934 resultados para floating frame of reference
For each pair (n, k) with 1 ≤ k < n, we construct a tight frame (ρλ : λ ∈ Λ) for L2 (Rn), which we call a frame of k-plane ridgelets. The intent is to efficiently represent functions that are smooth away from singularities along k-planes in Rn. We also develop tools to help decide whether k-plane ridgelets provide the desired efficient representation. We first construct a wavelet-like tight frame on the X-ray bundle χn,k—the fiber bundle having the Grassman manifold Gn,k of k-planes in Rn for base space, and for fibers the orthocomplements of those planes. This wavelet-like tight frame is the pushout to χn,k, via the smooth local coordinates of Gn,k, of an orthonormal basis of tensor Meyer wavelets on Euclidean space Rk(n−k) × Rn−k. We then use the X-ray isometry [Solmon, D. C. (1976) J. Math. Anal. Appl. 56, 61–83] to map this tight frame isometrically to a tight frame for L2(Rn)—the k-plane ridgelets. This construction makes analysis of a function f ∈ L2(Rn) by k-plane ridgelets identical to the analysis of the k-plane X-ray transform of f by an appropriate wavelet-like system for χn,k. As wavelets are typically effective at representing point singularities, it may be expected that these new systems will be effective at representing objects whose k-plane X-ray transform has a point singularity. Objects with discontinuities across hyperplanes are of this form, for k = n − 1.
The availability of complete genome sequences and mRNA expression data for all genes creates new opportunities and challenges for identifying DNA sequence motifs that control gene expression. An algorithm, “MobyDick,” is presented that decomposes a set of DNA sequences into the most probable dictionary of motifs or words. This method is applicable to any set of DNA sequences: for example, all upstream regions in a genome or all genes expressed under certain conditions. Identification of words is based on a probabilistic segmentation model in which the significance of longer words is deduced from the frequency of shorter ones of various lengths, eliminating the need for a separate set of reference data to define probabilities. We have built a dictionary with 1,200 words for the 6,000 upstream regulatory regions in the yeast genome; the 500 most significant words (some with as few as 10 copies in all of the upstream regions) match 114 of 443 experimentally determined sites (a significance level of 18 standard deviations). When analyzing all of the genes up-regulated during sporulation as a group, we find many motifs in addition to the few previously identified by analyzing the subclusters individually to the expression subclusters. Applying MobyDick to the genes derepressed when the general repressor Tup1 is deleted, we find known as well as putative binding sites for its regulatory partners.
ADP-ribosylation factors, a family of small GTPases, are believed to be key regulators of intracellular membrane traffic. However, many biochemical in vitro experiments have led to different models for their involvement in various steps of vesicular transport, and their precise role in living cells is still unclear. We have taken advantage of the powerful yeast genetic system and screened for temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of the ARF1 gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. By random mutagenesis of the whole open reading frame of ARF1 by error-prone PCR, we isolated eight mutants and examined their phenotypes. arf1 ts mutants showed a variety of transport defects and morphological alterations in an allele-specific manner. Furthermore, intragenic complementation was observed between certain pairs of mutant alleles, both for cell growth and intracellular transport. These results demonstrate that the single Arf1 protein is indeed involved in many different steps of intracellular transport in vivo and that its multiple roles may be dissected by the mutant alleles we constructed.
4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (4HPPD) catalyzes the formation of homogentisate (2,5-dihydroxyphenylacetate) from p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate and molecular oxygen. In plants this enzyme activity is involved in two distinct metabolic processes, the biosynthesis of prenylquinones and the catabolism of tyrosine. We report here the molecular and biochemical characterization of an Arabidopsis 4HPPD and the compartmentation of the recombinant protein in chlorophyllous tissues. We isolated a 1508-bp cDNA with one large open reading frame of 1338 bp. Southern analysis strongly suggested that this Arabidopsis 4HPPD is encoded by a single-copy gene. We investigated the biochemical characteristics of this 4HPPD by overproducing the recombinant protein in Escherichia coli JM105. The subcellular localization of the recombinant 4HPPD in chlorophyllous tissues was examined by overexpressing its complete coding sequence in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), using Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation. We performed western analyses for the immunodetection of protein extracts from purified chloroplasts and total leaf extracts and for the immunocytochemistry on tissue sections. These analyses clearly revealed that 4HPPD was confined to the cytosol compartment, not targeted to the chloroplast. Western analyses confirmed the presence of a cytosolic form of 4HPPD in cultured green Arabidopsis cells.
