810 resultados para fibre carbonio CFRP pirolisi gassificazione riciclo
We propose and demonstrate an optical liquid level sensor based on the surrounding medium refractive index (SRI) sensing using an excessively tilted fibre grating (ETFG). When the ETFG submerged in water, two sets of cladding modes are coupled, corresponding to air- and water-surrounded grating structures, respectively. The coupling strengths of the two sets of cladding modes evolve with the submerging length of the grating, providing a mechanism to measure the liquid level. Comparing with long-period fibre grating based liquid level sensor, the ETFG sensor has a much higher SRI responsivity for liquids with refractive index around 1.33 and a lower thermal cross sensitivity. © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A technique for mitigating the effect of the writing-beam profile on fibre Bragg grating fabrication
We propose and demonstrate a pre-compensation mechanism to account for the writing-beam profile which when applied to the design of advanced fibre Bragg gratings helps to achieve a desired design spectral response. We use the example of a complex multi-channel grating as an example to demonstrate the improvement achievable using the pre- compensation and find good agreement between experimental results and numerical calculations.
Physical systems with co-existence and interplay of processes featuring distinct spatio-temporal scales are found in various research areas ranging from studies of brain activity to astrophysics. The complexity of such systems makes their theoretical and experimental analysis technically and conceptually challenging. Here, we discovered that while radiation of partially mode-locked fibre lasers is stochastic and intermittent on a short time scale, it exhibits non-trivial periodicity and long-scale correlations over slow evolution from one round-trip to another. A new technique for evolution mapping of intensity autocorrelation function has enabled us to reveal a variety of localized spatio-temporal structures and to experimentally study their symbiotic co-existence with stochastic radiation. Real-time characterization of dynamical spatio-temporal regimes of laser operation is set to bring new insights into rich underlying nonlinear physics of practical active- and passive-cavity photonic systems.
We propose a self-reference multiplexed fibre interferometer (MFI) by using a tunable laser and fibre Bragg grating (FBG). The optical measurement system multiplexes two Michelson fibre interferometers with shared optical path in the main part of optical system. One fibre optic interferometer is used as a reference interferometer to monitor and control the high accuracy of the measurement system under environmental perturbations. The other is used as a measurement interferometer to obtain information from the target. An active phase tracking homodyne (APTH) technique is applied for signal processing to achieve high resolution. MFI can be utilised for high precision absolute displacement measurement with different combination of wavelengths from the tuneable laser. By means of Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing (WDM) technique, MFI is also capable of realising on-line surface measurement, in which traditional stylus scanning is replaced by spatial light-wave scanning so as to greatly improve the measurement speed and robustness. © 2004 Optical Society of America.
We report on a new vector model of an erbium-doped fibre laser mode locked with carbon nanotubes. This model goes beyond the limitations of the previously used models based on either coupled nonlinear Schrödinger or Ginzburg-Landau equations. Unlike the previous models, it accounts for the vector nature of the interaction between an optical field and an erbium-doped active medium, slow relaxation dynamics of erbium ions, linear birefringence in a fibre, linear and circular birefringence of a laser cavity caused by in-cavity polarization controller and light-induced anisotropy caused by elliptically polarized pump field. Interplay of aforementioned factors changes coherent coupling of two polarization modes at a long time scale and so results in a new family of vector solitons (VSs) with fast and slowly evolving states of polarization. The observed VSs can be of interest in secure communications, trapping and manipulation of atoms and nanoparticles, control of magnetization in data storage devices and many other areas.
The longitudinal distribution of the Stokes-component power in a Raman fibre laser with a random distributed feedback and unidirectional pumping is measured. The fibre parameters (linear loss and Rayleigh backscattering coefficient) are calculated based on the distributions obtained. A numerical model is developed to describe the lasing power distribution. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental data. © 2012 Kvantovaya Elektronika and Turpion Ltd.
A long period grating has been fabricated in endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fibre using a spatially-periodic electric arc discharge. The sensing characteristics of the grating have been studied and it was found to possess an insensitivity to temperature, a bend sensitivity of 3.7 nm · m and a strain sensitivity of -2.0 pm/µe.
A multicore fibre (MCF) sensor to measure the radial deformation of a compliant cylinder under compression is presented. The sensor is connectorised and need not be permanently bonded to the test object. A differential measurement technique using FBGs written into the MCF makes the sensor temperature insensitive. FBG measurement of axial strain of a cylinder under compression is also reported.
