916 resultados para current controlled voltage-source inverter


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Thecosome pteropods (pelagic mollusks) can play a key role in the food web of various marine ecosystems. They are a food source for zooplankton or higher predators such as fishes, whales and birds that is particularly important in high latitude areas. Since they harbor a highly soluble aragonitic shell, they could be very sensitive to ocean acidification driven by the increase of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The effect of changes in the seawater chemistry was investigated on Limacina helicina, a key species of Arctic pelagic ecosystems. Individuals were kept in the laboratory under controlled pCO2 levels of 280, 380, 550, 760 and 1020 µatm and at control (0°C) and elevated (4°C) temperatures. The respiration rate was unaffected by pCO2 at control temperature, but significantly increased as a function of the pCO2 level at elevated temperature. pCO2 had no effect on the gut clearance rate at either temperature. Precipitation of CaCO3, measured as the incorporation of 45Ca, significantly declined as a function of pCO2 at both temperatures. The decrease in calcium carbonate precipitation was highly correlated to the aragonite saturation state. Even though this study demonstrates that pteropods are able to precipitate calcium carbonate at low aragonite saturation state, the results support the current concern for the future of Arctic pteropods, as the production of their shell appears to be very sensitive to decreased pH. A decline of pteropod populations would likely cause dramatic changes to various pelagic ecosystems.


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A medical cyclotron accelerating H- ions to 18 MeV is in operation at the Bern University Hospital (Inselspital). It is the commercial IBA 18/18 cyclotron equipped with a specifically conceived 6 m long external beam line ending in a separate bunker. This feature is unique for a hospital-based facility and makes it possible to conduct routine radioisotope production for PET diagnostics in parallel with multidisciplinary research activities, among which are novel particle detectors, radiation biophysics, radioprotection, radiochemistry and radiopharmacy developments. Several of these activities, such as radiobiology experiments for example, require low current beams down to the pA range, while medical cyclotrons are designed for high current operation above 10 μA. In this paper, we present the first results on the low current performance of a PET medical cyclotron obtained by ion source, radio-frequency and main coil tuning. With this method, stable beam currents down to (1.5+/- 0.5 ) pA were obtained and measured with a high-sensitivity Faraday cup located at the end of the beam transport line.


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A two-dimensional finite element model of current flow in the front surface of a PV cell is presented. In order to validate this model we perform an experimental test. Later, particular attention is paid to the effects of non-uniform illumination in the finger direction which is typical in a linear concentrator system. Fill factor, open circuit voltage and efficiency are shown to decrease with increasing degree of non-uniform illumination. It is shown that these detrimental effects can be mitigated significantly by reoptimization of the number of front surface metallization fingers to suit the degree of non-uniformity. The behavior of current flow in the front surface of a cell operating at open circuit voltage under non-uniform illumination is discussed in detail.


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This paper presents an analysis of the transport of electric current in a jet of an electrically conducting liquid discharging from a metallic tube into a gas or a vacuum, and subject to an electric field due to a high voltage applied between the tube and a far electrode. The flow, the surface charge and the electric field are computed in the current transfer region of the jet, where conduction current in the liquid becomes surface current due to the convection of electric charge accumulated at its surface. The electric current computed as a function of the flow rate of the liquid injected through the tube increases first as the square root of this flow rate, levels to a nearly constant value when the flow rate is increased and finally sets to a linear increase when the flow rate is further increased. The current increases linearly with the applied voltage at small and moderate values of this variable, and faster than linearly at high voltages. The characteristic length and structure of the current transfer region are determined. Order-of-magnitude estimates for jets which are only weakly stretched by the electric stresses are worked out that qualitatively account for some of the numerical results.


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An equivalent circuit model is applied in order to describe the operation characteristics of quantum dot intermediate band solar cells (QD-IBSCs), which accounts for the recombination paths of the intermediate band (IB) through conduction band (CB), the valence band (VB) through IB, and the VB-CB transition. In this work, fitting of the measured dark J-V curves for QD-IBSCs (QD region being non-doped or direct Si-doped to n-type) and a reference GaAs p-i-n solar cell (no QDs) were carried out using this model in order to extract the diode parameters. The simulation was then performed using the extracted diode parameters to evaluate solar cell characteristics under concentration. In the case of QDSC with Si-doped (hence partially-filled) QDs, a fast recovery of the open-circuit voltage (Voc) was observed in a range of low concentration due to the IB effect. Further, at around 100X concentration, Si-doped QDSC could outperform the reference GaAs p-i-n solar cell if the current source of IB current source were sixteen times to about 10mA/cm2 compared to our present cell.


