838 resultados para crisis of leadership


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BACKGROUND: Angle-closure glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world. Treatment is aimed at opening the anterior chamber angle and lowering the IOP with medical and/or surgical treatment (e.g. trabeculectomy, lens extraction). Laser iridotomy works by eliminating pupillary block and widens the anterior chamber angle in the majority of patients. When laser iridotomy fails to open the anterior chamber angle, laser iridoplasty may be recommended as one of the options in current standard treatment for angle-closure. Laser peripheral iridoplasty works by shrinking and pulling the peripheral iris tissue away from the trabecular meshwork. Laser peripheral iridoplasty can be used for crisis of acute angle-closure and also in non-acute situations. OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness of laser peripheral iridoplasty in the treatment of narrow angles (i.e. primary angle-closure suspect), primary angle-closure (PAC) or primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG) in non-acute situations when compared with any other intervention. In this review, angle-closure will refer to patients with narrow angles, PAC and PACG. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (which contains the Cochrane Eyes and Vision Group Trials Register) (The Cochrane Library), MEDLINE, EMBASE and LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences). The databases were last searched on 11 February 2008. SELECTION CRITERIA: Only randomised controlled trials (RCTs) were eligible for inclusion in this review. Patients with narrow angles, PAC or PACG were eligible. Studies that included only patients with acute presentations, using laser peripheral iridoplasty to break acute crisis were excluded. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: No analysis was carried out due to lack of trials. MAIN RESULTS: There were no RCTs assessing laser peripheral iridoplasty in the non-acute setting of angle-closure. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is currently no strong evidence for laser peripheral iridoplasty's use in treating angle-closure.


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Lessen uit een lang vergeten crisis voor hedendaagse beleidsmakers en banken.


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The book’s main contribution is the bringing together of varied discourses concerning the social policy impact of ageing within the context of fiscal austerity. As the editors rightly state, the economic recession has sharpened the focus of governments on the implication of demographic ageing. It is vital therefore, that the social policy implications of societal ageing are studied and understood within a wider political economy of austerity. Of course the fiscal crisis of the 1970s and the ensuing first wave of neo-liberalism in the Anglo-Saxon countries [in the 1980s] gave us a foretaste of the various ways in which the public burden thesis has been applied with great force to the older population. This recession is different, certainly in Ireland, but a combination of neo-liberal ideology and neo-classical economics is enforcing severe budgetary constraint on a range of countries (within and outside of the Eurozone) in the name of funding deficits. Policy makers appear to be disinterested in both the origins of the 2008 financial crisis and the distributional consequences of their austerity policies. In the absence of official concern social science research has a key role to play.


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With the continued diffusion of global boundaries coupled with the onset of increased environmental pressure, construction industry attitudes are also shifting. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the construction industry attitudes to global environmental change in both the United Kingdom and Japan. In order to achieve this goal, a qualitative mixed method approach is adopted, encompassing a desk based critique of the literature coupled with an industry interview from both regions. This methodology is adopted with the objective of ascertaining if there are any geographical similarities or differences with the regions in question. The resulting information is analyzed and the results deciphered utilizing mind mapping techniques in the dissemination of the data obtained with the objective of identifying various traits within the data. The results indicate that the United Kingdom and Japan both illustrate various attributes in relation to attitudes towards the global environment. In particular, research indicates that in the Japanese construction industry, there is a distinct lack of enthusiasm shown in construction industry attitudes to counteract environmental challenges currently being faced by implementing sustainable practices, compared to attitudes in the UK construction industry. One of the reasons identified for this, is the lack of leadership provided by the corresponding government, thus resulting in the lack of promotion of sustainable practices in the region. The benefit of this research is that it enables various industry leaders, regardless of geographical location, to actively consider the attitudes and perceptions of those around them, particularly in relation to the sensitive topic of global environmental change within the industry. Where the findings are acknowledged and also utilized, the results should aid in the improvement of the industry on an international scale, while also improving the overall persona of environmental change within the sector.


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6.00 pm. If people like watching T.V. while they are eating their evening meal, space for a low table is needed (Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Space in the Home, 1963, p. 4).

This paper re-examines the 1961 Parker Morris report on housing standards in Britain. It explores the origins, scope, text and iconography of the report and suggests that these not only express a particularly modernist conception of space but one which presupposed very specific economic conditions and geographies.

Also known as Homes for Today and Tomorrow Parker Morris attempted, through the application of scientific principles, to define the minimum living space standards needed to accommodate household activities. But while early modernist research into notions of existenzminimum were the work of avant-garde architects and thinkers, Homes for Today and Tomorrow and its sister design manual Space in the Home were commissioned by the British State. This normalization of scientific enquiry into space can be considered not only as a response to new conditions in the mass production of housing – economies of scale, prefabrication, system-building and modular coordination – but also to the post-war boom in consumer goods. In this, it is suggested that the domestic interior was assigned a key role as a privileged site of mass consumption as the production and micro-management of space in Britain became integral to the development of a planned national economy underpinned by Fordist principles. Parker Morris, therefore, sought to accommodate activities which were pre-determined not so much by traditional social or familial ties but rather by recently introduced commodities such as the television set, white goods, table tennis tables and train sets. This relationship between the domestic interior and the national economy are emblematized by the series of placeless and scale-less diagrams executed by Gordon Cullen in Space in the Home. Here, walls dissolve as space flows from inside to outside in a homogenized and ephemeral landscape whose limits are perhaps only the boundaries of the nation state and the circuits of capital.