Trehalose (α-d-glucopyranosyl-1,1-α-d-glucopyranoside), a disaccharide widespread among microbes and lower invertebrates, is generally believed to be nonexistent in higher plants. However, the recent discovery of Arabidopsis genes whose products are involved in trehalose synthesis has renewed interest in the possibility of a function of trehalose in higher plants. We previously showed that trehalase, the enzyme that degrades trehalose, is present in nodules of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.), and we characterized the enzyme as an apoplastic glycoprotein. Here we describe the purification of this trehalase to homogeneity and the cloning of a full-length cDNA encoding this enzyme, named GMTRE1 (G. max trehalase 1). The amino acid sequence derived from the open reading frame of GMTRE1 shows strong homology to known trehalases from bacteria, fungi, and animals. GMTRE1 is a single-copy gene and is expressed at a low but constant level in many tissues.
Poly(ADP)-ribose polymerase (PADPRP) has been purified to apparent homogeneity from suspension cultures of the maize (Zea mays) callus line. The purified enzyme is a single polypeptide of approximately 115 kD, which appears to dimerize through an S-S linkage. The catalytic properties of the maize enzyme are very similar to those of its animal counterpart. The amino acid sequences of three tryptic peptides were obtained by microsequencing. Antibodies raised against peptides from maize PADPRP cross-reacted specifically with the maize enzyme but not with the enzyme from human cells, and vice versa. We have also characterized a 3.45-kb expressed-sequence-tag clone that contains a full-length cDNA for maize PADPRP. An open reading frame of 2943 bp within this clone encodes a protein of 980 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of the maize PADPRP shows 40% to 42% identity and about 50% similarity to the known vertebrate PADPRP sequences. All important features of the modular structure of the PADPRP molecule, such as two zinc fingers, a putative nuclear localization signal, the automodification domain, and the NAD+-binding domain, are conserved in the maize enzyme. Northern-blot analysis indicated that the cDNA probe hybridizes to a message of about 4 kb.
Vacuolar proton-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase and H+-ATPase acidify the vacuoles and power the vacuolar secondary active transport systems in plants. Developmental changes in the transcription of the pyrophosphatase in growing hypocotyls of mung bean (Vigna radiata) were investigated. The cDNA clone for the mung bean enzyme contains an uninterrupted open reading frame of 2298 bp, coding for a polypeptide of 766 amino acids. Hypocotyls were divided into elongating and mature regions. RNA analysis revealed that the transcript level of the pyrophosphatase was high in the elongating region of the 3-d-old hypocotyl but was extremely low in the mature region of the 5-d-old hypocotyl. The level of transcript of the 68-kD subunit of H+-ATPase also decreased after cell maturation. In the elongating region, the proton-pumping activity of pyrophosphatase on the basis of membrane protein was 3 times higher than that of H+-ATPase. After cell maturation, the pyrophosphatase activity decreased to 30% of that in the elongating region. The decline in the pyrophosphatase activity was in parallel with a decrease in the enzyme protein content. These findings indicate that the level of the pyrophosphatase, a main vacuolar proton pump in growing cells, is negatively regulated after cell maturation at the transcriptional level.
Insertion of introns into cloned cDNA of two isolates of the plant potyvirus pea seedborne mosaic virus facilitated plasmid amplification in Escherichia coli. Multiple stop codons in the inserted introns interrupted the open reading frame of the virus cDNA, thereby terminating undesired translation of virus proteins in E. coli. Plasmids containing the full-length virus sequences, placed under control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and the nopaline synthase termination signal, were stable and easy to amplify in E. coli if one or more introns were inserted into the virus sequence. These plasmids were infectious when inoculated mechanically onto Pisum sativum leaves. Examination of the cDNA-derived viruses confirmed that intron splicing of in vivo transcribed pre-mRNA had occurred as predicted, reestablishing the virus genome sequences. Symptom development and virus accumulation of the cDNA derived viruses and parental viruses were identical. It is proposed that intron insertion can be used to facilitate manipulation and amplification of cloned DNA fragments that are unstable in, or toxic to, E. coli. When transcribed in vivo in eukaryotic cells, the introns will be eliminated from the sequence and will not interfere with further analysis of protein expression or virus infection.
