980 resultados para bacterial proteins


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2015


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In der vorliegenden Masterarbeit wurde das Protein nuclear factor 110 (NF110) in vitro rückgefaltet, chromatographisch gereinigt, durch den Zusatz von L-Arginin stabilisiert und seine Affinität gegenüber RNAs untersucht. Das Ausgangsmaterial wurde mittels Dialyse zurückgefaltet und über drei aufeinander folgende Chromatographieschritte gereinigt: mittels Kationenaustauschchromatographie (capture) zur Entfernung von Fremdproteinen, Größenausschlusschromatographie (intermediate) zur Trennung des monomeren Proteins von höher-oligomeren Spezies und der Affinitätschromatographie (polishing). Diese Proteinlösung wurde unter Zusatz von 500 mM L-Arginin gelagert um eine Proteinaggregation zu unterbinden. Durch Streulichtmessungen und eine analytische Ultrazentrifugation konnte erfolgreich nachgewiesen werden, dass NF110 erst in Puffern mit mindestens 200 mM L-Arginin stabil vorliegt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte erfolgreich bestimmt werden, dass NF110 zwischen doppelsträngiger RNA und DNA diskriminiert, während es gegenüber einzel- bzw. doppelsträngiger RNA ähnlich affin ist. Dies stellt einen großen Unterschied zu NF90 dar. Diese C-terminal verkürzte Variante interagiert mit einzelsträngiger RNA in sehr geringerem Umfang als mit doppelsträngiger RNA (Schmidt, 2015). Daher kann vermutet werden, dass der C-Terminus, insbesondere das dort befindliche GQSY-Motiv, für die Spezifität gegenüber den RNAs verantwortlich ist. Ein weiterer Fokus der Arbeit lag auf dem Einfluss von L-Arginin bei der RNA-Bindung. Mit Hilfe einer linearen freien Enthalpiebeziehung (LFER) konnte so eine Dissoziationskonstante für nicht aggregierendes NF110 ohne L-Arginin ermittelt werden. Außerdem wurde ersichtlich, dass dieser Stabilisator zwar die Aggregation hemmt, aber nur marginal die RNA-Bindung des Proteins beeinflusst


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Mice infected with T. cruzi strain, acquire a high level of susceptibility to the effects of bacterial gram-negative LPS. The LD50 of adult female SW mice to LPS from S. typhosa, decreases from 450 to 2,5 mcg 10-12 days after T. cruzi infection. This hyperreactivity to LPS induced by T. cruzi presents all the characteristics of that found in infection caused by many other agents. During the acaute phase of experimental infection with T. cruzi Y strain, mice generally die with a hypovolemic shock very similar to that induced in uninfected animals injected with an adequate dose of bacterial endotoxin. There is evidence for and against the hypothesis that LPS absorbed from the instestinal tract may be involved in the mechanism of death of mice during the acute phase of T. cruzi infection.


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Aeromonas hydrophila és un bacil gram-negatiu, patogen oportunista d’animal i humans. La patogènesi d’A. Hydrophila és multifactorial. A fi d'identificar gens implicats en la virulència de la soca PPD134/91 d’A. hydrophila, vam realitzar experiments de substracció gènica, que van dur a la detecció de 22 fragments d’ADN que codificaven 19 potencials factors de virulencia, incloent un gen que codificava una proteïna de sistema de secreció de tipus III (T3SS). La importància creixent del T3SS en la patogènesi de diversos bacteris, ens va dur a identificar i analitzar l'agrupació gènica del T3SS de les soques AH-1 i AH-3 d’A. hydrophila. La inactivació dels gens de T3SS aopB i aopD d’A. hydrophila AH-1, i ascV d’A. hydrophila AH-3, comporta una disminució de la citotoxicitat, un increment de la fagocitosi, i una reducció de la virulència en diferents models animals. Aquests resultats demostren que el T3SS és necessari per a la patogenicitat. També vam clonar i seqüenciar una ADP-ribosiltransferasa (AexT) a la soca AH-3 d’A. hydrophila, i vam demostrar que aquesta toxina és translocada via el T3SS, sistema que al seu torn sembla ser induïble in vitro en condicions de depleció de calci. El mutant en el gen aexT de la soca AH-3 d’A. hydrophila va mostrar una lleugera reducció de la virulència, assajada amb diferents mètodes. Mitjançant l'ús de diferents sondes d’ADN, vam determinar la presència del T3SS en soques tant clíniques com ambientals de diferents espècies del gènere Aeromonas: A. hydrophila, A. veronii, i A. caviae, i la codistribució d'aquesta agrupació gènica i el gen aexT. Finalment, amb la finalitat d'estudiar la regulació transcripcional de l'agrupació gènica de T3SS i de l’efector AexT A. hydrophila AH-3, vam aïllar els promotors predits per l’operó aopN-aopD i el gen aexT, i els vam fusionar amb el gen reporter gfp (Green Fluorescence Protein). A més, vam demostrar que l'expressió d'ambdós promotors depèn de diferents components bacterians, com per exemple el sistema de dos components PhoP/PhoQ, el sistema de quorum sensing AhyI/AhyR, o el complex piruvat deshidrogenasa.


