887 resultados para democratisation of culture


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A guide to better soil, water and nutrient management practices for the south east Queensland strawberry industry.


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The study examined immigrants´ attitudes towards acculturation, in other words the social and cultural changes that take place in the adaptation process. The perspective of acculturation studies was also expanded by examining immigrants´ cultural values and their experiences of majority´s expectations. In addition, special interest was directed to the relations between acculturation attitudes and values and both factors´ relevance on psychological well-being. Indian born immigrants were selected as subjects as they are one of the fastest growing ethnic minorities in Finland. This minority has not been included in immigration studies previously. The seventy-five immigrants that participated as subjects represent a highly educated subgroup of Indian born immigrants. The study was carried out with posted questionnaires. Most of the subjects received an inquiry of their motivation to participate by e-mail or phone before the postal questionnaire. The results were in line with previous studies in Finland as the attitudes emphasising cultural integration were dominant. However, attitudes towards marriage, reflecting deeper and less flexible parts of culture, were dominated by separation motives. Immigrants´ perceptions of majority´s expectations reflected partly the real assimilation wishes demonstrated in previous studies. Against hypotheses, discrepancies between acculturation attitudes and experiences of majority´s expectations did not predict immigrants´ psychological well-being in a clear way. The highly educated Indian born immigrants emphasised self-direction and universalism in their values. This separates them from the traditional cultural values of India. The hypotheses made of the predictive relations between values and acculturation attitudes were partly confirmed. Also, the assumptions concerning both the stress buffering role of collectivistic values and the positive effect of achievement values on feelings of mastery were confirmed. Despite the limitations in the data, this study strengthens the view that cultural and personal values play a significant role in immigrants´ adaptation process. Information about values can benefit individuals making hard decisions and coping with cultural change as well as officials modifying Finnish immigration policy and planning the support system for immigrants.


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The impact of cropping histories (sugarcane, maize and soybean), tillage practices (conventional tillage and direct drill) and fertiliser N in the plant and 1st ratoon (1R) crops of sugarcane were examined in field trials at Bundaberg and Ingham. Average yields at Ingham (Q200) and Bundaberg (Q151) were quite similar in both the plant crop (83 t/ha and 80 t/ha, respectively) and the 1R (89 t/ha v 94 t/ha, respectively), with only minor treatment effects on CCS at each site. Cane yield responses to tillage, break history and N fertiliser varied significantly between sites. There was a 27% yield increase in the plant crop from the soybean fallow at Ingham, with soybeans producing a yield advantage over continuous cane, but there were no clear break effects at Bundaberg - possibly due to a complex of pathogenic nematodes that responded differently to soybeans and maize breaks. There was no carryover benefit of the soybean break into the 1R crop at Ingham, while at Bundaberg the maize break produced a 15% yield advantage over soybeans and continuous cane. The Ingham site recorded positive responses to N fertiliser addition in both the plant (20% yield increase) and 1R (34% yield increase) crops, but there was negligible carryover benefit from plant crop N in the 1R crop, or of a reduced N response after a soybean rotation. By contrast, the Bundaberg site showed no N response in any history in the plant crop, and only a small (5%) yield increase with N applied in the 1R crop. There was again no evidence of a reduced N response in the 1R crop after a soybean fallow. There were no significant effects of tillage on cane yields at either site, although there were some minor interactions between tillage, breaks and N management in the 1R crop at both sites. Crop N contents at Bundaberg were more than 3 times those recorded at Ingham in both the plant and 1R crops, with N concentrations in millable stalk at Ingham suggesting N deficiencies in all treatments. There was negligible additional N recovered in crop biomass from N fertiliser application or soybean residues at the Ingham site. There was additional N recovered in crop biomass in response to N fertiliser and soybean breaks at Bundaberg, but effects were small and fertiliser use efficiencies poor. Loss pathways could not be quantified, but denitrification or losses in runoff were the likely causes at Ingham while leaching predominated at Bundaberg. Results highlight the complexity involved in developing sustainable farming systems for contrasting soil types and climatic conditions. A better understanding of key sugarcane pathogens and their host range, as well as improved capacity to predict in-crop N mineralisation, will be key factors in future improvements to sugarcane farming systems.


