992 resultados para ethical conduct


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La presente investigación tiene por objeto analizar el cambio de paradigma en las organizaciones como fundamento del liderazgo ético desde una realidad postmoderna a fin de detectar la necesidad de un liderazgo ético en las organizaciones donde los líderes sean formadores de valores a través del modelaje directivo; es un estilo de liderazgo en el que la visión ética, sistémica e integradora son unas de las principales aptitudes que el líder ético ha de poner en la práctica. Se han desarrollado teorías de liderazgo centradas no tanto en los rasgos o comportamientos de los líderes, sino en la relación entre líder y sus seguidores


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Many specialists in international trade have started saying that the era of a mega FTA is approaching. If the three poles of the global economy, namely East Asia, EU and the United States, form mega FTAs, most of the volume of global trade will be covered. That may be fine, but there will be many countries left out of the mega FTA, most of which will be the least developed countries (LDCs). Since the inception of the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) negotiations in 2001, the WTO and its member countries have tried to include LDCs in the world trading system through various means, including DFQF and AfT. Although these means have some positive impact on the economic development of LDCs, most of the LDCs will never feel comfortable with the current world trading system. To overcome the stalemate in the DDA and to create an inclusive world trading system, we need more commitment from both LDCs and non-LDCs. To surmount the prolonged stalemate in the DDA, we should understand how ordinary people in LDCs feel and think about the current world trading system. Those voices have seldom been listened to, even by the decision makers of their own countries. So as to understand the situation of the people in LDCs, IDE-JETRO carried out several research projects using macro, meso and micro approaches. For the micro level, we collected and analyzed statements from ordinary people concerning their opinions about the world trading system. The interviewees are ordinary people such as street vendors, farmers and factory workers. We asked about where they buy and sell daily necessities, their perception of imported goods, export promotion and free trade at large, etc. These ‘voices of the people’ surveys were conducted in Madagascar and Cambodia during 2013. Based on this research, and especially the findings from the ‘voices of the people’ surveys, we propose a ‘DDA-MDGs hybrid’ strategy to conclude DDA negotiations and develop a more inclusive and a little bit more ethical world trading system. Our proposal may be summarized in the following three points. (1) Aid for Trade (AfT) ver. 2 Currently AfT is mainly focused on coordinating several aid projects related to LDCs’ capacity building. However, this is inadequate; for the proposed ‘DDA-MDGs hybrid’, a super AfT is needed. The WTO, other development agencies and LDC governments will not only coordinate but also plan together aid projects for trade capacity building. AfT ver. 2 includes infrastructure projects either gran aid, ODA loans and private investment. This is in accordance with the post-MDGs argument which emphasizes the role of the private sector. (2) Ethical Attitude Reciprocity is a principle of multilateral agreement, and it has been a core promise since GATT. However, for designing an inclusive system, special and differential treatment (S&D) is still needed for disadvantaged members. To compromise full reciprocity and less than full reciprocity, an ethical attitude on the part of every member is needed in which every member refrains from insisting on the full rights and demands of its own country. As used herein, the term ‘ethical’ implies more consideration for LDCs, and it is almost identical to S&D but with a more positive attitude from developed countries (super S&D). (3) Collect Voices of the People In order to grasp the real situation of the people, the voices of the people on free trade will continue to be collected in other LDCs, and the findings and leanings will be fed back to the WTO negotiation space.


