974 resultados para food services


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Lessons from the Decent Food for All(DFfA) Intervention


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Community education needs to be supported by strong public policy if it is to be fully effective at tackling food poverty and obesity, a project evaluation by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) has found. In its evaluation of Decent Food for All (DFfA) - a major project to improve community diet and health - IPH found that where people live and shop had a greater impact on their diet than their own individual awareness and attitudes. Access Tackling Food Poverty: lessons from the Decent Food for All intervention at www.publichealth.ie DFfA was funded by safefood (the Food Safety Promotion Board) and the Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland. The project lasted four years and included hundreds of community education activities designed to improve diet in poorer parts of Armagh and South Tyrone. safefood commissioned IPH to undertake the evaluation of DFfA. Dr. Kevin Balanda, IPH Associate Director, said 'The aim of the project was to reduce food poverty (this is defined as not being able to consume adequate healthy food) and improve health in the target communities. DFfA delivered over 370 core activities to 3,100 residents including local education talks on diet, cookery workshops, fresh fruit in schools, healthy food tastings and information stands. One in eight residents in the target areas participated in at least one of these activities.' The evaluation found that over 1 in 5 adults in the target areas reported they had cut their weekly food spending in the last six months to pay other household bills such as rent, electricity and gas. During the four years of the DFfA activities, this percentage had not changed significantly. There were mixed changes in the nature of food in local stores. While the overall availability and price of food increased, both モhealthierヤ food and モunhealthierヤ food were included in that increase. It was only in the larger モmultiple/discount freezerヤ type of shops that the overall price of food had decreased.


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“Decent Food for All” (DFfA) was a three-year integrated, partnership-based programme committed to reducing food poverty and addressing inequalities in physical and financial access to safe healthy food in the Armagh and Dungannon area of Northern Ireland. DFfA is led by the Armagh and Dungannon Health Action Zone (ADHAZ) and involves the delivery of a range of programmes and workshops which provide practical community based focused help and advice on food issues and nutrition. A comprehensive research and evaluation programme entitled ‘All-island learning from the Decent Food for All programme’ runs throughout the lifetime of the programme, which ensures effective evaluation, and the sharing of best practices and experiences. The research and evaluation program is coordinated by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) with cooperation from ADHAZ. Funding for the research is provided by the Food Safety Promotion Board. To take into account background changes not directly attributable to the DFfA Programme a matched comparison area was selected in the Newry/Mourne area of Co. Down. An accurate measure of the changes that have occurred over the period of the DFfA programme is required. Valid estimates of change are based on measures before and after the programme. Pre-test and post-test community surveys provide a wide range of measures. This fact-book highlights the findings from the pre-test community survey.The aims of the pre-test survey were to:- Provide pre-test measures of the Key Performance Indicators underpinning the Key Expected Outcomes of the DFfA programme;- Identify factors influencing these pre-test measures; and- Contribute to the development of the programmes in DFfA.


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IPH has developed a discussion paper on food security on the island. This makes the case that health is and needs to be central to food and agricultural policy. Population health, food systems and agricultural production are intimately linked.  A clear framework on food security is needed in both parts of the island of Ireland and this offers a key opportunity for cooperation. This article has been published in the latest edition of The Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland - No 6 launched on 8 March 2011.


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Recent years have seen widespread experimentation with market-based instruments (MBIs) for the provision of environmental goods and ecosystem services. However, little attention has been paid to their design or to the effects of the underlying pro-market narrative on environmental policy instruments. The purpose of this article is to analyze the emergence and dissemination of the term "market-based instruments" applied to the provision of environmental services and to assess to what extent the instruments associated are genuinely innovative. The recommendation to develop markets can lead in practice to a variety of institutional forms, as we show it based on the example of payments for environmental services (PES) and biodiversity offsets, two very different mechanisms that are both presented in the literature as MBIs. Our purpose is to highlight the gap between discourse and practice in connection with MBIs.


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IPH responded to the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety consultation on a draft maternity strategy for Northern Ireland. The strategy contains a number of proposals, which, if implemented, will significantly change how maternity services are delivered in the future. The draft strategy aims to provide women, professionals, commissioners and policy makers with a clear pathway for maternity services from preconceptual care through to postnatal care.  It places an emphasis on early direct contact with a midwife and a better understanding of the role of the midwife and obstetricians. It sets out clear recommendations for tackling public health issues such as obesity, smoking and alcohol abuse in pregnancy; providing more choice; providing care closer to home and ensuring safe, high quality care tailored to meet the needs of the woman.


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The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) is an independent statutory organisation responsible for certain aspects of television and radio services in Ireland, guided by the Broadcasting Act 2009. The BAI are undertaking a review of the Children’s Commercial Communications Code section 11 rules on Diet and Nutrition. This section sets down standards with which commercial communications for food and drink shown during children’s programmes and/or where these communications are for food and drink products or services that are of special interest to children.


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Preventing obesity is a key priority for the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) in Northern Ireland. In support of this, the DHSSPS has led the development of a cross-Departmental, crosssectoral Obesity Prevention Framework for Northern Ireland 2011-2021, entitled A Fitter Future For All, which seeks to reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity throughout  Northern Ireland. The Framework focuses action on three main pillars: food & nutrition; physical activity; and data and research, and within the context of three life course stages: Early Years; Children and Young People; and Adults. This approach is consistent with the responses being undertaken by a number of countries, following the Foresight Report.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) promotes co-operation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. It aims to improve health by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. IPH promotes co-operation in research, training, information and policy in order to contribute to policies which tackle inequalities in health. IPH welcomes the Food Standards Agency Strategy for 2010 to 2015 and the opportunity to comment on the publication. We restrict our comments to the “Healthy Eating for All” aspect of FSA’s purpose with particular reference to local development in Northern Ireland.


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The prevalence of people who are overweight and obese has been steadily rising in Northern Ireland, and in the western world, over the last few decades. It has been described as an “obesity time-bomb”, given the impact that obesity can have on physical and mental health and wellbeing.Evidence has shown that, while weight gain is the result of a relatively simple energy imbalance, the causes that underpin changes to energy intake and expenditure are very complex and cover issues such as social and individual psychology, physiology, food production and consumption, individual activity, and the built environment.This Framework aims to “empower the population of Northern Ireland to make healthy choices, and reduce the level of harm related to overweight and obesity, by creating an environment that supports and promotes a physically active lifestyle and a healthy diet”.In addition, the following overarching target has been set: to reduce the level of obesity in Northern Ireland to the 2005-06 level by 2021.


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Improving Dementia Services in Northern Ireland - A Regional Strategy - November 2011


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