916 resultados para alkali-tolerant xylanase
A composite stock of alkaline gabbro and syenite is intrusive into limestone of the Del Carmen, Sue Peake and Santa Elena Formations at the northwest end of the Christmas Mountains. There is abundant evidence of solution of wallrock by magma but nowhere are gabbro and limestone in direct contact. The sequence of lithologies developed across the intrusive contact and across xenoliths is gabbro, pyroxenite, calc-silicate skarn, marble. Pyroxenite is made up of euhedral crystals of titanaugite and sphene in a leucocratic matrix of nepheline, Wollastonite and alkali feldspar. The uneven modal distribution of phases in pyroxenite and the occurrence' of nepheline syenite dikes, intrusive into pyroxenite and skarn, suggest that pyroxenite represents an accumulation of clinopyroxene "cemented" together by late-solidifying residual magma of nepheline syenite composition. Assimilation of limestone by gabbroic magma involves reactions between calcite and magma and/or crystals in equilibrium with magma and crystallization of phases in which the magma is saturated, to supply energy for the solution reaction. Gabbroic magma was saturated with plagioclase and clinopyroxene at the time of emplacement. The textural and mineralogic features of pyroxenite can be produced by the reaction 2( 1-X) CALCITE + ANXABl-X = (1-X) NEPHELINE+ 2(1-X) WOLLASTONITE+ X ANORTHITE+ 2(1-X) CO2. Plagioclase in pyroxenite has corroded margins and is rimmed by nepheline, suggestive of resorption by magma. Anorthite and wollastonite enter solid solution in titanaugite. For each mole of calcite dissolved, approximately one mole of clinopyroxene was crystallized. Thus the amount of limestone that may be assimilated is limited by the concentration of potential clinopyroxene in the magma. Wollastonite appears as a phase when magma has been depleted in iron and magnesium by crystallization of titanaugite. The predominance of mafic and ultramafic compositions among contaminated rocks and their restriction to a narrow zone along the intrusive contact provides little evidence for the generation of a significant volume of desilicated magma as a result of limestone assimilation.
Within 60 m of the intrusive contact with the gabbro, nodular chert in the Santa Elena Limestone reacted with the enveloping marble to form spherical nodules of high-temperature calc-silicate minerals. The phases wollastonite, rankinite, spurrite, tilleyite and calcite, form a series of sharply-bounded, concentric monomineralic and two-phase shells which record a step-wise decrease in silica content from the core of a nodule to its rim. Mineral zones in the nodules vary 'with distance from the gabbro as follows:
The mineral of a one-phase zone is compatible with the phases bounding it on either side but these phases are incompatible in the same volume of P-T-XCO2.
Growth of a monomineralio zone is initiated by reaction between minerals of adjacent one-phase zones which become unstable with rising temperature to form a thin layer of a new single phase that separates the reactants and is compatible with both of them. Because the mineral of the new zone is in equilibrium with the phases at both of its contacts, gradients in the chemical potentials of the exchangeable components are established across it. Although zone boundaries mark discontinuities in the gradients of bulk composition, two-phase equilibria at the contacts demonstrate that the chemical potentials are continuous. Hence, Ca, Si and CO2 were redistributed in the growing nodule by diffusion. A monomineralic zone grows at the expense of an adjacent zone by reaction between diffusing components and the mineral of the adjacent zone. Equilibria between two phases at zone boundaries buffers the chemical potentials of the diffusing species. Thus, within a monomineralic zone, the chemical potentials of the diffusing components are controlled external to the local assemblage by the two-phase equilibria at the zone boundaries.