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Throughout the development and maturation of the American democratic experience, religiously inspired conduct has contributed significantly to democratically progressive political concerns such as the abolition of slavery and campaigns for civil rights, but also the encouragement and perpetuation pf anti-democratic practices such as the institution of slavery and policies of racial segregation. It may be rarely admitted, but there is no essential conceptual affinity between conduct proper to democratic political association. It may, therefore, be useful in our own political circumstances to try to determine boundaries for conduct that expresses and satisfies compatibly both religious and democratic commitments. Perhaps most Americans do recognize – if not in their own cases, at least in reference to the beliefs and actions of others – that religiously inspired conduct is neither thereby justified morally or legally nor absolved from further critical appraisal. Certainly, the history of American legal practice shows that religious belief or inspiration does not serve as acceptable legal defense for conduct charged as criminal infraction. The U.S. Constitution contains only two references to religion: the non-establishment clause prohibits governmental institutionalization of religious beliefs or liberty rights – is limited in scope and application both by other constitutional rights of individuals and by constitutionally authorized powers of government. As the U.S.S.C. has repeatedly held, individual constitutional features must be understood in a manner that harmonizes all stated and implied constitutional features, not by unbridled abstractions of selected phrases. Under the American legal system, there is no absolute or unlimited right to free exercise of religion: not everything done publicly under religious inspiration is legally permissible; what is otherwise illegal conduct is not legalized by religious inspiration. In important respects, general features of the legal boundaries concerning religiously inspired conduct in public life are reasonably clear; nevertheless, broader issues concerning further moral or ethical constraints upon religiously inspired conduct remain unresolved and rarely addressed explicitly.


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Esta pesquisa reflete sobre questões da ética contemporânea na publicidade dirigida ao público feminino. A discussão de tais questões debruça sobre a vertente deontológica (convicção). O objetivo do estudo é investigar como os anúncios publicados nas revistas Claudia e Nova articulam questões de tal ética. Assim, buscou-se verificar, por meio da análise de conteúdo, se os anúncios seguiam os princípios contidos no Código Brasileiro de Auto-Regulamentação Publicitária. Em uma segunda etapa, pretendeu-se investigar, por meio da análise de discurso, como se deu a construção dos anúncios sob o enfoque da ética e da mulher na sociedade dos dias de hoje. Concluiu-se que as representações da ética deontológica na publicidade feminina ocorrem de maneira não linear e fragmentada. A não linearidade se refere ao não cumprimento dos princípios éticos por parte de alguns anúncios analisados. Já a fragmentação diz respeito ao modo como a mulher é retratada e como os produtos são divulgados nos anúncios, a partir de diferentes padrões de conduta (princípios) e baseados em valores diversificados. Ora os anúncios apresentam os produtos de maneira verdadeira ou não, ora as mulheres aparecem sob um enfoque baseado em valores contemporâneos ou em valores tradicionais de modo diferenciado.(AU)


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Esta pesquisa reflete sobre questões da ética contemporânea na publicidade dirigida ao público feminino. A discussão de tais questões debruça sobre a vertente deontológica (convicção). O objetivo do estudo é investigar como os anúncios publicados nas revistas Claudia e Nova articulam questões de tal ética. Assim, buscou-se verificar, por meio da análise de conteúdo, se os anúncios seguiam os princípios contidos no Código Brasileiro de Auto-Regulamentação Publicitária. Em uma segunda etapa, pretendeu-se investigar, por meio da análise de discurso, como se deu a construção dos anúncios sob o enfoque da ética e da mulher na sociedade dos dias de hoje. Concluiu-se que as representações da ética deontológica na publicidade feminina ocorrem de maneira não linear e fragmentada. A não linearidade se refere ao não cumprimento dos princípios éticos por parte de alguns anúncios analisados. Já a fragmentação diz respeito ao modo como a mulher é retratada e como os produtos são divulgados nos anúncios, a partir de diferentes padrões de conduta (princípios) e baseados em valores diversificados. Ora os anúncios apresentam os produtos de maneira verdadeira ou não, ora as mulheres aparecem sob um enfoque baseado em valores contemporâneos ou em valores tradicionais de modo diferenciado.(AU)


