981 resultados para conserved epitopes
Merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1, also referred to as P195, PMMSA or MSA 1) is one of the most studied of all malaria proteins. The proteins. The protein is found in all malaria species investigated and structural studies on the gene indicate that parts of the molecule are well-conserved. Studies on Plasmodium falciparum have shown that the protein is in a processed form on the merozoite surface, a result of proteolytic cleavage of the large percursor molecule. Recent studies have identified some of these cleavage sites. During invasion of the new red cell most of the MSP1 molecule is shed from the parasite surface except for a small C-terminal fragment which can be detected in ring stages. Analysis of the structure of this fragment suggests that it contains two growth factor-like domains that may have a functional role.
The development of additional methods for detecting and identifuing Babesia and Plasmodium infections may be useful in disease monitoring, management and control efforts. To preliminarily evaluate sunthetic peptide-based serodiagnosis, a hydrophilic sequence (DDESEFDKEK)was selected from published BabR gene of B. bovis. Immunization of rabbits and cattle with the hemocyanin-conjugated peptide elicited antibody responses that specifically detected both P. falciparum and B. bovis antigens by immunofluorescence and Western blots. Using a dot-ELISA with this peptide, antisera from immunized and naturally-infected cattle, and immunized rodents, were specifically detected. Reactivity was weak and correlated with peptide immunization or infection. DNA-based detection using repetitive DNA was species-specific in dot-blot formats for B. bovis DNA, and in both dot-blot and in situ formats for P. falciparum; a streamlined enzymelinked synthetic DNA assay for P. falciparum detected 30 parasites/mm(cúbicos) from patient blood using either colorimetric (2-15 h color development) or chemiluminescent detection (0.5-6-min. exposures). Serodiagnostic and DNA hybridization methods may be complementary in the respective detection of both chronic and acute infections. However, recent improvements in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) make feasible a more sensitive and uniform approach to the diagnosis of these and other infectious disease complexes, with appropriate primers and processing methods. An analysis of ribosomal DNA genes of Plasmodium and Toxoplasma identified Apicomplexa-conserved sequence regions. Specific and distinctive PCR profiles were obtained for primers spanning the internal transcribed spacer locus for each of several Plasmodium and Babesia species.
Computer simulations on a new model of the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor based on the crystal structure of rhodopsin have been combined with experimental mutagenesis to investigate the role of residues in the cytosolic half of helix 6 in receptor activation. Our results support the hypothesis that a salt bridge between the highly conserved arginine (R143(3.50)) of the E/DRY motif of helix 3 and a conserved glutamate (E289(6.30)) on helix 6 constrains the alpha1b-AR in the inactive state. In fact, mutations of E289(6.30) that weakened the R143(3.50)-E289(6.30) interaction constitutively activated the receptor. The functional effect of mutating other amino acids on helix 6 (F286(6.27), A292(6.33), L296(6.37), V299(6.40,) V300(6.41), and F303(6.44)) correlates with the extent of their interaction with helix 3 and in particular with R143(3.50) of the E/DRY sequence.
Human IgG responses against the N-terminal region of Merozoite Surface Protein 1 of Plasmodium vivax
The complete primary structure of the gene encoding the Merozoite Surface Protein 1 of Plasmodium vivax (PvMSP-1) revealed the existence of interspecies conserved regions among the analogous proteins of other Plasmodia species. Here, three DNA recombinant clones expressing 50, 200 and 500 amino acids from the N-terminal region of the PvMSP-1 protein were used on ELISA and protein immunoblotting assays to look at the IgG antibody responses of malaria patients from the Brasilian amazon region of Rondônia. The results showed the existance of P. vivax and P. falciparum IgG antibodies directed against PvMSP-1 antigenic determinants expressed in the clones containing the first 200 and the following 500 amino acids of the molecule, but not within the one expressing the most N-terminal 50 amino acids. Interestingly, there was no correlation between the levels of these IgG antibodies and the previous number of malaria infections.