A range of physical and engineering systems exhibit an irregular complex dynamics featuring alternation of quiet and burst time intervals called the intermittency. The intermittent dynamics most popular in laser science is the on-off intermittency [1]. The on-off intermittency can be understood as a conversion of the noise in a system close to an instability threshold into effective time-dependent fluctuations which result in the alternation of stable and unstable periods. The on-off intermittency has been recently demonstrated in semiconductor, Erbium doped and Raman lasers [2-5]. Recently demonstrated random distributed feedback (random DFB) fiber laser has an irregular dynamics near the generation threshold [6,7]. Here we show the intermittency in the cascaded random DFB fiber laser. We study intensity fluctuations in a random DFB fiber laser based on nitrogen doped fiber. The laser generates first and second Stokes components 1120 nm and 1180 nm respectively under an appropriate pumping. We study the intermittency in the radiation of the second Stokes wave. The typical time trace near the generation threshold of the second Stokes wave (Pth) is shown at Fig. 1a. From the number of long enough time-traces we calculate statistical distribution between major spikes in time dynamics, Fig. 1b. To eliminate contribution of high frequency components of spikes we use a low pass filter along with the reference value of the output power. Experimental data is fitted by power law,
We implement an optical biosensor using long-period fibre grating immobilised with probe DNA. It has been used to detect hybridisation of target DNA, showing a high sensitivity and reusability function.
Single polarisation operation of fibre ring laser has been realised by employing an intracavity 45°tilted fibre Bragg gratings (45° TFBGs). The degree of polarisation of 99.94% of the laser was demonstrated with good stability.
We report an accelerometer based upon a simple fibre cantilever constructed from a short length of multicore fibre(MCF) containing fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs). Two-axis measurement is demonstrated up to 3 kHz.
We report a distinctive polarisation mode coupling behaviour of tilted fibre Bragg gratings (TFBGs) with tilted angle exceeding 45°. The ex-45° TFBGs exhibit pronounced polarisation mode splitting resulted from grating structure asymmetry induced birefringence. We have studied and analysed the property of ex-45° TFBGs under transverse load applied to their equivalent fast- and slow-axis. The results show that the coupling between the orthogonally polarised modes takes place only when the load is applied to its fast-axis, giving a prominent directional loading response. This transverse load related polarisation property may be exploitable for implementation of optical fibre vector sensors capable of measuring the magnitude and orientation of the applied transverse load.
Using three fibre gratings with excessively tilted structures in the cavity, we have experimentally demonstrated a multiwavelength switchable erbium-doped fibre ring laser system. The three tilted gratings act as in-fibre polariser and polarisation dependent loss filters to induce the polarisation hole burning effect in the cavity for the operation of the laser at single, double, triple and quadruple wavelengths. The laser system has demonstrated good stability under room temperature conditions and also achieved a high degree of polarization (~30dB), high optical signal to noise ratio (up to 63dB) and high side mode suppression (~50dB). The system has also been investigated for temperature and strain sensing by subjecting the seeding fibre Bragg gratings (FBG) to temperature and strain variations. Since the loss band of the polarisation dependent loss filter is broader than the bandwidth of the seeding FBG, the laser output shifts in wavelength with the applied temperature and strain. The fibre ring laser has shown good responses to the temperature and strain, providing sensitivities of approximately 11.7 pm/°C and 0.85pm/µe respectively.
The initial aim of this project was to develop a non-contact fibre optic based displacement sensor to operate in the harsh environment of a 'Light Gas Gun' (LGG), which can 'fire' small particles at velocities ranging from 1-8.4 km/s. The LGG is used extensively for research in aerospace to analyze the effects of high speed impacts on materials. Ideally the measurement should be made close to the centre of the impact to minimise corruption of the data from edge effects and survive the impact. A further requirement is that it should operate at a stand-off distance of ~ 8cm. For these reasons we chose to develop a pseudo con-focal intensity sensor, which demonstrated resolution comparable with conventional PVDF sensors combined with high survivability and low cost. A second sensor was developed based on 'Fibre Bragg Gratings' (FBG) which although requiring contact with the target the low weight and very small contact area had minimal effect on the dynamics of the target. The FBG was mounted either on the surface of the target or tangentially between a fixed location. The output signals from the FBG were interrogated in time by a new method. Measurements were made on composite and aluminium plates in the LGG and on low speed drop tests. The particle momentum for the drop tests was chosen to be similar to that of the particles used in the LGG.