914 resultados para jornalismo


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Since photographic document always bears the marks of a given universe imagined, subject to fi ctionality inherent in all assemblies plot as an act, the purpose of this article is to analyze the photographs archival materials disclosed in remembrance of the Brazilian military dictatorship in the magazine Veja, published in the decennial anniversaries of the 1964 coup, from the methodological assumptions of the rhetoric of image. If, in some cases, archival photographs reinforced the argument of the report, in others, they created a parallel narrative, framing the present through an interpreted past.


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The genre documentary in itself characterized by citizen emancipation from the content discussed in his works. Termed as images of the people by Jean-Claude Bernardet (2003), the documentary is gaining traction in social development when added to citizen participation offered by transmedia storytelling. This study presents the results obtained from a literature search, the film analysis and experimentation supported in quasi-experimental methodology, results that support these conditions. Hopefully, from this discussion, consolidate the systematic development of transmedia documentary works in new media ecology and that maximizes the role of journalism by a traditionally audiovisual platform, now with other strands to the representation of the news.


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O estudo sobre a folkcomunicação foi um dos principais legados de Luiz Beltrão em sua batalha para conscientizar os estudantes de jornalismo quanto à comunicação coletiva e a seus múltiplos desdobramentos. A atualidade da pesquisa desse pioneiro tem despertado o interesse de diversos grupos, não só no Brasil, mas também na América Latina e em países europeus. Se, por um lado, a rapidez da sociedade da informação possibilita a criação cotidiana de "um mundo novo" de informações, com a oferta cada vez mais veloz de conhecimento exige, por outro, que toda essa gama de dados que circulam pelas "infovias" comunicacionais faça parte do cotidiano das pessoas quase que em tempo real. Esse ultimato se insere no mundo do trabalho, do lazer, da economia, da política, da cultura em uma aparente cobrança da inserção do indivíduo nesse contexto. Esse tem sido um dos motes principais de articulação da Rede (GOBBI, 2006). A pesquisa que estamos realizando busca conhecer, mapear, sistematizar os dados que estão sendo disponibilizados na rede mundial sobre a Folkcomunicação, tratando mais especificamente da Folkcomunicação Icônica, Formato Funerário e Folkcomunicação cinética, Formato: Rito de passagem, conforme definiu o professor José Marques de Melo, em seu trabalho sobre Gêneros e formatos folkcomunicacionais: aproximação taxionômica. Utilizando pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, a análise objetiva verificar quais tipos estão presentes e se há outros formatos e quais são eles.


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This paper is focused on the reading of the texts of writers who collaborated with the leading newspapers of the Rio-São Paulo (represented here by the daily O Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S. Paulo, O Globo and Jornal do Brasil) in coverage Football World Cup 1998, held in France. This tournament crystallized a growing trend from print to the Brazilian season: the convening of writers and chroniclers of notebooks from culture to comment on the matches of the World Cup. Here we analyze how these writers and their chronicles and columns permeated by the poetic and metalinguistic functions, enriched the sports pages with reports, stories or comments imagery, subjective and even fictional about football, a phenomenon that is countered, so the search for the referent and journalistic impartiality


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The paper presents and discusses business strategies based on the association from journalistic content to new commercial practices in digital media. We describe selected examples from Folha de S. Paulo and El País involving service guides, links and ecommerce advertisements. The employed method provides content analysis to illustrate how the search for new business models in journalism may conduct its commercial activities beyond the conventional sale of advertising and subscriptions, including a discussion on the challenges and implications of this practice. The hypothesis is demonstrated by describing operations for the sale of tickets, books, music, and films related to news features and service journalism contents. The text finally wonders and discusses how such commercial actions may affect editorial autonomy and publishing exemption.


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The study of Folk Communication is a major legacy of Luiz Beltrão in his endeavor to educate journalism students about collective communication and its many ramifications. The topicality of this pioneering research has piqued the interest of many groups, not only in Brazil but also in Latin America and in European countries. This research seeks to know, map, and organize the data on Folk Communication available on the web, dealing more specifically with Iconic Folk Communication, Funeral Format, and Kinetics Folk Communication, Format: Rite of Passage, as defined by Professor José Marques de Melo in his investigation on Genres and Formats of Folk Communication: a taxonomic approach. Employing bibliographic and documentary research, the objective of this analysis is to verify which types are present, and whether there are other formats and identify them.


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This article is part of the result of the Master's thesis of the author, guided by coauthor, and presents a theoretical and conceptual reflection on the representation of Technology in thematic sections Technology in four Brazilian newspaper sites. The fundamental hypothesis is that these editorials prioritize issues that meet market interests of companies in the sector and may be leaving out important social and cultural issues to the understanding of the relationship between technology and society. The study is itself oriented by prospects of journalistic theming and specialized journalism, from a quantitative analysis involving the websites from newspapers of Technology sections O Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S. Paulo, Gazeta do Povo and Correio Braziliense. The study confirms the hypothesis that representation of Technology in newspapers is primarily the marketing, have not corresponding to an expectation of social and cultural concept. In addition, it is noticed that the editorial in question do not have specialized journalism characteristics, despite of potential generated by thematic segmentation.