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The aim of this work was to study what kind of working grips people use to knit in Finland and decide if one grip is superior to others. I investigated how knitters have adopted their grips and how they experience their knitting. I also explored whether it is possible to change one's grip. To provide a theoretical basis for the research I observed knitting in terms of culture, skill and ergonomics. The first part of the study material comprised video recordings of the grips of 95 knitters together with background information collected via a questionnaire during the education of craft teachers at the University of Helsinki in spring 2004, 2005 and 2006. Using the data obtained I focused on three knitters, whose grip of the knitting needles clearly differed from the ergonomically good grip. In addition to them I interviewed one student, who had changed over to more ergonomic way of knitting after participating in the first part of this study. In this respect my study is a several events' case study. In order to analyse my data I used both qualitative and quantitative content analysis methods to complement each other. Most of my research participants had learned to knit in first years of elementary school or comprehensive school. Almost everyone had adopted the basics of knitting by imitating, and many of them had corrected "incorrect" positions from verbal instructions. Through practice the imitated position had gradually become the style unique to each knitter. The findings showed that students' background in knitting is quite varied due to the diverse level of craft teaching. This is reflected in their knitting grips and their interest in knitting. Students do not think that there is one right working grip. The most important thing is that working seems as fluent and relaxed as possible, at which point knitting is easy and flows freely. They often consider their own style so pleasing and well-functioning that they do not think there could be any room for improvement. This study pointed out that, while it is possible to change a knitter's working grip, there is a bigger challenge in acknowledging weaknesses in one's know how. According to the results of my research, the most common working grip among Finnish knitters' corresponds with the grip that has been described as ergonomically good. Over one third of all participants knitted this way. Hands keep the knitting firmly but without tension. The forefinger that guides the yarn from the ball rests gently against the knitting needle, and the yarn goes in front of the first joint of the forefinger. The position of the hands and loops is the same as in the ergonomically good grip, i.e. the fingertips of both hands and the loops are near the tips of the knitting needles, so that the fingers only have to move small distances. When knitters purl and plain, they commonly pick up the yarn from the back of the knitting needle in the same way as when knitting. While researching the common features of working grips I have learned what abnormal grips are like. Although I recognized many different ways to knit, all the peculiar grips were modifications of the continental way of knitting. The results of this study give a clear picture of those points knitters should focus their attention on in order to gain a good hold of the needles.


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BCC Benefits Composted Organics Farm Systems.


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Early season beneficials in brassica crops.


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The most important vegetable crops grown in Indonesia, and particularly lowland coastal production, are the true shallot and chilli. These crops are usually grown in rotation with rice but are far more valuable crops and are increasingly in high demand. They offer an opportunity for small farmers to generate extra income, increase farm profitability and shift away from subsistence production. However, the yield and profitability of shallot and chilli production is severely limited by a range of agronomic constraints. This project aims towards raising the productivity of allium (shallot and garlic) and chilli/capsicum cropping systems. The methodology will include a benchmarking survey and review of grower practices. This will be supplemented with physical surveys of crops for disease incidence and efficiency of fertiliser use. Once surveys are completed in Indonesia and the important pathogens identified, recommendations can be made for disease management. This will include review of chemical usage in Indonesia and Australia to provide best management guidelines for the application of insecticides, fungicides and other chemicals.


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Quantify soil C stocks in grains and sugarcane cropping systems of Queensland, including impacts of management practices.


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This project employed a participatory development and extension (D&E) approach involving on-farm trials and capacity- building activities to improve the economic and environmental performance of grain and mixed farming enterprises in central Queensland (CQ). The project's activities delivered (1) enhanced knowledge and understanding of key system variables that underpin grain and mixed farming businesses, and parameter values for these variables in relation to a range of environmental and management factors, (2) new and refined practices, technologies and management strategies to sustain the profitability of cropping and (3) products and information to support continuous improvement in farm business performance.


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The objectives of this project over a 3 years study period are: 1) validation and on-farm adoption of improved root growth and functioning for managing cotton production under limited water and nitrogen nutrition; and 2) Delivering improved understanding of enhancing root growth and functioning to about 50% cotton growers in the regions leading towards a better adaptation to future climate driven challenges, particularly limited water availability in Queensland and New South Wales. The research is expected to be supported through cash and/or in-kind contributions by CRDC and Agri-Science Queensland (DEEDI).


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Develop and implement a diagnostic framework designed to help advisors and farmers identify the causes of poor crop performance and implement appropriate remedial measures.


