998 resultados para Youth programming


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This is the revision session for our Programming Principles course. We take a whistle-stop tour of the topics covered in the course, look at the three pillars of object oriented programming, and look ahead to the exam.


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These are the resources used for the Computer Science course Programming Principles, designed to teach students the fundamentals of computer programming and object orientation via learning the Java language. We also touch on some software engineering basics, such as patterns, software design and testing. The course assumes no previous knowledge of programming, but there is a fairly steep learning curve, and students are encouraged to practice, practice, practice!


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These are the resources for an introductory lecture in JavaScript programming, intended to support use of node.js and divorced from browser programming.


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Event driven programming is a way of writing a program that works by responding to things happening (rather than executing a preplanned series of tasks). It is most often used to manage more advanced user interactions, such as GUI programs. In this session we look at how event driven programming works in Java GUIs, as both an introduction to events (using MouseListeners), and also to the way that GUI programs are constructed.


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This is optional reading, it provides a very nice and clear reference to BASH with references to CShell


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Presentation at WAIS Away Day, April 2016


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This participatory action research was based on a experience of educational intervention on La Cruz and Bello Oriente (Manrique-Medellin), a marginal zone in the northeastern part of the Commune 3 in Medellin,. Colombia. In this marginal sector, psychosocial problems seem to be associated to limited educational and employment opportunities, domestic violence, illegal armed forces, sexual abuse, social discrimination, and lack of adequate public services, among others.  All these are also considered as risk factors for drug dependency.  We used a structured interview designed to identify leisure tendencies, use of free time, and tendencies in recreational activities. Data from the interview were triangulated with information collected by observation and in field work and used to build a psycho-pedagogic method based on play and leisure activities. The effects of the use of this educational intervention on the satisfaction of human needs were analyzed in light of the theory of Manfred Max-Neef. Results point out the need for new educational strategies aimed to promote creativity, solidarity, mental, physical and social health, more enthusiasm and motivation and in general, positive attitudes that help prevent drug dependence.


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To assess sleep habits and sleep quality perception in a Colombian and Mexican youth sample. Materials and methods: following a sleep diary methodology with a questionnaire of 27 categorical and quantitative items, the assessment was done immediately upon awakening. Results: it was applied to 317 high school (n= 189) and undergrads (n= 128) in Bogotá, Colombia (n= 197) and México City, México (n= 120); 147 females (46,4%) and 170 males (53,6%). The mean age was 18,6 ± 2,81 years with a median and mode of 17 years. The Cronbach’s alpha obtained from 135 measurements during the study period was 0,86 and 0,57 from the mean values of 27 scale items. An inverse correlation was found between hours of sleep per night and number of naps (r= -0,12; p= 0,029); 38% of participants did not nap and slept on average 7,6 night hours or more (X2= 2,78; p= 0,047). The men took more naps than women (men 76,5%; women 55,6%; X2= 15,26; p= 0,000). A reduction of hours of sleep per night and the need for naps was significantly associated with participants’ gender. The mean and median hours of sleep per night (7,2 hours) was used to classify the population into two groups: sleep (+) 7,3 or more hours and sleep (-) 7,2 hours or less. These groups were compared. Conclusions: youth population evaluated showed a reduction of hours of sleep per night was found. This was associated to naps frequency and participant gender.


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Objetivo: Determinar los valores del índice cintura/cadera (ICC) en una población escolar de Bogotá, Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal, realizado en 3.005 niños y 2.916 adolescentes de entre 9 y 17,9 años de edad, pertenecientes a 24 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá, Colombia. Se tomaron medidas de peso, talla, circunferencia de cintura, circunferencia de cadera. El estado de maduración sexual se recogió por auto-reporte. Se calcularon los percentiles (P3, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90 y P97) según sexo y edad y se realizó una comparación entre los valores del ICC observados con estándares internacionales. Resultados: De la población general (n=5.921), el 57,0% eran mujeres (promedio de edad 12,7 ± 2,3 años). En todas las edades el ICC fue mayor en los varones que en las mujeres, observándose un descenso en la media de los valores obtenidos desde los 9 hasta los 17,9 años. En varones, los valores del ICC mayores del P90 (asociados a riesgo cardiovascular) estuvieron en el rango 0,87 y 0,93 y en las mujeres entre 0,85 y 0,89. Al comparar los resultados de este estudio, por grupos de edad y sexo, con trabajos internacionales de niños y adolescentes de Europa, Suramérica, Asia y África, se observa que los valores del ICC fueron menores en este estudio en ambos sexos, con excepción de los escolares originarios de Grecia y Venezuela. Conclusiones: Se presentan percentiles del ICC según edad y sexo que podrán ser usados de referencia en la evaluación del estado nutricional y en la predicción del riesgo cardiovascular desde edades tempranas en población de Bogotá, Colombia.


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The purpose of this expository arti le is to present a self- ontained overview of some results on the hara terization of the optimal value fun tion of a sto hasti target problem as (dis ontinuous) vis osity solution of a ertain dynami programming PDE and its appli ation to the problem of hedging ontingent laims in the presen e of portfolio onstraints and large investors