951 resultados para crack


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The feasibility of the fabrication of coatings for elevated-temperature structural applications by laser cladding MoSi2 powder on steel was investigated. A dense and crack-free fine coating, well-bonded with the substrate has been obtained by this technique. This coating consists of FeMoSi, Fe2Si and a small amount of Mo5Si3 due to dilution of the substrate in the coating. The microstruelure of the coating is characterized of typical fine dendrites. The dendrites are composed of FeMoSi primary phase, and the interdendritic areas are two eutectic phases of FeMoSi and Fe2Si. The hardness of the coating reaches 845 Hv(0.5), 3.7 times larger than that of the steel substrate (180Hv(0.5)).


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In this paper, a method is developed for determining the effective stiffness of the cracked component. The stiffness matrix of the cracked component is integrated into the global stiffness matrix of the finite element model of the global platform for the FE calculation of the structure in any environmental conditions. The stiffness matrix equation of the cracked component is derived by use of the finite variation principle and fracture mechanics. The equivalent parameters defining the element that simulates the cracked component are mathematically presented, and can be easily used for the FE calculation of large scale cracked structures together with any finite element program. The theories developed are validated by both lab tests and numerical calculations, and applied to the evaluation of crack effect on the strength of a fixed platform and a self-elevating drilling rig.


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Micro- and macroscopic characterizations of the viscoelastic fracture of a unidirectional carbon-fibre-reinforced epoxy composite are presented. First, the micro-cracking behavior of the material is studied by the use of scanning electron microscopy; the in situ creep cracking process is observed and the crack propagation is measured. In order to obtain insight into the mechanisms of the observed creep cracking, macroscopic investigations were also carried out. Finite-element method simulations were carried out to calculate the stress distribution and the variation of stresses with time. A theoretical analysis of the orthotropy of viscoelastic fracture behavior of the material is also conducted.


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The formation mechanism of “water film” (or crack) in saturated sand is analyzed theoretically and numerically. The theoretical analysis shows that there will be no stable “water film” in the saturated sand if the strength of the skeleton is zero and no positions are choked. It is shown by numerical simulation that stable water films initiate and grow if the choking state keeps unchanged once the fluid velocities decrease to zero in the liquefied sand column. The developments of “water film” based on the model presented in this paper are compared with experimental results.


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Three analytical double-parameter criteria based on a bending model and a two-dimensional finite element analysis model are presented for the modeling of ductile thin film undergoing a nonlinear peeling process. The bending model is based on different governing parameters: (1) the interfacial fracture toughness and the separation strength, (2) the interfacial fracture toughness and the crack tip slope angle, and (3) the interfacial fracture toughness and the critical Mises effective strain of the delaminated thin film at the crack tip. Thin film nonlinear peeling under steady-state condition is solved with the different governing parameters. In addition, the peeling test problem is simulated by using the elastic-plastic finite element analysis model. A critical assessment of the three analytical bending models is made by comparison of the bending model solutions with the finite element analysis model solutions. Furthermore, through analyses and comparisons for solutions based on both the bending model and the finite element analysis model, some connections between the bending model and the finite element analysis model are developed. Moreover, in the present research, the effect of different selections for cohesive zone shape on the ductile film peeling solutions is discussed.


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The dynamic response of a finite crack in an unbounded Functionally Graded Material (FGM) subjected to an antiplane shear loading is studied in this paper. The variation of the shear modulus of the functionally graded material is modeled by a quadratic increase along the direction perpendicular to the crack surface. The dynamic stress intensity factor is extracted from the asymptotic expansion of the stresses around the crack tip in the Laplace transform plane and obtained in the time domain by a numerical Laplace inversion technique. The influence of graded material property on the dynamic intensity factor is investigated. It is observed that the magnitude of dynamic stress intensity factor for a finite crack in such a functionally graded material is less than in the homogeneous material with a property identical to that of the FGM crack plane.


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Until quite recently our understanding of the basic mechanical process responsible for earthquakes and faulting was not well known. It can be argued that this was partly a consequence of the complex nature of fracture in crust and in part because evidence of brittle phenomena in the natural laboratory of the earth is often obliterated or obscured by other geological processes. While it is well understood that the spatial and temporal complexity of earthquakes and the fault structures emerge from geometrical and material built-in heterogeneities, one important open question is how the shearing becomes localized into a band of intense fractures. Here the authors address these questions through a numerical approach of a tectonic plate by considering rockmass heterogeneity both in microscopic scale and in mesoscopic scale. Numerical simulations of the progressive failure leading to collapse under long-range slow driving forces in the far-field show earthquake-like rupture behavior. $En Echelon$ crack-arrays are reproduced in the numerical simulation. It is demonstrated that the underlying fracturing induced acoustic emissions (or seismic events) display self-organized criticality------from disorder to order. The seismic cycles and the geometric structures of the fracture faces, which are found greatly depending on the material heterogeneity (especially on the macroscopic scale), agree with that observed experimentally in real brittle materials. It is concluded that in order to predict a main shock, one must have extremely detailed knowledge on very minor features of the earth's crust far from the place where the earthquake originated. If correct, the model proposed here seemingly provides an explanation as to why earthquakes to date are not predicted so successfully. The reason is not that the authors do not understand earthquake mechanisms very well but that they still know little about our earth's crust.