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The straightforward anatomical organisation of the developing and mature rat spinal cord was used to determine and interpret the time of appearance and expression patterns of microtubule-associated proteins (MAP) 1b and 2. Immunoblots revealed the presence of MAP1b and 2 in the early embryonic rat spinal cord and confirmed the specificity of the used anti-MAP mouse monoclonal antibodies. The immunocytochemical data demonstrated a rostral-to-caudal and ventral-to-dorsal gradient in the expression of MAP1b/2 within the developing spinal cord. In the matrix layer, MAP1b was found in a distinct radial pattern distributed between the membrana limitans interna and externa between embryonal day (E)12 and E15. Immunostaining for vimentin revealed that this MAP1b pattern was morphologically and topographically different from the radial glial pattern which was present in the matrix layer between E13 and E19. The ventral-to-dorsal developmental gradient of the MAP1b staining in the spinal cord matrix layer indicates a close involvement of MAP1b either in the organisation of the microtubules in the cytoplasmatic extensions of the proliferating neuroblasts or neuroblast mitosis. MAP2 could not be detected in the developing matrix layer. In the mantle and marginal layer, MAP1b was abundantly present between E12 and postnatal day (P)0. After birth, the staining intensity for MAP1b gradually decreased in both layers towards a faint appearance at maturity. The distribution patterns suggest an involvement of MAP1b in the maturation of the motor neurons, the contralaterally and ipsilaterally projecting axons and the ascending and descending long axons of the rat spinal cord. MAP2 was present in the spinal cord grey matter between E12 and maturity, which reflects a role for MAP2 in the development as well as in the maintenance of microtubules. The present description of the expression patterns of MAP1b and 2 in the developing spinal cord suggests important roles of the two proteins in various morphogenetic events. The findings may serve as the basis for future studies on the function of MAP1b and 2 in the development of the central nervous system.


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For many drugs, finding the balance between efficacy and toxicity requires monitoring their concentrations in the patient's blood. Quantifying drug levels at the bedside or at home would have advantages in terms of therapeutic outcome and convenience, but current techniques require the setting of a diagnostic laboratory. We have developed semisynthetic bioluminescent sensors that permit precise measurements of drug concentrations in patient samples by spotting minimal volumes on paper and recording the signal using a simple point-and-shoot camera. Our sensors have a modular design consisting of a protein-based and a synthetic part and can be engineered to selectively recognize a wide range of drugs, including immunosuppressants, antiepileptics, anticancer agents and antiarrhythmics. This low-cost point-of-care method could make therapies safer, increase the convenience of doctors and patients and make therapeutic drug monitoring available in regions with poor infrastructure.


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Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) infection of Hep-2 cells preoceeds through bacterial attachment to cell surface and internalization of adhered bacteria. EPEC attachment is a prerequisite for cell infection and is mediated by adhesins that recognize carbohydrate-containing receptors on cell membrane. Such endocytosis-inducer adhesins (EIA) also promote EPEC binding to infant enterocytes, suggesting that EIA may have an important role on EPEC gastroenteritis.