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase, which has a molecular mass of 265 kDa (ACC-alpha), catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis of long-chain fatty acids. In this study we report the complete amino acid sequence and unique features of an isoform of ACC with a molecular mass of 275 kDa (ACC-beta), which is primarily expressed in heart and skeletal muscles. In these tissues, ACC-beta may be involved in the regulation of fatty acid oxidation, rather than fatty acid biosynthesis. ACC-beta contains an amino acid sequence at the N terminus which is about 200 amino acids long and may be uniquely related to the role of ACC-beta in controlling carnitine palmitoyltransferase I activity and fatty acid oxidation by mitochondria. If we exclude this unique sequence at the N terminus the two forms of ACC show about 75% amino acid identity. All of the known functional domains of ACC are found in the homologous regions. Human ACC-beta cDNA has an open reading frame of 7,343 bases, encoding a protein of 2,458 amino acids, with a calculated molecular mass of 276,638 Da. The mRNA size of human ACC-beta is approximately 10 kb and is primarily expressed in heart and skeletal muscle tissues, whereas ACC-alpha mRNA is detected in all tissues tested. A fragment of ACC-beta cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli and antibodies against the peptide were generated to establish that the cDNA sequence that we cloned is that for ACC-beta.
A human melanoma-associated chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (MCSP), recognized by mAb 9.2.27, plays a role in stabilizing cell-substratum interactions during early events of melanoma cell spreading on endothelial basement membranes. We report here the molecular cloning and nucleotide sequencing of cDNA encoding the entire core protein of human MCSP and provide its deduced amino acid sequence. This core protein contains an open reading frame of 2322 aa, encompassing a large extracellular domain, a hydrophobic transmembrane region, and a relatively short cytoplasmic tail. Northern blot analysis indicated that MCSP cDNA probes detect a single 8.0-kb RNA species expressed in human melanoma cell lines. In situ hybridization experiments with a segment of the MCSP coding sequence localized MCSP mRNA in biopsies prepared from melanoma skin metastases. Multiple human Northern blots with an MCSP-specific probe revealed a strong hybridization signal only with melanoma cells and not with other human cancer cells or a variety of human fetal and adult tissues. These data indicate that MCSP represents an integral membrane chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan expressed by human malignant melanoma cells. The availability of cDNAs encoding MCSP should facilitate studies designed to establish correlations between structure and function of this molecule and help to establish its role in the progression of human malignant melanoma.
Five to ten percent of individuals with melanoma have another affected family member, suggesting familial predisposition. Germ-line mutations in the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor p16 have been reported in a subset of melanoma pedigrees, but their prevalence is unknown in more common cases of familial melanoma that do not involve large families with multiple affected members. We screened for germ-line mutations in p16 and in two other candidate melanoma genes, p19ARF and CDK4, in 33 consecutive patients treated for melanoma; these patients had at least one affected first or second degree relative (28 independent families). Five independent, definitive p16 mutations were detected (18%, 95% confidence interval: 6%, 37%), including one nonsense, one disease-associated missense, and three small deletions. No mutations were detected in CDK4. Disease-associated mutations in p19ARF, whose transcript is derived in part from an alternative codon reading frame of p16, were only detected in patients who also had mutations inactivating p16. We conclude that germ-line p16 mutations are present in a significant fraction of individuals who have melanoma and a positive family history.
The phenomenon of RNA editing has been found to occur in chloroplasts of several angiosperm plants. Comparative analysis of the entire nucleotide sequence of a gymnosperm [Pinus thunbergii (black pine)] chloroplast genome allowed us to predict several potential editing sites in its transcripts. Forty-nine such sites from 14 genes/ORFs were analyzed by sequencing both cDNAs from the transcripts and the corresponding chloroplast DNA regions, and 26 RNA editing sites were identified in the transcripts from 12 genes/ORFs, indicating that chloroplast RNA editing is not restricted to angiosperms but occurs in the gymnosperm, too. All the RNA editing events are C-to-U conversions; however, many new codon substitutions and creation of stop codons that have not so far been reported in angiosperm chloroplasts were observed. The most striking is that two editing events result in the creation of an initiation and a stop codon within a single transcript, leading to the formation of a new reading frame of 33 codons. The predicted product is highly homologous to that deduced from the ycf7 gene (ORF31), which is conserved in the chloroplast genomes of many other plant species.
