989 resultados para extended focal depth
This study explores ~ow South Asian diasporic film represents and reproduces South Asian identity in the diaspora. It commences with a review of the literature in cultural studies and post-colonial theory on identity in the diaspora. A textual analysis of three films: American Desi, Bollywood/Hollywood, and East Is East, helps frame the characteristics of South Asian diasporic film. Theoretical concepts of diaspora and identity are extended to this reading of the films. In-depth, open-ended, semi structured interviews were conducted with eight participants to test the validity of theoretical concepts through participants' own reading of American Desi. Findings indicate that while theoretical concepts of identity can be usefully applied at the level of the text, these perspectives do not always easily explain participants' interpretation of the film in relation to their everyday experiences.
Atheory of educating is always derived from philosophical tenets. In Western society these tenets are concerned primarily with the provision, maintenance and evolution of knowledge for use by future generations. The provision of knowledge for future generations is for the purpose of ensuring cultural and biological survival. Essentially this provision involves two major criteria: first, that only that knowledge which has been judged to be exce11 ent shou1d be passed on and, second, in add it ion to providing knowledge claims, the evidence for knowledge claims must also be extended in order to fully enrich meaning for an individual involved in a learning experience. Embedded in such a theory of educating are a concept of educational excellence and a concept of the provision of evidence for knowledge claims. This thesis applied the contributions of metaphilosophy to the concepts of educational excellence and the provision of evidence. The metaphilosophy of Stephen C. Pepper was examined for its contributions to a theory of educating and a concept of educational excellence. Metaphilosophy is concerned with making knowledge meaningful. It is a subject matter which may be studied in and of itself and it is a method for acquiring meaning by interpreting knowledge. Historically people have interpreted the knowledge of the world from basically four adequate world views which Pepper termed formism, mechanism, contextual ism and organicism. He later proposed a fifth world view which he termed selectivism. In this thesis these world views were shown to contribute in a variety of ways to educational excellence, most particularly as they allow for interpretations and analysis of evidence about knowledge claims. Selecti vismwas examined in depth and was shown to contribute to educational excellence in two major ways; first, as a world hypothesis which offers an interpretation of the evidence for knowledge claims and, second, as a metahypothesis which provides knowledge about the nature of knowledge. Finally the importance of metaphilosophy in contributing to cultural survival was demonstrated in a discussion of the potential impact of selectivism on a theory of educating and educational excellence.
This research used a quantitative study approach to investigate the “boy crisis” in Canada. Boy crisis advocates suggest that boys are being surpassed by girls on reading assessments and promote strategies to assist male students. A feminist framework was used in this study that allowed for an investigation and discussion of the factors that mediate between gender and success at reading comprehension, interpretation, and response to text without ignoring female students. Reading scores and questionnaire data compiled by the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program were used in this research, specifically the PCAP-13 2007 assessment of approximately 30,000 13-year-old students from all Canadian provinces and Yukon Territory (CMEC, 2008). Approximately 20,000 participants wrote the reading assessment, while 30,000 students completed the questionnaire responses. Predictor variables were tested using parametric tests such as independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, chi-square analysis, and Pearson r. Findings from this study indicate that although boys scored lower than girls on the PCAP-13 2007 reading assessment, factors were found to influence the reading scores of both male and female students to varying degrees. Socioeconomic status, perceptions of the reading material used in language arts classrooms, reading preference, reading interest, parental involvement, parental encouragement for reading, and self-efficacy were all found to affect the reading performance of boys and girls. Relationships between variables were also found and are discussed in this research. The analysis presented in this study allows parents, educators, and policy makers to begin to critically examine and re-evaluate boy crisis literature and offers suggestions on how to improve reading performance for all students of all socioeconomic backgrounds.
