991 resultados para agonista PPAR-alfa


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The three subtypes of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARalpha, beta/delta, and gamma) form heterodimers with the 9-cis-retinoic acid receptor (RXR) and bind to a common consensus response element, which consists of a direct repeat of two hexanucleotides spaced by one nucleotide (DR1). As a first step toward understanding the molecular mechanisms determining PPAR subtype specificity, we evaluated by electrophoretic mobility shift assays the binding properties of the three PPAR subtypes, in association with either RXRalpha or RXRgamma, on 16 natural PPAR response elements (PPREs). The main results are as follows. (i) PPARgamma in combination with either RXRalpha or RXRgamma binds more strongly than PPARalpha or PPARbeta to all natural PPREs tested. (ii) The binding of PPAR to strong elements is reinforced if the heterodimerization partner is RXRgamma. In contrast, weak elements favor RXRalpha as heterodimerization partner. (iii) The ordering of the 16 natural PPREs from strong to weak elements does not depend on the core DR1 sequence, which has a relatively uniform degree of conservation, but correlates with the number of identities of the 5'-flanking nucleotides with respect to a consensus element. This 5'-flanking sequence is essential for PPARalpha binding and thus contributes to subtype specificity. As a demonstration of this, the PPARgamma-specific element ARE6 PPRE is able to bind PPARalpha only if its 5'-flanking region is exchanged with that of the more promiscuous HMG PPRE.


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In developed societies, chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis and cancer are responsible for most deaths. These ailments have complex causes involving genetic, environmental and nutritional factors. There is evidence that a group of closely related nuclear receptors, called peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), may be involved in these diseases. This, together with the fact that PPAR activity can be modulated by drugs such as thiazolidinediones and fibrates, has instigated a huge research effort into PPARs. Here we present the latest developments in the PPAR field, with particular emphasis on the physiological function of PPARs during various nutritional states, and the possible role of PPARs in several chronic diseases.


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BACKGROUND: Pulmonary vascular diseases are increasingly recognised as important clinical conditions. Pulmonary hypertension associated with a range of aetiologies is difficult to treat and associated with progressive morbidity and mortality. Current therapies for pulmonary hypertension include phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, endothelin receptor antagonists, or prostacyclin mimetics. However, none of these provide a cure and the clinical benefits of these drugs individually decline over time. There is, therefore, an urgent need to identify new treatment strategies for pulmonary hypertension. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we show that the PPARbeta/delta agonist GW0742 induces vasorelaxation in systemic and pulmonary vessels. Using tissue from genetically modified mice, we show that the dilator effects of GW0742 are independent of the target receptor PPARbeta/delta or cell surface prostacyclin (IP) receptors. In aortic tissue, vascular relaxant effects of GW0742 were not associated with increases in cGMP, cAMP or hyperpolarisation, but were attributed to inhibition of RhoA activity. In a rat model of hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension, daily oral dosing of animals with GW0742 (30 mg/kg) for 3 weeks significantly reduced the associated right heart hypertrophy and right ventricular systolic pressure. GW0742 had no effect on vascular remodelling induced by hypoxia in this model. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These observations are the first to show a therapeutic benefit of 'PPARbeta/delta' agonists in experimental pulmonary arterial hypertension and provide pre-clinical evidence to favour clinical trials in man.