A reverse genetics approach was applied to generate a chimeric nonsegmented negative strand RNA virus, rabies virus (RV) of the Rhabdoviridae family, that expresses a foreign protein. DNA constructs containing the entire open reading frame of the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene and an upstream RV cistron border sequence were inserted either into the nontranslated pseudogene region of a full-length cDNA copy of the RV genome or exchanged with the pseudogene region. After intracellular T7 RNA polymerase-driven expression of full-length antigenome RNA transcripts and RV nucleoprotein, phosphoprotein and polymerase from transfected plasmids, RVs transcribing novel monocistronic mRNAs and expressing CAT at high levels, were recovered. The chimeric viruses possessed the growth characteristics of standard RV and were genetically stable upon serial cell culture passages. CAT activity was still observed in cell cultures infected with viruses passaged for more than 25 times. Based on the unprecedented stability of the chimeric RNA genomes, which is most likely due to the structure of the rhabdoviral ribonucleoprotein complex, we predict the successful future use of recombinant rhabdovirus vectors for displaying foreign antigens or delivering therapeutic genes.
A cDNA encoding rat oxidosqualene lanosterol-cyclase [lanosterol synthase; (S)-2,3-epoxysqualene mutase (cyclizing, lanosterol-forming), EC] was cloned and sequenced by a combination of PCR amplification, using primers based on internal amino acid sequence of the purified enzyme, and cDNA library screening by oligonucleotide hybridization. An open reading frame of 2199 bp encodes a M(r) 83,321 protein with 733 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of the rat enzyme showed significant homology to the known oxidosqualene cyclases (OSCs) from yeast and plant (39-44% identity) and still retained 17-26% identity to two bacterial squalene cyclases (EC 5.4.99.-). Like other cyclases, the rat enzyme is rich in aromatic amino acids and contains five so-called QW motifs, highly conserved regions with a repetitive beta-strand turn motif. The binding site sequence for the 29-methylidene-2,3-oxidosqualene (29-MOS), a mechanism-based irreversible inhibitor specific for the vertebrate cyclase, is well-conserved in all known OSCs. The hydropathy plot revealed a rather hydrophilic N-terminal region and the absence of a hydrophobic signal peptide. Unexpectedly, this microsomal membrane-associated enzyme showed no clearly delineated transmembrane domain. A full-length cDNA was constructed and subcloned into a pYEUra3 plasmid, selected in Escherichia coli cells, and used to transform the OSC-deficient uracil-auxotrophic SGL9 strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The recombinant rat OSC expressed was efficiently labeled by the mechanism-based inhibitor [3H]29-MOS.
Clones encoding pro-phenol oxidase [pro-PO; zymogen of phenol oxidase (monophenol, L-dopa:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC] A1 were isolated from a lambda gt10 library that originated from Drosophila melanogaster strain Oregon-R male adults. The 2294 bp of the cDNA included a 13-bp 5'-noncoding region, a 2070-bp encoding open reading frame of 690 amino acids, and a 211-bp 3'-noncoding region. A hydrophobic NH2-terminal sequence for a signal peptide is absent in the protein. Furthermore, there are six potential N-glycosylation sites in the sequence, but no amino sugar was detected in the purified protein by amino acid analysis, indicating the lack of an N-linked sugar chain. The potential copper-binding sites, amino acids 200-248 and 359-414, are highly homologous to the corresponding sites of hemocyanin of the tarantula Eurypelma californicum, the horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus, and the spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus. On the basis of the phylogenetic tree constructed by the neighbor-joining method, vertebrate tyrosinases and molluscan hemocyanins constitute one family, whereas pro-POs and arthropod hemocyanins group with another family. It seems, therefore, likely that pro-PO originates from a common ancestor with arthropod hemocyanins, independently to the vertebrate and microbial tyrosinases.