901 resultados para deformable mirror
The conformational space annealing (CSA) method for global optimization has been applied to the 10-55 fragment of the B-domain of staphylococcal protein A (protein A) and to a 75-residue protein, apo calbindin D9K (PDB ID code 1CLB), by using the UNRES off-lattice united-residue force field. Although the potential was not calibrated with these two proteins, the native-like structures were found among the low-energy conformations, without the use of threading or secondary-structure predictions. This is because the CSA method can find many distinct families of low-energy conformations. Starting from random conformations, the CSA method found that there are two families of low-energy conformations for each of the two proteins, the native-like fold and its mirror image. The CSA method converged to the same low-energy folds in all cases studied, as opposed to other optimization methods. It appears that the CSA method with the UNRES force field, which is based on the thermodynamic hypothesis, can be used in prediction of protein structures in real time.
The cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum is a widely used model system for studying a variety of basic processes in development, including cell–cell signaling, signal transduction, pattern formation, cell motility, and the movement of tissue-like aggregates of cells. Many aspects of cell motion are poorly understood, including how individual cell behavior produces the collective motion of cells observed within the mound and slug. Herein, we describe a biologically realistic model for motile D. discoideum cells that can generate active forces, that interact via surface molecules, and that can detect and respond to chemotactic signals. We model the cells as deformable viscoelastic ellipsoids and incorporate signal transduction and cell–cell signaling by using a previously developed model. The shape constraint restricts the admissible deformations but makes the simulation of a large number of interacting cells feasible. Because the model is based on known processes, the parameters can be estimated or measured experimentally. We show that this model can reproduce the observations on the chemotactic behavior of single cells, streaming during aggregation, and the collective motion of an aggregate of cells driven by a small group of pacemakers. The model predicts that the motion of two-dimensional slugs [Bonner, J. T. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 9355–9359] results from the same behaviors that are exhibited by individual cells; it is not necessary to invoke different mechanisms or behaviors. Our computational experiments also suggest previously uncharacterized phenomena that may be experimentally observable.
Hypoxia is important in both biomedical and environmental contexts and necessitates rapid adaptive changes in metabolic organization. Mammals, as air breathers, have a limited capacity to withstand sustained exposure to hypoxia. By contrast, some aquatic animals, such as certain fishes, are routinely exposed and resistant to severe environmental hypoxia. Understanding the changes in gene expression in fishes exposed to hypoxic stress could reveal novel mechanisms of tolerance that may shed new light on hypoxia and ischemia in higher vertebrates. Using cDNA microarrays, we have studied gene expression in a hypoxia-tolerant burrow-dwelling goby fish, Gillichthys mirabilis. We show that a coherent picture of a complex transcriptional response can be generated for a nonmodel organism for which sequence data were unavailable. We demonstrate that: (i) although certain shifts in gene expression mirror changes in mammals, novel genes are differentially expressed in fish; and (ii) tissue-specific patterns of expression reflect the different metabolic roles of tissues during hypoxia.
The tmRNA database (tmRDB) is maintained at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, Texas, and accessible on the World Wide Web at the URL http://psyche.uthct.edu/dbs/tmRDB/tmRDB.html. Mirror sites are located at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama (http://www.ag.auburn.edu/mirror/tmRDB/) and the Institute of Biological Sciences, Aarhus, Denmark (http://www.bioinf.au.dk/tmRDB/). The tmRDB provides information and citation links about tmRNA, a molecule that combines functions of tRNA and mRNA in trans-translation. tmRNA is likely to be present in all bacteria and has been found in algae chloroplasts, the cyanelle of Cyanophora paradoxa and the mitochondrion of the flagellate Reclinomonas americana. This release adds 26 new sequences and corresponding predicted tmRNA-encoded tag peptides for a total of 86 tmRNAs, ordered alphabetically and phylogenetically. Secondary structures and three-dimensional models in PDB format for representative molecules are being made available. tmRNA alignments prove individual base pairs and are generated manually assisted by computational tools. The alignments with their corresponding structural annotation can be obtained in various formats, including a new column format designed to improve and simplify computational usability of the data.
