897 resultados para humanistic psychology


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Movement-related cortical potentials recorded from the scalp reveal increasing cortical activity occurring prior to voluntary movement. Studies of set-related cortical activity recorded from single neurones within premotor and supplementary motor areas in monkeys suggest that such premovement activity may act to prime activity of appropriate motor units in readiness to move, thereby facilitating the movement response. Such a role of early stage premovement activity in movement-related cortical potentials was investigated by examining the relationship between premovement cortical activity and movement initiation or reaction times. Parkinson's disease and control subjects performed a simple button-pressing reaction time task and individual movement-related potentials were averaged for responses with short compared with long reaction times. For Parkinson's disease subjects but not for the control subjects, early stage premovement cortical activity was significantly increased in amplitude for faster reaction times, indicating that there is indeed a relationship between premovement cortical activity amplitude and movement initiation or reaction times. In support of studies of set-related cortical activity in monkeys, it is therefore suggested that early stage premovement activity reflects the priming of appropriate motor units of primary motor cortex, thereby reducing movement initiation or reaction times. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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An exploratory study was conducted to examine whether the relationships between psychological stress and disordered eating, reported in many studies using American samples, would be found in a sample of young Australian women. A total of 212 women aged 18-22 years completed a questionnaire assessing a number of women's health issues, including life events stress, perceived stress levels, psychological distress, disordered eating behaviours, and concerns about weight and eating. While results showed few strong relationships between stress and eating variables for the sample overall, those women with high psychological stress levels appeared to be more likely to engage in disordered eating behaviours than women with low levels of stress. Results suggest that further investigation, targeting subgroups of women scoring highly on measures of psychological stress or disordered eating, may help clarify our understanding of the relationships between these factors in young Australian women.


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Training-needs analysis is critical for defining and procuring effective training systems. However, traditional approaches to training-needs analysis are not suitable for capturing the demands of highly automated and computerized work domains. In this article, we propose that work domain analysis can identify the functional structure of a work domain that must be captured in a training system, so that workers can be trained to deal with unpredictable contingencies that cannot be handled by computer systems. To illustrate this argument, we outline a work domain analysis of a fighter aircraft that defines its functional structure in terms of its training objectives, measures of performance, basic training functions, physical functionality, and physical context. The functional structure or training needs identified by work domain analysis can then be used as a basis for developing functional specifications for training systems, specifically its design objectives, data collection capabilities, scenario generation capabilities, physical functionality, and physical attributes. Finally, work domain analysis also provides a useful framework for evaluating whether a tendered solution fulfills the training needs of a work domain.


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Considerable research has indicated that children and their parents often demonstrate marked discrepancies in their reporting of anxiety-related phenomena. In such cases, the question arises as to whether children are capable of accurately reporting on their anxiety. In the present study, 50 children (aged 5 to 14 years) were asked to approach a large, German Shepherd dog. Prior to the task, both the mother and child independently predicted the closest point likely to be reached by the child and the degree of anxiety likely to be experienced. These predictions were then compared with the actual phenomena displayed by the child during the task. On the behavioural measure (closest step reached), both the child and mother demonstrated equivalent predictive accuracy. On the subjective measure (fear ratings) children were considerably more accurate than their mothers. The data were not influenced by gender, age, or clinical status. The results indicate the ability of children to accurately predict their anxious responses, and support the value of incorporating children's self-reports in the assessment of emotional disorders.


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Objective: This study examines the factor structure and the predictive power of drinking restraint for men and women as measured by the Temptation and Restraint Inventory (TRI). The TRI assesses two factors: Cognitive-Emotional Preoccupation (CEP) and Cognitive-Behavioral Control (CBC). Method: A group of 418 drinkers was drawn from a university sample and divided by gender into two groups. Men (n = 122) were of a mean age (+/-SD) of 23 +/- 7 years; women (n = 296) were of a mean age of 22.5 +/- 8 years. Subjects completed the TRI and the Alcohol Dependence Scale (ADS) and validated quantity and frequency of drinking indices. Results: Drinking restraint for the men was found to better predict alcohol dependence, quantity of drinking and frequency of drinking. Moreover, two factors confirming the TRI's CEP and CBC model were extracted for the men, but only one factor was extracted for the women. Conclusions: It was proposed that, as men tend to drink greater amounts of alcohol more often, they have learned to distinguish more clearly the conflicts in their personal control over drinking. If the TRI is to be used as a diagnostic and treatment tool, it is recommended that clinicians be cognizant of possible gender differences in restrained drinking behavior.


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The authors conducted a 1-year investigation of whether children, who had been trained in the previous school gear to cooperate, were able to use the skills they had been taught in reconstituted groups without additional training. Sixty-four 4th graders, who had participated in training in cooperative group behaviors in the previous gear, were assigned to the trained condition; 84 4th graders, who had not received any training, were assigned to the untrained condition. The children worked in mixed-ability (high, medium, low) gender-balanced groups (2 boys, 2 girls). Results indicate that the children in the trained groups were consistently more cooperative and helpful than their peers in the untrained groups, although they had not received refresher training in cooperative group behaviors.