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Identification and tracking of objects in specific environments such as harbors or security areas is a matter of great importance nowadays. With this purpose, numerous systems based on different technologies have been developed, resulting in a great amount of gathered data displayed through a variety of interfaces. Such amount of information has to be evaluated by human operators in order to take the correct decisions, sometimes under highly critical situations demanding both speed and accuracy. In order to face this problem we describe IDT-3D, a platform for identification and tracking of vessels in a harbour environment able to represent fused information in real time using a Virtual Reality application. The effectiveness of using IDT-3D as an integrated surveillance system is currently under evaluation. Preliminary results point to a significant decrease in the times of reaction and decision making of operators facing up a critical situation. Although the current application focus of IDT-3D is quite specific, the results of this research could be extended to the identification and tracking of targets in other controlled environments of interest as coastlines, borders or even urban areas.


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There are many the requirements that modern power converters should fulfill. Most of the applications where these converters are used, demand smaller converters with high efficiency, improved power density and a fast dynamic response. For instance, loads like microprocessors demand aggressive current steps with very high slew rates (100A/mus and higher); besides, during these load steps, the supply voltage of the microprocessor should be kept within tight limits in order to ensure its correct performance. The accomplishment of these requirements is not an easy task; complex solutions like advanced topologies - such as multiphase converters- as well as advanced control strategies are often needed. Besides, it is also necessary to operate the converter at high switching frequencies and to use capacitors with high capacitance and low ESR. Improving the dynamic response of power converters does not rely only on the control strategy but also the power topology should be suited to enable a fast dynamic response. Moreover, in later years, a fast dynamic response does not only mean accomplishing fast load steps but output voltage steps are gaining importance as well. At least, two applications that require fast voltage changes can be named: Low power microprocessors. In these devices, the voltage supply is changed according to the workload and the operating frequency of the microprocessor is changed at the same time. An important reduction in voltage dependent losses can be achieved with such changes. This technique is known as Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS). Another application where important energy savings can be achieved by means of changing the supply voltage are Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers. For example, RF architectures based on ‘Envelope Tracking’ and ‘Envelope Elimination and Restoration’ techniques can take advantage of voltage supply modulation and accomplish important energy savings in the power amplifier. However, in order to achieve these efficiency improvements, a power converter with high efficiency and high enough bandwidth (hundreds of kHz or even tens of MHz) is necessary in order to ensure an adequate supply voltage. The main objective of this Thesis is to improve the dynamic response of DC-DC converters from the point of view of the power topology. And the term dynamic response refers both to the load steps and the voltage steps; it is also interesting to modulate the output voltage of the converter with a specific bandwidth. In order to accomplish this, the question of what is it that limits the dynamic response of power converters should be answered. Analyzing this question leads to the conclusion that the dynamic response is limited by the power topology and specifically, by the filter inductance of the converter which is found in series between the input and the output of the converter. The series inductance is the one that determines the gain of the converter and provides the regulation capability. Although the energy stored in the filter inductance enables the regulation and the capability of filtering the output voltage, it imposes a limitation which is the concern of this Thesis. The series inductance stores energy and prevents the current from changing in a fast way, limiting the slew rate of the current through this inductor. Different solutions are proposed in the literature in order to reduce the limit imposed by the filter inductor. Many publications proposing new topologies and improvements to known topologies can be found in the literature. Also, complex control strategies are proposed with the objective of improving the dynamic response in power converters. In the proposed topologies, the energy stored in the series inductor is reduced; examples of these topologies are Multiphase converters, Buck converter operating at very high frequency or adding a low impedance path in parallel with the series inductance. Control techniques proposed in the literature, focus on adjusting the output voltage as fast as allowed by the power stage; examples of these control techniques are: hysteresis control, V 2 control, and minimum time control. In some of the proposed topologies, a reduction in the value of the series inductance is achieved and with this, the energy stored in this magnetic element is reduced; less stored energy means a faster dynamic response. However, in some cases (as in the high frequency Buck converter), the dynamic response is improved at the cost of worsening the efficiency. In this Thesis, a drastic solution is proposed: to completely eliminate the series inductance of the converter. This is a more radical solution when