The experience of a strong sense of community developed while participating in extended wilderness expeditions is one of the most significant and meaningful experiences associated with taking part in this form of outdoor recreation. The experience of returning to a home community from an extended wilderness expedition is explored through the impacts associated with psychological sense of community (McMillian & Chavis, 1986; McMillian, 1996). A phenomenological approach was used to investigate the re-entry experiences of six individuals through the use of semi-structured interviews. Twelve main themes and seventeen subthemes emerged within the findings and illustrate a lack of preparation for the difficulties associated with re-entry, negative impacts associated with the experience of sense of community, and problems transferring aspects of a wilderness community into participant’s post-expedition lives.
Experimental Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectra carry information about the chemical structure of metal protein complexes. However, pre- dicting the structure of such complexes from EXAFS spectra is not a simple task. Currently methods such as Monte Carlo optimization or simulated annealing are used in structure refinement of EXAFS. These methods have proven somewhat successful in structure refinement but have not been successful in finding the global minima. Multiple population based algorithms, including a genetic algorithm, a restarting ge- netic algorithm, differential evolution, and particle swarm optimization, are studied for their effectiveness in structure refinement of EXAFS. The oxygen-evolving com- plex in S1 is used as a benchmark for comparing the algorithms. These algorithms were successful in finding new atomic structures that produced improved calculated EXAFS spectra over atomic structures previously found.
Tesis [Maestría en Contaduría Pública con Especialidad en Auditoría) U.A.N.L.
Cette recherche a pour objet l'étude de la dynamique de transformation du métier d'ingénieur dans le contexte algérien saisi à travers le rapport au travail. Elle repose sur une approche théorique s'inspirant d'une sociologie des groupes professionnels avec une démarche alliant méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives. Prenant appui sur des données recueillies à l'aide d'un questionnaire et d'entretiens approfondis menés dans Sonatrach, la plus grande entreprise d'Algérie, notre étude s'est attachée à faire ressortir les facteurs qui agissent au niveau individuel, organisationnel et sociétal sur les pratiques professionnelles pour deux générations d'ingénieurs. La première a eu pour mission de bâtir le pays à travers les grands projets de développement qui ont caractérisé la période après l'indépendance. La deuxième est arrivée sur le marché de l'emploi, à la fin des années 80, dans un contexte de crise et a payé un lourd tribut à la détérioration de la conjoncture économique. Les pratiques professionnelles se construisent tout d'abord dans le travail, mais aussi dans l'exercice des activités quotidiennes, les relations avec les autres et enfin la satisfaction à l'égard du travail. Tels ont été les points focaux de notre démarche d'explicitation du rapport au travail chez nos ingénieurs. Nous avons mis en lumière l'effet de la position hiérarchique au sein de l'organisation et des types de fonction. La satisfaction tient de la fierté d'appartenir à une entreprise prestigieuse. Chez les jeunes, elle s'exprime aussi dans les avantages matériels et une vision du métier fondée sur la maîtrise technique. Les plus âgés, encore marqués par l'idéologie nationaliste, mettent l'accent sur la participation à l'édification du pays, mais aussi sur la réalisation de soi et la fidélité à l'entreprise. Le rapport au travail s'élabore également au fil du temps dans son cheminement professionnel. Nous l'avons abordé, dans une deuxième étape, en documentant les processus d'intégration et de mobilité au sein de l'entreprise. Les trajectoires professionnelles sont régies par des politiques et des procédures de gestion qui en définissent les modalités, mais elles obéissent également à des opportunités et à des pratiques informelles qui jouent un rôle tout aussi important dans la détermination des profils de carrière. Enfin, le rapport au travail est tributaire de facteurs qui dépassent le cadre de l'entreprise. Dans une troisième étape, nous avons analysé les transformations du système éducatif et leur impact sur la certification des ingénieurs, la crise économique et ses effets en termes de chômage et de précarité et enfin la montée du discours religieux et ses manifestations chez les ingénieurs. Ces facteurs liés au contexte sociétal modifient les représentations et modèlent les attitudes et comportements au travail et à l'égard de celui-ci. Comme le montre notre recherche, le rapport au travail articule, dans une composition complexe, parcours individuels et histoires collectives vécus dans des environnements en évolution. La pratique d'un métier se trouve liée aux différents contextes de socialisation qui traversent les individus. Elle se situe, dans le cas algérien, au croisement d'une formation scientifique et technique qui montre peu de réactivité aux besoins mouvants de l'opérateur économique qu'elle est censée satisfaire, d'une entreprise bureaucratique dans son organisation et dans son fonctionnement où le contournement des règles peut s'ériger en principes de gestion et enfin d'un contexte sociétal qui oscille entre modernité et tradition. Cette dernière est réinterprétée de manière orthodoxe par les mouvements religieux en action dans la société. Ainsi, les ingénieurs investis initialement d'une mission de développement et considérés alors comme "vecteur de modernité" connaissent une détérioration de leur statut et la crise touche la profession vécue cependant différemment selon les générations.
