975 resultados para continuous flow analysis


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La adsorció sobre carbó actiu és un tractament habitual para a l'eliminació de metalls contaminants d'afluents aquosos. Amb la finalitat de reduir el cost dels tractament actuals s'està estudiant la utilització d'adsorbents de baix cost com a substituts dels sorbents convencionals que s'utilitzen usualment en els tractaments d'aigües. En aquesta tesi s'ha avaluat la possibilitat d'aprofitar diversos residus vegetals procedents de processos agrícoles o residus industrials, com a sorbents per a l'eliminació de metalls de solucions aquoses. En concret, el treball s'ha centrat en assolir dos grans objectius, primer de tot, conèixer la possibilitat d'utilitzar el pinyol d'oliva com a adsorbent de metalls divalents de solucions aquoses, com són el Cd(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) i Pb(II), i en segon lloc, avaluar la utilització de quatre residus vegetals (escorça de yohimbe, rapa de raïm, suro i pinyol d'oliva) per a l'extracció de Cr(VI) de solucions aquoses i utilitzar el residu vegetal més apropiat com a base per tal d'obtenir un nou sorbent, amb més bona morfologia per ser utilitzat en sistemes d'eliminació de Cr(VI) en continu. Les dades cinètiques d'adsorció es van tractar amb el model cinètic de pseudo-segon ordre, amb el que es van determinar la velocitat inicial d'adsorció dels metalls. Els models d'isotermes d'equilibri de Langmuir i Freundlich es van utilitzar per descriure els equilibris d'adsorció i calcular els paràmetres de les isotermes. En els assajos amb mescles binàries de metalls, els resultats es van tractar amb el model ampliat de Langmuir. En aquest treball s'ha determinat, primerament, que el pinyol d'oliva és un bon sorbent dels metalls divalents estudiats. S'ha determinat que l'adsorció dels metalls varia amb el pH de la solució i que la presència de sals en la solució provoca una davallada en l'adsorció. També es va determinar la competència en l'adsorció entre els metalls al realitzar assajos en mescles binàries. Amb els estudis d'extracció de Cr(VI) amb els quatre materials s'ha determinat que aquests vegetals poden adsorbir el Cr(VI) en solució, tot i que la rapa i la yohimbe són els materials que presenten unes capacitats d'adsorció més elevades. Les anàlisis amb espectroscòpia electrònica de Raig-X realitzats en la rapa de raïm i la yohimbe en contacte amb Cr(VI) varen demostrar la presència del metall en els dos estats d'oxidació, Cr(VI) i Cr(III), evidenciant la participació del mecanisme de reducció de Cr(VI) en l'adsorció del metall sobre els materials. Amb l'encapsulació de la rapa de raïm es va incrementar significativament la capacitat d'adsorció del metall respecta a la seva utilització en la forma original. Les dades experimentals es van tractar amb un model de difusió i es va determinar el coeficient de difusió en l'adsorció en el sorbent amb diferent percentatge de rapa en l'interior. Finalment s'han realitzat estudis preliminars d'adsorció de crom hexavalent en continu utilitzant columnes de petites dimensions farcides amb el sorbent format per boles de rapa encapsulada en alginat càlcic. En aquests assajos s'ha determinat l'efecte en l'adsorció de metall de diversos paràmetres d'operació, com la concentració inicial de metall, el cabal i l'alçada de llit. El model de transferència de matèria i difusió en columna emprat pel tractament de les dades experimentals va mostrar l'efecte de la concentració inicial i del cabal en els coeficients de difusió i transferència de matèria. El model BDST no va predir correctament el temps de servei en els diferents paràmetres d'operació experimentats a causa de la complexitat del procés d'adsorció. Amb aquests assajos preliminars s'han establert les bases de l'adsorció de Cr(VI) amb el nou sorbent en sistemes en continu amb la finalitat de realitzar estudis posteriors d'eliminació del metall en columnes de majors dimensions.


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Infrared spectra of the two stretching fundamentals of both HBS and DBS have been observed, using a continuous flow system through a multiple reflection long path cell at a pressure around 1 Torr and a Nicolet Fourier Transform spectrometer with a resolution of about 0•1 cm-1. The v3 BS stretching fundamental of DBS, near 1140 cm-1, is observed in strong Fermi resonance with the overtone of the bend 2v2. The bending fundamental v2 has not been observed and must be a very weak band. The analysis of the results in conjunction with earlier work gives the equilibrium structure (re(BH) = 1•1698(12) , re(BS) = 1•5978(3) ) and the harmonic and anharmonic force field.