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This article seeks to contribute to the debate on the importance of cultural collective producers of anti-capitalist content, ownership of digital ecology by subaltern segments, the creation of the opposition media to exclusionary globalization and the articulation of alternative and radical public sphere for the recent demonstrations policies in planetary scale. Data were collected in the first half of 2013, on a course completion project in vehicles with citizen journalism characteristics ["Portal Fórum", "Outras Palavras" and "Observatório da Imprensa"]. Partial these mapping results indicate that these manifestations inherited anti-capitalist demands of previous decades, and amplified in [by digitally pathways] in political demonstrations that swept those abrasive months in major cities worldwide.


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The construction methods of information lean on in variable models in the contemporary, especially by the diversity of languages and platforms offered. Among the innovations we find a growth of the gamification effect in the representation or reinforcement of the news, seizing the moment entertainment to increase user engagement. This research presents, from a case study published by The New York Times on the information complement referring to the World Cup Brazil 2014, studies of the importance of the interface in the broadcasting of informative contents, especially in a society where the tactile sensation is growing.


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O projeto experimental Passé: balé bauruense em um ato e nove cenas é um livro-reportagem de perfis de pessoas que moram em Bauru e são ligadas ao balé clássico. Os entrevistados escolhidos pertencem a três gerações: são três idosas, três adultas e três jovens. Entre os nove perfilados, estão bailarinos e professores de balé clássico. O objetivo do projeto é resgatar, através da história oral de vida, e registrar, através do Jornalismo Literário, fragmentos da história da dança bauruense, pouco documentada, e retratar a paixão que as pessoas ligadas ao balé clássico sentem pela dança


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Esta tesis es resultado de un intenso trabajo de investigación realizado de agosto de 2014 a agosto de 2015, con financiación de la Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp). El objetivo se centró en la realización de un análisis, aunque preliminar, del papel de la TV pública con tecnología digital, como también de las tendencias, desafíos y perspectivas para consolidarla, tanto en Brasil como en Argentina, países con diversas similitudes en contextos económicos, sociales, políticos y culturales. Para cumplir los objetivos, estudiamos los recientes proyectos gubernamentales de televisión pública en los dos países suramericanos. El gobierno argentino invirtió en modernización en Canal 7 (antiguo Argentina Televisora Color-ATC), una emisora de casi seis décadas de funcionamiento, que ha sido prácticamente refundada a partir de los investimentos públicos del gobierno nacional argentino, realizados para digitalizar los sistemas de transmisión y de recepción de televisión abierta. El nuevo Canal 7 pasó a servir de cabeza de red del sistema de televisión pública de Argentina. En Brasil, el gobierno creó a fines del 2007, la Empresa Brasil de Comunicación (EBC), estructura administrativa que opera la red de televisión pública de TV Brasil. Ambos proyectos prometen construir y gestionar sistemas nacionales abiertos, modernos y competitivos de TV Pública Digital Abierta (TVPDA). Esta tesis también describe y compara de modo sucinto el desarrollo histórico de la radiodifusión - evidenciando la televisión como una plataforma en permanente disputa comunicacional, política, ideológica, publicitaria, cultural y económica -, tal como los modelos de televisión pública y comercial en cada uno de los dos países analizados (no entiendo la expresión). La estudiante de periodismo pretende confrontar el desarrollo de una estructura nacional de televisión pública iniciada en el...


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Essa monografia tem por objetivo verificar se a cobertura jornalística impressa do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo atuou como instrumento de criminalização das manifestações de junho de 2013, observada a precária atuação da mídia tradicional que ora desmoralizou os protestos, ora deslocou o eixo das discussões das demandas sociais e fatores políticos para o modo de agir dos manifestantes. Busca-se compreender, mais amplamente, a criminalização dos movimentos sociais pela mídia, fenômeno já notado por autores como Batista (2014), Bortolozzi Júnior (2008), Adissi (2011), Martins (2007) e Foscarini (2014), bem como sumarizar os mecanismos e conceitos que podem contribuir para o entendimento do assunto


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Earlier this year, took office in Congress deputies and senators regarding the Legislature from 2015 to 2019. Most elected officials has been identified as more conservative character, which should change the work schedule in the Legislative Houses. In this context, this experimental project consists of a journalistic reporting that aims to analyze how this new composition can affect issues involving the agenda of the LGBT community, in particular, the bills criminalizing the practice of homophobia. The work aims to reach politically minded readers between 21 and 60 years, in order to educate them about the importance of this issue. Therefore, we performed the calculation of violence perpetrated against this population, studied the new profile of the Congress, analyzed how Judiciary acts front of legislative inertia and made interviews. The report compiles important data about the issue and provides, as a result, information reinforced by experts to potentially broaden the understanding of readers about the fact


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS