923 resultados para competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (C-ELISA)


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A reliable and cost-effective electrochemical method for the detection of deoxynivalenol (DON) in cereals and cereal-based food samples based on the use of a novel anti-DON Fab fragment is presented. The analytical system employed, Enzyme-Linked-Immunomagnetic-Electrochemical (ELIME) assay, is based on the use of immunomagnetic beads (IMBs) coupled with eight magnetized screen-printed electrodes (8-mScPEs) as electrochemical transducers.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: C/EBP alpha (cebpa) is a putative tumor suppressor. However, initial results indicated that cebpa was up-regulated in a subset of human hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs). The regulation and function of C/EBP alpha was investigated in HCC cell lines to clarify its role in liver carcinogenesis. METHODS: The regulation of C/EBP alpha expression was studied by quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), Western blotting, immunohistochemistry, methylation-specific PCR, and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays. C/EBP alpha expression was knocked-down by small interfering RNA or short hairpin RNA. Functional assays included colony formation, methylthiotetrazole, bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, and luciferase-reporter assays. RESULTS: Cebpa was up-regulated at least 2-fold in a subset (approximately 55%) of human HCCs compared with adjacent non tumor tissues. None of the up-regulated samples were positive for hepatitis C infection. The HCC cell lines Hep3B and Huh7 expressed high, PLC/PRF/5 intermediate, HepG2 and HCC-M low levels of C/EBP alpha, recapitulating the pattern of expression observed in HCCs. No mutations were detected in the CEBP alpha gene in HCCs and cell lines. C/EBP alpha was localized to the nucleus and functional in Hep3B and Huh7 cells; knocking-down its expression reduced target-gene expression, colony formation, and cell growth, associated with a decrease in cyclin A and CDK4 concentrations and E2F transcriptional activity. Epigenetic mechanisms including DNA methylation, and the binding of acetylated histone H3 to the CEBP alpha promoter-regulated cebpa expression in the HCC cells. CONCLUSIONS: C/EBP alpha is up-regulated in a subset of HCCs and has growth-promoting activities in HCC cells. Novel oncogenic mechanisms involving C/EBP alpha may be amenable to epigenetic regulation to improve treatment outcomes.


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Reports of the illegal use of clenbuterol as a growth promotant prompted the development of a competitive enzyme immunoassay for this drug. This procedure was utilized to study the elimination of clenbuterol from tissues in sheep medicated with both therapeutic and growth-promoting doses of the drug. The results indicated that prior to removal of medication clenbuterol was widely distributed throughout the animal tissues. However as the withdrawal periods increased fluid targets such as urine and bile became less effective at detecting clenbuterol usage. At both therapeutic and growth-enhancing concentrations of clenbuterol liver samples remained positive up to the maximum withdrawal time given in this experiment (15 days). Concentrations of clenbuterol likely to cause food poisoning (> 100 ng/g) were only detected in liver samples taken prior to the removal of medication. The highest recorded concentration of clenbuterol in muscle was 22.5 ng/g.


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Background: The effects of subclinical vitamin D deficiency on bone mineral density (BMD) and bone turnover in adolescents, especially in boys, are unclear.

Objective: We aimed to investigate the relations of different stages of vitamin D status and BMD and bone turnover in a representative sample of adolescent boys and girls.

Design: BMD was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at the nondominant forearm and dominant heel in a random sample of 12- (n = 260) and 15-y-old (n = 239) boys and 12- (n = 266) and 15-y-old (n = 250) girls. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, parathyroid hormone, osteocalcin, and type I collagen cross-linked C-telopeptide were assessed by using enzyme-linked immunoassays. Relations between vitamin D status and bone health indexes were assessed by using regression modeling.

Results: Using multivariate regression to adjust for potential physical, lifestyle, and dietary confounding factors, we observed that 12-and 15-y-old girls with high vitamin D status (>= 74.1 nmol/L) had significantly greater forearm (but not heel) BMD (beta = 0.018; SE = 0.008; P < 0.05 for each age group) and lower serum parathyroid hormone concentrations and bone turnover markers than did those with low vitamin D status. These associations were evident in subjects sampled throughout the year and in winter only. There was no significant relation between vitamin D status and BMD in boys.

Conclusions: Maintaining serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations above approximate to 50 nmol/L throughout the year may be a cost-effective means of improving bone health. Increased emphasis on exploring strategies for improving vitamin D status in adolescents is needed.