compared to those proposed in the literature. If the series inductance is eliminated, the regulation capability of the converter is limited which can make it difficult to use the topology in one-converter solutions; however, this topology is suitable for power architectures where the energy conversion is done by more than one converter. When the series inductor is eliminated from the converter, the current slew rate is no longer limited and it can be said that the dynamic response of the converter is independent from the switching frequency. This is the main advantage of eliminating the series inductor. The main objective, is to propose an energy conversion strategy that is done without series inductance. Without series inductance, no energy is stored between the input and the output of the converter and the dynamic response would be instantaneous if all the devices were ideal. If the energy transfer from the input to the output of the converter is done instantaneously when a load step occurs, conceptually it would not be necessary to store energy at the output of the converter (no output capacitor COUT would be needed) and if the input source is ideal, the input capacitor CIN would not be necessary. This last feature (no CIN with ideal VIN) is common to all power converters. However, when the concept is actually implemented, parasitic inductances such as leakage inductance of the transformer and the parasitic inductance of the PCB, cannot be avoided because they are inherent to the implementation of the converter. These parasitic elements do not affect significantly to the proposed concept. In this Thesis, it is proposed to operate the converter without series inductance in order to improve the dynamic response of the converter; however, on the other side, the continuous regulation capability of the converter is lost. It is said continuous because, as it will be explained throughout the Thesis, it is indeed possible to achieve discrete regulation; a converter without filter inductance and without energy stored in the magnetic element, is capable to achieve a limited number of output voltages. The changes between these output voltage levels are achieved in a fast way. The proposed energy conversion strategy is implemented by means of a multiphase converter where the coupling of the phases is done by discrete two-winding transformers instead of coupledinductors since transformers are, ideally, no energy storing elements. This idea is the main contribution of this Thesis. The feasibility of this energy conversion strategy is first analyzed and then verified by simulation and by the implementation of experimental prototypes. Once the strategy is proved valid, different options to implement the magnetic structure are analyzed. Three different discrete transformer arrangements are studied and implemented. A converter based on this energy conversion strategy would be designed with a different approach than the one used to design classic converters since an additional design degree of freedom is available. The switching frequency can be chosen according to the design specifications without penalizing the dynamic response or the efficiency. Low operating frequencies can be chosen in order to favor the efficiency; on the other hand, high operating frequencies (MHz) can be chosen in order to favor the size of the converter. For this reason, a particular design procedure is proposed for the ‘inductorless’ conversion strategy. Finally, applications where the features of the proposed conversion strategy (high efficiency with fast dynamic response) are advantageus, are proposed. For example, in two-stage power architectures where a high efficiency converter is needed as the first stage and there is a second stage that provides the fine regulation. Another example are RF power amplifiers where the voltage is modulated following an envelope reference in order to save power; in this application, a high efficiency converter, capable of achieving fast voltage steps is required. The main contributions of this Thesis are the following: The proposal of a conversion strategy that is done, ideally, without storing energy in the magnetic element. The validation and the implementation of the proposed energy conversion strategy. The study of different magnetic structures based on discrete transformers for the implementation of the proposed energy conversion strategy. To elaborate and validate a design procedure. To identify and validate applications for the proposed energy conversion strategy. It is important to remark that this work is done in collaboration with Intel. The particular features of the proposed conversion strategy enable the possibility of solving the problems related to microprocessor powering in a different way. For example, the high efficiency achieved with the proposed conversion strategy enables it as a good candidate to be used for power conditioning, as a first stage in a two-stage power architecture for powering microprocessors.


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The intermediate band solar cell (IBSC) is based on a novel photovoltaic concept and has a limiting efficiency of 63.2%, which compares favorably with the 40.7% efficiency of a conventional, single junction solar cell. It is characterized by a material hosting a collection of energy levels within its bandgap, allowing the cell to exploit photons with sub-bandgap energies in a two-step absorption process, thus improving the utilization of the solar spectrum. However, these intermediate levels are often regarded as an inherent source of supplementary recombination, although this harmful effect can in theory be counteracted by the use of concentrated light. We present here a novel, low-temperature characterization technique using concentrated light that reveals how the initially enhanced recombination in the IBSC is reduced so that its open-circuit voltage is completely recovered and reaches that of a conventional solar cell.