Signal recognition particle (SRP) is a stable cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein complex that serves to translocate secretory proteins across membranes during translation. The SRP Database (SRPDB) provides compilations of SRP components, ordered alphabetically and phylogenetically. Alignments emphasize phylogenetically-supported base pairs in SRP RNA and conserved residues in the proteins. Data are provided in various formats including a column arrangement for improved access and simplified computational usability. Included are motifs for identification of new sequences, SRP RNA secondary structure diagrams, 3-D models and links to high-resolution structures. This release includes 11 new SRP RNA sequences (total of 129), two protein SRP9 sequences (total of seven), two protein SRP14 sequences (total of 10), two protein SRP19 sequences (total of 16), 10 new SRP54 (ffh) sequences (total of 66), two protein SRP68 sequences (total of seven) and two protein SRP72 sequences (total of nine). Seven sequences of the SRP receptor α-subunit and its FtsY homolog (total of 51) are new. Also considered are β-subunit of SRP receptor, Flhf, Hbsu, CaM kinase II and cpSRP43. Access to SRPDB is at http://psyche.uthct.edu/dbs/SRPDB/SRPDB.html and the European mirror http://www.medkem.gu.se/dbs/SRPDB/SRPDB.html
The Ribosomal Database Project (RDP-II), previously described by Maidak et al. [Nucleic Acids Res. (2000), 28, 173–174], continued during the past year to add new rRNA sequences to the aligned data and to improve the analysis commands. Release 8.0 (June 1, 2000) consisted of 16 277 aligned prokaryotic small subunit (SSU) rRNA sequences while the number of eukaryotic and mitochondrial SSU rRNA sequences in aligned form remained at 2055 and 1503, respectively. The number of prokaryotic SSU rRNA sequences more than doubled from the previous release 14 months earlier, and ~75% are longer than 899 bp. An RDP-II mirror site in Japan is now available (http://wdcm.nig.ac.jp/RDP/html/index.html). RDP-II provides aligned and annotated rRNA sequences, derived phylogenetic trees and taxonomic hierarchies, and analysis services through its WWW server (http://rdp.cme.msu.edu/). Analysis services include rRNA probe checking, approximate phylogenetic placement of user sequences, screening user sequences for possible chimeric rRNA sequences, automated alignment, production of similarity matrices and services to plan and analyze terminal restriction fragment polymorphism experiments. The RDP-II email address for questions and comments has been changed from curator@cme.msu.edu to rdpstaff@msu.edu.
The ARKdb genome databases provide comprehensive public repositories for genome mapping data from farmed species and other animals (http://www.thearkdb.org) providing a resource similar in function to that offered by GDB or MGD for human or mouse genome mapping data, respectively. Because we have attempted to build a generic mapping database, the system has wide utility, particularly for those species for which development of a specific resource would be prohibitive. The ARKdb genome database model has been implemented for 10 species to date. These are pig, chicken, sheep, cattle, horse, deer, tilapia, cat, turkey and salmon. Access to the ARKdb databases is effected via the World Wide Web using the ARKdb browser and Anubis map viewer. The information stored includes details of loci, maps, experimental methods and the source references. Links to other information sources such as PubMed and EMBL/GenBank are provided. Responsibility for data entry and curation is shared amongst scientists active in genome research in the species of interest. Mirror sites in the United States are maintained in addition to the central genome server at Roslin.
The Mendel database contains names for plant-wide families of sequenced plant genes. The names have either been approved by the Commission on Plant Gene Nomenclature (CPGN), an organization of the International Society for Plant Molecular Biology (ISPMB), or are identified as provisional or temporary names. Mendel also identifies the corresponding genes in individual species of plants. Mendel can be searched through the mirror sites at Cornell (http://genome.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/WebAce/webace?db=mendel) and Stanford (http://genome-www.stanford.edu/Mendel/). In addition, parts of Mendel can be downloaded from the CPGN Web site (http://mbclserver.rutgers.edu/CPGN/).
The emergence of biochemical homochirality was a key step in the origin of life, yet prebiotic mechanisms for chiral separation are not well constrained. Here we demonstrate a geochemically plausible scenario for chiral separation of amino acids by adsorption on mineral surfaces. Crystals of the common rock-forming mineral calcite (CaCO3), when immersed in a racemic aspartic acid solution, display significant adsorption and chiral selectivity of d- and l-enantiomers on pairs of mirror-related crystal-growth surfaces. This selective adsorption is greater on crystals with terraced surface textures, which indicates that d- and l-aspartic acid concentrate along step-like linear growth features. Thus, selective adsorption of linear arrays of d- and l-amino acids on calcite, with subsequent condensation polymerization, represents a plausible geochemical mechanism for the production of homochiral polypeptides on the prebiotic Earth.
Global diversity curves reflect more than just the number of taxa that have existed through time: they also mirror variation in the nature of the fossil record and the way the record is reported. These sampling effects are best quantified by assembling and analyzing large numbers of locality-specific biotic inventories. Here, we introduce a new database of this kind for the Phanerozoic fossil record of marine invertebrates. We apply four substantially distinct analytical methods that estimate taxonomic diversity by quantifying and correcting for variation through time in the number and nature of inventories. Variation introduced by the use of two dramatically different counting protocols also is explored. We present sampling-standardized diversity estimates for two long intervals that sum to 300 Myr (Middle Ordovician-Carboniferous; Late Jurassic-Paleogene). Our new curves differ considerably from traditional, synoptic curves. For example, some of them imply unexpectedly low late Cretaceous and early Tertiary diversity levels. However, such factors as the current emphasis in the database on North America and Europe still obscure our view of the global history of marine biodiversity. These limitations will be addressed as the database and methods are refined.