Thesis written in co-mentorship with Robert Michaud.
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) acquired with electroencephalography (EEG) is a relatively new non-invasive neuroimaging technique with potential for long term monitoring of the epileptic brain. Simultaneous EEG-fNIRS recording allows the spatio-temporal reconstruction of the hemodynamic response in terms of the concentration changes in oxy-hemoglobin (HbO) and deoxy-hemoglobin (HbR) associated with recorded epileptic events such as interictal epileptic discharges (IEDs) or seizures. While most previous studies investigating fNIRS in epilepsy had limitations due to restricted spatial coverage and small sample sizes, this work includes a sufficiently large number of channels to provide an extensive bilateral coverage of the surface of the brain for a sample size of 40 patients with focal epilepsies. Topographic maps of significant activations due to each IED type were generated in four different views (dorsal, frontal, left and right) and were compared with the epileptic focus previously identified by an epileptologist. After excluding 5 patients due to the absence of IEDs and 6 more with mesial temporal foci too deep for fNIRS, we report that significant HbR (respectively HbO) concentration changes corresponding to IEDs were observed in 62% (resp. 38%) of patients with neocortical epilepsies. This HbR/HbO response was most significant in the epileptic focus region among all the activations in 28%/21% of patients.
In the present environment, industry should provide the products of high quality. Quality of products is judged by the period of time they can successfully perform their intended functions without failure. The cause of the failures can be ascertained through life testing experiments and the times to failure due to different cause are likely to follow different distributions. Knowledge of this distribution is essential to eliminate causes of failures and thereby to improve the quality and the reliability of products. The main accomplishment expected to the study is to develop statistical tools that could facilitate solution to lifetime data arising in such and similar contexts
The current study is aimed at the development of a theoretical simulation tool based on Discrete Element Method (DEM) to 'interpret granular dynamics of solid bed in the cross section of the horizontal rotating cylinder at the microscopic level and subsequently apply this model to establish the transition behaviour, mixing and segregation.The simulation of the granular motion developed in this work is based on solving Newton's equation of motion for each particle in the granular bed subjected to the collisional forces, external forces and boundary forces. At every instant of time, the forces are tracked and the positions velocities and accelarations of each partcle is The software code for this simulation is written in VISUAL FORTRAN 90 After checking the validity of the code with special tests, it is used to investigate the transition behaviour of granular solids motion in the cross section of a rotating cylinder for various rotational speeds and fill fraction.This work is hence directed towards a theoretical investigation based on Discrete Element Method (DEM) of the motion of granular solids in the radial direction of the horizontal cylinder to elucidate the relationship between the operating parameters of the rotating cylinder geometry and physical properties ofthe granular solid.The operating parameters of the rotating cylinder include the various rotational velocities of the cylinder and volumetric fill. The physical properties of the granular solids include particle sizes, densities, stiffness coefficients, and coefficient of friction Further the work highlights the fundamental basis for the important phenomena of the system namely; (i) the different modes of solids motion observed in a transverse crosssection of the rotating cylinder for various rotational speeds, (ii) the radial mixing of the granular solid in terms of active layer depth (iii) rate coefficient of mixing as well as the transition behaviour in terms of the bed turnover time and rotational speed and (iv) the segregation mechanisms resulting from differences in the size and density of particles.The transition behaviour involving its six different modes of motion of the granular solid bed is quantified in terms of Froude number and the results obtained are validated with experimental and theoretical results reported in the literature The transition from slumping to rolling mode is quantified using the bed turnover time and a linear relationship is established