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La situación actual del mercado energético en España y el imparable aumento de las tasas por parte de las eléctricas, está fomentando la búsqueda de fuentes de energía alternativas que permitan a la población poder abastecerse de electricidad, sin tener que pagar unos costes tan elevados. Para cubrir esta necesidad, la energía fotovoltaica y sobretodo el autoconsumo con inyección a red o balance neto, está adquiriendo cada vez más importancia dentro del mundo energético. Pero la penetración de esta tecnología en la Red Eléctrica Española tiene un freno, la desconfianza por parte del operador de la red, ya que la fotovoltaica es una fuente de energía intermitente, que puede introducir inestabilidades en el sistema en caso de alta penetración. Por ello se necesita ganar la confianza de las eléctricas, haciendo que sea una energía predecible, que aporte potencia a la red eléctrica cuando se le pida y que opere participando en la regulación de la frecuencia del sistema eléctrico. Para tal fin, el grupo de investigación de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos, perteneciente al IES de la UPM, está llevando a cabo un proyecto de investigación denominado PV CROPS, financiado por la Comisión Europea, y que tiene por objetivo desarrollar estas estrategias de gestión. En este contexto, el objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera consiste en implementar un Banco de Ensayos con Integración de Baterías en Sistemas FV Conectados a Red, que permita desarrollar, ensayar y validar estas estrategias. Aprovechando la disponibilidad para usar el Hogar Digital, instalado en la EUITT de la UPM, hemos montado el banco de ensayos en un laboratorio contiguo, y así, poder utilizar este Hogar como un caso real de consumos energéticos de una vivienda. Este banco de ensayos permitirá obtener información de la energía generada por la instalación fotovoltaica y del consumo real de la "casa" anexa, para desarrollar posteriormente estrategias de gestión de la electricidad. El Banco de Ensayos está compuesto por tres bloques principales, interconectados entre sí:  Subsistema de Captación de Datos y Comunicación. Encargado de monitorizar los elementos energéticos y de enviar la información recopilada al Subsistema de Control. Formado por analizadores de red eléctrica, monofásicos y de continua, y una pasarela orientada a la conversión del medio físico Ethernet a RS485.  Subsistema de Control. Punto de observación y recopilación de toda la información que proviene de los elementos energéticos. Es el subsistema donde se crearán y se implementarán estrategias de control energético. Compuesto por un equipo Pxie, controlador empotrado en un chasis de gama industrial, y un equipo PC Host, compuesto por una workstation y tres monitores.  Subsistema de Energía. Formado por los elementos que generan, controlan o consumen energía eléctrica, en el Banco de Ensayos. Constituido por una pérgola FV, un inversor, un inversor bidireccional y un bloque de baterías. El último paso ha sido llevar a cabo un Ejemplo de Aplicación Práctica, con el que hemos probado que el Banco de Ensayos está listo para usarse, es operativo y completamente funcional en operaciones de monitorización de generación energética fotovoltaica y consumo energético. ABSTRACT. The current situation of the energetic market in Spain and the unstoppable increase of the tax on the part of the electrical companies, is promoting the search of alternative sources of energy that allow to the population being able to be supplied of electricity, without having to pay so high costs. To meet this need, the photovoltaic power and above all the self-consumption with injection to network, it is increasingly important inside the energetic world. It allows to the individual not only to pay less for the electricity, in addition it allows to obtain benefits for the energy generated in his own home. But the penetration of this technology in the Electrical Spanish Network has an obstacle, the distrust on the part of the operator of the electrical network, due to the photovoltaic is an intermittent source of energy, which can introduce instabilities in the system in case of high penetration. Therefore it´s necessary to reach the confidence of the electricity companies, making it a predictable energy, which provides with power to the electrical network whenever necessary and that operates taking part in the regulation of the frequency of the electric system. For such an end, the group of system investigation Photovoltaic, belonging to the IES of the UPM, there is carrying out a project of investigation named PV CROPS, financed by the European Commission, and that has for aim to develop these strategies of management. In this context, the objective of this Senior Thesis consists in implementing a Bank of Tests with Integration of Batteries in Photovoltaic Systems Connected to Network, which allows developing, testing and validating these strategies. Taking advantage of the availability to use the Digital Home installed in the EUITT of the UPM, we have mounted the bank of tests in a contiguous laboratory to use this Home as a real case of energetic consumptions of a house. This bank of tests will allow obtaining information of the energy generated by the photovoltaic installation and information of the royal consumption of the attached "house", to develop later strategies of management of the electricity. The Bank of Tests is composed by three principal blocks, interconnected each other:  Subsystem of Gathering of data and Communication. In charge of monitoring the energetic elements and sending the information compiled to the Subsystem of Control. Formed by power analyzers, AC and DC, and a gateway for the conversion of the Ethernet physical medium to RS485.  Subsystem of Control. Point of observation and compilation of all the information that comes from the energetic elements. It is the subsystem where there will be created and there will be implemented strategies of energetic control. Composed of a Pxie, controller fixed in an industrial range chassis, and a PC Host, formed by a workstation and three monitors.  Subsystem of Energy. Formed by the elements of generating, controlling or consuming electric power, in the Bank of Tests. Made of photovoltaic modules, an inverter, a twoway inverter and a batteries block. The last step has been performing an Example of Practical Application we have proved that the Bank of Tests is ready to be used, it´s operative and fully functional in monitoring operations of energetic photovoltaic generation and energetic consumption.