Transcription from the middle promoter, Pm, of phage Mu is initiated by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase holoenzyme (E sigma 70; RNAP) and the phage-encoded activator, Mor. Point mutations in the spacer region between the -10 hexamer and the Mor binding site result in changes of promoter activity in vivo. These mutations are located at the junction between a rigid T-tract and adjacent, potentially deformable G + C-rich DNA segment, suggesting that deformation of the spacer region may play a role in the transcriptional activation of Pm. This prediction was tested by using dimethyl sulfate and potassium permanganate footprinting analyses. Helical distortion involving strand separation was detected at positions -32 to -34, close to the predicted interface between Mor and RNAP. Promoter mutants in which this distortion was not detected exhibited a lack of melting in the -12 to -1 region and reduced promoter activity in vivo. We propose that complexes containing the distortion represent stressed intermediates rather than stable open complexes and thus can be envisaged as a transition state in the kinetic pathway of Pm activation in which stored torsional energy could be used to facilitate melting around the transcription start point.
Self-recognition and abstraction abilities in the common chimpanzee studied with distorting mirrors.
The reactions of chimpanzees to regular mirrors and the results of the standard Gallup mark test have been well documented. In addition to using the mark test to demonstrate self-recognition in a regular mirror, we exposed six female chimpanzees to mirrors that produced distorted or multiplied self-images. Their reactions to their self-images, in terms of mirror-guided self-referenced behaviors, indicated that correct assessment of the source of the mirror image was made by each subject in each of the mirrors. Recognition of a distorted self-image implies an ability for abstraction in the subjects in that the distortion must be rationalized before self-recognition occurs. The implications of these results in terms of illuminating the relative importance of feature and contingency of movement cues to self-recognition are discussed.
In each facet of the Drosophila compound eye, a cluster of photoreceptor cells assumes an asymmetric trapezoidal pattern. These clusters have opposite orientations above and below an equator, showing global dorsoventral mirror symmetry. However, in the mutant spiny legs, the polarization of each cluster appears to be random, so that no equator is evident. The apparent lack of an equator suggests that spiny legs+ may be involved in the establishment of global dorsoventral identity that might be essential for proper polarization of the photoreceptor clusters. Alternatively, a global dorsoventral pattern could be present, but spiny legs+ may be required for local polarization of individual clusters. Using an enhancer trap strain in which white+ gene expression is restricted to the dorsal field, we show that white+ expression in spiny legs correctly respects dorsoventral position even in facets with inappropriate polarizations; the dorsoventral boundary is indeed present, whereas the mechanism for polarization is perturbed. It is suggested that the boundary is established before the action of spiny legs+ by an independent mechanism.
We summarize studies of earthquake fault models that give rise to slip complexities like those in natural earthquakes. For models of smooth faults between elastically deformable continua, it is critical that the friction laws involve a characteristic distance for slip weakening or evolution of surface state. That results in a finite nucleation size, or coherent slip patch size, h*. Models of smooth faults, using numerical cell size properly small compared to h*, show periodic response or complex and apparently chaotic histories of large events but have not been found to show small event complexity like the self-similar (power law) Gutenberg-Richter frequency-size statistics. This conclusion is supported in the present paper by fully inertial elastodynamic modeling of earthquake sequences. In contrast, some models of locally heterogeneous faults with quasi-independent fault segments, represented approximately by simulations with cell size larger than h* so that the model becomes "inherently discrete," do show small event complexity of the Gutenberg-Richter type. Models based on classical friction laws without a weakening length scale or for which the numerical procedure imposes an abrupt strength drop at the onset of slip have h* = 0 and hence always fall into the inherently discrete class. We suggest that the small-event complexity that some such models show will not survive regularization of the constitutive description, by inclusion of an appropriate length scale leading to a finite h*, and a corresponding reduction of numerical grid size.
Self-recognition has been explored in nonlinguistic organisms by recording whether individuals touch a dye-marked area on visually inaccessible parts of their face while looking in a mirror or inspect parts of their body while using the mirror's reflection. Only chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, and humans over the age of approximately 2 years consistently evidence self-directed mirror-guided behavior without experimenter training. To evaluate the inferred phylogenetic gap between hominoids and other animals, a modified dye-mark test was conducted with cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus), a New World monkey species. The white hair on the tamarins' head was color-dyed, thereby significantly altering a visually distinctive species-typical feature. Only individuals with dyed hair and prior mirror exposure touched their head while looking in the mirror. They looked longer in the mirror than controls, and some individuals used the mirror to observe visually inaccessible body parts. Prior failures to pass the mirror test may have been due to methodological problems, rather than to phylogenetic differences in the capacity for self-recognition. Specifically, an individual's sensitivity to experimentally modified parts of its body may depend crucially on the relative saliency of the modified part (e.g., face versus hair). Moreover, and in contrast to previous claims, we suggest that the mirror test may not be sufficient for assessing the concept of self or mental state attribution in nonlinguistic organisms.