958 resultados para guard-rail
Nesta dissertação é apresentado o desenvolvimento de algoritmos para aplicação do método Bridge-Weigh In Motion (B-WIM) para a pesagem em movimento de trens e para a caracterização do tráfego ferroviário, permitindo-se obter informações sobre a velocidade de passagem dos trens, número e espaçamento entre eixos. Os sistemas B-WIM a partir de uma simples instrumentação permitem determinar as cargas por eixo de veículos em movimento, eliminando o efeito dinâmico. Foram implementados os algoritmos para a determinação dos valores referentes a geometria do trem e das cargas, que foi validado a partir de um exemplo teórico, onde se simulou a passagem de um trem de características conhecidas sobre a ponte e as cargas por eixos foram determinadas com 100% de exatidão. Além disso, foi feito um exemplo numérico em elementos finitos, de um viaduto em concreto armado para aplicação do método, onde foi feita a determinação das cargas por eixo para diferentes velocidades de passagem do trem. A fim de reduzir o tempo de processamento nas análises do exemplo numérico, foi desenvolvido um algoritmo para a geração de cargas nodais no modelo numérico que reduziram o tempo de processamento em até 96% quando comparado com a análise de múltiplos passos (“Multi-Step”), que simula automaticamente a passagem do trem sobre a estrutura. Finalmente, o método foi testado em um caso real a partir de monitorações realizadas em um viaduto de concreto armado da Estrada de Ferro Carajás. Apesar de não ter sido possível a determinação das cargas por eixo da locomotiva, foi possível medir precisamente o peso bruto total da locomotiva quando se utilizou o modelo constitutivo de Collins & Mitchell (1991) para o concreto.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
New records of the Rufous-faced Crake, Laterallus xenopterus (Gruiformes: Rallidae) in Brazil and observations about its habitat. The Rufous-faced Crake, Laterallus xenopterus, is a bird that is rarely spotted at Paraguay, central Brazil, and central Bolivia. There are known species records at the Brazilian states of Distrito Federal, Sao Paulo, and Minas Gerais. Here, we provide information about new areas of occurrence for this species in Brazil and detailed observations of its habitats. In October 2012, two individuals were registered in the municipality of Cristalina, state of Goias. In December 2012, the species was found in a new locality of Distrito Federal and at the municipality of Patrocinio, Minas Gerais. In February 2013, a new record for this species was obtained in the municipality of Itiquira, Mato Grosso. In all occasions, the bird was spotted in humid environments, which were characterized by the presence of grass and a thin water layer.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Web environments for creation, treatment and availability of information have supported the emergence of new social-cultural patterns represented by convergences in textual, image and audio languages. This paper describes and analyzes the National Archives Experience Digital Vaults as a digital publishing web environment and as a cultural heritage. It is a complex system - synthesizer of information design options at information setting, provides new aesthetic aspects, but specially enlarges the cognition of the subjects who interact with the environment. It also enlarges the institutional spaces that guard the collective memory beyond its role of keeping the physical patrimony collected there. Digital Vaults lies as a mix of guide and interactive catalogue to be dealt in a ludic way. The publishing design of the information held on the Archives is meant to facilitate access to knowledge. The documents are organized in a dynamic and not chronological way. They are not divided in fonds or distinct categories, but in controlled interaction of documents previously indexed and linked by the software. The software creates information design and view of documental content that can be considered a new paradigm in Information Science and are part of post-custodial regime, independent from physical spaces and institutions. Information professionals must be prepared to understand and work with the paradigmatic changes described and represented by the new hybrid digital environments; hence the importance of this paper. Cyberspace interactivity between user and the content provided by the environment design provide cooperation, collaboration and sharing knowledge actions, all features of networks, transforming culture globally.