Mineralogically zoned calc-silicate skarn occurs as a narrow band that separates pyroxenite and marble along the intrusive contact and forms a rim on marble xenoliths in gabbro. Skarn consists of melilite or idocrase pseudomorphs of melili te, one or two . stoichiometric calcsilicate phases and accessory Ti-Zr garnet, perovskite and magnetite. The sequence of mineral zones from pyroxenite to marble, defined by a characteristic calc-silicate, is wollastonite, rankinite, spurrite, calcite. Mineral assemblages of adjacent skarn zones are compatible and the set of zones in a skarn band defines a facies type, indicating that the different mineral assemblages represent different bulk compositions recrystallized under identical conditions. The number of phases in each zone is less than the number that might be expected to result from metamorphism of a general bulk composition under conditions of equilibrium, trivariant in P, T and uCO2. The "special" bulk composition of each zone is controlled by reaction between phases of the zones bounding it on either side. The continuity of the gradients of composition of melilite and garnet solid solutions across the skarn is consistent with the local equilibrium hypothesis and verifies that diffusion was the mechanism of mass transport. The formula proportions of Ti and Zr in garnet from skarn vary antithetically with that of Si Which systematically decreases from pyroxenite to marble. The chemical potential of Si in each skarn zone was controlled by the coexisting stoichiometric calc-silicate phases in the assemblage. Thus the formula proportion of Si in garnet is a direct measure of the chemical potential of Si from point to point in skarn. Reaction between gabbroic magma saturated with plagioclase and clinopyroxene produced nepheline pyroxenite and melilite-wollastonite skarn. The calcsilicate zones result from reaction between calcite and wollastonite to form spurrite and rankinite.
The asymmetric synthesis of quaternary stereocenters remains a challenging problem in organic synthesis. Past work from the Stoltz laboratory has resulted in methodology to install quaternary stereocenters α- or γ- to carbonyl compounds. Thus, the asymmetric synthesis of β-quaternary stereocenters was a desirable objective, and was accomplished by engineering the palladium-catalyzed addition of arylmetal organometallic reagents to α,β-unsaturated conjugate acceptors.
Herein, we described the rational design of a palladium-catalyzed conjugate addition reactions utilizing a catalyst derived from palladium(II) trifluoroacetate and pyridinooxazole ligands. This reaction is highly tolerant of protic solvents and oxygen atmosphere, making it a practical and operationally simple reaction. The mild conditions facilitate a remarkably high functional group tolerance, including carbonyls, halogens, and fluorinated functional groups. Furthermore, the reaction catalyzed conjugate additions with high enantioselectivity with conjugate acceptors of 5-, 6-, and 7-membered ring sizes. Extension of the methodology toward the asymmetric synthesis of flavanone products is presented, as well.
A computational and experimental investigation into the reaction mechanism provided a stereochemical model for enantioinduction, whereby the α-methylene protons adjacent the enone carbonyl clashes with the tert-butyl groups of the chiral ligand. Additionally, it was found that the addition of water and ammonium hexafluorophosphate significantly increases the reaction rate without sacrificing enantioselectivity. The synergistic effects of these additives allowed for the reaction to proceed at a lower temperature, and thus facilitated expansion of the substrate scope to sensitive functional groups such as protic amides and aryl bromides. Investigations into a scale-up synthesis of the chiral ligand (S)-tert-butylPyOx are also presented. This three-step synthetic route allowed for synthesis of the target compound of greater than 10 g scale.
Finally, the application of the newly developed conjugate addition reaction toward the synthesis of the taiwaniaquinoid class of terpenoid natural products is discussed. The conjugate addition reaction formed the key benzylic quaternary stereocenter in high enantioselectivity, joining together the majority of the carbons in the taiwaniaquinoid scaffold. Efforts toward the synthesis of the B-ring are presented.
Energy and sustainability have become one of the most critical issues of our generation. While the abundant potential of renewable energy such as solar and wind provides a real opportunity for sustainability, their intermittency and uncertainty present a daunting operating challenge. This thesis aims to develop analytical models, deployable algorithms, and real systems to enable efficient integration of renewable energy into complex distributed systems with limited information.
The first thrust of the thesis is to make IT systems more sustainable by facilitating the integration of renewable energy into these systems. IT represents the fastest growing sectors in energy usage and greenhouse gas pollution. Over the last decade there are dramatic improvements in the energy efficiency of IT systems, but the efficiency improvements do not necessarily lead to reduction in energy consumption because more servers are demanded. Further, little effort has been put in making IT more sustainable, and most of the improvements are from improved "engineering" rather than improved "algorithms". In contrast, my work focuses on developing algorithms with rigorous theoretical analysis that improve the sustainability of IT. In particular, this thesis seeks to exploit the flexibilities of cloud workloads both (i) in time by scheduling delay-tolerant workloads and (ii) in space by routing requests to geographically diverse data centers. These opportunities allow data centers to adaptively respond to renewable availability, varying cooling efficiency, and fluctuating energy prices, while still meeting performance requirements. The design of the enabling algorithms is however very challenging because of limited information, non-smooth objective functions and the need for distributed control. Novel distributed algorithms are developed with theoretically provable guarantees to enable the "follow the renewables" routing. Moving from theory to practice, I helped HP design and implement industry's first Net-zero Energy Data Center.
