971 resultados para landfill gas emission measurements
Mud volcanoes (MV) are sources of mass and energy, transported from deeper levels of the sediment pile to the surface. Together with fluid and gas, thermal energy is emitted through these structures. Therefore heat flow determination is a sensible tool to detect and quantify the amount of convective flow. In the Gulf of Cadiz several mud volcanoes can be found along major tectonic lines (SWIM faults). We employ geothermal measurements to observe the activity of mud volcanoes and possible leakage at the faults apart from pronounced structures.
On DSDP Leg 84, gas hydrates were found at three sites (565, 568, and 570) and were inferred, on the basis of inorganic and organic geochemical evidence, to be present at two sites (566 and 569); no evidence for gas hydrates was observed at Site 567. Recovered gas hydrates appeared as solid pieces of white, icelike material occupying fractures in mudstone or as coarse-grained sediment in which the pore space exhibited rapid outgassing. Also a 1.05-m-long core of massive gas hydrate was obtained at Site 570. Downhole logging indicated that this hydrate was actually 3 to 4 m thick. Measurements of the amount of methane released during the decomposition of these recovered samples clearly showed that gas hydrates had been found. The distribution of evolved hydrocarbon gases indicated that Structure I gas hydrates were present because of the apparent inclusion of methane and ethane and exclusion of propane and higher molecular weight gases. The water composing the gas hydrates was fresh, having chlorinities ranging from 0.5 to 3.2 per mil. At Sites 565, 568, and 570, where gas hydrates were observed, the chlorinity of pore water squeezed from the sediment decreased with sediment depth. The chlorinity profiles may indicate that gas hydrates can often occur finely dispersed in sediments but that these gas hydrates are not recovered because they do not survive the drilling and recovery process. Methane in the gas hydrates found on Leg 84 was mainly derived in situ by biogenic processes, whereas the accompanying small amounts of ethane likely resulted from low-temperature diagenetic processes. Finding gas hydrates on Leg 84 expands observations made earlier on Leg 66 and particularly Leg 67. The results of all of these legs show that gas hydrates are common in landward slope sediments of the Middle American Trench from Mexico to Costa Rica.
Wollongong, Australia is an urban site at the intersection of anthropogenic, biomass burning, biogenic and marine sources of atmospheric trace gases. The location offers a valuable opportunity to study drivers of atmospheric composition in the Southern Hemisphere. Here, a record of surface carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) was measured with an in situ Fourier transform infrared trace gas analyser between April 2011 and August 2014. Clean air was found to arrive at Wollongong in approximately 10% of air masses. Biomass burning influence was evident in the average annual cycle of clean air CO during austral spring. A significant negative short-term trend was found in clean air CO (-1.5 nmol/mol/a), driven by a reduction in northern Australian biomass burning. Significant short-term positive trends in clean air CH4 (5.4 nmol/mol/a) and CO2 (1.9 ?mol/mol/a) were consistent with the long-term global average trends. Polluted Wollongong air was investigated using wind-direction/wind-speed clustering, which revealed major influence from local urban and industrial sources from the south. High values of CH4, with anthropogenic DCH4/DCO2 enhancement ratio signatures, originated from the northwest, in the direction of local coal mining. A pollution climatology was developed for the region using back trajectory analysis and DO3/DCO enhancement ratios. Ozone production environments in austral spring and summer were associated with anticyclonic meteorology on the east coast of Australia, while ozone depletion environments in autumn and winter were associated with continental transport, or fast moving trajectories from southern latitudes. This implies the need to consider meteorological conditions when developing policies for controlling air quality.
Water isotope records from the EPICA Dronning Maud Land (EDML) and the NorthGRIP ice cores have revealed a one to one coupling between Antarctic Isotope Maxima (AIM) and Greenland Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events back to 50 kyr. In order to explore if this north-south coupling is persistent over Marine Isotopic Stage 5 (MIS 5), a common timescale must first be constructed. Here, we present new records of d18O of O2 (d18Oatm) and methane (CH4) measured in the air trapped in ice from the EDML (68-147 kyr) and NorthGRIP (70-123 kyr) ice cores. We demonstrate that, through the period of interest, CH4 records alone are not sufficient to construct a common gas timescale between the two cores. Millennial-scale variations of d18Oatm are evidenced over MIS 5 both on the Antarctic and Greenland ice cores and are coupled to CH4 profiles to synchronise the NorthGRIP and EDML records. They are shown to be a precious tool for ice core synchronisation. With this new dating strategy, we produce the first continuous and accurate sequence of the north-south climatic dynamics on a common ice timescale for the last glacial inception and the first DO events of MIS 5, reducing relative dating uncertainties to an accuracy of a few centuries at the onset of DO events 24 to 20. This EDML-NorthGRIP synchronisation provides new firm evidence that the bipolar seesaw is a pervasive pattern from the beginning of the glacial period. The relationship between Antarctic warming amplitudes and their concurrent Greenland stadial duration highlights the particularity of DO event 21 and its Antarctic counterpart. Our results suggest a smaller Southern Ocean warming rate for this long DO event compared to DO events of MIS 3.