1000 resultados para elaboraci??n de tests


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The aim of this study was to investigate the convergent and predictive validity of two skill tests that examine the ability of golfers to hit accurate approach-iron shots. Twenty-four high-level golfers (handicap = 2.6 ± 1.7) performed the Nine-Ball Skills Test (assesses the ability to shape/control ball trajectory with high accuracy) and the Approach-Iron Skill Test (assesses the ability to hit straight shots from varying distances with high accuracy). Participants then completed at least eight rounds of tournament golf over the following 90 days and reported an indicator of approach-iron accuracy (per cent error index). A moderate correlation (r = 0.50, P < 0.05) was noted between scores for both tests. Generalised estimating equations, using two covariates (lie of the ball and distance to hole), were used to determine model fit and the amount of variance explained for tournament per cent error index. Results showed that the Approach-Iron Skill Test was the slightly stronger predictor of on-course per cent error index. With both test scores considered together, a minimal amount of additional variance was explained. These findings suggest that either of the tests used individually or combined may be used to predict tournament approach iron performance in high-level golfers.


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Using data on inequality for 21 OECD countries over the period 1870-2011 this paper tests the Piketty hypothesis that income inequality is likely to grow in the 21st century. It is shown that the null hypothesis of trend stationarity of inequality cannot be rejected at conventional significance levels, suggesting that shocks to income inequality are likely to be temporary.


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'Heterogeneous twinning' is defined as plastic deformation due to the formation and progress of twins resulting in surface wrinkles on the deforming part when the initial grain size is relatively large compared to the typical size of the part. In the case of a Twinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP) steel with an initial grain size of ~160. m, the heterogeneous twinning generated visible wrinkles, an orange peel effect, under medium uni-axial strains. The heterogeneous twinning did not occur in the material subjected to high shear strains. The complications resulting from this phenomenon on strain hardening characterization of the TWIP steels using two commonly used mechanical tests, tensile and torsion are discussed along with some experimental aspects of heterogeneous twinning. © 2014.


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In this article three unit root tests that allow for a break in both the seasonal mean and linear trend of the data are proposed. The tests, which can be seen as small-sample corrected versions of already known asymptotic tests, are shown to perform very well in simulations, and much better than their asymptotic counterparts.


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This article proposes new unit root tests for panels where the errors may be not only serial and/or crosscorrelated,but also unconditionally heteroscedastic. Despite their generality, the test statistics are shown tobe very simple to implement, requiring only minimal corrections and still the limiting distributions underthe null hypothesis are completely free from nuisance parameters. Monte Carlo evidence is also providedto suggest that the new tests perform well in small samples, also when compared to some of the existingtests. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.


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 ilk fibres from silkworm cocoons have lower strength than spider silk and have received less attention as a source of high-performance fibres. In this work, we have used an innovative procedure to eliminate the flaws gradually of a single fibre specimen by retesting the unbroken portion of the fibre, after each fracture test. This was done multiple times so that the final test may provide the intrinsic fibre strength. During each retest, the fibre specimen began to yield once the failure load of the preceding test was exceeded. For each fibre specimen, a composite curve was constructed from multiple tests. The composite curves and analysis show that strengths of mass-produced Muga and Eri cocoon silk fibres increased from 446 to 618 MPa and from 337 to 452 MPa, respectively. Similarly, their toughness increased from 84 to 136 MJ m(-3) and from 61 to 104 MJ m(-3), respectively. Composite plots produced significantly less inter-specimen variations compared to values from single tests. The fibres with reduced flaws as a result of retests in the tested section have a tensile strength and toughness comparable to naturally spun dragline spider silk with a reported strength of 574 MPa and toughness of 91-158 MJ m(-3), which is used as a benchmark for developing high-performance fibres. This retesting approach is likely to provide useful insights into discrete flaw distributions and intrinsic mechanical properties of other fatigue-resistant materials.


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There is a burgeoning literature based on using panel cointegration techniques to study the relationship between energy consumption and GDP. Most panel cointegration tests employed take no cointegration as the null hypothesis. The current paper illustrates how a rejection by such a test cannot be taken as evidence of cointegration for the panel as a whole, a fact that seems to have gone largely unnoticed in the literature. Hence, even if the no cointegration null is rejected, this evidence is not enough to ensure that the relationship can be meaningfully estimated, as most (if not all) estimators in the literature require that the panel is cointegrated as a whole.


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This study reexamines the sustainability hypothesis by testing whether government revenues and expenditures for eight rich OECD countries between 1977Q1 and 2005Q4 are cointegrated. For this purpose, a nonstationary panel data approach is adopted, which is general enough to permit for cross-country dependence as well as structural breaks representing major shifts in fiscal policy. In contrast to many earlier studies, the results reported in this study suggest that the sustainability hypothesis cannot be rejected. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.


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Abstract Motivated by the previously documented discrepancy between actual and predicted power, the present paper provides new tools for analyzing the local asymptotic power of panel unit root tests. These tools are appropriate in general when considering panel data with a dominant autoregressive root of the form ρi=1+ciN-κT-τ, where i=1,...,N indexes the cross-sectional units, T is the number of time periods and ci is a random local-to-unity parameter. A limit theory for the sample moments of such panel data is developed and is shown to involve infinite-order series expansions in the moments of ci, in which existing theories can be seen as mere first-order approximations. The new theory is applied to study the asymptotic local power functions of some known test statistics for a unit root. These functions can be expressed in terms of the expansions in the moments of ci, and include existing local power functions as special cases. Monte Carlo evidence is provided to suggest that the new results go a long way toward bridging the gap between actual and predicted power.


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This paper proposes two bootstrap-based tests that can be used to infer whether the individual slopes in a panel regression model are homogenous. The first test is suitable when wanting to infer the null of homogeneity versus the general alternative, while the second is suitable when wanting to infer the units of the panel that can be pooled. Both approaches are shown to be asymptotically valid, a property that is verified in small samples using Monte Carlo simulation.


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We develop a set of nonparametric rank tests for non-stationary panels based on multivariate variance ratios which use untruncated kernels. As such, the tests do not require the choice of tuning parameters associated with bandwidth or lag length and also do not require choices with respect to numbers of common factors. The tests allow for unrestricted cross-sectional dependence and dynamic heterogeneity among the units of the panel, provided simply that a joint functional central limit theorem holds for the panel of differenced series. We provide a discussion of the relationships between our setting and the settings for which first- and second generation panel unit root tests are designed. In Monte Carlo simulations we illustrate the small-sample performance of our tests when they are used as panel unit root tests under the more restrictive DGPs for which panel unit root tests are typically designed, and for more general DGPs we also compare the small-sample performance of our nonparametric tests to parametric rank tests. Finally, we provide an empirical illustration by testing for income convergence among countries.