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Mutation of the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta) severely affects placenta development, leading to embryonic death at embryonic day 9.5 (E9.5) to E10.5 of most, but not all, PPARbeta/delta-null mutant embryos. While very little is known at present about the pathway governed by PPARbeta/delta in the developing placenta, this paper demonstrates that the main alteration of the placenta of PPARbeta/delta-null embryos is found in the giant cell layer. PPARbeta/delta activity is in fact essential for the differentiation of the Rcho-1 cells in giant cells, as shown by the severe inhibition of differentiation once PPARbeta/delta is silenced. Conversely, exposure of Rcho-1 cells to a PPARbeta/delta agonist triggers a massive differentiation via increased expression of 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 and integrin-linked kinase and subsequent phosphorylation of Akt. The links between PPARbeta/delta activity in giant cells and its role on Akt activity are further strengthened by the remarkable pattern of phospho-Akt expression in vivo at E9.5, specifically in the nucleus of the giant cells. In addition to this phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt main pathway, PPARbeta/delta also induced giant cell differentiation via increased expression of I-mfa, an inhibitor of Mash-2 activity. Finally, giant cell differentiation at E9.5 is accompanied by a PPARbeta/delta-dependent accumulation of lipid droplets and an increased expression of the adipose differentiation-related protein (also called adipophilin), which may participate to lipid metabolism and/or steroidogenesis. Altogether, this important role of PPARbeta/delta in placenta development and giant cell differentiation should be considered when contemplating the potency of PPARbeta/delta agonist as therapeutic agents of broad application.


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Adaptive thermogenesis allows mammals to resist to cold. For instance, in brown adipose tissue (BAT) the facultative uncoupling of the proton gradient from ATP synthesis in mitochondria is used to generate systemic heat. However, this system necessitates an increase of the Uncoupling protein 1 (Ucp1) and its activation by free fatty acids. Here we show that mice without functional Period2 (Per2) were cold sensitive because their adaptive thermogenesis system was less efficient. Upon cold-exposure, Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) induced Per2 in the BAT. Subsequently, PER2 as a co-activator of PPARα increased expression of Ucp1. PER2 also increased Fatty acid binding protein 3 (Fabp3), a protein important to transport free fatty acids from the plasma to mitochondria to activate UCP1. Hence, in BAT PER2 is important for the coordination of the molecular response of mice exposed to cold by synchronizing UCP1 expression and its activation.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are nuclear hormone receptors controlling the expression of genes involved in lipid homeostasis. PPARs activate gene transcription in response to a variety of compounds including hypolipidemic drugs as well as natural fatty acids. From the plethora of PPAR activators, Scatchard analysis of receptor-ligand interactions has thus far identified only four ligands. These are the chemotactic agent leukotriene B4 and the hypolipidemic drug Wy 14,643 for the alpha-subtype and a prostaglandin J2 metabolite and synthetic antidiabetic thiazolidinediones for the gamma-subtype. Based on the hypothesis that ligand binding to PPAR would induce interactions of the receptor with transcriptional coactivators, we have developed a novel ligand sensor assay, termed coactivator-dependent receptor ligand assay (CARLA). With CARLA we have screened several natural and synthetic candidate ligands and have identified naturally occurring fatty acids and metabolites as well as hypolipidemic drugs as bona fide ligands of the three PPAR subtypes from Xenopus laevis. Our results suggest that PPARs, by their ability to interact with a number of structurally diverse compounds, have acquired unique ligand-binding properties among the superfamily of nuclear receptors that are compatible with their biological activity.


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Des dels inicis dels ordinadors com a màquines programables, l’home ha intentat dotar-los de certa intel•ligència per tal de pensar o raonar el més semblant possible als humans. Un d’aquests intents ha sigut fer que la màquina sigui capaç de pensar de tal manera que estudiï jugades i guanyi partides d’escacs. En l’actualitat amb els actuals sistemes multi tasca, orientat a objectes i accés a memòria i gràcies al potent hardware del que disposem, comptem amb una gran varietat de programes que es dediquen a jugar a escacs. Però no hi ha només programes petits, hi ha fins i tot màquines senceres dedicades a calcular i estudiar jugades per tal de guanyar als millors jugadors del món. L’objectiu del meu treball és dur a terme un estudi i implementació d’un d’aquests programes, per això es divideix en dues parts. La part teòrica o de l’estudi, consta d’un estudi dels sistemes d’intel•ligència artificial que es dediquen a jugar a escacs, estudi i cerca d’una funció d’avaluació vàlida i estudi dels algorismes de cerca. La part pràctica del treball es basa en la implementació d’un sistema intel•ligent capaç de jugar a escacs amb certa lògica. Aquesta implementació es porta a terme amb l’ajuda de les llibreries SDL, utilitzant l’algorisme minimax amb poda alfa-beta i codi c++. Com a conclusió del projecte m’agradaria remarcar que l’estudi realitzat m’ha deixat veure que crear un joc d’escacs no era tan fàcil com jo pensava però m’ha aportat la satisfacció d’aplicar tot el que he après durant la carrera i de descobrir moltes altres coses noves.


