998 resultados para hydrocarbon potential
Collectively, research aimed to understand the regeneration of certain tissues has unveiled the existence of common key regulators. Knockout studies of the murine Nuclear Factor I-C (NFI-C) transcription factor revealed a misregulation of growth factor signaling, in particular that of transforming growth factor ß-1 (TGF-ßl), which led to alterations of skin wound healing and the growth of its appendages, suggesting it may be a general regulator of regenerative processes. We sought to investigate this further by determining whether NFI-C played a role in liver regeneration. Liver regeneration following two-thirds removal of the liver by partial hepatectomy (PH) is a well-established regenerative model whereby changes elicited in hepatocytes following injury lead to a rapid, phased proliferation. However, mechanisms controlling the action of liver proliferative factors such as transforming growth factor-ßl (TGF-ß1) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) remain largely unknown. We show that the absence of NFI-C impaired hepatocyte proliferation due to an overexpression of PAI-1 and the subsequent suppression of urokinase plasminogen (uPA) activity and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) signaling, a potent hepatocyte mitogen. This indicated that NFI-C first acts to promote hepatocyte proliferation at the onset of liver regeneration in wildtype mice. The subsequent transient down regulation of NFI-C, as can be explained by a self- regulatory feedback loop with TGF-ßl, may limit the number of hepatocytes entering the first wave of cell division and/or prevent late initiations of mitosis. Overall, we conclude that NFI-C acts as a regulator of the phased hepatocyte proliferation during liver regeneration. Taken together with NFI-C's actions in other in vivo models of (re)generation, it is plausible that NFI-C may be a general regulator of regenerative processes. - L'ensemble des recherches visant à comprendre la régénération de certains tissus a permis de mettre en évidence l'existence de régulateurs-clés communs. L'étude des souris, dépourvues du gène codant pour le facteur de transcription NFI-C (Nuclear Factor I-C), a montré des dérèglements dans la signalisation de certains facteurs croissance, en particulier du TGF-ßl (transforming growth factor-ßl), ce qui conduit à des altérations de la cicatrisation de la peau et de la croissance des poils et des dents chez ces souris, suggérant que NFI-C pourrait être un régulateur général du processus de régénération. Nous avons cherché à approfondir cette question en déterminant si NFI-C joue un rôle dans la régénération du foie. La régénération du foie, induite par une hépatectomie partielle correspondant à l'ablation des deux-tiers du foie, constitue un modèle de régénération bien établi dans lequel la lésion induite conduit à la prolifération rapide des hépatocytes de façon synchronisée. Cependant, les mécanismes contrôlant l'action de facteurs de prolifération du foie, comme le facteur de croissance TGF-ßl et l'inhibiteur de l'activateur du plasminogène PAI-1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1), restent encore très méconnus. Nous avons pu montrer que l'absence de NFI-C affecte la prolifération des hépatocytes, occasionnée par la surexpression de PAI-1 et par la subséquente suppression de l'activité de la protéine uPA (urokinase plasminogen) et de la signalisation du facteur de croissance des hépatocytes HGF (hepatocyte growth factor), un mitogène puissant des hépatocytes. Cela indique que NFI-C agit en premier lieu pour promouvoir la prolifération des hépatocytes au début de la régénération du foie chez les souris de type sauvage. La subséquente baisse transitoire de NFI-C, pouvant s'expliquer par une boucle rétroactive d'autorégulation avec le facteur TGF-ßl, pourrait limiter le nombre d'hépatocytes qui entrent dans la première vague de division cellulaire et/ou inhiber l'initiation de la mitose tardive. L'ensemble de ces résultats nous a permis de conclure que NFI-C agit comme un régulateur de la prolifération des hépatocytes synchrones au cours de la régénération du foie.
It is intuitively obvious that snow or ice on a road surface will make that surface more slippery and thus more hazardous. However, quantifying this slipperiness by measuring the friction between the road surface and a vehicle is rather difficult. If such friction readings could be easily made, they might provide a means to control winter maintenance activities more efficiently than at present. This study is a preliminary examination of the possibility of using friction as an operational tool in winter maintenance. In particular, the relationship of friction to traffic volume and speed, and accident rates is examined, and the current lack of knowledge in this area is outlined. The state of the art of friction measuring techniques is reviewed. A series of experiments whereby greater knowledge of how friction deteriorates during a storm and is restored by treatment is proposed. The relationship between plowing forces and the ice-pavement bond strength is discussed. The challenge of integrating all these potential sources of information into a useful final product is presented together with a potential approach. A preliminary cost-benefit analysis of friction measuring devices is performed and suggests that considerable savings might be realized if certain assumptions should hold true. The steps required to bring friction from its current state as a research tool to full deployment as an operational tool are presented and discussed. While much remains to be done in this regard, it is apparent that friction could be an extremely effective operational tool in winter maintenance activities of the future.
