921 resultados para comportamentos agressivos em idade pré-escolar


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PURPOSE: to characterize and compare the tympanometric findings in a group of preschoolers. METHOD: 112 preschoolers were evaluated, both genders, aged from four years old to five years and eleven months old who attended a Municipal School of Early Childhood Education in the suburbs of Marilia city- SP. Tympanometry was used as triage procedure. It was considered that the child PASSED in the triage when it presented an A type tympanometric curve, bilaterally, being reevaluated in case of failure. RESULTS: it was observed a high failure index (63.4%) in the studied population. The older female preschoolers presented a higher index of A type tympanograms, in both ears. There was a higher incidence of failure in male preschoolers aged from four years to four years and eleven months. CONCLUSION: in this sample, there was a high index of tympanometric alteration. There was a tendency among younger male students to present a higher index of tympanometric alteration when compared to older female preschoolers, this difference was not statistically significant.


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Os autores do livro apontam a importância de os professores serem propositores dos programas de formação contínua, a partir das necessidades que apontam. Essa perspectiva, que dá voz aos professores, tem se mostrado fértil no desenvolvimento de processos dessa natureza, pois considera fundamental o protagonismo dos sujeitos-professores na implementação de mudanças que se fazem necessárias nas práticas e nos currículos escolares. Procedendo ao levantamento de necessidades junto a uma amostra significativa de 533 professores, em dez municípios da região, com a colaboração da UNDIME - União Nacional dos Dirigentes Municipais de Educação, e desenvolvendo uma análise crítica e contextualizada dos resultados, os autores apresentam indicativos e propostas para a efetivação de políticas de formação contínua que superam eventuais desperdícios de recursos em ações pontuais, fragmentadas e externas às demandas reais das escolas e dos professores. Ao valorizar a formação crítica e reflexiva desses sujeitos, alinham-se às perspectivas que superam a racionalidade técnica instrumental das competências docentes, característica dos governos neoliberais que culpabilizam os professores diretamente pelo fracasso escolar, desvalorizam sua formação universitária de intelectual e pesquisador e não investem na melhoria da infraestrutura necessária ao trabalho docente de qualidade nem nas condições de carreira e salário dos professores.


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This study aime to estimate the properties of the Escala de percepção de professores dos comportamentos agressivos de crianças na escola. The research was conducted in a socio-educational institution in two phases. In the first one different educators completed the scale concerning the children and teenagers who attended the institution (N = 100). In the second, the children and teenagers with the highest or the lowest scores on the scale above (n = 60) responded to the Children’s Action Tendency Scale, which investigates strategies of conflict resolution. The results demonstrated adequate reliability of the scale of perception. However, they indicated that the educators’ evaluation did not correspond to how children and teenagers judged the hypothetical conflicts since the boys were rated as more aggressive than girls on the perception scale.


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It is through the media that information is transmitted, both educational or noneducational. Among the various forms of media there’s television, as one of the means of communication most used since the 50’s. Most of the time, television displays images and words to reach the target audience, something that is done in a simple, but often appealing way. Media is present in our daily lives and takes a significant educational role in the constitution of subjects. That is to say, the persuasive power of television is amazing, in order to influence children in their habits and their ways of thinking and acting. It was intended to discuss in this paper the influence of media on kindergarten children. For this, the historic rescue of television in Brazil was presented and also its trajectory to the present day and the power of media on children in preschool


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A natureza complexa e dinâmica que caracteriza a prática de ensinar na educação infantil requer que o professor reflita sobre suas próprias ações. Ao fazê-lo mobiliza saberes e sentimentos que estão frequentemente associados com as ações que realiza na sala de aula. Especificamente, o objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar, descrever e analisar, à luz do referencial dos saberes docentes, os desafios, os saberes e os sentimentos vivenciados durante a prática de ensinar de uma professora em formação. Metodologicamente, optou-se por um estudo autoetnográfico, utilizando-se de registros em diário de campo, os quais foram analisados a partir de três descrições distintas – a própria professora, o contexto e a relação entre a professora e o contexto. A “indisciplina” dos alunos e a ausência de estratégias imediatas para enfrentá-la foram os principais resultados encontrados pela professora. Além disso, constatamos a importância da reflexão sobre a própria prática para dar origem a novos saberes pedagógicos. Os saberes experienciais embasaram fortemente as ações da professora na tentativa de resolver os desafios durante a prática. Refletir sobre esses desafios tem sido um exercício que está, a todo o momento, transformando para além da prática, valores e significados pessoais sobre a docência que, até então, pareciam já bem definidos


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Objective: To evaluate the effect of different chewing gum brands on the salivary pH of children with primary dentition. Method: Forty children were selected and assigned to four groups: control (no chewing gum); sugarless chewing gum; chewing gum with casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate; and chewing gum with xylitol. The first saliva collection was made after supervised tooth brushing for stabilization of the oral pH. Next, all children were instructed to drink slowly 100 mL of a cola-based soft drink (Coca-Cola®) and a new saliva collection was made 10 min later. Then, each group chewed on the chewing gum for 5 min and discarded it after this time. Saliva was collected again at 5, 10 and 15 min intervals after start using the chewing gum. Measurement of salivary pH was made with colorimetric test papers and a digital pH-meter. Data were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and Tukey’s test at a 5% significance level. Results: The use of chewing gums accelerated the increase of salivary pH to considerably alkaline levels after consumption of an acidic beverage, especially within the first minutes. The highest levels were obtained in the groups of children that used chewing gums containing xylitol and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate. Conclusion: Children that used the chewing gums after ingestion of an acidic soft drink presented an increase in salivary pH, with the best results in the groups that used chewing gums containing casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate and xylitol.