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This project has delivered outcomes that address major agronomic and crop protection issues closely linked to the profitability and sustainability of cotton production enterprises in CQ. From an agronomic perspective, the CQ environment was always though to support economically viable cotton production in a wide sowing window from the middle of September to early January prior to this research. The ideal positioning of Bollgard II varieties in the CQ planting window was, therefore, critical to the future of the local cotton industry because growers needed baseline information to determine how best to take advantage of the higher yield potential offered by the Bt cotton technology, optimise irrigation water use and fibre characteristics. The project’s outputs include a number of key agronomic findings. Over three growing seasons, Bollgard II crop planted in the traditional sowing window from the middle of September to the end of October consistently produced the highest yields. The project delivers a clear and quantitative assessment of the impacts of planting outside the traditional cropping window - a yield penalty of between 1-4 bales/ha for November and December planted cotton. Whilst yield penalties associated with December-planted crops are clearly linked to declining heat units in the second half of the crop and a cool finish, those associated with November-planted cotton are not consistent with the theoretical yield potential for this sowing date. Further research to understand and minimize the physiological constraints on November-planted cotton would give CQ cotton growers far greater flexibility to develop mixed/double/rotation cropping farming systems that are relevant to the rapidly evolving nature of Agricultural production in Australia. The equivalence of cultivar types with clearly distinguishable, genetically based growth habits, demonstrated in this project, gives growers important information for making varietal choices. The entomological outcomes of this project represent strategic and tactical tools that are highly relevant to the viability and profitability of the cotton industry in Australia. The future of the cotton industry is inextricably linked to the survival and efficacy of GM cotton. Research done in the Callide irrigation area demonstrates the unquestionable potential for development of alternative and highly effective resistance management strategies for Bollgard II using novel technologies and strategies based on products such as Magnet®. Magnet® and similar technologies will be increasingly important in strategies to preserve the shelf life and efficacy of current and future generations of GM technology. However, more research will be required to address logistical and operational issues related to these new technologies before they can be fully exploited in commercial production systems. From an economic perspective, SLW is the sleeping giant in terms of insect nemeses of cotton, particularly from the standpoint of climate change and an increasingly warmer production environment. An effective sampling and management strategy for SLW which has been delivered by this project will go a long way towards minimising production costs in an environment characterised by rapidly rising input costs. SLW has the potential to permanently debilitate the national cotton industry by influencing market sentiment and quality perceptions. Field validation of the SLW population sampling models and management options in the Dawson irrigation area cotton and southern Queensland during 2006-07 documents the robustness of the entomological research outcomes achieved through this project.


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Demonstrate potential benefits of various Precision Agricultural technologies to Central Queensland farming community.


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The project aims at improving the productivity and profitability of mung beans, soy beans and peanuts.


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Diminishing water supply, changing weather patterns and pressure to enhance environmental flows are making it imperative to optimise water use efficiency (WUE) on cotton/grain farming systems. Growers are looking for better strategies to make the best use of limited water, but it is still not clear how to best use the available water at farm and field scale. This research project investigated the impact of management strategies to deal with limited water supplies on the yield and quality of irrigated cotton and wheat. The objectives were: (1) to develop irrigation management guidelines for the main irrigated crops on the Darling Downs for full- and deficitirrigation scenarios, taking into account the critical factors that affect irrigation decisions at the local level, (2) to quantify the evapotranspiration (ET) of Bollgard II cotton and wheat and its relationship to yield and quality under full- and deficit-irrigation scenarios, and (3) to increase industry awareness and education of farming systems practises for optimised economic water use efficiency.Objective (1) was addressed by (A) collaborating with ASPRU to develop the APSFarm model within APSIM to be able to perform multi-paddock simulations. APSFarm was then tested by conducting a case study at a farm near Dalby, and (B) conducting semi-structured interviews with individual farmers and crop consultants on the Darling Downs to document the strategies they are using to deal with limited water. Objective (2) was addressed by (A) building and installing 12 large (1 m x 1m x 1.5 m) weighing lysimeters to measure crop evapotranspiration. The lysimeters were installed at the Agri-Science Queensland research station at Kingsthorpe in November 2008, (B) conducting field experiments to measure crop evapotranspiration and crop development under four irrigation treatments, including dryland, deficit-irrigation, and full irrigation. Field experiments were conducted with cotton in 2007-08 and 2008-09, and with wheat in 2008 and 2009, and (C) collaborating with USQ on a PhD thesis to quantify the impact of crop stress on crop evapotranspiration and canopy temperature. Glasshouse experiments were conducted with wheat in 2008 and with cotton in 2008-09. Objective (3) was addressed by (A) conducting a field day at Kingsthorpe in 2009, which was attended by 80 participants, (B) presenting information in conferences in Australia and overseas, (D) presenting information at farmers meeting, (E) making presentations to crop consultants, and (F) preparing extension publications.As part of this project we contributed to the development of APSfarm, which has been successfully applied to evaluate the feasibility of practices at the whole-farm scale. From growers and crop consultants interviews we learned that there is a great variety of strategies, at different scales, that they are using to deal with limited water situation. These strategies will be summarised in the "e;Limited Water Guidelines for the Darling Downs"e; that we are currently preparing. As a result of this project, we now have a state-of-the-art lysimeter research facility (23 large weighing lysimeters) to be able to conduct replicated experiments to investigate daily water use of a variety of crops under different irrigation regimes and under different environments. Under this project, a series of field and glasshouse experiments were conducted with cotton and wheat, investigating aspects like: (A) quantification of daily and seasonal crop water use under nonstressed and stressed conditions, (B) impact of row configuration on crop water use, (C) impact of water stress on yield, evapotranspiration, crop vegetative and reproductive development, soil water extraction pattern, yield and yield quality. The information obtained from this project is now being used to develop web-based tools to help growers make planning and day-to-day irrigation decisions.