963 resultados para academic women - Finland
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A total of 106 women with vaginitis in Nicaragua were studied. The positive rate for the identification of Candida species was 41% (44 positive cultures out of 106 women with vaginitis). The sensitivity of microscopic examination of wet mount with the potassium hydroxide (KOH) was 61% and 70% with Gram's stain when using the culture of vaginal fluid as gold standard for diagnosis of candidiasis. Among the 44 positives cultures, isolated species of yeast from vaginal swabs were C. albicans (59%), C. tropicalis (23%), C. glabrata (14%) and C. krusei (4%). This study reports the first characterization of 26 C. albicans stocks from Nicaragua by the random amplified polymorphic DNA method. The genetic analysis in this small C. albicans population showed the existence of linkage disequilibrium, which is consistent with the hypothesis that C. albicans undergoes a clonal propagation.
To determine the prevalence rates and serovar distribution of Chlamydia trachomatis cervical infections in Cuban women, two different groups were selected. Group I consisted of 60 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) seropositive women from different regions of Cuba and group II of 60 randomly selected women HIV seronegative and apparently healthy. C. trachomatis was detected in cervical scrapes by mean of nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) specific for major out membrane protein. The overall prevalence rate of C. trachomatis in cervical scrapes determined by nested PCR was 10% in group I and the estimated prevalence was 6.6% for group II; 83.3% of HIV seropositive women with C. trachomatis infection reported history of pelvic inflammatory disease followed by cervicitis (50%). The control group C. trachomatis-infected women referred a history of cervicitis in 75% of cases. Other reports in the latter group included infertility and pelvic inflamatory disease in 50%. The present study is the first report of C. trachomatis prevalence in Cuba. It showed that there was not significantly difference in the prevalence rate of C. trachomatis between both groups.
Cardiovascular Disease In Women (Quality in Practice Committee) Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality in men and women on a global basis. CVD affects men and women equally but evidence suggests that it is neither diagnosed as readily, nor treated as effectively, in women. Click here to download PDF 1.7mb
Violence Against Women and Health The problem of Violence Against Women (VAW) continues to plague our society causing appalling damage to the lives of thousands of women and children. The immense negative repercussions of being exposed to physical, sexual, or psychological abuse have been well documented worldwide, and are well accepted by both professionals working in this field and society at large. Significant government funding has been directed to this area in order to provide support to women who experience abuse. However, rates of violence remain unacceptably high and services are still inadequate given the magnitude and the complexity of the problem. Click here to download PDF 478kb
Women, Debt & Health; a Joint report of The Women’s Health Council and MABS The main aims of the â?~Women, Debt and Healthâ?T project were to:- explore whether women attending the MABS service commonly discuss health during their money advice and budgeting consultations;- investigate whether women attending MABS identifi ed links between their debt or financial difficulties and their health; and- document the types of health issues experienced by MABS clients.- A secondary aim of the research was to explore the need for, and nature of, further research in this area. Click here to download PDF 1.1mb
Women & Substance Misuse: Drug Misuse & Womenâ?Ts Health in Ireland Click here to download PDF 543kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council
Women & Substance Misuse: Alcohol & Womenâ?Ts Health in Ireland Click here to download PDF 432kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council
Women & Substance Misuse in Ireland: An Overview Click here to download PDF 346kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council
Translating Pain into Action: A Study of Gender-based Violence and Minority Ethnic Women in Ireland Click here to download PDF 1.4mb Summary of the Report PDF 502kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council
The Emergency Department Assessment of Women with Acute Coronary Syndrome Click here to download PDF 353kb
This study estimated the prevalence and distribution of human papillomavirus (HPV) types among women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade III and invasive cervical cancer from Goiás (Brazil Central Region). Seventy-four cases were analyzed and consisted of 18 CIN III, 48 squamous cell carcinomas, 4 adenocarcinomas, 1 adenosquamous carcinoma and 3 undifferentiated carcinomas. HPV-DNA sequences were examined in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues using primers from L1 region GP5+/GP6+. Polymerase chain reaction products were typed with dot blot hybridization using probes for HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 54, 6/11, 42/43/44, 51/52, 56/58. The prevalence of HPV was estimated to be 76% (56/74). HPV 16 was the most frequently found type, followed by HPV 33, 18 and 31. The prevalence of untyped HPV was 6%; 79% percent of the squamous cell carcinoma cases and 61% percent of the CIN III were positive for HPV and the prevalence rate of HPV types was the same for the total number of cases. According to other studies, HPV type 16 is the most prevalent virus in all Brazilian regions, but there is variation regarding to other types. Type 18 is the second most prevalent HPV in North, Southeast and South Brazil regions and types 31 and 33 are the second most prevalent HPV in Northeast and Central Brazil, respectively.
Infertility Treatments for Women: A Review of the Bio-medical Evidence Click here to download PDF 1.5mb Summary of Report PDF 971kb
Gender-based Violence: a resource document for services and organisations working with and for minority ethnic women Click here to download PDF 492kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council
BACKGROUND: Only a few small studies investigated the association between postmenopausal breast cancer and metabolic syndrome (MetS) as a single entity. Materials and methods: We analyzed the data of two Italian and Swiss case-control studies conducted between 1983 and 2007, including 3869 postmenopausal women with incident breast cancer and 4082 postmenopausal controls admitted to the same hospitals as cases for acute conditions. MetS was defined as the presence of at least three components among diabetes, drug-treated hypertension, drug-treated hyperlipidemia, and obesity. RESULTS: The odds ratios (ORs) of postmenopausal breast cancer were 1.33 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.09-1.62] for diabetes, 1.19 (95% CI 1.07-1.33) for hypertension, 1.08 (95% CI 0.95-1.22) for hyperlipidemia, 1.26 (95% CI 1.11-1.44) for body mass index ≥30 kg/m(2), and 1.22 (95% CI 1.09-1.36) for waist circumference ≥88 cm. The risk of postmenopausal breast cancer was significantly increased for women with MetS (OR = 1.75, 95% CI 1.37-2.22, for three or more MetS components, P for trend for increasing number of components < 0.0001) and the risk was higher at older age (OR = 3.04, 95% CI 1.75-5.29, at age ≥70 years for three or more MetS components). CONCLUSIONS: This study supports a direct association between MetS and postmenopausal breast cancer risk.