999 resultados para Wood material
The objective of this study was to obtain estimates of longitudinal growth stresses in standing trees of the Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden at eight, thirteen, fifteen and nineteen years of age and to determine their relationships with wood characteristics. The longitudinal growth stresses were indirectly measured by the "CIRAD-Forêt" method and estimated from both the dynamic modulus of elasticity and the modulus of elasticity in tension parallel to the grain. The longitudinal residual strain (LRS) and the estimates of the longitudinal growth stresses tended to increase with the age of the material. The LRS correlated positively and significantly with all the growth stresses estimates. The largestes magnitudes were at 13, 15 and 19 years of age. The basic density presented high, positive and significant correlations with the dynamic modulus of elasticity, estimated in the longitudinal direction, for wood saturated and at 12% moisture content, for all the ages assessed. All the growth stresses estimates presented high, positive and significant correlations between themselves.
This thesis is done as a part of project called FuncMama that is a project between Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), Oulu University (OY), Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) and Finnish industrial partners. Main goal of the project is to manufacture electric and mechanical components from mixed materials using laser sintering. Aim of this study was to create laser sintered pieces from ceramic material and monitor the sintering event by using spectrometer. Spectrometer is a device which is capable to record intensity of different wavelengths in relation with time. In this study the monitoring of laser sintering was captured with the equipment which consists of Ocean Optics spectrometer, optical fiber and optical lens (detector head). Light from the sintering process hit first to the lens system which guides the light in to the optical fibre. Optical fibre transmits the light from the sintering process to the spectrometer where wavelengths intensity level information is detected. The optical lens of the spectrometer was rigidly set and did not move along with the laser beam. Data which was collected with spectrometer from the laser sintering process was converted with Excel spreadsheet program for result’s evaluation. Laser equipment used was IPG Photonics pulse fibre laser. Laser parameters were kept mainly constant during experimental part and only sintering speed was changed. That way it was possible to find differences in the monitoring results without fear of too many parameters mixing together and affecting to the conclusions. Parts which were sintered had one layer and size of 5 x 5 mm. Material was CT2000 – tape manufactured by Heraeus which was later on post processed to powder. Monitoring of different sintering speeds was tested by using CT2000 reference powder. Moreover tests how different materials effect to the process monitoring were done by adding foreign powder Du Pont 951 which had suffered in re-grinding and which was more reactive than CT2000. By adding foreign material it simulates situation where two materials are accidently mixed together and it was studied if that can be seen with the spectrometer. It was concluded in this study that with the spectrometer it is possible to detect changes between different laser sintering speeds. When the sintering speed is lowered the intensity level of light is higher from the process. This is a result of higher temperature at the sintering spot and that can be noticed with the spectrometer. That indicates it could be possible to use spectrometer as a tool for process observation and support the idea of having system that can help setting up the process parameter window. Also important conclusion was how well the adding of foreign material could be seen with the spectrometer. When second material was added a significant intensity level raise could be noticed in that part where foreign material was mixed. That indicates it is possible to see if there are any variations in the material or if there are more materials mixed together. Spectrometric monitoring of laser sintering could be useful tool for process window observation and temperature controlling of the sintering process. For example if the process window for specific material is experimentally determined to get wanted properties and satisfying sintering speed. It is possible if the data is constantly recorded that the results can show faults in the part texture between layers. Changes between the monitoring data and the experimentally determined values can then indicate changes in the material being generated by material faults or by wrong process parameters. The results of this study show that spectrometer could be one possible tool for monitoring. But to get in that point where this all can be made possible much more researching is needed.
O "grits" é um resíduo sólido de características arenosas e coloração acinzentada, gerado pela indústria de polpa kraft durante a etapa de recuperação do licor branco empregado no cozimento dos cavacos de madeira. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o potencial do grits como material de construção, considerando-se a sua empregabilidade na fabricação de tijolos de solo-cimento. Para a determinação da quantidade ideal de resíduo a ser utilizada, foram estudados os traços em volume 1:14:0; 1:10,5:3,5; 1:7:7; 1:3,5:10,5; e 1:0:14 de cimento, solo e grits, respectivamente. Os materiais foram caracterizados por meio de ensaios de análise granulométrica, limite de liquidez e limite de plasticidade, e os resultados foram de acordo com as prescrições normativas. O ensaio prático da caixa também foi usado para verificar os materiais, e os resultados atenderam às recomendações. Uma vez realizado o ensaio de compactação para obter o teor de umidade ótima, os tijolos foram produzidos com 90% desse valor, pois a resistência à compressão é favorecida com o material do ramo seco. No entanto, durante a moldagem não foi possível produzir tijolos com os traços 1:3,5:10,5 e 1:0:14, pois, nesses casos, as misturas de solo-cimento-grits não apresentaram plasticidade suficiente. Os tijolos produzidos com os demais traços foram, então, submetidos a ensaios de resistência à compressão e de absorção. Em relação à resistência à compressão, aos 28 dias todos os traços apresentaram valores médios superiores ao estabelecido pela normalização, que é de 2,0 MPa. Os tijolos fabricados com maior quantidade de grits apresentaram melhor desempenho no que se refere à resistência mecânica. Assim, este estudo não apenas apresenta o benefício ambiental de destinar corretamente o resíduo, como também contribui com novos materiais para a construção civil.