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En este Trabajo Fin de Master se desarrolla una aplicación basada en Labview diseñada para la adquisición automática de mapas de electroluminiscencia de células solares en general y células solares multiunión de concentración como caso particular, para diferentes condiciones de polarización. Este sistema permitirá la adquisición de mapas de electroluminescencia de cada una de las sub-células de una célula multiunión. Las variaciones espaciales en la intensidad de electroluminescencia medida podrán ser analizadas y correlacionadas con defectos de distintos tipos en la estructura semiconductora o en los contactos metálicos que forman el dispositivo de célula solar. En la parte teórica se presenta el estado del arte referente a la caracterización de células solares basada en la técnica de electroluminiscencia, así como los antecedentes del Instituto de Energía Solar (IES) referidos a este tema. Para el desarrollo de la parte práctica ha sido necesario diseñar dos drivers en Labview. El primer driver controla una fuente-medidor, que inyecta corriente a la célula solar y recoge datos de la tensión asociada. El segundo driver se utiliza para controlar y automatizar el proceso de adquisición, mediante sensor CCD, de la imagen electroluminiscente de la célula solar sometida a unas condiciones de polarización determinadas. Estos drivers se incluyen dentro de la aplicación final desarrollada, que ofrece al usuario una interfaz para la aplicación de diferentes condiciones de polarización a la célula solar y la adquisición de los mapas de electroluminescencia. La utilización de este sistema es fundamental en los estudios de degradación de células solares que se llevan a cabo actualmente en el Instituto de Energía Solar. De hecho, en este Trabajo Fin de Máster se han realizado las primeras medidas al respecto, cuyos resultados se presentan en la parte final de esta memoria. SUMMARY. This Master Final Project develops a Labview application designed to perform the automatic acquisition of solar cell electroluminescence maps in general, and concentrator multijunction solar cells as a special case, under forward biased conditions. This system allows the acquisition of electroluminescence maps of each of the sub-cells in a multijunction cell. The spatial variations in the intensity of the electroluminescence measured can be analyzed and correlated with defects in the semiconductor structure or in the metal contacts of the solar cell. In the theory section of this memory, the state of the art of the electroluminescence-based characterization techniques for solar cells is presented, and the previous work carried out at I.E.S. is summarized. For the development of the practice part it has been necessary to design two drivers using Labview software. The first driver handles the source-meter injecting current in the solar cell and measuring voltage between its terminals. The second driver is used to handle and automate the acquisition of the solar cell electroluminescence image under forward biased conditions, using a CCD sensor. These drivers are included in the final application, which offers the user an interface to apply different bias conditions to the solar cell and for the acquisition of electroluminescence maps. The use of this system is essential in the studies of degradation of solar cells which is currently underway at the I.E.S. – U.P.M. In this Master Final Project the results of the first measurements are carried out which are presented in the final part of this memory.


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A theoretical model for the steady-state response of anodic contactors that emit a plasma current Ii and collect electrons from a collisionless, unmagnetized plasma is presented. The use of a (kinetic) monoenergetic population for the attracted species, well known in passive probe theory, gives both accuracy and tractability to the theory. The monoenergetic population is proved to behave like an isentropic fluid with radial plus centripetal motion, allowing direct comparisons with ad hoc fluid models. Also, a modification of the original monoenergetic equations permits analysis of contactors operating in orbit-limited conditions. Besides that, the theory predicts that, only for plasma emissions above certain threshold current a presheath/double layer/core structure for the potential is formed (the core mode), while for emissions below that threshold, a plasma contactor behaves exactly as a positive-ion emitter with a presheath/sheath structure (the no-core mode). Ion emitters are studied as a particular case. Emphasis is placed on obtaining dimensionless charts and approximate asymptotic laws of the current-voltage characteristic.