Potential-Scour Assessments and Estimates of Maximum Scour at Selected Bridges in Iowa, HR-344, 1995
This report presents the results of potential-scour assessments at 130 bridges and estimates of maximum scour at 10 bridges, in Iowa. All of the bridges evaluated in the study are constructed bridges (not culverts) that are sites of active or discontinued streamflow-gaging stations and peak-stage measurement sites. The period of the study was from October 1991 to September 1994. The potential-scour assessments were made using a potential-scour index developed by the U.S. Geological Survey for a study in Tennessee. Higher values of the index suggest a greater likelihood of scour-related problems occurring at a bridge. The estimates of maximum scour were made using scour equations recommended by the Federal Highway Administration. In this study, the long term aggradation or degradation that occurred during the period of streamflow data collection at each site was evaluated. Although the abutment-scour equation predicted deep scour holes at many of the sites, the only significant abutment scour that was measured was erosion of the embankment at the left abutment at one bridge after a flood.
Tiivistelmä: Leijailmakuvausmenetelmän käyttömahdollisuudet soiden kartoituksessa - esimerkkejä Viron soilta
Over the past few years, the therapeutic potential of Treg has been highlighted in the field of autoimmune diseases and after allogeneic transplantation. The first hurdle for the therapeutic use of Treg is their insufficient numbers in non-manipulated individuals, in particular when facing strong immune activation and expanding effector cells, such as in response to an allograft. Here we review current approaches being explored for Treg expansion in the perspective of clinical therapeutic protocols. We describe different Treg subsets that could be suitable for clinical application, as well as discuss factors such as the required dose of Treg, their antigen-specificity and in vivo stability, that have to be considered for optimal Treg-based immunotherapy in transplantation. Since Treg may not be sufficient as stand-alone therapy for solid organ transplantation in humans, we draw attention to possible hurdles and combination therapy with immunomodulatory drugs that could possibly improve the in vivo efficacy of Treg.
BACKGROUND: Individuals commonly prefer certain trait values over others when choosing their mates. If such preferences diverge between populations, they can generate behavioral reproductive isolation and thereby contribute to speciation. Reproductive isolation in insects often involves chemical communication, and cuticular hydrocarbons, in particular, serve as mate recognition signals in many species. We combined data on female cuticular hydrocarbons, interspecific mating propensity, and phylogenetics to evaluate the role of cuticular hydrocarbons in diversification of Timema walking-sticks. RESULTS: Hydrocarbon profiles differed substantially among the nine analyzed species, as well as between partially reproductively-isolated T. cristinae populations adapted to different host plants. In no-choice trials, mating was more likely between species with similar than divergent hydrocarbon profiles, even after correcting for genetic divergences. The macroevolution of hydrocarbon profiles, along a Timema species phylogeny, fits best with a punctuated model of phenotypic change concentrated around speciation events, consistent with change driven by selection during the evolution of reproductive isolation. CONCLUSION: Altogether, our data indicate that cuticular hydrocarbon profiles vary among Timema species and populations, and that most evolutionary change in hydrocarbon profiles occurs in association with speciation events. Similarities in hydrocarbon profiles between species are correlated with interspecific mating propensities, suggesting a role for cuticular hydrocarbon profiles in mate choice and speciation in the genus Timema.