The development of bioenergy on the basis of wood fuels has received considerable attention in the last decades. The combination of large forest resources and reliance on fossil fuels makes the issue of wood chips usage in Russia an actual topic for the analysis. The main objective of this study is to disclose the current state and perspectives for the production of wood chips and their usage as a source of energy in the North-West of Russia. The study utilizes an integrated approach to explore the market of wood chips on the basis of comprehensive analysis of documentation and expert opinions. The analysis of wood chips market was performed for eight regions of the North-West district of Russia within two major dimensions: its current state and perspectives in the nearest five years. The results of the study show a comprehensive picture of the wood chips market, including the potential for wood chips production, the specific features of production and consumption and the perspectives for the market development within the regions of the North-West district of Russia. The study demonstrated that the market of wood chips is underdeveloped in the North-West of Russia. The findings of the work may be used by forest companies for the strategic planning.
Tension (TW) and opposite wood (OW) of Eucalyptus globulus trees were analyzed for its chemical characteristics and Kraft pulp production. Lignin content was 16% lower and contained 32% more syringyl units in TW than in OW. The increase in syringyl units favoured the formation of β-O-4 bonds that was also higher in TW than in OW (84% vs. 64%, respectively). The effect of these wood features was evaluated in the production of Kraft pulps from both types of wood. At kappa number 16, Kraft pulps obtained from TW demanded less active alkali in delignification and presented slightly higher or similar pulp yield than pulps made with OW. Fiber length, coarseness and intrinsic viscosity were also higher in tension than in opposite pulps. When pulps where refined to 30°SR, TW pulps needed 18% more revolutions in the PFI mill to achieve the same beating degree than OW pulps. Strength properties (tensile, tear and burst indexes) were slightly higher or similar in tension as compared with opposite wood pulps. After an OD0(EO)D1 bleaching sequence, both pulps achieved up to 89% ISO brightness. Bleached pulps from TW presented higher viscosity and low amount of hexenuronic acids than pulps from OW. Results showed that TW presented high xylans and low lignin content that caused a decrease in alkali consumption, increase pulp strength properties and similar bleaching performance as compared with pulps from OW.
Energiapuun tuotannossa puu on hienonnettava kuljettimille ja kattilaan sopivaan kokoon. Tämä tehdään Suomessa yleensä joko metsätien varressa välivarastolla, keskitetyssä terminaalissa tai voimalaitoksella. Puu hienonnetaan joko terävillä terillä hakettamalla tai tylpemmillä työkaluilla murskaamalla. Hakkeessa on vähemmän käsittelyä haittaavia pitkiä tikkuja ja sen valmistamiseen tarvittava energia on hiukan pienempi kuin murskaimilla. Viimeksi mainitulla on merkitystä lähinnä karsittua puuta haketettaessa. Murskain puolestaan sallii enemmän epäpuhtauksia raaka-aineessa, joten esimerkiksi kantoja käsitellään vain murskaimilla. Tässä tarkastellaan erityisesti pienpuun haketuksen ja murskauksen kustannuksia. Pienpuuta saadaan nuoren metsän kunnostuksista ja ensiharvennuksista. Se voi olla joko karsimatonta kokopuuta tai karsittua rankaa. Kokonaiskustannukset pienpuun haketukselle tai murskaukselle ovat tämän tutkimuksen mukaan välivarastolla noin 3,4 euroa/MWh ja terminaalilla tai voimalaitoksella noin 2 euroa/MWh. Pääomakustannukset ovat pienpuulla tavallisesti 1-1,2 euroa/MWh, keskitetyllä terminaalilla toimittaessa noin kolmanneksen vähemmän, jos pääomalle asetetaan 10% tuottovaatimus. Työvoimakustannukset ovat 30-80 snt/MWh varaston ja laitteen koosta riippuen, käyttöenergia dieselmoottoria käytettäessä noin 50 snt/MWh, sähkömoottorilla noin 30 snt/MWh. Muut kulut, mm. huolto, ovat yhteensä 40-80 snt/MWh. Energiapuun hankinnan kokonaiskustannuksista raaka-aineen hienontamisen osuus on 10-30% puutavaran lajista ja käytetystä työmenetelmästä riippuen. Terminaaleilla ja voimalaitoksilla toimittaessa on usein kiinnitettävä huomiota melun- ja pölyntorjuntaan. Muun muassa näistä syistä saattaa kiinteä, sähkökäyttöinen murska olla sopiva sellaisiin kohteisiin, joissa käsiteltävät määrät ovat suuria ja toiminta pysyvää. Melun ja pölyn kunnollinen torjunta vaatii suuria rakenteita, joita on vaikea yhdistää liikuteltaviin laitteisiin.