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Objective: To compare maternal and fetal leptin among women without diabetes, women with type 1 diabetes, and women with type 2 diabetes. 

Methods: In a prospective study at the National Maternity Hospital, Dublin, 40 women with type 1 diabetes, 10 with type 2 diabetes, and 30 without diabetes were enrolled between July 2006 and July 2008. Maternal (36-week) and cord blood leptin was measured by enzyme-linked immunoassay. 

Results: No difference was found in maternal leptin among the groups: without diabetes (mean, range): 325 pg/mL, 36-1492 pg/mL; type 1 diabetes: 343.2 pg/mL, 55.5-1108.2 pg/mL; type 2 diabetes: 2022 pg/mL, 35.1-1553.3 pg/mL (P>0.05). Leptin levels were higher among fetuses of women with type 1 (223 pg/mL, 25.7-810 pg/mL) and type 2 (447.2 pg/mL, 1363-679 pg/mL) diabetes than among women without diabetes (803 pg/mL, 273-623.1 pg/mL; P<0.05). The single significant predictor of fetal leptin for the whole cohort was maternal body mass index (BMI; r=039, P=0.01). Only third-trimester glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was significantly related to fetal leptin after controlling for maternal BMI among women with diabetes (r=028, P=0.04).

 Conclusion: Fetuses of women with diabetes might have some degree of leptin resistance. This might be important in appetite regulation in extrauterine life. (C) 2012 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 


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TBX2 is an oncogenic transcription factor known to drive breast cancer proliferation. We have identified the cysteine protease inhibitor Cystatin 6 (CST6) as a consistently repressed TBX2 target gene, co-repressed through a mechanism involving Early Growth Response 1 (EGR1). Exogenous expression of CST6 in TBX2-expressing breast cancer cells resulted in significant apoptosis whilst non-tumorigenic breast cells remained unaffected. CST6 is an important tumor suppressor in multiple tissues, acting as a dual protease inhibitor of both papain-like cathepsins and asparaginyl endopeptidases (AEPs) such as Legumain (LGMN). Mutation of the CST6 LGMN-inhibitory domain completely abrogated its ability to induce apoptosis in TBX2-expressing breast cancer cells, whilst mutation of the cathepsin-inhibitory domain or treatment with a pan-cathepsin inhibitor had no effect, suggesting that LGMN is the key oncogenic driver enzyme. LGMN activity assays confirmed the observed growth inhibitory effects were consistent with CST6 inhibition of LGMN. Knockdown of LGMN and the only other known AEP enzyme (GPI8) by siRNA confirmed that LGMN was the enzyme responsible for maintaining breast cancer proliferation. CST6 did not require secretion or glycosylation to elicit its cell killing effects, suggesting an intracellular mode of action. Finally, we show that TBX2 and CST6 displayed reciprocal expression in a cohort of primary breast cancers with increased TBX2 expression associating with increased metastases. We have also noted that tumors with altered TBX2/CST6 expression show poor overall survival. This novel TBX2-CST6-LGMN signaling pathway, therefore, represents an exciting opportunity for the development of novel therapies to target TBX2 driven breast cancers.


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Tetrodotoxin (tetrodotoxin) is a potent neurotoxin, which shuts down electrical signaling in nerves by blocking the voltage-gated sodium channel proteins in nerve cell membranes. It was originally discovered in puffer fish but is found in a range of animal species and thought to be produced by bacteria. The toxin can be lethal to humans being 10 000 times more potent than cyanide. Human fatalities have been attributed to the ingestion of this toxin through consumption of puffer fish, a delicacy in Japan and other regions, and other marine species. The effects of tetrodotoxin poisoning onset quickly and include shortness of breath, numbness, tingling, light-headedness, paralysis, and irregular heartbeat. Treatment usually consists of respiratory assistance as no antidote has been developed. The accepted method of analysis for tetrodotoxin is the mouse bioassay, although recently more ethical assays have been developed including high performance liquid chromatography, biosensor and enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay.


