866 resultados para fruit colour
The Hungarian way of decoration has certain characteristics which are rooted in the deep symbolism of ancient Hungarian mythical thinking. The ancient heritage of the Hungarians' former homeland somewhere in the Urals included eastern elements. During their migrations, the Hungarian tribes met other eastern peoples and their culture of decoration became mixed with elements drawn from these new contacts. These diverse influences mean that the Hungarian way of thinking, building and ornamentation show a certain dualism of Puritanism and rationalism in the creation of space and manufacturing, and rich fantasy in decoration and ornamentation. The Hungarians use coloured ornamentation to emphasise the symbolic importance of details. The colouring system of the built environment shows the same dualism: the main colour of the facades and inner walls is white, while the furniture, textiles, gates and windows, and sometimes the gable and fireplace are richly decorated. In Hungarian symbolism, the house and settlement are a model of the universe, so their different parts also have a transcendent meaning. The traditional meanings of the different colours reflect this transcendence. Each colour has ambivalent meanings: RED - the colour of blood - means violence and love. YELLOW - means sickness, death and ripeness (golden yellow). BLUE - means innocence, eternity (light blue) and old age, death (dark blue). BLACK - can be both ceremonial and mourning. WHILE - can have sacred meaning (bright white), while yellowish white fabric is the most common garb of both men and women in village society. GREEN - the only colour without a dual meaning, symbolises the beginning of life. Until the late 18th and early 19th centuries Hungarian folk art used one or two-coloured decoration (red, black, blue, red-blue or red-black), and from the early 19th century it moved to multi-coloured decoration. Colours are characteristically used in complementary contrast, with bright colours on a plain ground and an avoidance of subtle shadings.
Mixed Media/Mylar 72 x 42"
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the improvement in diagnostic quality and diagnostic accuracy of SonoVue microbubble contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CE-US) versus unenhanced ultrasound imaging during the investigation of extracranial carotid or peripheral arteries. 82 patients with suspected extracranial carotid or peripheral arterial disease received four SonoVue doses (0.3 ml, 0.6 ml, 1.2 ml and 2.4 ml) with Doppler ultrasound performed before and following each dose. Diagnostic quality of the CE-US examinations was evaluated off-site for duration of clinically useful contrast enhancement, artefact effects and percentage of examinations converted from non-diagnostic to diagnostic. Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity were assessed as agreement of CE-US diagnosis evaluated by an independent panel of experts with reference standard modality. The median duration of clinically useful signal enhancement significantly increased with increasing SonoVue doses (p< or =0.002). At the dose of 2.4 ml of SonoVue, diagnostic quality evaluated as number of inconclusive examinations significantly improved, falling from 40.7% at baseline down to 5.1%. Furthermore, SonoVue significantly (p<0.01) increased the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of assessment of disease compared with baseline ultrasound. SonoVue increases the diagnostic quality of Doppler images and improves the accuracy of both spectral and colour Doppler examinations of extracranial carotid or peripheral arterial disease.
OBJECTIVE: The capability of drinks and foods to resist pH changes brought about by salivary buffering may play an important role in the dental erosion process in children. The aim of the present study was to test fruit yogurt, a popular snack for children, and the degrees of saturation (pK-pl) with respect to hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite to determine their erosive potential. METHOD AND MATERIALS: A variety of fruit yogurt was tested. To test the pH, 8 readings were taken with a pH electrode for each yogurt. Calcium content was detected by atomic absorption spectrophotometer, phosphorus by the inductively coupled plasma method, and fluoride content by ion chromatography. The degrees of saturation of hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite were calculated by use of a computer program. Statistical analysis was performed using 2-tailed analysis of variance (P < .05) and a post hoc test (Tukey) to determine differences between groups. RESULTS: The pH of each fruit concentrate was significantly different, except for banana yogurt. Except for the phosphorus content of raspberry yogurt, the calcium and phosphorus content for each fruit concentrate were significantly different. Fluoride levels were the same for all yogurts tested, and the degrees of saturation of hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite was positive, indicating supersaturation. CONCLUSION: It could be stated that fruit yogurt has no erosive potential.
The maintenance of colour polymorphisms within populations has been a long-standing interest in evolutionary ecology. African cichlid fish contain some of the most striking known cases of this phenomenon. Intrasexual selection can be negative frequency dependent when males bias aggression towards phenotypically similar rivals, stabilizing male colour polymorphisms. We propose that where females are territorial and competitive, aggression biases in females may also promote coexistence of female morphs. We studied a polymorphic population of the cichlid fish Neochromis omnicaeruleus from Lake Victoria, in which three distinct female colour morphs coexist: one plain brown and two blotched morphs. Using simulated intruder choice tests in the laboratory, we show that wild-caught females of each morph bias aggression towards females of their own morph, suggesting that females of all three morphs may have an advantage when their morph is locally the least abundant. This mechanism may contribute to the establishment and stabilization of colour polymorphisms. Next, by crossing the morphs, we generated sisters belonging to different colour morphs. We find no sign of aggression bias in these sisters, making pleiotropy unlikely to explain the association between colour and aggression bias in wild fish, which is maintained in the face of gene flow. We conclude that female-female aggression may be one important force for stabilizing colour polymorphism in cichlid fish.
Cord entanglement affects the majority of monoamniotic (MA) twins, accounting for the high proportion of intrauterine deaths of MA twins, and it is often present from early gestation. 3D ultrasound can be used to acquire volume data comprising information on umbilical colour Doppler flow, providing a very graphic depiction of cord entanglement. We have used 2D, "conventional" and a novel 3D display of colour Doppler ultrasound showing cord entanglement.
The aim of this study was to investigate how oculomotor behaviour depends on the availability of colour information in pictorial stimuli. Forty study participants viewed complex images in colour or grey-scale, while their eye movements were recorded. We found two major effects of colour. First, although colour increases the complexity of an image, fixations on colour images were shorter than on their grey-scale versions. This suggests that colour enhances discriminability and thus affects low-level perceptual processing. Second, colour decreases the similarity of spatial fixation patterns between participants. The role of colour on visual attention seems to be more important than previously assumed, in theoretical as well as methodological terms.
Background: Research on the evolution of reproductive isolation in African cichlid fishes has largely focussed on the role of male colours and female mate choice. Here, we tested predictions from the hypothesis that allopatric divergence in male colour is associated with corresponding divergence in preference. Methods: We studied four populations of the Lake Malawi Pseudotropheus zebra complex. We predicted that more distantly-related populations that independently evolved similar colours would interbreed freely while more closely-related populations with different colours mate assortatively. We used microsatellite genotypes or mesh false-floors to assign paternity. Fisher's exact tests as well as Binomial and Wilcoxon tests were used to detect if mating departed from random expectations. Results: Surprisingly, laboratory mate choice experiments revealed significant assortative mating not only between population pairs with differently coloured males, but between population pairs with similarly-coloured males too. This suggested that assortative mating could be based on nonvisual cues, so we further examined the sensory basis of assortative mating between two populations with different male colour. Conducting trials under monochromatic (orange) light, intended to mask the distinctive male dorsal fin hues (blue v orange) of these populations, did not significantly affect the assortative mating by female P. emmiltos observed under control conditions. By contrast, assortative mating broke down when direct contact between female and male was prevented. Conclusion: We suggest that non-visual cues, such as olfactory signals, may play an important role in mate choice and behavioural isolation in these and perhaps other African cichlid fish. Future speciation models aimed at explaining African cichlid radiations may therefore consider incorporating such mating cues in mate choice scenarios.