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Els bacteris són la forma dominant de vida del planeta: poden sobreviure en medis molt adversos, i en alguns casos poden generar substàncies que quan les ingerim ens són tòxiques. La seva presència en els aliments fa que la microbiologia predictiva sigui un camp imprescindible en la microbiologia dels aliments per garantir la seguretat alimentària. Un cultiu bacterià pot passar per quatre fases de creixement: latència, exponencial, estacionària i de mort. En aquest treball s’ha avançat en la comprensió dels fenòmens intrínsecs a la fase de latència, que és de gran interès en l’àmbit de la microbiologia predictiva. Aquest estudi, realitzat al llarg de quatre anys, s’ha abordat des de la metodologia Individual-based Modelling (IbM) amb el simulador INDISIM (INDividual DIScrete SIMulation), que ha estat millorat per poder fer-ho. INDISIM ha permès estudiar dues causes de la fase de latència de forma separada, i abordar l’estudi del comportament del cultiu des d’una perspectiva mesoscòpica. S’ha vist que la fase de latència ha de ser estudiada com un procés dinàmic, i no definida per un paràmetre. L’estudi de l’evolució de variables com la distribució de propietats individuals entre la població (per exemple, la distribució de masses) o la velocitat de creixement, han permès distingir dues etapes en la fase de latència, inicial i de transició, i aprofundir en la comprensió del que passa a nivell cel•lular. S’han observat experimentalment amb citometria de flux diversos resultats previstos per les simulacions. La coincidència entre simulacions i experiments no és trivial ni casual: el sistema estudiat és un sistema complex, i per tant la coincidència del comportament al llarg del temps de diversos paràmetres interrelacionats és un aval a la metodologia emprada en les simulacions. Es pot afirmar, doncs, que s’ha verificat experimentalment la bondat de la metodologia INDISIM.


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Staphylococcus aureus harbors redundant adhesins mediating tissue colonization and infection. To evaluate their intrinsic role outside of the staphylococcal background, a system was designed to express them in Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris 1363. This bacterium is devoid of virulence factors and has a known genetic background. A new Escherichia coli-L. lactis shuttle and expression vector was constructed for this purpose. First, the high-copy-number lactococcal plasmid pIL253 was equipped with the oriColE1 origin, generating pOri253 that could replicate in E. coli. Second, the lactococcal promoters P23 or P59 were inserted at one end of the pOri253 multicloning site. Gene expression was assessed by a luciferase reporter system. The plasmid carrying P23 (named pOri23) expressed luciferase constitutively at a level 10,000 times greater than did the P59-containing plasmid. Transcription was absent in E. coli. The staphylococcal clumping factor A (clfA) gene was cloned into pOri23 and used as a model system. Lactococci carrying pOri23-clfA produced an unaltered and functional 130-kDa ClfA protein attached to their cell walls. This was indicated both by the presence of the protein in Western blots of solubilized cell walls and by the ability of ClfA-positive lactococci to clump in the presence of plasma. ClfA-positive lactococci had clumping titers (titer of 4,112) similar to those of S. aureus Newman in soluble fibrinogen and bound equally well to solid-phase fibrinogen. These experiments provide a new way to study individual staphylococcal pathogenic factors and might complement both classical knockout mutagenesis and modern in vivo expression technology and signature tag mutagenesis.


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Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has recently been introduced in diagnostic microbiology laboratories for the identification of bacterial and yeast strains isolated from clinical samples. In the present study, we prospectively compared MALDI-TOF MS to the conventional phenotypic method for the identification of routine isolates. Colonies were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS either by direct deposition on the target plate or after a formic acid-acetonitrile extraction step if no valid result was initially obtained. Among 1,371 isolates identified by conventional methods, 1,278 (93.2%) were putatively identified to the species level by MALDI-TOF MS and 73 (5.3%) were identified to the genus level, but no reliable identification was obtained for 20 (1.5%). Among the 1,278 isolates identified to the species level by MALDI-TOF MS, 63 (4.9%) discordant results were initially identified. Most discordant results (42/63) were due to systematic database-related taxonomical differences, 14 were explained by poor discrimination of the MALDI-TOF MS spectra obtained, and 7 were due to errors in the initial conventional identification. An extraction step was required to obtain a valid MALDI-TOF MS identification for 25.6% of the 1,278 valid isolates. In conclusion, our results show that MALDI-TOF MS is a fast and reliable technique which has the potential to replace conventional phenotypic identification for most bacterial strains routinely isolated in clinical microbiology laboratories.