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Objective: To evaluate temporal changes in GCF levels of substance P, cathepsin G, interleukin 1 beta (IL-1&beta), neutrophil elastase and alpha1-antitrypsin (&alpha1AT) during development of and recovery from experimental gingivitis. Methods: Healthy human volunteers participated in a split-mouth study: experimental gingivitis was induced using a soft vinyl splint to cover test teeth during brushing over 21 days, after which normal brushing was resumed. Modified gingival index (MGI), gingival bleeding index (BI) and modified Quigley and Hein plaque index (PI) were assessed and 30-second GCF samples taken from 4 paired test and contra-lateral control sites in each subject at days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42. GCF volume was measured and site-specific quantification of one analyte per GCF sample was performed using radioimmunoassay (substance P), enzyme assay (cathepsin G) or ELISA (IL-1&beta, elastase, &alpha1AT). Site-specific data were analysed using analysis of repeated measurements and paired sample tests. Results: 56 subjects completed the study. All measurements at baseline (day 0) and at control sites throughout the study were low. Clinical indices and GCF volumes at the test sites increased from day 0, peaking at day 21 (difference between test and control for PI, BI, MGI and GCF all p<0.0001) and decreased again to control levels by day 28. Levels of four inflammatory markers showed a similar pattern, with significant differences between test and control apparent at 7 days (substance P p=0.0015; cathepsin G p=0.029; IL-1&beta p=0.026; elastase p=0.0129) and peaking at day 21 (substance P p=0.0023; cathepsin G, IL-1&beta and elastase all p<0.0001). Levels of &alpha1AT showed no apparent pattern over the course of the study. Conclusion: GCF levels of substance P, cathepsin G, IL-1&beta and neutrophil elastase have the potential to act as early markers of experimentally-induced gingival inflammation.


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O decréscimo das reservas de petróleo e as consequências ambientais resultantes do recurso a combustíveis fósseis nos motores a diesel têm levado à procura de combustíveis alternativos. Esta pesquisa alicerçada nas fontes de energia renovável tornou-se essencial, face à crescente procura de energia e ao limitado fornecimento de combustíveis fósseis . Resíduos de óleo de cozinha, gordura animal, entre outros resíduos de origem biológica, tais como a borra de café, são exemplos de matérias-primas para a produção de biodiesel. A sua valorização tem interesse quer pela perspetiva ambiental, quer pela económica, pois aumenta não só a flexibilidade e diversificação das matérias-primas, mas também contribui para uma estabilidade de custos e alteração nas políticas agrícolas e de uso do solo. É neste contexto que se enquadra o biodiesel e a borra de café, pretendendo-se aqui efetuar o estudo da produção, à escala laboratorial, de biodiesel a partir da borra de café, por transesterificação enzimática, visando a procura das melhores condições reacionais. Iniciando-se com a caracterização da borra de café, foram avaliados antes e após a extração do óleo da borra de café, diversos parâmetros, de entre os quais se destacam: o teor de humidade (16,97% e 6,79%), teor de cinzas (1,91 e 1,57%), teor de azoto (1,71 e 2,30%), teor de proteínas (10,7 e 14,4%), teor de carbono (70,2 e 71,7%), teor de celulose bruta (14,77 e 18,48%), teor de lenhina (31,03% e 30,97%) e poder calorifico superior (19,5 MJ/kg e 19,9 MJ/kg). Sumariamente, constatou-se que os valores da maioria dos parâmetros não difere substancialmente dos valores encontrados na literatura, tendo sido evidenciado o potencial da utilização desta biomassa, como fonte calorifica para queima e geração de energia. Sendo a caracterização do óleo extraído da borra de café um dos objetivos antecedentes à produção do biodiesel, pretendeu-se avaliar os diferentes parâmetros mais significativos. No que diz respeito à caracterização do óleo extraído, distingue-se a sua viscosidade cinemática (38,04 mm2/s), densidade 0,9032 g/cm3, poder calorífico de 37,9 kcal/kg, índice de iodo igual a 63,0 gI2/ 100 g óleo, o teor de água do óleo foi de 0,15 %, o índice de acidez igual a 44,8 mg KOH/g óleo, ponto de inflamação superior a 120 ºC e teor em ácidos gordos de 82,8%. Inicialmente foram efetuados ensaios preliminares, a fim de selecionar a lipase (Lipase RMIM, TL 100L e CALB L) e álcool (metanol ou etanol puros) mais adequados à produção de biodiesel, pelo que o rendimento de 83,5% foi obtido através da transesterificação mediada pela lipase RMIM, utilizando como álcool o etanol. Sendo outro dos objetivos a otimização do processo de transesterificação enzimática, através de um desenho composto central a três variáveis (razão molar etanol: óleo, concentração de enzima e temperatura), recorrendo ao software JMP 8.0, determinou-se como melhores condições, uma razão molar etanol: óleo 5:1, adição de 4,5% (m/m) de enzima e uma temperatura de 45 ºC, que conduziram a um rendimento experimental equivalente a 96,7 % e teor de ésteres 87,6%. Nestas condições, o rendimento teórico foi de 99,98%. Procurou-se ainda estudar o efeito da adição de água ao etanol, isto é, o efeito da variação da concentração do etanol pela adição de água, para teores de etanol de 92%, 85% e 75%. Verificou-se que até 92% decorreu um aumento da transesterificação (97,2%) para um teor de ésteres de (92,2%), pelo que para teores superiores de água adicionada (75% e 85%) ocorreu um decréscimo no teor final em ésteres (77,2% e 89,9%) e no rendimento da reação (84,3% e 91,9%). Isto indica a ocorrência da reação de hidrólise em maior extensão, que leva ao desvio do equilíbrio no sentido contrário à reação de formação dos produtos, isto é, dos ésteres. Finalmente, relativamente aos custos associados ao processo de produção de biodiesel, foram estimados para o conjunto de 27 ensaios realizados neste trabalho, e que corresponderam a 767,4 g de biodiesel produzido, sendo o custo dos reagentes superior ao custo energético, de 156,16 € e 126,02 €, respetivamente. Naturalmente que não esperamos que, a nível industrial os custos sejam desta ordem de grandeza, tanto mais que há economia de escala e que as enzimas utilizadas no processo deveriam ser reutilizadas diversas vezes.