The second thrust of this thesis is to use IT systems to improve the sustainability and efficiency of our energy infrastructure through data center demand response. The main challenges as we integrate more renewable sources to the existing power grid come from the fluctuation and unpredictability of renewable generation. Although energy storage and reserves can potentially solve the issues, they are very costly. One promising alternative is to make the cloud data centers demand responsive. The potential of such an approach is huge.
To realize this potential, we need adaptive and distributed control of cloud data centers and new electricity market designs for distributed electricity resources. My work is progressing in both directions. In particular, I have designed online algorithms with theoretically guaranteed performance for data center operators to deal with uncertainties under popular demand response programs. Based on local control rules of customers, I have further designed new pricing schemes for demand response to align the interests of customers, utility companies, and the society to improve social welfare.
The alkali metal salts of 1,5-hexadien-3-ols undergo accelerated Cope rearrangements to the enolates of δ, ε-unsaturated carbonyl compounds. The generality of the rearrangement was investigated in numerous systems, particularly acyclic cases, and the effect of changes in substituents, counterions, solvents, and geometrical structures were noted and discussed. Applications of this methodology in synthesis included the synthesis of the insect pheromone frontalin, the preparation of selectively monoprotected 1,6-dicarbonyl compounds from 4-methoxy- and 4-phenylthio-1,5-hexadien-3-ols, and the construction of complex ring structures such as a D-homo-estratetraenone derivative.
Thermochemical estimates of the energetics of anionpromoted alkoxide fragmentations were made, and in all cases heterolytic cleavage was favored over hemolytic cleavage by 8.5-53 kcal/mol. The implication of these and other thermochemical estimates is that the anionic oxy-Cope rearrangement occurs via a concerted mechanism rather than a dissociation-recombination process. The concepts of anion-induced bond weakening were successfully applied to an accelerated [1,3]-shift of a dithiane fragment in a cyclohexenyl system. Trapping experiments demonstrated that > 85% of the [1,3]-shift occurred within a solvent cage. Attempts at promoting an intramolecular ene reaction using the potassium salts of 2,7-octadien-1-o1 and 2,8-nonadien-1-o1 were unsuccessful. A general review of anion-promoted bond reorganizations and anion substituent effects is also presented.
Hydrogen is the only atom for which the Schr odinger equation is solvable. Consisting only of a proton and an electron, hydrogen is the lightest element and, nevertheless, is far from being simple. Under ambient conditions, it forms diatomic molecules H2 in gas phase, but di erent temperature and pressures lead to a complex phase diagram, which is not completely known yet. Solid hydrogen was rst documented in 1899 [1] and was found to be isolating. At higher pressures, however, hydrogen can be metallized. In 1935 Wigner and Huntington predicted that the metallization pressure would be 25 GPa [2], where molecules would disociate to form a monoatomic metal, as alkali metals that lie below hydrogen in the periodic table. The prediction of the metallization pressure turned out to be wrong: metallic hydrogen has not been found yet, even under a pressure as high as 320 GPa. Nevertheless, extrapolations based on optical measurements suggest that a metallic phase may be attained at 450 GPa [3]. The interest of material scientist in metallic hydrogen can be attributed, at least to a great extent, to Ashcroft, who in 1968 suggested that such a system could be a hightemperature superconductor [4]. The temperature at which this material would exhibit a transition from a superconducting to a non-superconducting state (Tc) was estimated to be around room temperature. The implications of such a statement are very interesting in the eld of astrophysics: in planets that contain a big quantity of hydrogen and whose temperature is below Tc, superconducting hydrogen may be found, specially at the center, where the gravitational pressure is high. This might be the case of Jupiter, whose proportion of hydrogen is about 90%. There are also speculations suggesting that the high magnetic eld of Jupiter is due to persistent currents related to the superconducting phase [5]. Metallization and superconductivity of hydrogen has puzzled scientists for