983 resultados para fed-batch process
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2012
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2013
This article describes the problem of commercializing of scientific researches in universities. Management tasks are reduced to subtasks and combined formal algorithm. The overall control problem is reduced to a set of formal subtasks combined into a single algorithm. Here the necessity of joint control of all commercialization projects as well as the use of information systems for the successful implementation of the existing commercialpotential is shown.
This work presents the results of an investigation of processes in the melting zone during Electron Beam Welding(EBW) through analysis of the secondary current in the plasma.The studies show that the spectrum of the secondary emission signal during steel welding has a pronounced periodic component at a frequency of around 15–25 kHz. The signal contains quasi-periodic sharp peaks (impulses). These impulses have stochastically varying amplitude and follow each other inseries, at random intervals between series. The impulses have a considerable current (up to 0.5 A). It was established that during electron-beam welding with the focal spot scanning these impulses follow each other almost periodically. It was shown that the probability of occurrence of these high-frequency perturbation increases with the concentration of energy in the interaction zone. The paper also presents hypotheses for the mechanism of the formation of the high-frequency oscillations in the secondary current signal in the plasma.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2014
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2014
The organic and inorganic forms of soil nitrogen and how they participate in the process of fixation, immobilization and mineralization of ammonium in soils were evaluated, after different periods of incubaton, utilizing two soils, a Lithic Haplustoll and a Typic Eutrorthox. The results obtained permit to suggest that : 1) The method for determination of the ammonium fixing capacity based on the extraction with 2N KC1, is considered to be subject to interferences of other soil fractions capable of retaining ammonium. 2) The increase in exchangeable ammonium content is related to the decrease in amino acids and hydrolyzable ammonium. 3) The immobilization and mineralization processes are still held under mil microbial. The forms more affected by this condition are amino acids and hydrolyzable ammonium.
Moscas das frutas do gênero Anastrepha Schiner, 1868 são conhecidas por sua importância econômica devido aos danos que elas causam nos frutos comerciais. As exigências nutricionais dos estágios imaturo e adulto são diferentes e as larvas não se desenvolvem bem utilizando a mesma dieta do adulto. Embora as necessidades nutricionais básicas dos insetos sejam bem conhecidas, existe ainda o problema de elaborar dietas de criação adequadas para espécies com necessidades específicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito de diferentes tipos e quantidades de carboidratos na dieta sobre a performance larval de Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart, 1835). Larvas foram criadas individualmente em tubos de ensaio contendo uma das dietas artificiais a serem testadas onde elas foram mantidas até a pupação. A composição básica das dietas testadas incluia 2,5 g de agar, 3,25 g de levedo de cerveja e quantidades variadas de sacarose e farinha de trigo. A adequação do meio artificial para A. obliqua foi testada pela avaliação da sobrevivência larval e pupal (%) e o tempo de desenvolvimento larval, pupal e de larva-adulto. A dieta contendo farinha de trigo (2 g) e sacarose (2 g) e a dieta somente com sacarose (5,5 g) foram as que apresentaram melhor performance larval. Todas as dietas testadas apresentaram resultados similares ou superiores às dietas utilizadas em outros trabalhos. A importância da presença da farinha de trigo e seu valor nutricional para as larvas são discutidos.
The following is a summary of the studies made on the development of Plasmodium gallinaceum sporozoites inoculated into normal chicks. Initially large numbers of laboratory reared Aëdes aegypti were fed on pullets heavily infected with gametocytes. Following the infectious meal the mosquitoes were kept on a diet of sugar and water syrup until the appearance of the sporozoites in the salivary glands. Normal chicks kept in hematophagous arthropod proof cages were then inoculated either by bite of the infected mosquitoes or by subcutaneous inoculations of salivary gland suspensions. By the first method ten mosquitoes fed to engorgement on each normal chick and were then sacrificed immediately afterwards to determine the sporozoite count. By the second method five pairs of salivary glands were dissected out at room temperature, triturated in physiological saline and inoculated subcutaneously. The epidermis and dermis at the site of inoculation were excised from six hours after inoculation to forty eight hours after appearance of the parasites in the blood stream and stretched out on filter paper with the epithelial surface downward. The dermis was then curretted. Slides were made of the scrapings consisting of connective tissue and epithelial cells of the basal layers which were fixed by metyl alcohol and stained with Giemsa for examination under the oil immersion lens. Skin fragments removed from normal chicks and from regions other than the site of inoculation in the infected chicks were used as controls. In these, only the normal histological aspect was ever encountered. In the biopsy made at the earliest period following inoculation clearly defined elongated forms with eight or more chromatin granules arranged in rosary formation were found. The author believes these to be products of the sporozoite evolution. Search for transition stages between these forms and sporozoites is planned in biopsies to be taken immediately following inoculation and at given intervals up to the six hour period. 1.) 6 and 12 hour periods. The bodies referred to above found in the first period in great abundance, apparently in proportion to the large numbers of sporozoites inoculated, were perceptibly reduced in numbers in the second period. 2.) 18 hour period. Only one biopsy was examined. This presented a binuclear body shown in Fig. 1, having a more or less hyaline protoplasm staining an intense blue and a narrow vacuole delimiting the cell boundaries. The two chromatin grains were quite large presenting a clearly defined nuclear texture. 3.) 24 hour period. A similar body to that above (Fig. 2) was seen in the only preparation examined. 4.) 60 hour period. The exoerythrocytic schizonts were found more frequently from this period onward. Several such were found no longer to contain the previously described vacuoles (Fig. 3). 5.) 84 hour period. Cells bearing eight or more schizonts were frequently encountered here. That these are apparently not bodies in process of division may be seen in Fig. 4. From this time onward small violet granules similar to volutine grains appeared constantly in the schizont nucleus and protoplasm. These are definitely not hemozoin. The above observations fell within the incubation period as repeated examinations of the peripheral and visceral blood were negative. Exoery-throcytic parasites also were never encountered in the viscera at this time. Exoerythrocytic schizonts searched for at site of inoculation 1, 24 and 48 hours after the incubation period were present in large number at all three times with apparent tendency to diminish as the number within the blood stream increased. Many of them presented the violet granules mentioned above. The appearance of the chromatin and the intensity of staining of the protoplasm varied from body to body which doubtless corresponds to the evolutionary stage of each. This diversity of aspect may frequently be seen in the parasites of the same host cell (Fig. 5.). These findings lend substance to the theory that the exoerythrocytic forms are the link between the sporozoites and the pigmented parasites of the red blood corpuscles. The explanation of their continued presence in the organism after infection of the blood stream takes place and their presence in cases infected by the inoculation blood does not come within the scope of this work. Large scale observations shortly to be undertaken will be reported in more detail particularly observations on the first evolutionary phases of the sporozoite within the organism of the vertebrate host.
In this paper we explore the effect of bounded rationality on the convergence of individual behavior toward equilibrium. In the context of a Cournot game with a unique and symmetric Nash equilibrium, firms are modeled as adaptive economic agents through a genetic algorithm. Computational experiments show that (1) there is remarkable heterogeneity across identical but boundedly rational agents; (2) such individual heterogeneity is not simply a consequence of the random elements contained in the genetic algorithm; (3) the more rational agents are in terms of memory abilities and pre-play evaluation of strategies, the less heterogeneous they are in their actions. At the limit case of full rationality, the outcome converges to the standard result of uniform individual behavior.
Combined media on photographic paper. 51¼" x 83" Private Collection
According to the account of the European Union (EU) decision making proposed in this paper, this is a bargaining process during which actors shift their policy positions with a view to reaching agreements on controversial issues.