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OBJECTIVE: To provide an update to the original Surviving Sepsis Campaign clinical management guidelines, "Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines for Management of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock," published in 2004. DESIGN: Modified Delphi method with a consensus conference of 55 international experts, several subsequent meetings of subgroups and key individuals, teleconferences, and electronic-based discussion among subgroups and among the entire committee. This process was conducted independently of any industry funding. METHODS: We used the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system to guide assessment of quality of evidence from high (A) to very low (D) and to determine the strength of recommendations. A strong recommendation (1) indicates that an intervention's desirable effects clearly outweigh its undesirable effects (risk, burden, cost) or clearly do not. Weak recommendations (2) indicate that the tradeoff between desirable and undesirable effects is less clear. The grade of strong or weak is considered of greater clinical importance than a difference in letter level of quality of evidence. In areas without complete agreement, a formal process of resolution was developed and applied. Recommendations are grouped into those directly targeting severe sepsis, recommendations targeting general care of the critically ill patient that are considered high priority in severe sepsis, and pediatric considerations. RESULTS: Key recommendations, listed by category, include early goal-directed resuscitation of the septic patient during the first 6 hrs after recognition (1C); blood cultures before antibiotic therapy (1C); imaging studies performed promptly to confirm potential source of infection (1C); administration of broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy within 1 hr of diagnosis of septic shock (1B) and severe sepsis without septic shock (1D); reassessment of antibiotic therapy with microbiology and clinical data to narrow coverage, when appropriate (1C); a usual 7-10 days of antibiotic therapy guided by clinical response (1D); source control with attention to the balance of risks and benefits of the chosen method (1C); administration of either crystalloid or colloid fluid resuscitation (1B); fluid challenge to restore mean circulating filling pressure (1C); reduction in rate of fluid administration with rising filing pressures and no improvement in tissue perfusion (1D); vasopressor preference for norepinephrine or dopamine to maintain an initial target of mean arterial pressure > or = 65 mm Hg (1C); dobutamine inotropic therapy when cardiac output remains low despite fluid resuscitation and combined inotropic/vasopressor therapy (1C); stress-dose steroid therapy given only in septic shock after blood pressure is identified to be poorly responsive to fluid and vasopressor therapy (2C); recombinant activated protein C in patients with severe sepsis and clinical assessment of high risk for death (2B except 2C for postoperative patients). In the absence of tissue hypoperfusion, coronary artery disease, or acute hemorrhage, target a hemoglobin of 7-9 g/dL (1B); a low tidal volume (1B) and limitation of inspiratory plateau pressure strategy (1C) for acute lung injury (ALI)/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS); application of at least a minimal amount of positive end-expiratory pressure in acute lung injury (1C); head of bed elevation in mechanically ventilated patients unless contraindicated (1B); avoiding routine use of pulmonary artery catheters in ALI/ARDS (1A); to decrease days of mechanical ventilation and ICU length of stay, a conservative fluid strategy for patients with established ALI/ARDS who are not in shock (1C); protocols for weaning and sedation/analgesia (1B); using either intermittent bolus sedation or continuous infusion sedation with daily interruptions or lightening (1B); avoidance of neuromuscular blockers, if at all possible (1B); institution of glycemic control (1B), targeting a blood glucose < 150 mg/dL after initial stabilization (2C); equivalency of continuous veno-veno hemofiltration or intermittent hemodialysis (2B); prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis (1A); use of stress ulcer prophylaxis to prevent upper gastrointestinal bleeding using H2 blockers (1A) or proton pump inhibitors (1B); and consideration of limitation of support where appropriate (1D). Recommendations specific to pediatric severe sepsis include greater use of physical examination therapeutic end points (2C); dopamine as the first drug of choice for hypotension (2C); steroids only in children with suspected or proven adrenal insufficiency (2C); and a recommendation against the use of recombinant activated protein C in children (1B). CONCLUSIONS: There was strong agreement among a large cohort of international experts regarding many level 1 recommendations for the best current care of patients with severe sepsis. Evidenced-based recommendations regarding the acute management of sepsis and septic shock are the first step toward improved outcomes for this important group of critically ill patients.