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Objective: To evaluate the perception and attitude of kindergarten teachers in relation to the storage of toothbrushes. Methodology: The analysis instrument used was a structured and previously validated questionnaire. The sample universe of this study was composed of all states and municipals kindergarten school teachers who taught in school year of 2010 at the town of Araçatuba / SP (n = 232). The criteria used to integrate the study were: to have a college degree and agree to participate. Results: 164 teachers participated of the study. The results were analyzed using Epi Info 6.04 and showed that 55% of the teachers had received some information about the proper storage of toothbrushes, and only 35% believed that the toothbrushes were storaged improperly. Most teachers, 97% reported being possible the transmission of microorganisms through the brush, however, there was observed difficulty in identifying which diseases could be transmitted. About the question related to the execute of supervised toothbrushing, 93% of the educators said that they realize supervised toothbrushing and the same percentage was observed for the identification of preschoolers at the toothbrushes. Conclusions: The perception and attitude of the teachers ahead the storage of toothbrushes are weak and limited, so there is a need for educational programs targeted to this group, so that they would have more information and knowledge related to the correct storage of toothbrushes and would continue to perform oral health preventive methods.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Contexto: O impetigo é piodermite comum da criança, de tratamento fácil, porém de diagnóstico muitas vezes desafiador, principalmentena sua forma bolhosa, que faz diferencial com as doenças bolhosas da infância. Relato de caso: Relatam-se dois casos de impetigo bolhoso,que foram desafiadores em termos diagnósticos, exemplificando a dificuldade no diagnóstico e terapêutica desses pacientes. Discussão:Casos clínicos de impetigo de extensão corporal importante simulam outros diagnósticos diferenciais. A relevância deste relato é demonstrarque o diagnóstico preciso na fase inicial possibilita a terapêutica específica e evita complicações. Conclusão: O impetigo bolhoso deveser sempre lembrado pelo profissional médico que atende pacientes na faixa etária pré-escolar e escolar, apresentando bolhas e exulcera-ções com crostas pelo corpo. Este artigo objetiva atualização diagnóstica e terapêutica nesse contexto.


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The theory of sexual selection states that individuals more capable of attracting, selecting and competing for partners are more successful on reproduction than the less fit individuals. Competition for sexual partners can be observed in different populations of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). These large cetaceans migrate seasonally from feeding areas, in high latitudes, to breeding areas, in low latitudes, where they spend the winter. During the breeding season females with and without calves are escorted by transient competitive groups of males. Seeking reproductive success in the same group, various males exhibit aggressive behaviors searching for proximity to the disputed female. Breeding areas are usually located in warm and shallow waters that provide greater security to newborn calves. The Abrolhos Bank, in the Bahia State, is the main breeding area of the species in Brazil. In this study, we used data collected in this region between 2003 and 2012. We tested the hypothesis that there is temporal fluctuation in the abundance of competitive groups and, thus, there is variation in the levels of competition among males during the breeding season. We expected to find higher competition at the beginning of the season since there are a large number of males competing for a small number of females available for mating, because some of them would still be pregnant with calves conceived on the previous year. As the pregnant females give birth to their calves and can again get into heat, the competition among males would be softened, represented by a smaller number of individuals in competitive groups and a larger number of groups sighted. To test this hypothesis we compared the number of individuals per group and number of groups sighted (response variables) between the beginning and the end of the reproductive season (explanatory variable) by using generalized linear models. We used the Living Planet Index (LPI),...


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The theory of sexual selection states that individuals more capable of attracting, selecting and competing for partners are more successful on reproduction than the less fit individuals. Competition for sexual partners can be observed in different populations of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). These large cetaceans migrate seasonally from feeding areas, in high latitudes, to breeding areas, in low latitudes, where they spend the winter. During the breeding season females with and without calves are escorted by transient competitive groups of males. Seeking reproductive success in the same group, various males exhibit aggressive behaviors searching for proximity to the disputed female. Breeding areas are usually located in warm and shallow waters that provide greater security to newborn calves. The Abrolhos Bank, in the Bahia State, is the main breeding area of the species in Brazil. In this study, we used data collected in this region between 2003 and 2012. We tested the hypothesis that there is temporal fluctuation in the abundance of competitive groups and, thus, there is variation in the levels of competition among males during the breeding season. We expected to find higher competition at the beginning of the season since there are a large number of males competing for a small number of females available for mating, because some of them would still be pregnant with calves conceived on the previous year. As the pregnant females give birth to their calves and can again get into heat, the competition among males would be softened, represented by a smaller number of individuals in competitive groups and a larger number of groups sighted. To test this hypothesis we compared the number of individuals per group and number of groups sighted (response variables) between the beginning and the end of the reproductive season (explanatory variable) by using generalized linear models. We used the Living Planet Index (LPI),...