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Introdução: As precauções-padrão (PP) constituem um conjunto de medidas que têm como finalidade minimizar o risco de transmissão ocupacional de patógenos, sendo indispensável sua utilização por profissionais de saúde, sobretudo pelos enfermeiros. No entanto, a não adesão às PP constitui problemática amplamente discutida em todo o mundo. Embora haja diversos estudos brasileiros que visem avaliar a adesão às PP , ainda tem-se observado grande fragilidade no processo de construção e de validação dos instrumentos utilizados para avaliação deste construto. Objetivo: Realizar a adaptação cultural e validação da Compliance with Standard Precautions Scale (CSPS) para enfermeiros brasileiros. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico para a adaptação e validação da CSPS. Essa escala é composta por 20 itens com quatro opções de respostas, e destina-se a avaliar a adesão às PP. O processo de adaptação consistiu em Tradução, Consenso entre Juízes, Retrotradução e Validação Semântica. A primeira etapa foi a tradução do idioma original para o português do Brasil. Após foi realizado um comitê composto por sete juízes, a versão de consenso obtida na etapa anterior foi traduzida novamente para o idioma de origem. Foram avaliadas as propriedades psicométricas do instrumento, considerando-se as validades de face e de conteúdo, a validade de construto e a confiabilidade. A versão para o Português do Brasil da CSPS (CSPS-PB) foi aplicada em uma amostra de 300 enfermeiros que atuam na assistência a pacientes em um hospital localizado na cidade de São Paulo/SP. A confiabilidade foi avaliada por meio da consistência interna (alfa de Cronbach) e teste reteste (coeficiente de correlação intraclasse - ICC). Para a validação de construto, foi utilizada a comparação entre grupos diferentes, análise fatorial exploratória e análise fatorial confirmatória, segundo o Modelo de Equações Estruturais (SEM). Utilizou-se o software IBM® SPSS, 19.0. Para a análise fatorial confirmatória foi utilizado o módulo específico Analysis of Moment Structures (IBM® SPSS AMOS). Para a análise paralela utilizou-se o programa RanEigen Syntax. O nível de significância adotado foi ? = 0,05. Todos os aspectos éticos foram contemplados. Resultados: A tradução realizada por tradutores juramentados garantiu qualidade a esse processo. A validação de face e de conteúdo possibilitou a realização de modificações pertinentes e imperativas a fim de atender aos critérios de equivalências conceituais, idiomáticas, culturais e semânticas. Obteve-se ?=0,61 na avaliação da consistência interna, indicando confiabilidade satisfatória. O ICC indicou uma correlação de 0,87 quase perfeita para o teste reteste duas semanas após a primeira abordagem, conferindo estabilidade satisfatória. A validade de construto mostrou que a CSPS-PB foi capaz de discriminar as médias de adesão às PP entre grupos distintos referente à idade (F=5,15 p<=0,01), ao tempo de experiência clínica (F = 8,9 p<= 0,000) e a ter recebido treinamento (t = 2,48 p<=0,01). Na análise fatorial confirmatória, o modelo foi subidentificado. A análise fatorial exploratória indicou que todos os itens apresentaram cargas fatoriais adequadas (>=0,30), sendo identificados quatro fatores pela análise paralela. O total de variância explicada foi de 35,48%. Conclusão: A CSPS-PB, trata-se de um instrumento adequado, confiável e válido para medir a adesão às PP entre enfermeiros brasileiros