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We study the scaling properties and Kraichnan–Leith–Batchelor (KLB) theory of forced inverse cascades in generalized two-dimensional (2D) fluids (α-turbulence models) simulated at resolution 8192x8192. We consider α=1 (surface quasigeostrophic flow), α=2 (2D Euler flow) and α=3. The forcing scale is well resolved, a direct cascade is present and there is no large-scale dissipation. Coherent vortices spanning a range of sizes, most larger than the forcing scale, are present for both α=1 and α=2. The active scalar field for α=3 contains comparatively few and small vortices. The energy spectral slopes in the inverse cascade are steeper than the KLB prediction −(7−α)/3 in all three systems. Since we stop the simulations well before the cascades have reached the domain scale, vortex formation and spectral steepening are not due to condensation effects; nor are they caused by large-scale dissipation, which is absent. One- and two-point p.d.f.s, hyperflatness factors and structure functions indicate that the inverse cascades are intermittent and non-Gaussian over much of the inertial range for α=1 and α=2, while the α=3 inverse cascade is much closer to Gaussian and non-intermittent. For α=3 the steep spectrum is close to that associated with enstrophy equipartition. Continuous wavelet analysis shows approximate KLB scaling ℰ(k)∝k−2 (α=1) and ℰ(k)∝k−5/3 (α=2) in the interstitial regions between the coherent vortices. Our results demonstrate that coherent vortex formation (α=1 and α=2) and non-realizability (α=3) cause 2D inverse cascades to deviate from the KLB predictions, but that the flow between the vortices exhibits KLB scaling and non-intermittent statistics for α=1 and α=2.


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Successful coupling of electrochemical preconcentration (EPC) to capillary electrophoresis (CE) with contactless conductivity detection (C(4)D) is reported for the first time. The EPC-CE interface comprises a dual glassy carbon electrode (GCE) block, a spacer and an upper block with flow inlet and outlet, pseudo-reference electrode and a fitting for the CE silica column, consisting of an orifice perpendicular to the surface of a glassy carbon electrode with a bushing inside to ensure a tight press fit. The end of the capillary in contact with the GCE is slant polished, thus defining a reproducible distance from the electrode surface to the column bore. First results with EPC-CE-C(4)D are very promising, as revealed by enrichment factors of two orders of magnitude for Tl, Cu, Pb and Cd ion peak area signals. Detection limits for 10 min deposition time fall around 20 nmol L(-1) with linear calibration curves over a wide range. Besides preconcentration, easy matrix exchange between accumulation and stripping/injection favors procedures like sample cleanup and optimization of pH, ionic strength and complexing power. This was demonstrated for highly saline samples by using a low conductivity buffer for stripping/injection to improve separation and promote field-enhanced sample stacking during electromigration along the capillary. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The physical and chemical characteristics of peat were assessed through measurement of pH, percentage of organic matter, cationic exchange capacity (CEC), elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy and quantitative analysis of metals by ICP OES. Despite the material showed to be very acid in view of the percentage of organic matter, its CEC was significant, showing potential for retention of metal ions. This characteristic was exploited by coupling a peat mini-column to a flow system based on the multicommutation approach for the in-line copper concentration prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination. Cu(II) ions were adsorbed at pH 4.5 and eluted with 0.50 mol L(-1) HNO(3). The influence of chemical and hydrodynamic parameters, such as sample pH, buffer concentration, eluent type and concentration, sample flow-rate and preconcentration time were investigated. Under the optimized conditions, a linear response was observed between 16 and 100 mu g L(-1), with a detection limit estimated as 3 mu g L(-1) at the 99.7% confidence level and an enrichment factor of 16. The relative standard deviation was estimated as 3.3% (n = 20). The mini-column was used for at least 100 sampling cycles without significant variation in the analytical response. Recoveries from copper spiked to lake water or groundwater as well as concentrates used in hemodialysis were in the 97.3-111 % range. The results obtained for copper determination in these samples agreed with those achieved by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) at the 95% confidence level. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A flow system exploiting the multicommutation approach is proposed for spectrophotometric determination of tannin in beverages. The procedure is based on the reduction of Cu(II) in the presence of 4,4`-dicarboxy-2,2`-biquinoline, yielding a complex with maximum absorption at 558 nm. Calibration graph was linear (r=0.999) for tannic acid concentrations up to 5.00 mu mol L-1. The detection limit and coefficient of variation were estimated as 10 nmol L-1 (99.7% confidence level) and 1% (1.78 mu mol L-1 tannic acid, n=10), respectively. The sampling rate was 50 determinations per hour. The proposed procedure is more sensitive and selective than the official Folin-Denis method, also minimizing drastically waste generation. Recoveries within 91.8 and 115% were estimated for total tannin determination in tea and wine samples. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the development and evaluation of a sequential injection method to automate the determination of methyl parathion by square wave adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry exploiting the concept of monosegmented flow analysis to perform in-line sample conditioning and standard addition. Accumulation and stripping steps are made in the sample medium conditioned with 40 mmol L-1 Britton-Robinson buffer (pH 10) in 0.25 mol L-1 NaNO3. The homogenized mixture is injected at a flow rate of 10 mu Ls(-1) toward the flow cell, which is adapted to the capillary of a hanging drop mercury electrode. After a suitable deposition time, the flow is stopped and the potential is scanned from -0.3 to -1.0 V versus Ag/AgCl at frequency of 250 Hz and pulse height of 25 mV The linear dynamic range is observed for methyl parathion concentrations between 0.010 and 0.50 mgL(-1), with detection and quantification limits of 2 and 7 mu gL(-1), respectively. The sampling throughput is 25 h(-1) if the in line standard addition and sample conditioning protocols are followed, but this frequency can be increased up to 61 h(-1) if the sample is conditioned off-line and quantified using an external calibration curve. The method was applied for determination of methyl parathion in spiked water samples and the accuracy was evaluated either by comparison to high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection, or by the recovery percentages. Although no evidences of statistically significant differences were observed between the expected and obtained concentrations, because of the susceptibility of the method to interference by other pesticides (e.g., parathion, dichlorvos) and natural organic matter (e.g., fulvic and humic acids), isolation of the analyte may be required when more complex sample matrices are encountered. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we present an approach to information flow analysis for a family of languages. We start with a simple imperative language. We present an information flow analysis using a flow logic. The paper contains detailed correctness proofs for this analysis. We next extend the analysis to a restricted form of Idealised Algol, a call-by-value higher-order extension of the simple imperative language (the key restriction being the lack of recursion). The paper concludes with a discussion of further extensions, including a probabilistic extension of Idealised Algol.