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Development of cardiac hypertrophy and progression to heart failure entails profound changes in myocardial metabolism, characterized by a switch from fatty acid utilization to glycolysis and lipid accumulation. We report that hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)1alpha and PPARgamma, key mediators of glycolysis and lipid anabolism, respectively, are jointly upregulated in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and cooperate to mediate key changes in cardiac metabolism. In response to pathologic stress, HIF1alpha activates glycolytic genes and PPARgamma, whose product, in turn, activates fatty acid uptake and glycerolipid biosynthesis genes. These changes result in increased glycolytic flux and glucose-to-lipid conversion via the glycerol-3-phosphate pathway, apoptosis, and contractile dysfunction. Ventricular deletion of Hif1alpha in mice prevents hypertrophy-induced PPARgamma activation, the consequent metabolic reprogramming, and contractile dysfunction. We propose a model in which activation of the HIF1alpha-PPARgamma axis by pathologic stress underlies key changes in cell metabolism that are characteristic of and contribute to common forms of heart disease.


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Indicadores locais são úteis para a identificação de ambientes. Na região de Viçosa, embora os solos encharcados ocorram sob vegetação de taboa (Thypha dominguensis), Gleissolos, de coloração típica acinzentada, são incomuns. A maioria dos solos com lençol freático alto é coberta pela taboa e as características gleizadas do solo são pouco pronunciadas, especialmente nos solos com mais altos teores de ferro. Não há clara conexão entre altura do lençol freático e deficiência de oxigênio. Como as relações entre altura do lençol freático, deficiência de oxigênio e cor do solo não são claras o bastante, hipotetizou-se que outros indicadores para as condições de redução poderiam ser encontrados nesses ambientes. Neste propósito, caracterizou-se o solo e trabalhou-se na sua relação com a vegetação. Estudaram-se os solos com várias intensidades de condições de drenagem em três áreas: Cajuri (Área 1), Viçosa (Área 2) e Coimbra (Área 3), todas pertencentes ao Planalto de Viçosa. Na avaliação das condições de redox dos solos (pH e pE a campo), utilizou-se um medidor digital adaptado a uma sonda de aço. Conquanto importante na identificação de indicadores de ambientes, a caracterização morfológica não se mostrou precisa o bastante para evidenciar o que os solos encharcados têm mais em comum: a deficiência de oxigênio por longos períodos. A cor, embora seja um bom e útil indicador para muitas das condições de drenagem do solo, não se mostrou também eficiente nessas áreas. De modo geral, os Gleissolos estudados apresentaram cromas maiores do que dois, o que supera o limite do critério para identificar horizonte glei no Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos, embora o teste indicador da presença de Fe2+ com alfa,alfa'-dipiridil tenha sido positivo. Por outro lado, a presença da taboa foi um bom indicador das condições de má drenagem. Nos locais dos povoamentos puros de taboa, os valores de pE foram mais baixos, embora estes tenham variado entre limites muito amplos. A presença do lençol freático acima de 60 cm foi um bom critério para avaliar o grau de gleização dos solos.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily implicated in adipocyte differentiation. The observations that PPAR alpha is a regulator of hepatic lipid metabolism and that the insulin-sensitizing thiazolidinediones are ligands for PPAR gamma suggest that cross-talk might exist between insulin signaling and PPAR activity, possibly through insulin-induced PPAR phosphorylation. Immunoprecipitation of endogenous PPAR alpha from primary rat adipocytes prelabeled with [32P]-orthophosphate and pretreated for 2 h with vanadate and okadaic acid demonstrated for the first time that PPAR alpha is a phosphoprotein in vivo. Treatment with insulin induced a time-dependent increase in PPAR phosphorylation showing a 3-fold increase after 30 min. Insulin also increased the phosphorylation of human PPAR alpha expressed in CV-1 cells. These changes in phosphorylation were paralleled by enhanced transcriptional activity of PPAR alpha and gamma. Transfection studies in CV-1 cells and HepG2 cells revealed a nearly 2-fold increase of PPAR activity in the presence of insulin. In contrast, insulin had no effect on the transcriptional activity of transfected thyroid hormone receptor in CV-1 cells, suggesting a PPAR-specific effect. Thus, insulin stimulates PPAR alpha phosphorylation and enhances the transcriptional activity of PPAR, suggesting that the transcriptional activity of this nuclear hormone receptor might be modulated by insulin-mediated phosphorylation.


