883 resultados para graduate medical education committee
A questão relacional na área da saúde envolve o imaginário sociocultural. Nos casos de mulheres com câncer de mama, denota um caráter emergencial em virtude do elevado número de ocorrências ou pela falta de percepção feminina da doença, o que dificulta a prevenção e o tratamento em tempo hábil. Este estudo pretende analisar como e de que maneira ocorrem e repercutem as práticas discursivas entre os profissionais da saúde e as pacientes com câncer de mama. Para isso, delineamos como pressupostos teóricos as barreiras da comunicação, seja interpessoal, intrapessoal e não verbal. A metodologia foi com base na Teoria das Representações Sociais de Serge Moscovici e no Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC) de Ana Maria Cavalcanti Lefévre e Fernando Lefévre. Nas análises dos relatos das mulheres com câncer de mama, identificamos conflitos de ordem sociocultural, como crenças, valores pessoais, estereótipos, enfim, distorções provenientes do senso comum e do imaginário coletivo, disseminadas nas representações da doença levadas a público pela mídia em geral. Nas considerações finais, constatamos que tais representações (estigmas sociais) interferem na relação com os profissionais de saúde, influenciando, assim, a adesão ao tratamento da doença. Os aspectos comunicacionais são aqui apontados de maneira tácita.
A aprendizagem formal e tradicional tem dado lugar a um cenário desafiador no qual educador e educando não comungam do mesmo espaço físico. A Educação a Distância (EAD), ainda é vista como uma solução que agrega cada vez mais alunos de diferentes idades que desejam uma graduação de ensino superior ou a continuidade dela. A pesquisa com o título: “O estudante da EAD (educação a distância): um estudo de perfil e interação geracional” propõe conhecer as características do perfil atual do estudante da EAD, abordando o diálogo entre as gerações no ambiente social escolar. O enfoque da pesquisa é qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva com dados que foram coletados através de entrevista com 08 alunos das gerações X e Y para assim entender se este perfil tem sido renovado com alunos mais jovens, do que a faixa etária de 25 a 45 anos. O resultado demonstra que alunos na faixa de 17 a 24 anos a cada ano aumentam 1% das matrículas. Já a faixa de 25 a 45 anos prevalece com 70% das matrículas. Portanto, este resultado revela que o perfil do aluno EAD ainda é o do jovem adulto, para adulto mais experiente, que busca a graduação com o propósito de progressão no ambiente profissional. As duas gerações citadas geração X e geração Y, mesmo em contextos históricos diferenciados de valores, crenças e comportamentos participam atualmente de uma transformação social que contempla os meios de produção do trabalho, a formação educacional e as relações sociais. O diálogo intergeracional direciona a um aprendizado compartilhado, participativo na troca de experiências mutuas. Para a geração X o jovem atual não é mais nomeado como o que precisa escutar e aprender, mas tem muito a partilhar, principalmente diante da facilidade com os meios tecnológicos. E para a geração Y, na partilha não há barreiras de idade, mas a segurança de interagir e se comunicar diante da troca de experiências
CONTEXT: The homeless are a significant group within society, which is increasing in size. They have demonstrably greater physical and mental health needs than the housed, and yet often have difficulty accessing primary health care. Medical 'reluctance' to look after homeless people is increasingly suggested as part of the problem. Medical education may have a role in ameliorating this. OBJECTIVES: This paper reports on the development and validation of a questionnaire specifically developed to measure medical students' attitudes towards the homeless. METHOD AND RESULTS: The Attitudes Towards the Homeless Questionnaire, developed using the views of over 370 medical students, was shown to have a Pearson test-retest reliability correlation coefficient of 0.8 and a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.74. CONCLUSIONS: The Attitudes Towards the Homeless Questionnaire appears to be a valid and reliable instrument, which can measure students' attitudes towards the homeless. It could be a useful tool in assessing the effectiveness of educational interventions.
Copy of Florida International University Magazine published Fall 2004 with a feature article on the Honor College's Medical Education Program at Florida International University and its impact on the development of a school of medicine in South Florida.
A Draft of the LCME Accreditation Database prepared for the College of Medicine's Second Accreditation Planning Weekend, March 10, 2007.
Fall 2004 copy of FLorida International University Magazine. Feature article on the Honors College's Medical Education Program and the future of medicine in South Florida.
Document detailing educational resources for the College of Medicine. Part of the Medical Education Database for Preliminary Accreditation 2006-2007.
Document detailing educational objectives for the College of Medicine. Part of the Medical Education Database for Provisional Accreditation 2006-2007.
Document detailing information pertaining to the faculty of the College of Medicine. Part of the Medical Education Database for Preliminary Accreditation.
Document detailing the Institutional Setting of the FLorida International University College of Medicine. Part of the Medical Education Database for Preliminary Accreditation, 2006-2007.
Draft of outline for "Phase I Elements - Planning & Development" document on the College of Medicine's LCME Accreditation Process.
Cope of the LCME's planning and self-study materials. Includes information on the LCME accreditation process and policies, as well as an overview of the LCME as an an organization.
The purpose of this study was to compare the characteristics of effective clinical and theory instructors as perceived by LPN/RN versus generic students in an associate degree nursing program.^ Data were collected from 508 students during the 1996-7 academic year from three NLN accredited associate degree nursing programs. The researcher developed instrument consisted of three parts: (a) Whitehead Characteristics of Effective Clinical Instructor Rating Scale, (b) Whitehead Characteristics of Effective Theory Instructor Rating Scale, and (c) Demographic Data Sheet. The items were listed under five major categories identified in the review of the literature: (a) interpersonal relationships, (b) personality traits, (c) teaching practices, (d) knowledge and experience, and (e) evaluation procedures. The instrument was administered to LPN/RN students in their first semester and to generic students in the third semester of an associate degree nursing program.^ Data was analyzed using a one factor mutivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Further t tests were carried out to explore for possible differences between type of student and by group. Crosstabulations of the demographic data were analyzed.^ There were no significant differences found between the LPN/RN versus generic students on their perceptions of either effective theory or effective clinical instructor characteristics. There were significant differences between groups on several of the individual items. There was no significant interaction between group and ethnicity or group and age on the five major categories for either of the two instruments. There was a significant main effect of ethnicity on several of the individual items.^ The differences between the means and standard deviations on both instruments were small, suggesting that all of the characteristics listed for effective theory and clinical instructors were important to both groups of students. Effective teaching behaviors, as indicated on the survey instruments, should be taught to students in graduate teacher education programs. These behaviors should also be discussed by faculty coordinators supervising adjunct faculty. Nursing educators in associate degree nursing programs should understand theories of adult learning and implement instructional strategies to enhance minority student success. ^