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This study focuses on the building ensemble of Avenida Roberto Freire, a main road in Natal, Brazil, as a material expression of the confluence of various factors among which the following may be emphasized: high level of accessibility due to urban spatial re-structuring and the growth of the real estate market, in view of the increasing number of consumers, who arrived in Natal within the last decades. The intense urban modification process that has been going on in Natal since at least the 1980s, has engendered the formation of long axial lines which express the expansion dynamics and some of the forces subjacent to it. Avenida Roberto Freire has been an iconic example of an urban thoroughfare where architecture becomes primarily a communication support that can be perceived by fast moving passers-by, what brings it close to the venturian concept of strip (Venturi at al, 1972). The building types that line the road not only respond to the dynamics in process but also contribute to intensify it, as they house a variety of uses which attract people and generate more movement. The dynamics is further strengthened by the action of the real estate business which benefits from the increase of highly accessible locations, and from the private and public investments and incentives to tourism that aim to insert this city into the globalized world. Although the intention of reconstituting part of the history of density increase on this avenue in a diachronical perspective was attempted within the limits of the available references and documentation, the central contribution of this study is to understand the relations between topological accessibility and the typological nature of the building ensemble. By observing the synchronic morphological frame resulting from the spatial configuration analysis pertinent to this avenue (cf. Hillier and Hanson,1984) and the inventory and classification of the building ensemble there existing, this study aims to understand how architecture responds to accessibility in view of the real estate pressure, boosted by a cosmopolitanizing process brought about by the continuous flow of foreign and Brazilian arrivals as visitors, temporary or permanent residents