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BACKGROUND: A sensitive, feasible and reproducible marker for renal function is necessary to evaluate the clinical efficacy of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) in Fabry nephropathy. Serum creatinine has some limitations and cystatin C has been proposed, in other nephropathies, as a useful marker of renal function. The use of cystatin C as a marker of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was investigated in Fabry patients receiving ERT. METHODS: Renal function was evaluated with serum creatinine, serum cystatin C and estimated GFR (through Modification of Diet in Renal Disease [MDRD], Cockcroft-Gault [C&G] and Hoek formulae) in 21 Fabry patients receiving ERT with agalsidase alfa for 3 years and in 13 Fabry patients receiving agalsidase alfa for 4 years. RESULTS: During years of ERT while serum creatinine remained stable, cystatin C values showed a significant, increasing trend right from the first year of ERT. CONCLUSIONS: In Fabry disease, cystatin C is a sensitive and reliable marker of renal function, and it should be taken into account when evaluating GFR trends during ERT.


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Many nuclear hormone receptors are involved in the regulation of skin homeostasis. However, their role in the epithelial compartment of the skin in stress situations, such as skin healing, has not been addressed yet. The healing of a skin wound after an injury involves three major cell types: immune cells, which are recruited to the wound bed; dermal fibroblasts; and epidermal and hair follicle keratinocytes. Our previous studies have revealed important but nonredundant roles of PPARalpha and beta/delta in the reparation of the skin after a mechanical injury in the adult mouse. However, the mesenchymal or epithelial cellular compartment in which PPARalpha and beta/delta play a role could not be determined in the null mice used, which have a germ line PPAR gene invalidation. In the present work, the role of PPARalpha was studied in keratinocytes, using transgenic mice that express a PPARalpha mutant with dominant-negative (dn) activity specifically in keratinocytes. This dn PPARalpha lacks the last 13 C terminus amino acids, binds to a PPARalpha agonist, but is unable to release the nuclear receptor corepressor and to recruit the coactivator p300. When selectively expressed in keratinocytes of transgenic mice, dn PPARalphaDelta13 causes a delay in the healing of skin wounds, accompanied by an exacerbated inflammation. This phenotype, which is similar to that observed in PPARalpha null mice, strongly suggests that during skin healing, PPARalpha is required in keratinocytes rather than in other cell types.