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A correlative reference model for a computer simulation of molecular dynamics is proposed in this paper. Based on this model, a flexible displacement boundary scheme is naturally introduced and the dislocations emitted from a crack tip are presumed to continuously pass through the border of an inner discrete atomic region to pile up at an outer continuum region. The simulations for a Mo crystal show that the interaction between a crack and emitted dislocations results in the decrease in local stress intensity factor gradually.


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The interaction of arbitrarily distributed penny-shaped cracks in three-dimensional solids is analyzed in this paper. Using oblate spheroidal coordinates and displacement functions, an analytic method is developed in which the opening and the sliding displacements on each crack surface are taken as the basic unknown functions. The basic unknown functions can be expanded in series of Legendre polynomials with unknown coefficients. Based on superposition technique, a set of governing equations for the unknown coefficients are formulated from the traction free conditions on each crack surface. The boundary collocation procedure and the average method for crack-surface tractions are used for solving the governing equations. The solution can be obtained for quite closely located cracks. Numerical examples are given for several crack problems. By comparing the present results with other existing results, one can conclude that the present method provides a direct and efficient approach to deal with three-dimensional solids containing multiple cracks.


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Titanium carbide particle (TiCp) reinforced Ni alloy composite coatings were synthesized by laser cladding using a cw 3 kW CO2 laser. Two kinds of coatings were present in terms of TiCp origins, i.e. undissolved and in situ reacted TiCp, respectively. The former came from the TiCp pre-coated on the sample, whereas the latter from in situ reaction between titanium and graphite in the molten pool during laser irradiation. Conventional and high-resolution transmission electron microscope observations showed the epitaxial growth of TiC, the precipitation of CrB, and the chemical reaction between Ti and B elements around phase interfaces of undissolved TiCp. The hardness, H, and elastic modulus, E, were measured by nanoindentation of the matrix near the TiCp interface. For undissolved TiCp, the loading curve revealed pop-in phenomena caused by the plastic deformation of the crack formation or debounding of TiCp from the matrix. As for in situ generated TiCp, no pop-in mark appears. On the other hand, in situ reacted TiCp led to much higher hardness and modulus than that in the case of undissolved TiCp. The coating reinforced by in situ generated TiCp displayed the highest impact wear resistance at both low and high impact conditions, as compared with coatings with undissolved TiCp and without TiCp. The impact wear resistance of the coating reinforced by undissolved TiCp increases at a low impact work but decreases at a high impact work, as compared with the single Ni alloy coating. The degree of wear for the composite coating depends primarily on the debonding removal of TiCp.


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Peel test methods are assessed through being applied to a peeling analysis of the ductile film/ceramic substrate system. Through computing the fracture work of the system using the either beam bend model (BB model) or the general plane analysis model (GPA model), surprisingly, a big difference between both model results is found. Although the BB model can capture the plastic dissipation phenomenon for the ductile film case as the GPA model can, it is much sensitive to the choice of the peeling criterion parameters, and it overestimates the plastic bending effect unable to capture crack tip constraint plasticity. In view of the difficulty of measuring interfacial toughness using peel test method when film is the ductile material, a new test method, split test, is recommended and analyzed using the GPA model. The prediction is applied to a wedge-loaded experiment for Al-alloy double-cantilever beam in literature.


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A general method is presented for solving the plane elasticity problem of finite plates with multiple microcracks. The method directly accounts for the interactions between different microcracks and the effect of outer boundary of a finite plate. Analysis is based on a superposition scheme and series expansions of the complex potentials. By using the traction-free conditions on each crack surface and resultant forces relations along outer boundary, a set of governing equations is formulated. The governing equations are solved numerically on the basis of a boundary collocation procedure. The effective Young's moduli for randomly oriented cracks and parallel cracks are evaluated for rectangular plates with microcracks. The numerical results are compared with those from various micromechanics models and experimental data. These results show that the present method provides a direct and efficient approach to deal with finite solids containing multiple microcracks.


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To further investigate the mechanism of acoustic emission (AE) in the rock fracture experiment, moment tensor analysis was carried out. The AE sources characterized by crack sizes, orientations and fracture modes, are represented by a time-dependent momen


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