The thesis explores global and national-level issues related to the development of markets for biomass for energy. The thesis consists of five separate papers and provides insights on selected issues. The aim of Paper I was to identify methodological and statistical challenges in assessing international solid and liquid biofuels trade and provide an overview of the Finnish situation with respect to the status of international solid and liquid biofuels trade. We found that, for the Finnish case, it is possible to qualify direct and indirect trade volumes of biofuels. The study showed that indirect trade of biofuels has a highly significant role in Finland and may be a significant sector also in global biofuels trade. The purpose of Paper II was to provide a quantified insight into Finnish prospects for meeting the national 2020 renewable energy targets and concurrently becoming a largescale producer of forest-biomass-based second-generation biofuels for feeding increasing demand in European markets. We found that Finland has good opportunities to realise a scenario to meet 2020 renewable energy targets and for large-scale production of wood-based biofuels. The potential net export of transport biofuels from Finland in 2020 would correspond to 2–3% of European demand. Paper III summarises the global status of international solid and liquid biofuels trade as illuminated by several separate sources. International trade of biofuels was estimated at nearly 1 EJ for 2006. Indirect trade of biofuels through trading of industrial roundwood and material by-products comprises the largest proportion of the trading, with a share of about two thirds. The purpose of Paper IV was to outline a comprehensive picture of the coverage of various certification schemes and sustainability principles relating to the entire value-added chain of biomass and bioenergy. Regardless of the intensive work that has been done in the field of sustainability schemes and principles concerning use of biomass for energy, weaknesses still exist. The objective of Paper V was to clarify the alternative scenarios for the international biomass market until 2020 and identify the underlying steps needed toward a wellfunctioning and sustainable market for biomass for energy purposes. An overall conclusion drawn from this analysis concerns the enormous opportunities related to the utilisation of biomass for energy in the coming decades.
The search for new renewable materials has intensified in recent years. Pulp and paper mill process streams contain a number of potential compounds which could be used in biofuel production and as raw materials in the chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries. Prior to utilization, these compounds require separation from other compounds present in the process stream. One feasible separation technique is membrane filtration but to some extent, fouling still limits its implementation in pulp and paper mill applications. To mitigate fouling and its effects, foulants and their fouling mechanisms need to be well understood. This thesis evaluates fouling in filtration of pulp and paper mill process streams by means of polysaccharide model substance filtrations and by development of a procedure to analyze and identify potential foulants, i.e. wood extractives and carbohydrates, from fouled membranes. The model solution filtration results demonstrate that each polysaccharide has its own fouling mechanism, which also depends on the membrane characteristics. Polysaccharides may foul the membranes by adsorption and/or by gel/cake layer formation on the membrane surface. Moreover, the polysaccharides interact, which makes fouling evaluation of certain compound groups very challenging. Novel methods to identify wood extractive and polysaccharide foulants are developed in this thesis. The results show that it is possible to extract and identify wood extractives from membranes fouled in filtration of pulp and paper millstreams. The most effective solvent was found to be acetone:water (9:1 v/v) because it extracted both lipophilic extractives and lignans at high amounts from the fouled membranes and it was also non-destructive for the membrane materials. One hour of extraction was enough to extract wood extractives at high amounts for membrane samples with an area of 0.008 m2. If only qualitative knowledge of wood extractives is needed a simplified extraction procedure can be used. Adsorption was the main fouling mechanism in extractives-induced fouling and dissolved fatty and resin acids were mostly the reason for the fouling; colloidal fouling was negligible. Both process water and membrane characteristics affected extractives-induced fouling. In general, the more hydrophilic regenerated cellulose (RC) membrane fouled less that the more hydrophobic polyethersulfone (PES) and polyamide (PA) membranes independent of the process water used. Monosaccharide and uronic acid units could also be identified from the fouled synthetic polymeric membranes. It was impossible to analyze all monosaccharide units from the RC membrane because the analysis result obtained contained degraded membrane material. One of the fouling mechanisms of carbohydrates was adsorption. Carbohydrates were not potential adsorptive foulants to the sameextent as wood extractives because their amount in the fouled membranes was found to be significantly lower than the amount of wood extractives.
