961 resultados para harmonic oscillators


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MEMS resonators have potential applications in the areas of RF-MEMS, clock oscillators, ultrasound transducers, etc. The important characteristics of a resonator are its resonant frequency and Q-factor (a measure of damping). Usually large damping in macro structures makes it difficult to excite and measure their higher modes. In contrast, MEMS resonators seem amenable to excitation in higher modes. In this paper, 28 modes of vibration of an electrothermal actuator are experimentally captured–perhaps the highest number of modes experimentally captured so far. We verify these modes with FEM simulations and report that all the measured frequencies are within 5% of theoretically predicted values.


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This paper proposes a derivative-free two-stage extended Kalman filter (2-EKF) especially suited for state and parameter identification of mechanical oscillators under Gaussian white noise. Two sources of modeling uncertainties are considered: (1) errors in linearization, and (2) an inadequate system model. The state vector is presently composed of the original dynamical/parameter states plus the so-called bias states accounting for the unmodeled dynamics. An extended Kalman estimation concept is applied within a framework predicated on explicit and derivative-free local linearizations (DLL) of nonlinear drift terms in the governing stochastic differential equations (SDEs). The original and bias states are estimated by two separate filters; the bias filter improves the estimates of the original states. Measurements are artificially generated by corrupting the numerical solutions of the SDEs with noise through an implicit form of a higher-order linearization. Numerical illustrations are provided for a few single- and multidegree-of-freedom nonlinear oscillators, demonstrating the remarkable promise that 2-EKF holds over its more conventional EKF-based counterparts. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000255. (C) 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Load commutated inverter (LCI)-fed wound field synchronous motor drives are used for medium-voltage high-power drive applications. This drive suffers from drawbacks such as complex starting procedure, sixth harmonic torque pulsations, quasi square wave motor current, notches in the terminal voltages, etc. In this paper, a hybrid converter circuit, consisting of an LCI and a voltage source inverter (VSI), is proposed, which can be a universal high-power converter solution for wound field synchronous motor drives. The proposed circuit, with the addition of a current-controlled VSI, overcomes nearly all of the shortcomings present in the conventional LCI-based system besides providing many additional advantages. In the proposed drive, the motor voltage and current are always sinusoidal even with the LCI switching at the fundamental frequency. The performance of the drive is demonstrated with detailed experimental waveforms from a 15.8-hp salient pole wound field synchronous machine. Finally, a brief description of the control scheme used for the proposed circuit is given.


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This paper presents an algorithm for control of line side voltage of a voltage source inverter upto six-step mode. This is a modified version of an existing overmodulation algorithm. The modified algorithm maintains proportionality between the reference voltage and the output fundamental voltage, and also reduces the computational effort required for implementation, while resulting in a marginally higher harmonic distortion. An estimation method is proposed for calculation of lower order ripple current. This estimation method is applied to a sensorless vector controlled induction motor drive to improve the performance of the drive during overmodulation.


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A three-level inverter produces six active vectors, each of normalized magnitudes 1, 0.866, and 0.5, besides a zero vector. The vectors of relative length 0.5 are termed pivot vectors.The three nearest voltage vectors are usually used to synthesize the reference vector. In most continuous pulsewidth-modulation(PWM) schemes, the switching sequence begins from a pivot vector and ends with the same pivot vector. Thus, the pivot vector is applied twice in a subcycle or half-carrier cycle. This paper proposes and investigates alternative switching sequences, which use the pivot vector only once but employ one of the other two vectors twice within the subcycle. The total harmonic distortion(THD) in the fundamental line current pertaining to these novel sequences is studied theoretically as well as experimentally over the whole range of modulation. Compared with centered space vector PWM, two of the proposed sequences lead to reduced THD at high modulation indices at a given average switching frequency.