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heterogeneous catalyst such as a silicoaluminophosphate, molecular sieve with AEL (Aluminophosphate eleven) structure such as SAPO-11, was synthesized through the hydrothermal method starting from silica, pseudoboehmite, orthophosphoric acid (85%) and water, in the presence of a di-isopropylamine organic template. For the preparation of SAPO-11 in a dry basis it was used as reactants: DIPA; H3PO4; SiO4; Pseudoboehmite and distilled water. The crystallization process occurred when the reactive hydrogel was charged into a vessel and autoclaved at 200ºC for a period of 72 hours under autogeneous pressure. The obtained material was washed, dried and calcined to remove the molecular sieves of DIPA. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), nitrogen adsorption (BET) and thermal analysis (TG/DTG). The acidic properties were determined using adsorption of nbutylamine followed by programmed thermodessorption. This method revealed that SAPO-11 shows an acidity that ranges from weak to moderate. However, a small quantity of strong acid sites could be detected there. The deactivation of the catalysts was conducted by artificial coking followed by the cracking of the n-hexane in a fixed bed with a continuous flow micro-reactor coupled on line to a gas chromatograph. The main products obtained were: ethane, propane, isobutene, n-butane, n-pentane and isopentane. The Vyazovkin (model-free) kinetics method was used to determine the regeneration and removal of the coke


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Different types of heterogeneous catalysts of the silicoaluminophosphate type, (SAPO-5, SAPO-11, SAPO-31, SAPO-34 and SAPO-41), molecular sieves with a: AFI, AEL, ATO, CHA and AFO structure, respectively, were synthesized through the hydrothermal method. Using sources such as hydrated alumina (pseudobohemita), phosphoric acid, silica gel, water, as well as, different types of organic structural templates, such as: cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTMABr), di-isopropylamine (DIPA), di-n- propylamine (DNPA) and tetraethylammonium hydroxide (TEOS), for the respective samples. During the preparation of the silicoaluminophosphates, the crystallization process of the samples occurred at a temperature of approximately 200 ° C, ranging through periods of 18-72 h, when it was possible to obtain pure phases for the SAPOs. The materials were furthermore washed with deionized water, dried and calcined to remove the molecules of the templates. Subsequently the samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared region (FT-IR), specific surface area and thermal analysis via TG/DTG. The acidic properties were determined using adsorption of n-butylamine followed by programmed termodessorption. These methods revealed that the SAPO samples showed a typically weak to moderate acidity. However, a small amount of strong acid sites was also detected. The deactivation of the catalysts was conducted by artificially coking the samples, followed by n-hexane cracking reactions in a fixed bed with a continuous flow micro-reactor coupled on line to a gas chromatograph. The main products obtained were: ethane, propane, isobutene, n-butane, n-pentane and isopentane. The Vyazovkin (model-free) kinetics method was used to determine the catalysts regeneration and removal of the coke


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A self-flotator vibrational prototype electromechanical drive for treatment of oil and water emulsion or like emulsion is presented and evaluated. Oil production and refining to obtain derivatives is carried out under arrangements technically referred to as on-shore and off-shore, ie, on the continent and in the sea. In Brazil 80 % of the petroleum production is taken at sea and area of deployment and it cost scale are worrisome. It is associated, oily water production on a large scale, carrier 95% of the potential pollutant of activity whose final destination is the environment medium, terrestrial or maritime. Although diversified set of techniques and water treatment systems are in use or research, we propose an innovative system that operates in a sustainable way without chemical additives, for the good of the ecosystem. Labyrinth adsor-bent is used in metal spirals, and laboratory scale flow. Equipment and process patents are claimed. Treatments were performed at different flow rates and bands often monitored with control systems, some built, other bought for this purpose. Measurements of the levels of oil and grease (OGC) of efluents treaty remained within the range of legal framework under test conditions. Adsorbents were weighed before and after treatment for obtaining oil impregna-tion, the performance goal of vibratory action and treatment as a whole. Treatment technolo-gies in course are referenced, to compare performance, qualitatively and quantitatively. The vibration energy consumption is faced with and without conventional flotation and self-flotation. There are good prospects for the proposed, especially in reducing the residence time, by capillary action system. The impregnation dimensionless parameter was created and confronted with consecrated dimensionless parameters, on the vibrational version, such as Weber number and Froude number in quadratic form, referred to as vibrational criticality. Re-sults suggest limits to the vibration intensity