Extensive chromosome size polymorphism in Plasmodium berghei in vivo mitotic multiplication. Size differences between homologous chromosomes mainly involve rearrangements in the subtelomeric regions while internal chromosomal regions are more conserved. Size differences are almost exclusively due to differences in the copy number of a 2.3 kb subtelomeric repeat unit. Not only deletion of 2.3 kb repeats occurs, but addition of new copies of this repeat sometimes results in the formation of enlarged chromosomes. Even chromosomes which originally lack 2.3 kb repeats, can acquire these during mitotic multiplication. In one karyotype mutant, 2.3 kb repeats were inserted within one of the original telomeres of chromosome 4, creating an internal stretch oftelomeric repeats. Chromosome translocation can contribute to chromosome size polymorphism as well We found a karyotype mutant in which chromosome 7 with a size of about 1.4 Mb is translocated to chromosome 13/14 with a size of about 3 Mb, resulting in a rearranged chromosome, which was shown to contain a junction between internal DNA sequences of chromosome 13/14 and subtelomeric 2.3 kb repeats of chromosome 7. In this mutant a new chromosome of 1.4 Mb is present which consists of part of chromosome 13/14.
Recently we have shown that two hybrid proteins expressed in Escherichia coli confer protective immunity to Aotus monkeys against an experimental Plasmodium falciparum infection (Knapp et al., 1992). Both hybrid proteins carry a sequence containing amino acids 631 to 764 of the serine stretch protein SERP (Knapp et al., 1989b). We have studied the diversity of this SERP region in field isolates of P. falciparum. Genomic DNA was extracted from the blood of six donors from different endemic areas of Brazil and West Africa. The SERP region encoding amino acids 630 to 781 was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. Only conserved amino acid substitutions in maximally two positions of the analyzed SERP fragment could be detected which supports the suitability of this SERP region as a component of anti-blood stage malaria vaccine.
The design of malarial vaccine based on the circumsporozoite (CS) protein, a majuor surface antigen of the sporozoite stage of the malaria parasite, requires the identification of T and B cell epitopes for inclusion in recombinant or synthetic vaccine candidates. We have investigated the specificity and function of a series of T cell clones, derived from volunteers immunized with Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites in an effort to identify relevant epitopes in the immune response to the pre-erythrocytic stages of the parasite. CD4+ T cell clones were obtained wich specifically recognized a repetitive epitope located in the 5'repeat region of the CS protein. This epitope, when conjugated to the 3'repeat region in a synthetic MAPs construct, induced high titers of antisporozoite antibodies in C57B1 mice. A second T cell epitope, which mapped to aa 326-345 of the carboxy terminal, was recognized by lytic, as well as non-lytic, CD4+ T cells derived from the sporozoite-immunized volunteers. The demonstration of CD4+ CTL in the volunteers, and the recent studies inthe rodent model (Renia et al., 1991; Tsuji et al., 1990), suggested that CS-specific CD4+ T cells, in addition to their indirect role as helper cells in the induction of antibody and CD8 + effector cells, may also play a direct role in protection against sporozoite challenge by targeting EEF within the liver.
In view of the recent demonstration that antibodies that are protective agains Plasmodium falciparum malaria may act in collaboration with blood monocytes, we have investigated the isotype content of sera from individuals with defined clinical states of resistance or susceptibility to malaria. Profound differences in the distribution of each Ig subclass and particulary in the ratio of cytophilic versus noncytophilic antibodies were found. In protected subjects, two cytophilic isotypes, IgG1 and IgG3 were found to predominate. In non-protected subjects, i.e. children and primary attack adults, three different situations were encountered: a) an imbalance in which IgG2, a non-cytophilic class, predominated (mostly seen in primary attacks); b) imbalance in which mostly IgM antibodies predominated (a frequent event in children) or c) less frequently, an overall low level of antimalarial antibodies. Of 33 non immune subjects studied all, except one, had one of the above defects. The function of total Ig presenting such an isotype imbalance was studied in vitro in Antibody-Dependent -Cellular-Inhibition assays. Not only did IgG from protected subjects cooperate efficiently with blood monocytes, whilst IgG from non-protected groups did not, but moreover the latter inhibit the in vitro effect of the former: in competition assays whole IgG from primary attack cases with increased IgG2 content, competed with IgG from immune adults, thus suggesting that non-protected subjects had antibodies to epitopes critical for protection, but that these antibodies are non functional.