In Britain, Parker Morris was the last explicit State-sponsored attempt to prescribe a normative spatial programme for national living. The calm neutral efficiency of family-life expressed in its diagrams was almost immediately problematised by the rise of 1960s counter-culture, the feminist movement and the oil crisis of 1972 which altered perhaps forever the spatial, temporal and economic conditions it had taken for granted. The debate on space-standards, however, continues.


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Understanding how US imperial strategy is sustained by tourism and militarism requires an account of how American soldiers learn to understand themselves in relation to a variety of marginalized others. This paper explores how the US Army’s ‘Ready and Resilient’ (R2) campaign constructs soldier / other relations by mobilizing off-duty time through the ‘Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers’ (BOSS) program. BOSS’s first two platforms of ‘Well-Being’ and ‘Community Service’ feed into the R2 agenda by producing highly-skilled leaders (who govern a disengaged rank and file) and benevolent humanitarians (who provide charity for abject civilians). When these dispositions are transposed into BOSS’s third platform of ‘Recreation and Leisure’, soldiers turn away from the goals of leadership and humanitarianism to reveal the privileged narcissism underscoring the R2 agenda. This self-focus is intensified by familiar power relations in the tourism industry as soldiers pursue self-improvement by commodifying, distancing and effacing local tourist workers. Using the BOSS program as a case study, this paper critically interrogates how the US Army is assimilating off-duty practices of tourism, leisure and recreation into the wider program of resilience training.


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Dissertação apresentada na Escola Superior de Educação, para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Administração Educacional. Orientadora: Professora Doutora Maria João Cardona


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Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação/Supervisão e Orientação Pedagógica. Orientador: Professor Doutor António Mesquita Guimarães


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As mudanças que se verificam no seio da Administração Local implicam que os seus dirigentes desenvolvam um trabalho inovador na forma como conduzem as pessoas. Logo, é necessário aferir acerca das competências de liderança dos actuais dirigentes intermédios para fazer face à mutação dos procedimentos. Neste estudo, a abordagem ao tema da liderança inicia-se com uma pequena resenha histórica dos estilos de liderança. Posteriormente é abordado o tema da motivação, definindo o seu conceito, apresentando diversas teorias e explicitando as motivações extrínsecas, intrínsecas e transcendentes. É ainda considerada a adequação da proposta de Julian Le Grand sobre motivação nos serviços públicos ao novo paradigma da Administração Pública. Assim, a presente dissertação tem como objecto de estudo relacionar o estilo de liderança adoptado pelas chefias intermédias da Administração Local (pressupondo que é Transformacional) e a motivação dos seus subordinados. Os dados foram recolhidos através de questionários. Os resultados mostram que o estilo de liderança das chefias intermédias é transformacional existindo uma relação positiva entre esta e a motivação dos colaboradores. A promoção da aceitação de objectivos é a característica crucial para transmitir a missão da organização e motivar os colaboradores. Verificou-se, ainda, que os actuais líderes também possuem características da liderança transaccional e usam-na quando necessário. ABSTRACT: Changes in Local Administration ask for leaders who develop innovative work in how they lead people. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the intermediate managers’ leadership skills when facing procedures mutations. In this study, the approach on leadership begins with a small historical review of leadership styles. Afterwards, motivation is studied through the definition of its concept, presenting several theories and explaining extrinsic, intrinsic and transcendent types of motivation. Julian Le Grand’s approach on motivation in public services is also adapted to the new paradigm of Public Administration. Therefore, this dissertation’s main objective is to relate the leadership style of intermediate managers of Local Administration (assuming it is transformational) with the subordinates’ motivation. The data was collected through questionnaires. Results show that intermediate managers’ leadership style is transformational and there is a positive relationship between that and the collaborators motivations. The crucial feature on transmitting the organizations’ mission to motivate collaborators is the promotion of the acceptance of objectives. Actual leaders also develop a transactional leadership style and use it when necessary.


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Dissertação mest., Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Santee Cooper annually published Fingertip Facts, which provides a snapshot of utility, including listings of leadership, comparative highlights, year in review, and description of their environmental stewardship.


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Santee Cooper annually published Fingertip Facts, which provides a snapshot of utility, including listings of leadership, comparative highlights, year in review, and description of their environmental stewardship.


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Santee Cooper annually published Fingertip Facts, which provides a snapshot of utility, including listings of leadership, comparative highlights, year in review, and description of their environmental stewardship.


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Santee Cooper annually published Fingertip Facts, which provides a snapshot of utility, including listings of leadership, comparative highlights, year in review, and description of their environmental stewardship.


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Santee Cooper annually published Fingertip Facts, which provides a snapshot of utility, including listings of leadership, comparative highlights, year in review, and description of their environmental stewardship.