decades, and the community is trying to answer several questions. For instance, what is the structure of hydrogen at very high pressures? Or a more general one: what is the maximum Tc a phonon-mediated superconductor can have [6]? A great experimental e ort has been carried out pursuing metallic hydrogen and trying to answer the questions above; however, the characterization of solid phases of hydrogen is a hard task. Achieving the high pressures needed to get the sought phases requires advanced technologies. Diamond anvil cells (DAC) are commonly used devices. These devices consist of two diamonds with a tip of small area; for this reason, when a force is applied, the pressure exerted is very big. This pressure is uniaxial, but it can be turned into hydrostatic pressure using transmitting media. Nowadays, this method makes it possible to reach pressures higher than 300 GPa, but even at this pressure hydrogen does not show metallic properties. A recently developed technique that is an improvement of DAC can reach pressures as high as 600 GPa [7], so it is a promising step forward in high pressure physics. Another drawback is that the electronic density of the structures is so low that X-ray di raction patterns have low resolution. For these reasons, ab initio studies are an important source of knowledge in this eld, within their limitations. When treating hydrogen, there are many subtleties in the calculations: as the atoms are so light, the ions forming the crystalline lattice have signi cant displacements even when temperatures are very low, and even at T=0 K, due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Thus, the energy corresponding to this zero-point (ZP) motion is signi cant and has to be included in an accurate determination of the most stable phase. This has been done including ZP vibrational energies within the harmonic approximation for a range of pressures and at T=0 K, giving rise to a series of structures that are stable in their respective pressure ranges [8]. Very recently, a treatment of the phases of hydrogen that includes anharmonicity in ZP energies has suggested that relative stability of the phases may change with respect to the calculations within the harmonic approximation [9]. Many of the proposed structures for solid hydrogen have been investigated. Particularly, the Cmca-4 structure, which was found to be the stable one from 385-490 GPa [8], is metallic. Calculations for this structure, within the harmonic approximation for the ionic motion, predict a Tc up to 242 K at 450 GPa [10]. Nonetheless, due to the big ionic displacements, the harmonic approximation may not su ce to describe correctly the system. The aim of this work is to apply a recently developed method to treat anharmonicity, the stochastic self-consistent harmonic approximation (SSCHA) [11], to Cmca-4 metallic hydrogen. This way, we will be able to study the e ects of anharmonicity in the phonon spectrum and to try to understand the changes it may provoque in the value of Tc. The work is structured as follows. First we present the theoretical basis of the calculations: Density Functional Theory (DFT) for the electronic calculations, phonons in the harmonic approximation and the SSCHA. Then we apply these methods to Cmca-4 hydrogen and we discuss the results obtained. In the last chapter we draw some conclusions and propose possible future work.
Esthwaite Water is the most productive or eutrophic lake in the English Lake District. Since 1945 its water quality has been determined from weekly or biweekly measurements of temperature, oxygen, plant nutrients and phytoplankton abundance. The lake receives phosphorus from its largely lowland-pasture catchment, sewage effluent from the villages of Hawkshead and Near Sawrey, and from a cage-culture fish farm. From 1986 phosphorus has been removed from the sewage effluent of Hawkshead which was considered to contribute between 47% and 67% of the total phosphorus loading to the lake. At the commencement of phosphorus removal regular measurements of phosphorus in the superficial 0-4 cm layer of lake sediment were made from cores collected at random sites. Since 1986 the mean annual concentration of alkali-extractable sediment phosphorus has decreased by 23%. This change is not significant at the 5% level but nearly so. There has been no marked change in water quality over this period. Summer dominance of blue-green algae which arose in the early 1980s after decline of the previous summer forms, Ceratium spp., has been maintained. Improvement in water quality is unlikely to be achieved at the present phosphorus loading.