BACKGROUND: The availability of the P. falciparum genome has led to novel ways to identify potential vaccine candidates. A new approach for antigen discovery based on the bioinformatic selection of heptad repeat motifs corresponding to alpha-helical coiled coil structures yielded promising results. To elucidate the question about the relationship between the coiled coil motifs and their sequence conservation, we have assessed the extent of polymorphism in putative alpha-helical coiled coil domains in culture strains, in natural populations and in the single nucleotide polymorphism data available at PlasmoDB. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 14 alpha-helical coiled coil domains were selected based on preclinical experimental evaluation. They were tested by PCR amplification and sequencing of different P. falciparum culture strains and field isolates. We found that only 3 out of 14 alpha-helical coiled coils showed point mutations and/or length polymorphisms. Based on promising immunological results 5 of these peptides were selected for further analysis. Direct sequencing of field samples from Papua New Guinea and Tanzania showed that 3 out of these 5 peptides were completely conserved. An in silico analysis of polymorphism was performed for all 166 putative alpha-helical coiled coil domains originally identified in the P. falciparum genome. We found that 82% (137/166) of these peptides were conserved, and for one peptide only the detected SNPs decreased substantially the probability score for alpha-helical coiled coil formation. More SNPs were found in arrays of almost perfect tandem repeats. In summary, the coiled coil structure prediction was rarely modified by SNPs. The analysis revealed a number of peptides with strictly conserved alpha-helical coiled coil motifs. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: We conclude that the selection of alpha-helical coiled coil structural motifs is a valuable approach to identify potential vaccine targets showing a high degree of conservation.
Studies in mice have shown that immunity to malaria sporozoites is mediated primarily by citotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) specific for epitopes within the circumsporozoite (CS) protein. Humans, had never been shown to generate CTL against any malaria or other parasite protein. The design of a sub-unit vaccine for humans ralies on the epitopes recognized by CTL being identified and polymorphisms therein being defined. We have developed a novel technique using an entire series of overlapping synthetic peptides to define the epitopes of the Plasmodium falciparum CS protein recognized by human CTL and have analyzed the sequence variation of the protein with respect to the identified CTL epitopic domain. We have demonstrated that some humans can indeed generate CTL. against the P. falciparum CS protein. Furthermore, the extent of variation observed for the CTL recognition domain is finite and the combination of peptides necessary for inclusion in a polyvalent vaccine may be small. If ways can be found to increase immune responsiveness, then a vaccine designed to stimulate CS protein-specific CTL activity may prevent malaria.
The mammalian ortholog of the conserved Drosophila adaptor protein Numb (Nb) and its homolog Numblike (Nbl) modulate neuronal cell fate determination at least in part by antagonizing Notch signaling. Because the Notch pathway has been implicated in regulating hemopoietic stem cell self-renewal and T cell fate specification in mammals, we investigated the role of Nb and Nbl in hemopoiesis using conditional gene targeting. Surprisingly simultaneous deletion of both Nb and Nbl in murine bone marrow precursors did not affect the ability of stem cells to self-renew or to give rise to differentiated myeloid or lymphoid progeny, even under competitive conditions in mixed chimeras. Furthermore, T cell fate specification and intrathymic T cell development were unaffected in the combined absence of Nb and Nbl. Collectively our data indicate that the Nb family of adaptor proteins is dispensable for hemopoiesis and lymphopoiesis in mice, despite their proposed role in neuronal stem cell development.
The assumption that climatic niche requirements of invasive species are conserved between their native and invaded ranges is key to predicting the risk of invasion. However, this assumption has been challenged recently by evidence of niche shifts in some species. Here, we report the first large-scale test of niche conservatism for 50 terrestrial plant invaders between Eurasia, North America, and Australia. We show that when analog climates are compared between regions, fewer than 15% of species have more than 10% of their invaded distribution outside their native climatic niche. These findings reveal that substantial niche shifts are rare in terrestrial plant invaders, providing support for an appropriate use of ecological niche models for the prediction of both biological invasions and responses to climate change.