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Two experimental studies were conducted to examine whether the stress-buffering effects of behavioral control on work task responses varied as a function of procedural information. Study 1 manipulated low and high levels of task demands, behavioral control, and procedural information for 128 introductory psychology students completing an in-basket activity. ANOVA procedures revealed a significant three-way interaction among these variables in the prediction of subjective task performance and task satisfaction. It was found that procedural information buffered the negative effects of task demands on ratings of performance and satisfaction only under conditions of low behavioral control. This pattern of results suggests that procedural information may have a compensatory effect when the work environment is characterized by a combination of high task demands and low behavioral control. Study 2 (N = 256) utilized simple and complex versions of the in-basket activity to examine the extent to which the interactive relationship among task demands, behavioral control, and procedural information varied as a function of task complexity. There was further support for the stress-buffering role of procedural information on work task responses under conditions of low behavioral control. This effect was, however, only present when the in-basket activity was characterized by high task complexity, suggesting that the interactive relationship among these variables may depend on the type of tasks performed at work. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Previous research has examined the relationship between the Modern Sexism Scale (Swim, Aikin, Hall & Hunter, 1995) and the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI; Glick & Fiske, 1996) or the relationship between the Modern Sexism Scale and the Neosexism Scale (Campbell, Schellenberg, & Senn, 1997; Tougas, Brown, Beaten, & Joly, 1995). The present study examined the relationship between the ASI and the Neosexism Scale. Across three samples (N = 907), neosexism was found to be associated primarily with the hostile rather than the benevolent component of ambivalent sexism. Hostile sexism, benevolent sexism, and neosexism were all significantly associated with attitudes toward lesbians' and gay men's rights, and both hostile sexism and neosexism were significantly associated with attitudes toward women's rights. Neosexism and hostile sexism were negatively associated with a humanitarian-egalitarian orientation, whereas benevolent sexism was positively associated with a Protestant-ethic orientation. It is concluded that, although both the Neosexism Scale and ASI measure contemporary sexism, only the Benevolent Sexism subscale of the ASI taps the subjectively positive side of contemporary sexism.


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The aim of this research was to examine, from a stress and coping perspective, the effects of resources (both personal and environmental) and coping strategies on parental reactions to infant death. One hundred and twenty-seven parents (60 fathers, 67 mothers) participated in the study. The predictors of parental distress (background factors, resources, coping methods) were initially assessed at 4-6 weeks post-loss. Parental distress (assessed using a composite measure of psychiatric disturbance, physical symptoms, and perinatal grief) was further assessed at 6 months post-loss and at 15 months postloss. After control for the stability in adjustment across time, there was consistent evidence that higher levels of education were associated with lower levels of parental distress over time. Among mothers, the number of friends in whom mothers had the confidence to confide emerged as a positive predictor of adjustment to infant death. A reliance on problem-focused coping was associated with greater maternal distress at 6 months post-loss, whereas coping by seeking support was associated with less distress at 15 months post-loss. There is no evidence that background factors and resources influenced parental distress through coping.


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RWMODEL II simulates the Rescorla-Wagner model of Pavlovian conditioning. It is written in Delphi and runs under Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. The program was designed for novice and expert users and can be employed in teaching, as well as in research. It is user friendly and requires a minimal level of computer literacy but is sufficiently flexible to permit a wide range of simulations. It allows the display of empirical data, against which predictions from the model can be validated.


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People typically perceive negative media content (e.g., violence) to have more impact on others than on themselves (a third-person effect). To examine the perceived effects of positive content (e.g., public-service advertisements) and the moderating role of social identities, we examined students' perceptions of the impact of AIDS advertisements on self, students (in- group), nonstudents (out-group), and people in general. Perceived self-other differences varied with the salience of student identity. Low identifiers displayed the typical third-person effect, whereas high identifiers were more willing to acknowledge impact on themselves and the student in-group. Further, when influence was normatively accept able within the in-group, high identifiers perceived self and students (us) as more influenced than nonstudents (them). The theoretical and practical implications of this reversal in third-person perceptions are discussed.


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This research tested the proposition that the effect of attachment security on safer-sex practice may be mediated by communication patterns. One hundred eighty-five undergraduate students completed questionnaire measures of attachment, assertiveness, and attitudes to communication about AIDS. Eight weeks later, they reported on their practice of safer sex in the period since the first testing session. Hierarchical regressions showed that at Step 1, anxiety about relationships (a measure of insecure attachment) was associated with less safer-sex practice, for all outcome measures. Attitudes to communication about AIDS added to the prediction of general reports of safer-sex practice: in line with the mediational model, anxiety about relationships became unimportant as a predictor when communication variables were included. Communication variables failed to add to the prediction of safer sex on the most recent encounter, and both anxiety about relationships and attitudes to communication about AIDS predicted condom use. Some gender differences in patterns of prediction were noted. The results are discussed in terms of attachment style and its links with the negotiation of sexual practice and relationship issues.