966 resultados para economic burden
The Rebuild Iowa Office (RIO) continues to coordinate the state‘s recovery effort from the storms, tornadoes and floods of 2008. Much has been accomplished since the Office‘s last quarterly report was issued in July 2010. State funding has been disbursed to help Iowans with unmet needs and housing. Local governments and entities are utilizing millions of federal dollars so thousands of disaster-impacted homeowners can be offered a buyout. More infrastructure projects are under construction and new neighborhoods are being built with mitigation efforts in mind. However, as Iowa continues to celebrate many successes along the road to recovery, it must also address the numerous challenges that are encountered along the path. Recovering from the state‘s largest disaster must be looked at as a marathon, not a sprint. Over the past three months, the RIO has especially remained focused on helping small business owners impacted by the 2008 disasters. Many disaster-affected businesses have reopened their doors, however their debt load continues to be overwhelming and many still struggle with the timeliness of the disbursement of funds. This report describes how programs and recent modifications are working to assist recovering businesses. This report contains updates on housing progress while outlining the complexities behind certain programs and the bottlenecks communities are facing due to strict federal guidelines for implementation. This following pages also describe how Iowa is implementing Smart Planning principles, publicizing flood awareness through outreach efforts and preparing a blueprint for the state to follow when future disasters occur. As always, the RIO recognizes and thanks the countless leaders and front-line workers from local, regional, state and federal government, businesses, non-profit organizations and private citizens that have provided input, support and leadership. Their dedication to Iowa‘s disaster recovery has made the plans and projects on the following pages possible.
Audit report on the Cedar County Economic Development Commission for the year ended June 30, 2011
There have been a multitude of programs providing assistance to the state of Iowa in the past 18 months. Springtime 2008 disasters resulted in tornado damage and widespread flood damage to large fractions of the state. In consequence, there was a very large flow of federal and state resources dedicated to assisting community and statewide recovery efforts. The nation was in recession as well and continued to be in recession through much of 2009. A sizeable amount of assistance found its way to Iowa under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 in the forms of infrastructure stimulus spending, income supports and other safety net spending for households, and stabilization assistance for essential public services like education. On top of that, the state of Iowa authorized the I Jobs program as an additional infrastructure development program, and as a jobs stimulus program. The total amount of spending for all types of programs, disaster or economic recovery related, is perhaps as high as $7.5 billion over the next few years.
We propose a general scenario to analyze technological changes in socio-economic environments. We illustrate the ideas with a model that incorporating the main trends is simple enough to extract analytical results and, at the same time, sufficiently complex to display a rich dynamic behavior. Our study shows that there exists a macroscopic observable that is maximized in a regime where the system is critical, in the sense that the distribution of events follow power laws. Computer simulations show that, in addition, the system always self-organizes to achieve the optimal performance in the stationary state.
Report on applying agreed-upon procedures of Kossuth Connections, Algona, Iowa, and the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Services within the Iowa Department of Economic Development, now known as the Iowa Economic Development Authority, for the period October 2010 through June 2011
In this paper we examine whether access to markets had a significant influence onmigration choices of Spanish internal migrants in the inter-war years. We perform astructural contrast of a New Economic Geography model that focus on the forwardlinkage that links workers location choice with the geography of industrial production,one of the centripetal forces that drive agglomeration in the NEG models. The resultshighlight the presence of this forward linkage in the Spanish economy of the inter-warperiod. That is, we prove the existence of a direct relation between workers¿ localizationdecisions and the market potential of the host regions. In addition, the direct estimationof the values associated with key parameters in the NEG model allows us to simulatethe migratory flows derived from different scenarios of the relative size of regions andthe distances between them. We show that in Spain the power of attraction of theagglomerations grew as they increased in size, but the high elasticity estimated for themigration costs reduced the intensity of the migratory flows. This could help to explainthe apparently low intensity of internal migrations in Spain until its upsurge during the1920s. This also explains the geography of migrations in Spain during this period,which hardly affected the regions furthest from the large industrial agglomerations (i.e.,regions such as Andalusia, Estremadura and Castile-La Mancha) but had an intenseeffect on the provinces nearest to the principal centres of industrial development.
Report on the Iowa Department of Economic Development for the year ended June 30, 2011
Agreed-upon procedures report of the Iowa Economic Development Authority for the quarter ended March 31, 2012
Infectious diseases (ID) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality after SOT. Since May 2008, the STCS has registered 95% of all SOT recipients in Switzerland. The extensive data set includes pre- and post-transplant variables that are prospectively collected at transplantation, 6 months post-transplant, and yearly thereafter. All ID events are recorded using internationally validated defi nitions. We obtained data from 1101 patients (79 heart, 685 kidney, 29 kidney-pancreas, 212 liver, and 96 lung transplants). So far the median observation times were 0.8 (IQR 0.3-1.4; heart); 1.1 (0.6-1.8, kidney); 1.1 (0.6-1.9, kidney-pancreas); 1.0 (0.5-1.7, liver); and 0.9 years (0.5-1.5, lung). The highest rates of proven or probable ID events were seen in lung (76%), followed by liver (64%), heart (62%), kidney-pancreas (62%), kidney (58%). During the observation period, ID was the cause of death in 19 patients (1.7%). Rates of infections per person-years according to pathogen and type of transplantation are shown in Figure 1. The data indicate that virus infections are only second after bacteria whereas fungi occur at relatively low rates. This prospective and standardized long-term collection of all ID events will allow a comprehensive assessment of the burden of ID across all SOT types in Switzerland. Regular analysis will identify new trends, serve as a quality control and help design anti-infectious interventions aiming at increasing safety and improving overall transplantation outcome.
Introduction Le rythmes circadiens influencent différents paramètres de la physiologie et de la physiopathologie cardiovasculaire. Récemment, une relation entre la taille d'un infarctus et l'heure du jour à laquelle il se produit a été suggérée dans des modèles expérimentaux d'infarctus du myocarde. Le but de cette étude a été de déterminer si les rythmes circadiens pouvaient influencer la gravité d'un infarctus en terme de taille et de mortalité chez les patients hospitalisés pour un infarctus du myocarde avec sus-décalage du segment ST (STEMI) ayant bénéficié d'une intervention coronarienne percutanée primaire (ICPP). Méthode Chez 353 patients consécutifs admis avec un STEMI et traités par ICPP, l'heure à la survenue des symptômes, le pic de créatine kinase (reflet de la taille d'un infarctus) et le suivi à 30 jours ont été collectés. Les patients ont été répartis en 4 groupes en fonction de l'heure de survenue de leurs symptômes (00 :00 - 05h59, 06:00 - 11 59 12 00-17h59 et 18h00-23h59). Résultats Aucune différence statistiquement significative n'a été retrouvée entre les différents groupes en ce qui concerne les caractéristiques des patients ou de leur prise en charge. Après analyse multivariée, nous avons mis en évidence une différence statistiquement significative entre les pics de créatine kinase chez les patients avec survenue des symptômes entre 00 :00 et 05:59, qui étaient plus élevés que les pics de créatine kinase chez les patients avec survenue des symptômes à tout autre moment de la journée (augmentation moyenne de 38,4%, ρ <0.05). A 30 jours, la mortalité des patients avec survenue des symptômes entre 00 :00 et 05:59 était également significativement plus élevé que celle des patients avec survenue à tout autre moment de la journée (p <0.05). Conclusion Notre étude démontre une corrélation indépendante entre la taille d'un infarctus STEMI traité par ICPP et le moment de la journée où les symptômes apparaissent. Ces résultats suggèrent que ce moment devrait être un paramètre important à prendre en compte pour évaluer le pronostic des patients.