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An oxovanadium-salen complex (NAP-ethylene-bis(salicylidenciminato) oxovanadium) thin film deposited on a graphite-polyurethane electrode was investigated with regard to its potential use for detection of L-dopa in flow injection system. The oxovanadium(IV)/oxovanadium(V) redox couple of the modified electrode was found to mediate the L-dopa oxidation before its use in the FIA system. Experimental parameters, such as pH of the carrier solution, flow rate, sample volume injection and probable interferents were investigated. Under the optimized FIA conditions, the amperometric signal was linearly dependent on the L-dopa concentration over the range 1.0 x 10(-1) to 1.0 x 10(-4) mol L-1 (I-anodic, mu A) = 0.01 + 0.25 [L-dopa mu mol L-1]) with a detection limit (S/N = 3) of 8.0 x 10(-7) mol L-1 and a sampling frequency of 90 h(-1) was achieved. For a concentration of 1.0 x 10(-5) mol L-1 L-dopa, the R.S.D. of nine consecutive measurements was 3.7%. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Heterogeneous catalysts such as aluminophosphate and silicoaluminophosphate, molecular sieves with AEL of ALPO-11 and SAPO-11, were synthesized by the hydrothermal method with the following molar composition: 2.9 Al +3.2 P + 3.5 DIPA +32.5 H20 (ALPO-11); 2.9 Al +3.2 P + 0.5 Si + 3.5 DIPA +32.5 H20 (SAPO-11) starting from silica (only in the SAPO-11), pseudoboehmite, orthophosphoric acid (85%) and water, in the presence of a di-isopropylamine organic template. The crystallization process occurred when the reactive hydrogel was charged into a vessel and autoclaved at 170ºC for a period of 48 hours under autogeneous pressure. The obtained materials were washed, dried and calcined to remove the molecular sieves of DIPA. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermo gravimetric differential thermal analysis (TG/DTA) and nitrogen adsorption (BET). The acidic properties were determined using adsorption of n-butylamine followed by programmed thermodessorption. This method revealed that ALPO-11 has weaker acid sites due to structural defects, while SAPO-11 shows an acidity that ranges from weak to moderate. However, a small quantity of strong acid sites could be detected there. The deactivation of the catalysts was conducted by the cracking of the n-hexane in a fixed bed continuous flow microrreator coupled on line to a gas chromatograph. The main products obtained were: ethane, propane, isobutene, n-butane, n-pentane and isopentane. The Vyazovkin (model-free) kinetics method was used to determine the regeneration and removal of the organic template


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Many pollutants dumped in waterways, such as dyes and pesticides, have become so ubiquitous that they represent a serious threat to human health. The electrochemical oxidation is presented as an alternative clean, efficient and economic degradation of wastewater containing organic compounds and a number of advantages of this technique is to just not make use of chemical reagents, since only electrical energy is consumed during the removal of pollutants organic. However, despite being a promising alternative, still needs some tweaking in order to obtain better efficiency in the elimination of persistent pollutants. Thus, this study sought a relationship between a recently discovered phenomenon that reflects the participation of dissolved oxygen in solution in the electrochemical oxidation process, as an anomaly, present a kinetic model that shows instantaneous current efficiency (ICE) above 100% limited by theory, manifested for some experiments with phenolic compounds with H2SO4 or HClO4 as supporting electrolyte with electrodes under anodic oxidation on boron doped diamond (BDD). Therefore it was necessary to reproduce the data ICE exposes the fault model, and thus the 2-naphthol was used as phenolic compound to be oxidised at concentrations of 9, 12 and 15 mmol L-1, and H2SO4 and HClO4 to 1 mol L-1 as a supporting electrolyte under a current density of 30 mA cm-2 in an electrochemical reactor for continuous flow disk configuration, and equipped with anodes DDB at room temperature (25 oC). Experiments were performed using N2 like as purge gas for eliminate oxygen dissolved in solution so that its influence in the system was studied. After exposure of the anomaly of the ICE model and investigation of its relationship with dissolved O2, the data could be treated, making it possible for confirmation. But not only that, the data obtained from eletranálise and spectroscopic analysis suggest the involvement of other strongly oxidizing species (O3 (ozone) and O radicals and O2 -), since the dissolved O2 can be consumed during the formation of new strong oxidizing species, not considered until now, something that needs to be investigated by more accurate methods that we may know a little more of this system. Currently the performance of the electrocatalytic process is established by a complex interaction between different parameters that can be optimized, so it is necessary to the implementation of theoretical models, which are the conceptual lens with which researchers see