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Hyperammonemia is a key factor in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) as well as other metabolic encephalopathies, such as those associated with inherited disorders of urea cycle enzymes and in Reye's syndrome. Acute HE results in increased brain ammonia (up to 5 mM), astrocytic swelling, and altered glutamatergic function. In the present study, using fluorescence imaging techniques, acute exposure (10 min) of ammonia (NH4+/NH3) to cultured astrocytes resulted in a concentration-dependent, transient increase in [Ca2+]i. This calcium transient was due to release from intracellular calcium stores, since the response was thapsigargin-sensitive and was still observed in calcium-free buffer. Using an enzyme-linked fluorescence assay, glutamate release was measured indirectly via the production of NADH (a naturally fluorescent product when excited with UV light). NH4+/NH3 (5 mM) stimulated a calcium-dependent glutamate release from cultured astrocytes, which was inhibited after preincubation with 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid acetoxymethyl ester but unaffected after preincubation with glutamate transport inhibitors dihydrokainate and DL-threo-beta-benzyloxyaspartate. NH4+/NH3 (5 mM) also induced a transient intracellular alkaline shift. To investigate whether the effects of NH4+/NH3 were mediated by an increase in pH(i), we applied trimethylamine (TMA+/TMA) as another weak base. TMA+/TMA (5 mM) induced a similar transient increase in both pH(i) and [Ca2+]i (mobilization from intracellular calcium stores) and resulted in calcium-dependent release of glutamate. These results indicate that an acute exposure to ammonia, resulting in cytosolic alkalinization, leads to calcium-dependent glutamate release from astrocytes. A deregulation of glutamate release from astrocytes by ammonia could contribute to glutamate dysfunction consistently observed in acute HE.


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Objectives: Influenza A H3N2 viruses isolated recently have characteristic receptor binding properties that may decrease susceptibility to neuraminidase inhibitor drugs. A panel of clinical isolates and recombinant viruses generated by reverse genetics were characterized and tested for susceptibility to zanamivir. Methods: Plaque reduction assays and neuraminidase enzyme inhibition assays were used to assess susceptibility to zanamivir. Receptor binding properties of the viruses were characterized by differential agglutination of red blood cells (RBCs) from different species. Sequence analysis of the haemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes was carried out. Results: Characterization of a panel of H3N2 clinical isolates from 1968 to 2000 showed a gradual decrease in agglutination of chicken and guinea pig RBCs over time, although all isolates could agglutinate turkey RBCs equally. Sequence analysis of the HA and NA genes identified mutations in conserved residues of the HA1 receptor binding site, in particular Leu-226 --> Ile-226/Val-226, and modification of potential glycosylation site motifs. This may be indicative of changes in virus binding to sialic acid (SA) receptors in recent years. Although recent isolates had reduced susceptibility to zanamivir in MDCK cell based plaque reduction assays, no difference was found in an NA enzyme-inhibition assay. Assays with recombinant isogenic viruses showed that the recent HA, but not the NA, conferred reduced susceptibility to zanamivir. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that recent clinical isolates of influenza A H3N2 virus no longer agglutinate chicken RBCs, but despite significant receptor binding changes as a result of changes in HA, there was little variation in sensitivity of the NA to zanamivir.


