detectores de presencia y alarmas. Todo ello apoyado sobre una arquitectura de red que proporciona una pasarela residencial y un acceso a banda ancha. El objetivo principal de este PFG ha sido el desarrollo de un sistema de autenticación para el Hogar Digital Accesible de bajo coste. La idea de integrar un sistema de autenticación en el HDA, surge de la necesidad de proteger de accesos no deseados determinados servicios disponibles dentro de un ámbito privado. Algunos de estos servicios pueden ser tales como el acceso a la lectura de los mensajes disponibles en el contestador automático, el uso de equipos multimedia, la desconexión de alarmas de seguridad o simplemente la configuración de ambientes según el usuario que esté autenticado (intensidad de luz, temperatura de la sala, etc.). En el desarrollo han primado los principios de accesibilidad, usabilidad y seguridad necesarios para la creación de un entorno no invasivo, que permitiera acreditar la identidad del usuario frente al sistema HDA. Se ha planteado como posible solución, un sistema basado en el reconocimiento de un trazo realizado por el usuario. Este trazo se usará como clave de cara a validar a los usuarios. El usuario deberá repetir el trazado que registró en el sistema para autenticarse. Durante la ejecución del presente PFG, se justificará la elección de este mecanismo de autenticación frente a otras alternativas disponibles en el mercado. Para probar la aplicación, se ha podido contar con dos periféricos de distintas gamas, el uDraw creado para la PS3 que se compone de una tableta digitalizadora y un lápiz que permite recoger los trazos realizados por el usuario de forma inalámbrica y la tableta digitalizadora Bamboo de Wacom. La herramienta desarrollada permite a su vez, la posibilidad de ser usada por otro tipo de dispositivos como es el caso del reloj con acelerómetro de 3 ejes de Texas Instruments Chronos eZ430 capaz de trasladar los movimientos del usuario al puntero de un ratón. El PFG se encuentra dividido en tres grandes bloques de flujo de trabajo. El primero se centra en el análisis del sistema y las tecnologías que lo componen, incluyendo los distintos algoritmos disponibles para realizar la autenticación basada en reconocimiento de patrones aplicados a imágenes que mejor se adaptan a las necesidades del usuario. En el segundo bloque se recoge una versión de prueba basada en el análisis y el diseño UML realizado previamente, sobre la que se efectuaron pruebas de concepto y se comprobó la viabilidad del proyecto. El último bloque incluye la verificación y validación del sistema mediante pruebas que certifican que se han alcanzado los niveles de calidad necesarios para la consecución de los objetivos planteados, generando finalmente la documentación necesaria. Como resultado del trabajo realizado, se ha obtenido un sistema que plantea una arquitectura fácilmente ampliable lograda a través del uso de técnicas como la introspección, que permiten separar la lógica de la capa de negocio del código que la implementa, pudiendo de forma simple e intuitiva sustituir código mediante ficheros de configuración, lo que hace que el sistema sea flexible y escalable. Tras la realización del PFG, se puede concluir que el producto final obtenido ha respondido de forma satisfactoria alcanzando los niveles de calidad requeridos, siendo capaz de proporcionar un sistema de autenticación alternativo a los convencionales, manteniendo unas cotas de seguridad elevadas y haciendo de la accesibilidad y el precio sus características más reseñables. ABSTRACT. Accessible Digital Home (HDA) of the ETSIST was created with the aim of bringing the latest information and communications technologies closer to the people who has special needs of accessibility and usability increasing their quality of life, comfort, security and autonomy. The HDA environment has different control elements for doors, blinds, lighting, water or gas, temperature sensors, fire protection systems, gas flashover, air conditioning systems, entertainments systems and security systems such as intruders detectors and alarms. Everything supported by an architecture net which provides a broadband residential services gateway. The main goal of this PFG was the development of a low-cost authentication system for the Accessible Digital Home. The idea of integrating an authentication system on the HDA, stems from the need to safeguard certain private key network resources from unauthorized access. Some of said resources are the access to the answering machine messages, the use of multimedia devices, the alarms deactivation or the parameter settings for each environment as programmed by the authenticated user (light intensity, room temperature, etc.). During the development priority was given to concepts like accessibility, usability and security. All of them necessary to create a non invasive environment that allows the users to certify their identity. A system based on stroke pattern recognition, was considered as a possible solution. This stroke is used as a key to validate users. The user must repeat the stroke that was saved on the system to validate access. The selection of this authentication mechanism among the others available options will be justified during this PFG. Two peripherals with different ranges were used to test the application. One of them was uDraw design for the PS3. It is wireless and is formed by a pen and a drawing tablet that allow us to register the different strokes drawn by the user. The other one was the Wacom Bamboo tablet, that supports the same functionality but with better accuracy. The developed tool allows another kind of peripherals like the 3-axes accelerometer digital wristwatch Texas Instruments Chronos eZ430 capable of transfering user movements to the mouse cursor. The PFG is divided by three big blocks that represent different workflows. The first block is focused on the system analysis and the technologies related to it, including algorithms for image pattern recognition that fits the user's needs. The second block describes how the beta version was developed based on the UML analysis and design previously done. It was tested and the viability of the project was verified. The last block contains the system verification and validation. These processes certify that the requirements have been fulfilled as well as the quality levels needed to reach the planned goals. Finally all the documentation has been produced. As a result of the work, an expandable system has been created, due to the introspection that provides the opportunity to separate the business logic from the code that implements it. With this technique, the code could be replaced throughout configuration files which makes the system flexible and highly scalable. Once the PFG has finished, it must therefore be concluded that the final product has been a success and high levels of quality have been achieved. This authentication tool gives us a low-cost alternative to the conventional ones. The new authentication system remains security levels reasonably high giving particular emphasis to the accessibility and the price.
ZnTe doped with high concentrations of oxygen has been proposed in previous works as an intermediate band (IB) material for photovoltaic applications. The existence of extra optical transitions related to the presence of an IB has already been demonstrated in this material and it has been possible to measure the absorption coefficient of the transitions from the valence band (VB) to the IB. In this study, we present the first measurement of the absorption coefficient associated with transitions from the IB to the conduction band (CB) in ZnTeO. The samples used are 4-mum-thick ZnTe layers with or without O in a concentration ~10 19 cm -3, which have been grown on semiinsulating GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The IB-CB absorption coefficient peaks for photon energies ~0.4 eV. It is extracted from reflectance and transmittance spectra measured using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Under typical FTIR measurement conditions (low light intensity, broadband spectrum), the absorption coefficient in IB-to-CB transitions reaches 700 cm -1. This is much weaker than the one observed for VB-IB absorption. This result is consistent with the fact that the IB is expected to be nearly empty of electrons under equilibrium conditions in ZnTe(O).