As matas inundáveis e brejos presentes nas restingas desencadeiam uma série de processos que influenciam as características físico-químicas e biológicas do solo, levando as plantas a apresentarem mecanismos de aclimatação ou adaptação ao estresse da inundação, como alterações morfológicas e fisiológicas de forma a minimizar os efeitos da falta de oxigênio. Dentre as espécies vegetais de samambaias ocorrentes em ambientes inundáveis nas restingas, se destacam três espécies: Acrostichum danaeifolium Langsd. & Fisch., Blechnum serrulatum Rich. e Thelypteris interrupta (Willd.) K.Iwats. O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar os aspectos ecofisiológicos que os esporófitos dessas samambaias apresentam para sobreviver em ambientes de inundação na restinga de Maricá, estado do Rio de Janeiro. Neste sentido, foi determinada a caracterização física e química dos sítios de ocorrências destas samambaias, as variações foliares entre elas, espessura, densidade, massa por unidade de folha, teor de clorofilas e atributos quantitativos das células epidérmicas, além da quantificação e determinação à distribuição dos carboidratos. Para as variáveis dos vegetais foram feitas coletas na estação chuvosa e seca e para variáveis do solo na estação seca. Os sítios analisados se mostraram extremamente ácidos, de baixa fertilidade e com toxidez por macro e micro nutrientes, indicando que as samambaias apresentam tolerância a estes fatores. Na época chuvosa (inundação), as samambaias apresentaram queda na densidade foliar, acompanhada de um aumento de massa por unidade de folha. Esta habilidade de conseguir ganhar massa seca por área classifica todas as samambaias analisadas como tolerantes à inundação. Os altos valores de carboidratos solúveis nas folhas indicam aumento da degradação do amido foliar e o menor teor de carboidrato solúvel encontrado nos caules explicita a redução na respiração das raízes destas plantas sob anoxia/ hipoxia, para evitar a oxidação e o incremento do estoque de amido de reserva, elucidando estratégia de tolerância à inundação. A menor disponibilidade de água na estação seca afeta diretamente os atributos foliares diminuindo o índice estomático, a suculência e a massa por unidade de folha, no qual reflete na queda das concentrações de clorofilas. Os menores valores nas concentrações de clorofila têm influencia direta na presença de amidos foliar que são estocado e, alterando toda a dinâmica dos carboidratos nestas espécies. A análise do sítio onde cresce Acrostichum danaeifolium indica níveis críticos de Na no solo e provavelmente, a produção de mucilagem no caule e no pecíolo é uma estratégia de tolerância ao ambiente salino e inundado. O elevado índice de cobertura de Blechnum serrulatum em ambientes inundados indica que esta espécie possui adaptações a solos hidromórficos, entre elas, grande capacidade de estocagem de amido no caule. A maior sinuosidade das células epidérmicas em T. interrupta permite uma alta suculência mantendo o status hidrológico da folha em ambas as estações. Os resultados apresentados, além de agregar informações sobre a biologia das samambaias nos neotrópicos, irão contribuir para a compreensão da dinâmica de ocupação de espécies herbáceas em ambientes alagáveis nas restingas brasileiras
Several alpine vertebrates share a distribution pattern that extends across the South-western Palearctic but is limited to the main mountain massifs. Although they are usually regarded as cold-adapted species, the range of many alpine vertebrates also includes relatively warm areas, suggesting that factors beyond climatic conditions may be driving their distribution. In this work we first recognize the species belonging to the mentioned biogeographic group and, based on the environmental niche analysis of Plecotus macrobullaris, we identify and characterize the environmental factors constraining their ranges. Distribution overlap analysis of 504 European vertebrates was done using the Sorensen Similarity Index, and we identified four birds and one mammal that share the distribution with P. macrobullaris. We generated 135 environmental niche models including different variable combinations and regularization values for P. macrobullaris at two different scales and resolutions. After selecting the best models, we observed that topographic variables outperformed climatic predictors, and the abruptness of the landscape showed better predictive ability than elevation. The best explanatory climatic variable was mean summer temperature, which showed that P. macrobullaris is able to cope with mean temperature ranges spanning up to 16 degrees C. The models showed that the distribution of P. macrobullaris is mainly shaped by topographic factors that provide rock-abundant and open-space habitats rather than climatic determinants, and that the species is not a cold-adapted, but rather a cold-tolerant eurithermic organism. P. macrobullaris shares its distribution pattern as well as several ecological features with five other alpine vertebrates, suggesting that the conclusions obtained from this study might be extensible to them. We concluded that rock-dwelling and open-space foraging vertebrates with broad temperature tolerance are the best candidates to show wide alpine distribution in the Western Palearctic.