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Three usually unexpressed, and too often unnoticed, conceptual dichotomies underlie our perception and understanding of lawyers’ ethics. First, the existence of a special body of professional ethics and professional regulation presupposes some special need or risk. Criminal and civil law are apparently insufficient. Ordinary day-to-day morality and ordinary ethics, likewise, are not considered to be enough. What is the risk entailed by the notion of a profession that is special; who needs protection, and from what? Two quite different possible answers to this question provide the first of the three dichotomies examined in this article: one can understand the risk as primarily to a vulnerable client from a powerful professional; or, to the contrary, from a powerful client-lawyer combination toward vulnerable others. Second, what is the foundational orientation of lawyers? Are lawyers serving primarily their particular clients, and those clients’ preferences, choices and autonomy? Or is the primary allegiance of lawyers to some community or collective goal or interest distinct from the particular goals or interests of the client? The third dichotomy concerns not the substance of the risk, or the primary orientation, but the appropriate means of responding to that risk or that fundamental obligation. Should professional ethics be implemented primarily through rules? Or, should we rely on character and the discretion of lawyers to make a thought out, all things considered, decision? Each of these three presents a fundamental difference in how we perceive and address issues of lawyers’ ethics. Each affects our understanding and analysis on multiple levels, from (1) determining the appropriate or requisite conduct in a particular situation, to (2) framing a specific rule or approach for a particular category of situations, to (3) more general or abstract theory or policy. A person’s inclinations in regard to the dichotomies affects the conclusions that person will reach on each of those levels of analysis, yet those inclinations and assumptions are frequently unexamined and unarticulated. One’s position on each of the dichotomies tends to structure the approach and outcome without the issues and choice having been explicitly addressed or possibly even noticed. This article is an effort to ameliorate that problem. Part I addresses the question of what is the risk in the work of lawyers, or the function of lawyers, for which professional ethics is the answer. The concluding section focuses on the particular problem of the corporation as client. Part II then asks the related and possibly consequent question of what is the foundational orientation or allegiance of the lawyer? Is it to the individual client? Or is it to some larger community interest? Again, the concluding section focuses on the corporation. Part III turns to the means or method for addressing the obligations and possible problems of the professional ethics of lawyers. Should lawyers’ ethics guide and confine the conduct of lawyers primarily through rules? Or should it function primarily through reliance on the knowledge, judgment and character of lawyers? If the latter were the guide, ethical decisions would be made on a situation by situation basis under the discretion of each lawyer. Toward the end of each discussion possibilities for bridging the dichotomy are considered (and with such bridges each dichotomy may come to look more like a spectrum or continuum.). At several points after its introduction in Parts I and II, the special problem of the corporation as client is revisited and possible solutions suggested. Illustrating the usefulness of keeping the dichotomies in view, Part IV applies them to several exemplary situations of ethical difficulty in actual lawyer practice. For readers finding it difficult to envision the consequences of these distinctions, turning ahead to Part IV may be useful in making the discussion more concrete. Some commonalities across the dichotomies and connections among them are then developed in the concluding section, Part V.


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Three usually unexpressed, and too often unnoticed, conceptual dichotomies underlie our perception and understanding of lawyers’ ethics. First, the existence of a special body of professional ethics and professional regulation presupposes some special need or risk. Criminal and civil law are apparently insufficient. Ordinary day-to-day morality and ordinary ethics, likewise, are not considered to be enough. What is the risk entailed by the notion of a profession that is special; who needs protection, and from what? Two quite different possible answers to this question provide the first of the three dichotomies examined in this article: one can understand the risk as primarily to a vulnerable client from a powerful professional; or, to the contrary, from a powerful client-lawyer combination toward vulnerable others. Second, what is the foundational orientation of lawyers? Are lawyers serving primarily their particular clients, and those clients’ preferences, choices and autonomy? Or is the primary allegiance of lawyers to some community or collective goal or interest distinct from the particular goals or interests of the client? The third dichotomy concerns not the substance of therisk, or the primary orientation, but the appropriate means of responding to that risk or that fundamental obligation. Should professional ethics be implemented primarily through rules? Or, should we rely on character and the discretion of lawyers to make a thought out, all things considered, decision? Each of these three presents a fundamental difference in how we perceive and address issues of lawyers’ ethics. Each affects our understanding and analysis on multiple levels, from (1) determining the appropriate or requisite conduct in aparticular situation, to (2) framing a specific rule or approach for a particular category of situations, to (3) more general or abstract theory or policy. A person’s inclinations in regard to the dichotomies affects the conclusions that person will reach on each of those levels of analysis, yet those inclinations and assumptions are frequently unexamined and unarticulated. One’s position on each of the dichotomies tends to structure the approach and outcome without the issues and choice having been explicitly addressed or possibly even noticed. This article is an effort to ameliorate that problem. Part I addresses the question of what is the risk in the work of lawyers, or the function of lawyers, for which professional ethics is the answer. The concluding section focuses on the particular problem of the corporation as client. Part II then asks the related and possibly consequent question of what is the foundational orientation or allegiance of the lawyer? Is it to the individual client? Or is it to some larger community interest? Again, the concluding section focuses on thecorporation. Part III turns to the means or method for addressing the obligations and possible problems of the professional ethics of lawyers. Should lawyers’ ethics guide and confine the conduct of lawyers primarily through rules? Or should it function primarily through reliance on the knowledge, judgment and character of lawyers? If the latter were the guide, ethical decisions would be made on a situation by situation basis under the discretion of each lawyer. Toward the end of each discussion possibilities for bridging the dichotomy are considered (and with such bridges each dichotomy may come to look more like a spectrum or continuum.). At several points after its introduction in Parts I and II, the special problem of the corporation as client is revisited and possible solutions suggested. Illustrating the usefulness of keeping the dichotomies in view, Part IV applies them to several exemplary situations of ethical difficulty in actual lawyer practice. For readers finding it difficult to envision the consequences of these distinctions, turning ahead to Part IV may be useful in making the discussion more concrete. Some commonalities across the dichotomies and connections among them are then developed in the concluding section, Part V.