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This study purports to investigate whether a conductive tether left uninsulated and electrically floating in LEO could serve as an effective e-beam source to produce artificial auroras. An electrically floating tether comes out biased highly negative over most of its length. Ambient ions impacting it with KeV energies liberate secondary electrons, which are locally accelerated through the 2D tether voltage-bias, race down magnetic lines, and result in peak auroral emissions at about 120-160 km altitude. Since no current flows at either tether end, a bare-tether e-beam is fully free of spacecraft charging problems. Beam propagation and beam-atmosphere interactions need be modelled in a simple but quantitative way so as to allow a satisfactory discussion of observational options and their feasibility. The evolution in the energy spectrum of secondary electrons, their pitch distribution, and beam broadening due to collisions with neutrals, which would result in a broader but weaker tether footprint in the E-layer, need be modelled. Relations between particle/energy flux values, and ionization and accompanying emission rates, are considered.


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The electron-retarding range of the current-voltage characteristic of a flat Langmuir probe perpendicular to a strong magnetic field in a fully ionized plasma is analysed allowing for anomalous (Bohm) cross-field transport and temperature changes in the collection process. With probe size and ion thermal gyroradius comparable, and smaller than the electron mean free path, there is an outer quasineutral region with ion viscosity determinant in allowing nonambipolar parallel and cross flow. A potential overshoot lying either at the base or inside the quasineutral region both makes ions follow Boltzmann's law at negative bias and extends the electron-retarding range to probe bias e(j)p ~ +2Too. Electron heating and cooling occur roughly at positive and negative bias, with a re-minimum around efa ~ - 2 7 ^ ; far from the probe heat conduction cools and heats electrons at and radially away from the probe axis, respectively. The potential overshoot with no thermal effects would reduce the electron current Ie, making the In Ie versus 4>p graph downwards-concave,but cooling further reduces Ie substantially, and may tilt the slope upwards past the temperature minimum. The domain of strict validity of our analysis is narrow in case of low ion mass (deuterium), breaking down with the ion Boltzmann law.


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This paper presents a new verification procedure for sound source coverage according to ISO 140?5 requirements. The ISO 140?5 standard applies to the measurement of façade insulation and requires a sound source able to achieve a sufficiently uniform sound field in free field conditions on the façade under study. The proposed method involves the electroacoustic characterisation of the sound source in laboratory free field conditions (anechoic room) and the subsequent prediction by computer simulation of the sound free field radiated on a rectangular surface equal in size to the façade being measured. The loudspeaker is characterised in an anechoic room under laboratory controlled conditions, carefully measuring directivity, and then a computer model is designed to calculate the acoustic free field coverage for different loudspeaker positions and façade sizes. For each sound source position, the method provides the maximum direct acoustic level differences on a façade specimen and therefore determines whether the loudspeaker verifies the maximum allowed level difference of 5 dB (or 10 dB for façade dimensions greater than 5 m) required by the ISO standard. Additionally, the maximum horizontal dimension of the façade meeting the standard is calculated and provided for each sound source position, both with the 5 dB and 10 dB criteria. In the last section of the paper, the proposed procedure is compared with another method used by the authors in the past to achieve the same purpose: in situ outdoor measurements attempting to recreate free field conditions. From this comparison, it is concluded that the proposed method is able to reproduce the actual measurements with high accuracy, for example, the ground reflection effect, at least at low frequencies, which is difficult to avoid in the outdoor measurement method, and it is fully eliminated with the proposed method to achieve the free field requisite.


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An electrodynamic tether experiment, to be carried out in the Russian spacecraft Almaz, is proposed. A 10 km tether would be deployed downwards; the lower 8 km would be nonconductive, the upper 2 km would be conductive, bare, and 2.2 mm in diameter, and would act as a thruster, with power supply at the top. This hybrid arrangement allows for other, onelectrodynamic experiments,reducing costs; it also limits the induced electromotive force, reducing the power to be handled. The current-voltage characteristic of contactors would be measured. With the anode switched off, the wire itself should collect a current over 5 A at day conditions, providing a thrust of 0.11 N at a 0.77 kW power.