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The crystal structure of 4-phenyl-benzaldehyde reveals the presence of a dimer linked by the C=O and C( 9)-H groups of adjacent molecules. In the liquid phase, the presence of C-(HO)-O-... bonded forms is revealed by both vibrational and NMR spectroscopy. A Delta H value of - 8.2 +/- 0.5 kJ mol(-1) for the dimerisation equilibrium is established from the temperature-dependent intensities of the bands assigned to the carbonyl-stretching modes. The NMR data suggest the preferential engagement of the C(2,6)-H and C(10/12)/C(11)-H groups as hydrogen bond donors, instead of the C(9)-H group. While ab initio calculations for the isolated dimers are unable to corroborate these NMR results, the radial distribution functions obtained from molecular dynamics simulations show a preference for C(2,6)-H and C(10/12)/C(11)-(HO)-O-... contacts relative to the C(9)-(HO)-O-... ones.


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Aims: To test the efficacy of Lactobacillus johnsonii FI9785 in reducing the colonization and shedding of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis, Escherichia coli O78:K80 and Clostridium perfringens in poultry. Methods and Results: Specific pathogen-free chicks (1 day old) were dosed with a single oral inoculum of 1 x 10(9) CFU. Lactobacillus johnsonii FI9785 and 24 h later were challenged in separate experiments with S. Enteritidis (S1400, nal(r)) and E. coli O78:K80 (EC34195, nal(r)). There were no significant effects against S. Enteritidis whereas colonization of the small intestine by E. coli O78:K80 was reduced significantly. Both S. Enteritidis and E. coli colonized the caeca and colon to levels equivalent to control birds and there was no reduction in shedding as assessed by a semi-quantitative cloacal swabbing technique. Specific pathogen-free chicks (20 day old) were dosed with a single oral inoculum of 1 x 10(9) CFU L. johnsonii FI9785 and 24 h later were challenged with C. perfringens. A single oral dose of L. johnsonii FI9785 was sufficient to suppress all aspects of colonization and persistence of C. perfringens. Conclusions: Lactobacillus johnsonii FI9785 may be given to poultry for use as a competitive exclusion agent to control C. perfringens. Significance and Impact of the Study: Lactobacillus johnsonii FI9785 may be a valuable tool to control the endemic disease of necrotic enteritis, thereby reducing economic losses associated with reduced use of antimicrobials in the poultry industry.


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In Leishmania, arginase is responsible for the production of ornithine, a precursor of polyamines required for proliferation of the parasite. In this work, the activation kinetics of immobilized arginase enzyme from L. (L.) amazonensis were studied by varying the concentration of Mn(2+) applied to the nickel column at 23 degrees C. The intensity of the binding of the enzyme to the Ni(2+) resin was directly proportional to the concentration of Mn(2+). Conformational changes of the enzyme may occur when the enzyme interacts with immobilized Ni(2+), allowing the following to occur: (1) entrance of Mn(2+) and formation of the metal bridge; (2) stabilization and activation of the enzyme at 23 degrees C; and (3) an increase in the affinity of the enzyme to Ni(2+) after the Mn(2+) activation step. The conformational alterations can be summarized as follows: the interaction with the Ni(2+) simulates thermal heating in the artificial activation by opening a channel for Mn(2+) to enter. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The present study assessed the prevalence of anti-Leishmania spp antibodies in dogs from the city of Monte Negro, State of Rondonia, Brazil ELISA (NE >= 3) and IFAT (>= 1 40) were used to evaluate 161 serum samples collected from rural dogs from Monte Negro Forty-five (27 9%) dogs were positive by ELISA tests and five (3 1%) were positive by IFAT The present study showed for the first time the frequency of exposure to Leishmania spp in dogs in the State of Rondonia, Amazon Region