This paper discusses current evidence for the relationship between polyclonal lymphocyte activation, specific immunossupression with decreased resistance, and autoimmune pathology, that are all often found associated with infections by a variety of virus, bacteria and parasites . The central question of class determination of immune effector activities is considered in the context of the cellular targets for nonspecific mitogenic activities associated with infection. A model is presented to integrate these findings: mitogenens produced by the microorganism or the infected cells are preferentially active on CD5 B cells, the resulting over-production of IL-10 will tend to bias all immune activities in to a Th-2mode of effector functions, with high titers of polyclonal antibodies and litle or no production of gamma IFN and other "inflamatory"lymphokines that often mediate resistance. In turn these conditions allow for parasite persistence and the corresponding long-term disregulation of self-directed immune reactivities, resulting in autoimmunity in the chronic phase. This model would predict that selective immunization with the mitogenic principles involved in desregulation, could stand better chances than strategies of vaccination based on immunopotentiation against othere, functionally neutral antigenic epitopes. It is argued, however, that the complexity of immune responses and their regulation together with our ignorance on the genetic controls of class-determination, offer poor prospects for a scientifically-based, rational development of vaccines in the near future. It is suggested that empirically-based and technologically developed vaccines might suceed, while basic scientific approaches are reinforced and given the time provide a better understanding of those process.
In the damaged heart, cardiac adaptation relies primarily on cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. The recent discovery of cardiac stem cells in the postnatal heart, however, suggests that these cells could participate in the response to stress via their capacity to regenerate cardiac tissues. Using models of cardiac hypertrophy and failure, we demonstrate that components of the Notch pathway are up-regulated in the hypertrophic heart. The Notch pathway is an evolutionarily conserved cell-to-cell communication system, which is crucial in many developmental processes. Notch also plays key roles in the regenerative capacity of self-renewing organs. In the heart, Notch1 signaling takes place in cardiomyocytes and in mesenchymal cardiac precursors and is activated secondary to stimulated Jagged1 expression on the surface of cardiomyocytes. Using mice lacking Notch1 expression specifically in the heart, we show that the Notch1 pathway controls pathophysiological cardiac remodeling. In the absence of Notch1, cardiac hypertrophy is exacerbated, fibrosis develops, function is altered, and the mortality rate increases. Therefore, in cardiomyocytes, Notch controls maturation, limits the extent of the hypertrophic response, and may thereby contribute to cell survival. In cardiac precursors, Notch prevents cardiogenic differentiation, favors proliferation, and may facilitate the expansion of a transient amplifying cell compartment.
The Na,K-ATPase is a major ion-motive ATPase of the P-type family responsible for many aspects of cellular homeostasis. To determine the structure of the pathway for cations across the transmembrane portion of the Na,K-ATPase, we mutated 24 residues of the fourth transmembrane segment into cysteine and studied their function and accessibility by exposure to the sulfhydryl reagent 2-aminoethyl-methanethiosulfonate. Accessibility was also examined after treatment with palytoxin, which transforms the Na,K-pump into a cation channel. Of the 24 tested cysteine mutants, seven had no or a much reduced transport function. In particular cysteine mutants of the highly conserved "PEG" motif had a strongly reduced activity. However, most of the non-functional mutants could still be transformed by palytoxin as well as all of the functional mutants. Accessibility, determined as a 2-aminoethyl-methanethiosulfonate-induced reduction of the transport activity or as inhibition of the membrane conductance after palytoxin treatment, was observed for the following positions: Phe(323), Ile(322), Gly(326), Ala(330), Pro(333), Glu(334), and Gly(335). In accordance with a structural model of the Na,K-ATPase obtained by homology modeling with the two published structures of sarcoplasmic and endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (Protein Data Bank codes 1EUL and 1IWO), the results suggest the presence of a cation pathway along the side of the fourth transmembrane segment that faces the space between transmembrane segments 5 and 6. The phenylalanine residue in position 323 has a critical position at the outer mouth of the cation pathway. The residues thought to form the cation binding site II ((333)PEGL) are also part of the accessible wall of the cation pathway opened by palytoxin through the Na,K-pump.