between the bed turn over time and the inverse of the rotational speed of the cylinder as predicted by Davidson et al. [2000]. The effect of the rotational speed, fill fraction and coefficient of friction on the dynamic angle of repose are presented and discussed. The variation of active layer depth with respect to fill fraction and rotational speed have been investigated. The results obtained through simulation are compared with the experimental results reported by Van Puyvelde et. at. [2000] and Ding et at. [2002].The theoretical model has been further extended, to study the rmxmg and segregation in the transverse direction for different particle sizes and their size ratios. The effect of fill fraction and rotational speed on the transverse mixing behaviour is presented in the form of a mixing index and mixing kinetics curve. The segregation pattern obtained by the simulation of the granular solid bed with respect to the rotational speed of the cylinder is presented both in graphical and numerical forms. The segregation behaviour of the granular solid bed with respect to particle size, density and volume fraction of particle size has been investigated. Several important macro parameters characterising segregation such as mixing index, percolation index and segregation index have been derived from the simulation tool based on first principles developed in this work.
Frames are the most widely used structural system for multistorey buildings. A building frame is a three dimensional discrete structure consisting of a number of high rise bays in two directions at right angles to each other in the vertical plane. Multistorey frames are a three dimensional lattice structure which are statically indeterminate. Frames sustain gravity loads and resist lateral forces acting on it. India lies at the north westem end of the Indo-Australian tectonic plate and is identified as an active tectonic area. Under horizontal shaking of the ground, horizontal inertial forces are generated at the floor levels of a multistorey frame. These lateral inertia forces are transferred by the floor slab to the beams, subsequently to the columns and finally to the soil through the foundation system. There are many parameters that affect the response of a structure to ground excitations such as, shape, size and geometry of the structure, type of foundation, soil characteristics etc. The Soil Structure Interaction (SS1) effects refer to the influence of the supporting soil medium on the behavior of the structure when it is subjected to different types of loads. Interaction between the structure and its supporting foundation and soil, which is a complete system, has been modeled with finite elements. Numerical investigations have been carried out on a four bay, twelve storeyed regular multistorey frame considering depth of fixity at ground level, at characteristic depth of pile and at full depth. Soil structure interaction effects have been studied by considering two models for soil viz., discrete and continuum. Linear static analysis has been conducted to study the interaction effects under static load. Free vibration analysis and further shock spectrum analysis has been conducted to study the interaction effects under time dependent loads. The study has been extended to four types of soil viz., laterite, sand, alluvium and layered.The structural responses evaluated in the finite element analysis are bending moment, shear force and axial force for columns, and bending moment and shear force for beams. These responses increase with increase in the founding depth; however these responses show minimal increase beyond the characteristic length of pile. When the soil structure interaction effects are incorporated in the analysis, the aforesaid responses of the frame increases upto the characteristic depth and decreases when the frame has been analysed for the full depth. It has been observed that shock spectrum analysis gives wide variation of responses in the frame compared to linear elastic analysis. Both increase and decrease in responses have been observed in the interior storeys. The good congruence shown by the two finite element models viz., discrete and continuum in linear static analysis has been absent in shock spectrum analysis.
Amorphous thin films of Fe/Sm, prepared by evaporation methods, have been magnetically characterized and the results were interpreted in terms of the random magnets theory. The samples behave as 2D and 3D random magnets depending on the total thickness of the film. From our data the existence of orientational order, which greatly influences the magnetic behavior of the films, is also clear.