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Beyond free trade agreements governing cross-border commerce, the source of most global economic growth is attributed to business across interconnecting markets. Among the most attractive and complex markets, China stands out. Despite its appeal, American businesses are more likely to fail in China due to an overwhelming desire for an immediate return on investment while neglecting to consider or completely disregarding China's unique legal, ethical and cultural environment. This capstone project will give recommendations to help businesses succeed when entering China and avoid legal, ethical and cultural issues such as the ones that Google, Apple, and Yahoo experienced.


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Impure systems contain Objects and Subjects: Subjects are human beings. We can distinguish a person as an observer (subjectively outside the system) and that by definition is the Subject himself, and part of the system. In this case he acquires the category of object. Objects (relative beings) are significances, which are the consequence of perceptual beliefs on the part of the Subject about material or energetic objects (absolute beings) with certain characteristics.The IS (Impure System) approach is as follows: Objects are perceptual significances (relative beings) of material or energetic objects (absolute beings). The set of these objects will form an impure set of the first order. The existing relations between these relative objects will be of two classes: transactions of matter and/or energy and inferential relations. Transactions can have alethic modality: necessity, possibility, impossibility and contingency. Ontic existence of possibility entails that inferential relations have Deontic modality: obligation, permission, prohibition, faculty and analogy. We distinguished between theorems (natural laws) and norms (ethical, legislative and customary rules of conduct).


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El proceso de publicación de un artículo debe basarse en la credibilidad, la verdad y la autenticidad. La inclusión de normas éticas en la política editorial científica se concibe como una medida preventiva y disuasoria de conductas inapropiadas. Dada la escasez de estudios sobre ética y publicación científica en Ciencias Sociales y, en particular, en España e Iberoamérica, esta investigación analiza la política editorial antifraude de las revistas españolas y latinoamericanas indexadas en el JCR en Ciencias Sociales (2014). Para cumplir nuestro objetivo, se utilizaron como muestra objeto de estudio 104 revistas y en las instrucciones a autores se examinaron una serie de principios de actuación ética: 1) Derechos de las personas que participan en la investigación; 2) Protección del bienestar de los animales objeto de experimentación; 3) Conflicto de interés; 4) Envío y publicación de manuscritos. Nuestros resultados apuntan que el carácter inédito de la investigación, así como la prohibición del envío simultáneo de los trabajos a otras revistas son los temas que aparecen con más frecuencia. Pese al intento de sociedades de edición científica como ICMJE y COPE por estandarizar los asuntos que afectan al fraude en la ciencia, su incidencia es exigua en las publicaciones objeto de estudio. Dada la dispersión normativa analizada, se retoma la necesidad detectada por otros autores de desarrollar un código ético uniforme para las disciplinas de Ciencias Sociales.