Increasingly, people searches for an efficient and economic way for transporting bulk materials. Transport through belts is now the most widely used mean for transporting bulk materials, used by companies from various sectors such as mining, quarrying, agribusiness, etc. There are many advantages of using a conveyor belt as compared to rail or by truck. Trucks needs a driver, have a high risk of accidents as well as a high cost for maintenance and as well as trains, after making the downloading of the material, return empty to the next load. The cost for the construction of a railway is very high, making it often impossible. The conveyor belt have a high cost of installation, but it works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The upper side of the belt is always loaded, the maintenance cost is average and the risk of accidents is low, causing it to be the ideal way to transport bulk materials. This monography aims to interest the reader about what is a conveyor belt, what are its main components and demonstrate the basic calculations for their sizing and selection of components. Throughout the work, scaled a belt conveyor for use in the mining sector, but the concepts demonstrated apply to the transport of any material
AC Biosusceptometry (ACB) is a low-cost biomagnetic tool that has been successfully applied on pharmaceutical research to evaluate performance of solid dosage forms. The aim of this work was to evaluate the Horn & Shunck method to access tablet disintegration. To evaluate the HS results was record on video a test with a objet moving in a rail with a constant velocity. The desintegration was recorded on video and ACB, which used have seven pairs of detection coils and a pair of excitation coils to mensure the magnetic ux variation. The signals were ampli ed and digitalized to create images, which were restored by Wiener lter, while the video images are converted to gray scale, both are normalized and binarized and had the optical ow estimation calculated by Horn & Schunck (HS) algorithm. All signals and images are processed and developed algorithm on Matlab. During the tests the ve tablets (500mg ferrite, 375mg excipients, compression 10 to 50 kN) were on a becker between of the ACB system and of the video system, and only touching the surface of the water. With all OF maps calculated was realized the sum of the resultants of each, to get a disintegration process resultant for each compression. Whit that was possible observed the disintegration behaves. For the compression force study the HS components of each sequence was sum, take mean and normalized for sequence's max modulo, therefore can be observed a high growing on less compression tablets. We can conclude the HS algorithm is viable to tablets disintegration data collection and whit that was possible to create a tablets disintegration analyzes protocol, which would be useful on desintegration kinetics study
Since the beginning of the railway industry until today, rail wheels are important components to the good working of a railway. For being a critical security item, design and maintenance are done with extremely care to avoid failures. Despite de fact of railway components be projected to support a big number of cyclic solicitation during its life, some accidents still occur. These accidents, despite the low frequency, always have great consequences, drawing in great financial, material, and people losses. Nowadays, railway component failure is relatively low, because it’s been projected to work below the materials Fatigue Resistance Limit, however, with the growing demand of faster trains and higher load for each axle, the occurrence probability is even bigger. This work includes a comparative study of two fabrication processes (casting and forging) applied in the production of rail wheels where it was measured the mechanical properties of traction and fatigue. The study also verified through microstructural analysis, hardness, traction and fatigue tests, statistical analysis of fatigue test results and fractographic analysis that forging process lead to better correlations between fatigue life and mechanical properties, providing more security in railroads, less wagon retention caused by corrective maintenance and smaller operational cost with its use
This assignment intents to analyze the recover and the research of the cultural legacy identity of Vicentina Aranha Sanatorium to the inhabitants of the city of São José dos Campos-SP. That initiative becomes present through the importancy of the sanatorium to the public health of Vale do Paraíba in the decades between 30 and 70, of the 20th century. Nowadays this place refuges a park, presenting a reexamination of its space, with the possibility of the leisure practice, entertaining and tourism. The Vicentina Aranha Sanatorium Park presents itself conserving a landscape that is able of being inserted in a continuum past-present resignifying ways of appropriation and use. The word patrimony has many meanings and it‟s commonly associated to the set of goods that someone, the society or an entity owns. Transporting in a determinate territory, the patrimony starts to be a set of goods that are in its limits of administrative competency. (BARRETO, 2000). More than this, the cultural-historical patrimony guard a relation of belonging between it and the entity that has it. The Vicentina Aranha Sanatorium was inaugurated in 1924, with the project of the architect, Ramos de Azevedo, constituting an architectural ensemble placed under governmental trust as a historical and cultural patrimony of the state in 2001. It has a grove with centenary vegetal species like: MOGNO, PEROBA ROSA, JEQUITIBÁ and JACARANDA, constituting also a natural patrimony important for the city. There are projects like “Leitura no Bosque” and it‟s visited by the local population. Today the city seeks a new identity for that place transforming it in the center of industrial and technologic study
"This paper aims to examine three regional development plans proposed for the region of the valleys of rivers Tietê and Paraná: Rail Project (ISCO, 1994), the Development Plan (CESP, 1996) and Máster Plan (ADTP, 1996). The interest in conducting the study relies on the possibility that it may contribute to the debate on the reshaping of public policy and style necessary to establish a new pattern of regional development in the country"
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)