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In this article, we report the structure of a 1:1 charge transfer complex between pyridine (PYR) and chloranil (CHL) in solution (CHCl(3)) from the measurement of hyperpolarizability (beta(HRS)) and linear and circular depolarization ratios, D and D', respectively, by the hyper-Rayleigh scattering technique and state-of-the-art quantum chemical calculations. Using linearly (electric field vector along X) and circularly polarized incident light, respectively, we have measured two macroscopic depolarization ratios D = I(X,X)(2 omega)/I(X,Z)(2 omega) and D' = I(X,C)(2 omega)/I(Z,C)(2 omega) in the laboratory fixed XYZ frame by detecting the second harmonic (SH) scattered light in a polarization resolved fashion. The stabilization energy and the optical gap calculated through the MP2/cc-pVDZ method using Gaussian09 were not significantly different to distinguish between the cofacial and T-shape structures. Only when the experimentally obtained beta(HRS) and the depolarization ratios, D and D', were matched with the theoretically computed values from single and double configuration interaction (SDCI) calculations performed using the ZINDO-SCRF technique, we concluded that the room temperature equilibrium structure of the complex is cofacial. This is in sharp contrast to an earlier theoretical prediction of the T-shape structure of the complex.


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On increasing the coupling strength (lambda) of a non-Abelian gauge field that induces a generalized Rashba spin-orbit interaction, the topology of the Fermi surface of a homogeneous gas of noninteracting fermions of density rho similar to k(F)(3) undergoes a change at a critical value, lambda(T) approximate to k(F) [Phys. Rev. B 84, 014512 ( 2011)]. In this paper we analyze how this phenomenon affects the size and shape of a cloud of spin-1/2 fermions trapped in a harmonic potential such as those used in cold atom experiments. We develop an adiabatic formulation, including the concomitant Pancharatnam-Berry phase effects, for the one-particle states in the presence of a trapping potential and the gauge field, obtaining approximate analytical formulas for the energy levels for some high symmetry gauge field configurations of interest. An analysis based on the local density approximation reveals that, for a given number of particles, the cloud shrinks in a characteristic fashion with increasing.. We explain the physical origins of this effect by a study of the stress tensor of the system. For an isotropic harmonic trap, the local density approximation predicts a spherical cloud even for anisotropic gauge field configurations. We show, via a calculation of the cloud shape using exact eigenstates, that for certain gauge field configurations there is a systematic and observable anisotropy in the cloud shape that increases with increasing gauge coupling lambda. The reasons for this anisotropy are explained using the analytical energy levels obtained via the adiabatic approximation. These results should be useful in the design of cold atom experiments with fermions in non-Abelian gauge fields. An important spin-off of our adiabatic formulation is that it reveals exciting possibilities for the cold-atom realization of interesting condensed matter Hamiltonians by using a non-Abelian gauge field in conjunction with another potential. In particular, we show that the use of a spherical non-Abelian gauge field with a harmonic trapping potential produces a monopole field giving rise to a spherical geometry quantum Hall-like Hamiltonian in the momentum representation.


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This paper proposes a new hybrid nine-level inverter topology for IM drive. The nine-level structure is realized by using two three-phase two-level inverters fed by isolated DC voltage sources and six H-bridges fed by capacitors. The number of switches required in this topology is only 36 where as the conventional nine-level topologies require 48 switches. The voltages across the capacitors, feeding the H-bridges that operate at asymmetric voltages, are effectively balanced by making use of the switching state redundancies. In this topology, the requirement of DC link voltage is only half of the maximum magnitude of the voltage space vector. As the two-level inverters are powered by isolated voltage sources, the circulation of triplen harmonic current in the motor winding is prevented. The proposed drive system is capable of functioning in three-level mode in case of any switch failure in H-bridges. The performance of the proposed topology in the entire modulation range is verified by simulation study and experiment.


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Most of the modern distance relays are designed to avoid overreaching due to the transient d.c. component of the fault current, whereas a more likely source of transients in e.h.v. systems is the oscillatory discharge of the system charging current into the fault. Until now attempts have not been made to reproduce these transients in the laboratory. This paper describes an analogue and an accurate digital simulation of these harmonic transients. The dynamic behaviour of a typical polarised mho-type relay is analysed, and results are presented. The paper also advocates the use of active filters for filtering the harmonics associated with e.h.v. system, and hence, to improve the speed of response and accuracy of the protective relays.