In an earlier research project, HR-204, the magnitude and nature of highway related tort claims against counties in Iowa were investigated. However, virtually all of the claims identified in that research resulted from incidents that occurred in areas with predominantly agricultural land use. With recent increases in the rural non-farm population, many traditionally urban problems are also appearing in built-up areas under county jurisdiction. This trend is expected to continue so that counties must anticipate a change in the nature of the tort claims they will encounter. Problems that heretofore have been unique to cities may become commonplace in areas for which counties are responsible. The research reported here has been directed toward an investigation of those problems in rural subdivisions that lead to claims growing out of the provision of highway services by counties. Lacking a sufficient database among counties for the types of tort claims of interest in this research, a survey was sent to 259 cities in Iowa in order to identify highway related problems leading to those claims. The survey covered claims during a five year period from 1975 to 1980. Over one-third of the claims reported were based on alleged street defects. Another 34 percent of the claims contained allegations of damages due to backup of sanitary sewers or defects in sidewalks. By expanding the sample from the 164 cities that responded to the survey, it was estimated that a total of $49,000,000 in claims had been submitted to all 259 cities. Over 34% of this amount resulted from alleged defects in the use of traffic signs, signals, and markings. Another 42% arose from claims of defects in streets and sidewalks. Payments in settlement of claims were about 13.4% of the amount asked for those claims closed during the period covered by the survey. About $9,000,000 in claims was pending on June 30, 1980 according to the information furnished. Officials from 23 cities were interviewed to provide information on measures to overcome the problems leading to tort claims. On the basis of this information, actions have been proposed that can be undertaken by counties to reduce the potential for highway-related claims resulting from their responsibilities in rural subdivisions and unincorporated communities. Suggested actions include the eight recommendations contained in the final report for the previous research under HR-204. In addition, six recommendations resulted from this research, as follows: 1. Counties should adopt county subdivision ordinances. 2. A reasonable policy concerning sidewalks should be adopted. 3. Counties should establish and implement a system for setting road maintenance priorities. 4. Counties should establish and implement a procedure for controlling construction or maintenance activities within the highway right of way. 5. Counties should establish and implement a system to record complaints that are received relating to highway maintenance and to assure timely correction of defective conditions leading to such complaints. 6. Counties should establish and implement a procedure to ensure timely advice of highway defects for which notice is not otherwise received.
We describe herein some immunological properties of human fetal bone cells recently tested for bone tissue-engineering applications. Adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and osteoblasts were included in the study for comparison. Surface markers involved in bone metabolism and immune recognition were analyzed using flow cytometry before and after differentiation or treatment with cytokines. Immunomodulatory properties were studied on activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). The immuno-profile of fetal bone cells was further investigated at the gene expression level. Fetal bone cells and adult MSCs were positive for Stro-1, alkaline phosphatase, CD10, CD44, CD54, and beta2-microglobulin, but human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-I and CD80 were less present than on adult osteoblasts. All cells were negative for HLA-II. Treatment with recombinant human interferon gamma increased the presence of HLA-I in adult cells much more than in fetal cells. In the presence of activated PBMCs, fetal cells had antiproliferative effects, although with patterns not always comparable with those of adult MSCs and osteoblasts. Because of the immunological profile, and with their more-differentiated phenotype than of stem cells, fetal bone cells present an interesting potential for allogeneic cell source in tissue-engineering applications.
The middle Mississippian (Meramec Series) units include the Spergen Formation, the St. Louis Limestone and the Ste. Genevieve Formation which outcrop sporadically within a curvilinear subcrop band trending through southeastern and central Iowa. Studies of these units as they occur in Iowa have been cursory in the past, especially with regard to the lowermost occurring Meramecan unit, the Spergen Formation. The Spergen Formation, as it occurs in southeastern Iowa is being considered as a desirable concrete aggregate source. At present, the depth of occurrence, thickness variations and geographic extent are very poorly known and the nature of lithologic variation in Iowa is obscure. Due to a paucity of information of its thickness, extent and nature of rapid lateral facies variations, the full economic potential of the unit has not been realized in some areas of southeastern Iowa. This is especially disheartening in view of the decline of acceptable concrete aggregate source materials in southeastern Iowa. This report is an attempt to synthesize subsurface and surface data in order to present a more coherent picture of the depth, thickness and lithologic variations of the Spergen Formation. Recommendations have been made for the exploration of specific areas within the field area for future development of surface quarrying and subsurface mining operations where thickness, lithology and depth characteristics deem consideration. Due to the lack of adequate data points in some quadrants of the field area, some of the recommendations are drawn on rather tenuous grounds, but a concerted effort has been made to be conservative in these judgements.
Biomaterials releasing silver (Ag) are of interest because of their ability to inhibit pathogenic bacteria including antibiotic-resistant strains. In order to investigate the potential of nanometre-thick Ag polymer (Ag/amino-hydrocarbon) nanocomposite plasma coatings, we studied a comprehensive range of factors such as the plasma deposition process and Ag cation release as well as the antibacterial and cytocompatible properties. The nanocomposite coatings released most bound Ag within the first day of immersion in water yielding an antibacterial burst. The release kinetics correlated with the inhibitory effects on the pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Staphylococcus aureus and on animal cells that were in contact with these coatings. We identified a unique range of Ag content that provided an effective antibacterial peak release, followed by cytocompatible conditions soon thereafter. The control of the in situ growth conditions for Ag nanoparticles in the polymer matrix offers the possibility to produce customized coatings that initially release sufficient quantities of Ag ions to produce a strong adjacent antibacterial effect, and at the same time exhibit a rapidly decaying Ag content to provide surface cytocompatibility within hours/days. This approach seems to be favourable with respect to implant surfaces and possible Ag-resistance/tolerance built-up.