Parametric fluctuations or stochastic signals are introduced into the rectangular pulse sequence to investigate the feasibility of random dynamical decoupling. In a large parameter region, we find that the out-of-order control pulses work as well as the regular pulses for dynamical decoupling and dissipation suppression. Calculations and analysis are enabled by and based on a nonperturbative dynamical decoupling approach allowed by an exact quantum-state-diffusion equation. When the average frequency and duration of the pulse sequence take proper values, the random control sequence is robust, fault-tolerant, and insensitive to pulse strength deviations and interpulse temporal separation in the quasi-periodic sequence. This relaxes the operational requirements placed on quantum control devices to a great deal.
The integrated absorption cross section Sigma(abs), I peak emission cross section sigma(cmi), Judd-Ofeld intensity parameters Omega(iota) ( t = 2,4,6), and spontaneous emission probability A(R) of Er3+ ions were determined for Erbium doped alkali and alkaline earth phosphate glasses. It is found the compositional dependence of sigma(emi) 5 almost similar to that of Sigma(abs), which is determined by the sum, of Omega(1) (3 Omega(2) + 10 Omega(4) + 21 Omega(6)). In addition, the compositional dependence of Omega(1) was studied in these glass systems. As a result, compared with. Omega(4) and Omega(6) the Omega(2) has a stronger compositional dependence on the ionic radius and content of modifers. The covalency of Er-O bonds in phosphate glass is weaker than that in silicate glass, germanate glass, aluminate glass, and tellurate glass, since Omega(6) of phosphate glass is relatively large. A(R) is affected by the covalency of the Er3+ ion sites and corresponds to the Omega(6) value.
Series of tellurite glasses were prepared by traditional melting method, the glass composition were changed and the different effects of glass modifier oxides(alkali metals and alkaline earth metal oxides) and glass intermediate (Y
This paper reports on the optical spectroscopic properties and thermal stability of Er3+-doped TeO2-BaO (Li2O,NaO)-La2O3 glasses for developing 1.5-mu m fiber amplifiers. Upon excitation at 977 nm laser diode, an intense 1.53-mu m infrared fluorescence has been observed with a broad full width at half maximum (FWHM) of about 60 nm for the Er3+-doped TeO2-BaO (Li2O, Na2O)-La2O3 glass with 10 mol% of BaO. The calculated fluorescence lifetime and the emission cross-sections of the 1.53-mu m transition are 2.91 ms and similar to 9.97 x 10(-21) cm(2), respectively. It is noted that the gain bandwidth, a, x FWHM, of the TeO2-BaO-La2O3Er2O3 glass is about 600, which is significantly higher than that in silicate and phosphate glasses. Meanwhile, it is interesting to note that the TeO2-BaO-La2O3-Er2O3 glass has shown a high glass thermal stability and good infrared transmittance. As a result, TeO2-BaO (Li2O, Na2O)-La2O3 glass with 10 mol% of BaO has been considered to be more useful as a host for broadband optical fiber amplifier. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Broadband infrared luminescence is observed in various Bi-doped oxide glasses prepared by conventional melting-quenching technique. The absorption spectrum of the Bi-doped germanium oxide glass consists of five broad peaks at below 370, 500, 700, 800 and 1000 nm. The fluorescence spectrum exhibits a broad peak at about 1300 nm with full width at half maximum (FWHM) of more than 300 nm when excited by an 808 nm laser diode. The fluorescence lifetime at room temperature decreases with increasing Bi2O3 concentration. Influence of the glass composition and melting atmosphere on the fluorescence lifetime and luminescent intensity is investigated. The mechanism of the broadband infrared luminescence is suggested. The product of stimulated emission cross-section and lifetime of the Bi-doped aluminophosphate glass is about 5.0 X 10(-24) cm(2) s. The glasses might be promising for applications in broadband optical fiber amplifiers and tunable lasers. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.