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Bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas são capazes de promover o crescimento do milho por meio da fixação biológica do nitrogênio (FBN) ou pela produção de fitormônios. Neste estudo, objetivou-se caracterizar a diversidade de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas associadas a plantas de milho em diferentes locais do Rio Grande do Sul, que apresentavam variações de clima e solo. Para isso, foi usado um método baseado na amplificação do gene nifH grupo I, na análise de fragmentos de restrição (PCR-RFLP) e no seqüenciamento dos genes amplificados. Foram calculados os índices de Shannon-Weaver e Equitabilidade para estimar a diversidade dos diazotróficos, bem como a diversidade de nucleotídeos e divergência entre seqüências, para estimar a diversidade genética das comunidades amostradas. Na avaliação da diferenciação entre as comunidades foi utilizado o teste F ST. Foi detectada maior variação entre as comunidades das diferentes regiões do Estado do que dentro das comunidades de cada região avaliada, particularmente entre comunidades provenientes de diferentes tipos de solo, regime pluviométrico e regiões geográficas. O índice de diversidade de Shannon-Weaver indicou diferenças em termos de diversidade de unidades taxonômicas entre as comunidades avaliadas. As comunidades amostradas da região norte do Rio Grande do Sul, que mostrou maior disponibilidade de água e conteúdo de argila, tenderam a apresentar maior diversidade quando comparada às comunidades amostradas na região sul. A análise de Equitabilidade mostrou a dominância de unidades taxonômicas dentro de cada comunidade avaliada, independentemente da região amostrada. Todas as seqüências obtidas foram classificadas como pertencentes ao gene nifH grupo I. Foram obtidas seqüências pertencentes às classes Alfa, Beta e Gama-proteobactéria. Esses resultados demonstraram que existe grande diversidade de bactérias endofíticas fixadoras de N capazes de colonizar o interior de plantas de milho e que as diferentes condições edafoclimáticas estão correlacionadas com a diversidade dos genes nifH.


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Signal transduction modulates expression and activity of cholesterol transporters. We recently demonstrated that the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling cascade regulates protein stability of Scavenger Receptor BI (SR-BI) through Proliferator Activator Receptor (PPARα) -dependent degradation pathways. In addition, MAPK (Mek/Erk 1/2) inhibition has been shown to influence liver X receptor (LXR) -inducible ATP Binding Cassette (ABC) transporter ABCA1 expression in macrophages. Here we investigated if Ras/MAPK signaling could alter expression and activity of ABCA1 and ABCG1 in steroidogenic and hepatic cell lines. We demonstrate that in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells and human hepatic HuH7 cells, extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (Erk1/2) inhibition reduces PPARα-inducible ABCA1 protein levels, while ectopic expression of constitutively active H-Ras, K-Ras and MAPK/Erk kinase 1 (Mek1) increases ABCA1 protein expression, respectively. Furthermore, Mek1/2 inhibitors reduce ABCG1 protein levels in ABCG1 overexpressing CHO cells (CHO-ABCG1) and human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells treated with LXR agonist. This correlates with Mek1/2 inhibition reducing ABCG1 cell surface expression and decreasing cholesterol efflux onto High Density Lipoproteins (HDL). Real Time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and protein turnover studies reveal that Mek1/2 inhibitors do not target transcriptional regulation of ABCA1 and ABCG1, but promote ABCA1 and ABCG1 protein degradation in HuH7 and CHO cells, respectively. In line with published data from mouse macrophages, blocking Mek1/2 activity upregulates ABCA1 and ABCG1 protein levels in human THP1 macrophages, indicating opposite roles for the Ras/MAPK pathway in the regulation of ABC transporter activity in macrophages compared to steroidogenic and hepatic cell types. In summary, this study suggests that Ras/MAPK signaling modulates PPARα- and LXR-dependent protein degradation pathways in a cell-specific manner to regulate the expression levels of ABCA1 and ABCG1 transporters.


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The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors have enjoyed the spotlight for many reasons. These transcription factors are ligand-inducible nuclear receptors that modulate gene expression in response to a broad spectrum of compounds. The recognition that PPARs are indeed nuclear receptors for polyunsaturated fatty acids, some eicosanoids and also lipid-lowering and antidiabetic drugs, has opened many exciting avenues of research and drug discovery. Recent studies on the PPAR function have extended the role of these transcription factors beyond energy homeostasis to master gene in adipogenesis and also determinants in inflammation control. While rapid advances have been made, it is clear that we are far from a global understanding of the mechanisms and functions of PPARs.