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El estudio evalúa el impacto de un programa de promoción del desarrollo lingüístico y cognitivo para niños de 5 años implementado según dos modalidades: una que implicó acciones de alfabetización familiar en los hogares de los niños (modalidad intensiva) y otra que incluyó la participación de los niños en las salas de jardín de infantes (modalidad extensiva). La evaluación del impacto se realizó por medio de un diseño pre-test ? post-test. Se tomaron pruebas de vocabulario receptivo (VR), producción de categorías (PC) y escritura a una muestra de 214 niños participantes de la modalidad intensiva, 69 participantes de la modalidad extensiva y un grupo control de no participó del programa (49 niños). Los resultados mostraron que la participación en la modalidad intensiva implicó un mayor incremento en las habilidades infantiles de VR, PC que en la modalidad extensiva. A su vez ambas modalidades experimentales mostraron un mayor incremento en las variables examinadas respecto de las observadas en el grupo control. No se detectaron efectos de la escolaridad de la madre y la asistencia previa al jardín. Los resultados mostraron correlaciones significativas entre todas las variables analizadas y el valor predictivo de los puntajes en VR a principio de año respecto de los puntajes en VR y escritura a fin de año


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El estudio evalúa el impacto de un programa de promoción del desarrollo lingüístico y cognitivo para niños de 5 años implementado según dos modalidades: una que implicó acciones de alfabetización familiar en los hogares de los niños (modalidad intensiva) y otra que incluyó la participación de los niños en las salas de jardín de infantes (modalidad extensiva). La evaluación del impacto se realizó por medio de un diseño pre-test ? post-test. Se tomaron pruebas de vocabulario receptivo (VR), producción de categorías (PC) y escritura a una muestra de 214 niños participantes de la modalidad intensiva, 69 participantes de la modalidad extensiva y un grupo control de no participó del programa (49 niños). Los resultados mostraron que la participación en la modalidad intensiva implicó un mayor incremento en las habilidades infantiles de VR, PC que en la modalidad extensiva. A su vez ambas modalidades experimentales mostraron un mayor incremento en las variables examinadas respecto de las observadas en el grupo control. No se detectaron efectos de la escolaridad de la madre y la asistencia previa al jardín. Los resultados mostraron correlaciones significativas entre todas las variables analizadas y el valor predictivo de los puntajes en VR a principio de año respecto de los puntajes en VR y escritura a fin de año


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El estudio evalúa el impacto de un programa de promoción del desarrollo lingüístico y cognitivo para niños de 5 años implementado según dos modalidades: una que implicó acciones de alfabetización familiar en los hogares de los niños (modalidad intensiva) y otra que incluyó la participación de los niños en las salas de jardín de infantes (modalidad extensiva). La evaluación del impacto se realizó por medio de un diseño pre-test ? post-test. Se tomaron pruebas de vocabulario receptivo (VR), producción de categorías (PC) y escritura a una muestra de 214 niños participantes de la modalidad intensiva, 69 participantes de la modalidad extensiva y un grupo control de no participó del programa (49 niños). Los resultados mostraron que la participación en la modalidad intensiva implicó un mayor incremento en las habilidades infantiles de VR, PC que en la modalidad extensiva. A su vez ambas modalidades experimentales mostraron un mayor incremento en las variables examinadas respecto de las observadas en el grupo control. No se detectaron efectos de la escolaridad de la madre y la asistencia previa al jardín. Los resultados mostraron correlaciones significativas entre todas las variables analizadas y el valor predictivo de los puntajes en VR a principio de año respecto de los puntajes en VR y escritura a fin de año


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Este estudo insere-se num relatório de estágio, referente ao grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, e baseia-se numa problemática assente na análise das potencialidades do trabalho prático de orientação investigativa (TPOI). Tratase de uma pesquisa na prática profissional desenvolvida em contexto de estágio, em duas escolas do 1.º CEB do Concelho de Santarém, que teve ainda como objetivo compreender as dificuldades que se colocam durante a planificação e implementação de atividades POI. Para o efeito, utilizaram-se diferentes instrumentos de recolha de dados: observação, entrevistas e documentos escritos. Ao longo do processo de planificação/implementação/reflexão foram identificadas as principais dificuldades sentidas pela futura educadora/professora nomeadamente a preparação dos guiões e do material, a gestão da turma e as dificuldades dos alunos. Os resultados demonstraram inúmeras potencialidades do TPOI na promoção de aprendizagens ao nível dos conteúdos científicos abordados, dos processos científicos e do trabalho de grupo. Contudo, os resultados permitiram também constatar que um grau de abertura elevado das atividades nem sempre apresenta o efeito desejável nas aprendizagens dos alunos, verificando-se que as características dos alunos e uma maior familiarização com este tipo de atividade é condição essencial para promover a autonomia.