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Handling unbalanced and non-linear loads in a three-phase AC power supply has always been a difficult issue. This has been addressed in the literature by either using fast controllers in the fundamental rotating reference frame or using separate controllers in reference frames specific to the harmonics. In the former case, the controller needs to be fast and in the latter case, besides the need for many controllers, negative-sequence components need to be extracted from the measured signal. This study proposes a control scheme for harmonic and unbalance compensation of a three-phase uninterruptible power supply wherein the problems mentioned above are addressed. The control takes place in the fundamental positive-sequence reference frame using only a set of feedback and feed-forward compensators. The harmonic components are extracted by a process of frame transformations and used as feed-forward compensation terms in the positive-sequence fundamental reference frame. This study uses a method wherein the measured signal itself is used for fundamental negative-sequence compensation. As the feed-forward compensator handles the high-bandwidth components, the feedback compensator can be a simple low-bandwidth one. This control algorithm is explained and validated experimentally.


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We study the time-dependent transitions of a quantum-forced harmonic oscillator in noncommutative R(1,1) perturbatively to linear order in the noncommutativity theta. We show that the Poisson distribution gets modified, and that the vacuum state evolves into a `squeezed' state rather than a coherent state. The time evolutions of uncertainties in position and momentum in vacuum are also studied and imply interesting consequences for modeling nonlinear phenomena in quantum optics.


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Handling unbalanced and non-linear loads in a three-phase AC power supply has always been a difficult issue. This has been addressed in the literature by either using fast controllers in the fundamental rotating reference frame or using separate controllers in reference frames specific to the harmonics. In the former case, the controller needs to be fast and in the latter case, besides the need for many controllers, negative-sequence components need to be extracted from the measured signal. This study proposes a control scheme for harmonic and unbalance compensation of a three-phase uninterruptible power supply wherein the problems mentioned above are addressed. The control takes place in the fundamental positive-sequence reference frame using only a set of feedback and feed-forward compensators. The harmonic components are extracted by a process of frame transformations and used as feed-forward compensation terms in the positive-sequence fundamental reference frame. This study uses a method wherein the measured signal itself is used for fundamental negative-sequence compensation. As the feed-forward compensator handles the high-bandwidth components, the feedback compensator can be a simple low-bandwidth one. This control algorithm is explained and validated experimentally.


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Handling unbalanced and non-linear loads in a three-phase AC power supply has always been a difficult issue. This has been addressed in the literature by either using fast controllers in the fundamental rotating reference frame or using separate controllers in reference frames specific to the harmonics. In the former case, the controller needs to be fast and in the lattercase, besides the need for many controllers, negative-sequence components need to be extracted from the measured signal.This study proposes a control scheme for harmonic and unbalance compensation of a three-phase uninterruptible power supply wherein the problems mentioned above are addressed. The control takes place in the fundamental positive-sequence reference frame using only a set of feedback and feed-forward compensators. The harmonic components are extracted by process of frame transformations and used as feed-forward compensation terms in the positive-sequence fundamental reference frame. This study uses a method wherein the measured signal itself is used for fundamental negative-sequence compensation. As the feed-forward compensator handles the high-bandwidth components, the feedback compensator can be a simple low-bandwidth one. This control algorithm is explained and validated experimentally.


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Generalized Bose operators correspond to reducible representations of the harmonic oscillator algebra. We demonstrate their relevance in the construction of topologically non-trivial solutions in noncommutative gauge theories, focusing our attention to flux tubes, vortices, and instantons. Our method provides a simple new relation between the topological charge and the number of times the basic irreducible representation occurs in the reducible representation underlying the generalized Bose operator. When used in conjunction with the noncommutative ADHM construction, we find that these new instantons are in general not unitarily equivalent to the ones currently known in literature.


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Anisotropic emission of gravitational waves (GWs) from inspiralling compact binaries leads to the loss of linear momentum and hence gravitational recoil of the system. The loss rate of linear momentum in the far-zone of the source (a nonspinning binary system of black holes in quasicircular orbit) is investigated at the 2.5 post-Newtonian (PN) order and used to provide an analytical expression in harmonic coordinates for the 2.5PN accurate recoil velocity of the binary accumulated in the inspiral phase. The maximum recoil velocity of the binary system at the end of its inspiral phase (i.e at the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO)) estimated by the 2.5PN formula is of the order of 4 km s(-1) which is smaller than the 2PN estimate of 22 km s(-1). Going beyond inspiral, we also provide an estimate of the more important contribution to the recoil velocity from the plunge phase. The maximum recoil velocity at the end of the plunge, involving contributions both from inspiral and plunge phase, for a binary with symmetric mass ratio nu = 0.2 is of the order of 182 km s(-1).