ABSTRACT Climatic conditions stimulates the cambial activity of plants, and cause significant changes in trunk diameter growth and wood characteristics. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of climate variables in the diameter growth rate of the stem and the wood density of Eucalyptus grandis trees in different classes of the basal area. A total of 25 Eucalyptus trees at 22 months of age were selected according to the basal area distribution. Dendrometer bands were installed at the height of 1.30 meters (DBH) to monitor the diameter growth every 14 days, for 26 months. After measuring growth, the trees were felled and wood discs were removed at the DBH level to determine the radial density profile through x-ray microdensitometry and then re-scale the average values every 14 days. Climatic variables for the monitoring period were obtained and grouped every 14 days. The effect of the climate variables was determined by maximum and minimum growth periods in assessing trunk growth. These growth periods were related with precipitation, average temperature and relative air humidity. The re-scaled wood density values, calculated using the radial growth of the tree trunks measured accurately with steel dendrometers, enabled the determination of the relationship of small changes in wood density and the effect of the climatic variations and growth rate of eucalyptus tree trunks. A high sensitivity of the wood density to variation in precipitation levels was found.
AB STRACT This study aimed at evaluating the natural durability of Eucalyptus dunnii, Eucalyptus robusta, Eucalyptus tereticornis and Hovenia dulcis woods submitted to a deterioration test in two environments, field and forest. The test samples were buried until half of their length (150 mm). Evaluations were carried out each 45 days, totalizing a 405-day period, with three-repetition withdrawal of each species for environment, totalizing nine samples from each environment, making up 24 test samples for evaluation. After percentage calculations of mass loss and resistance degree classification, the deterioration index was adopted for decomposition evaluation and fungal decay potential determination of test samples. The study has been carried out in completely randomized design (CRD), evaluated through analysis of variance (ANOVA) with subsequent comparison of means by Turkey' s test, in a 5%-level of probability of error, along with regression analysis. Eucalyptus tereticornis wood presented lesser mass loss in both environments. Hovenia dulcis presented lesser deterioration probability in both environments. Forest environment test samples presented greater mass loss percentages and lesser deterioration index.
Seloste artikkelista: Laurila, J. & Lauhanen, R. / Moisture content of Norway spruce stump wood at clear cutting areas and roadside storage sites. Silva Fennica 44 (2010) : 3, 427-434.
Em solos de baixa estabilidade estrutural, o transporte, pela água, de partículas do solo para o interior do tubo drenante pode contribuir para o colapso de sistemas de drenagem, devendo o mesmo ser evitado com o uso adequado de envoltório, considerando a importância da drenagem para uma produção agrícola sustentável. Diante disso, esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de estudar o comportamento de três materiais envoltórios, sendo dois amplamente utilizados, bidim OP-20 e brita zero, e outro composto de espuma com 5 mm de espessura, que é um material não-convencional. Os tubos drenantes utilizados foram o Drenoflex e o Kananet, com diâmetro nominal de 65 e 75 mm, respectivamente. O desempenho dos envoltórios foi avaliado pela resistência de entrada e descarga, parâmetros tradicionalmente recomendados para esse tipo de análise. Verificou-se que os envoltórios avaliados apresentaram desempenhos hidráulicos satisfatórios, sendo o envoltório em brita zero superior, seguido do material espuma. Concluiu-se, então, que a espuma pode ser utilizada como material envoltório alternativo na drenagem, apresentando, inclusive, desempenho hidráulico superior ao envoltório em manta bidim OP-20.
Seloste artikkelista: Laitila, J., Heikkilä, J. & Anttila, P. / Harvesting alternatives, accumulation and procurement cost of small-diameter thinning wood for fuel in Central Finland. Silva Fennica 44 (2010) : 3, 465-480.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a poluição difusa referente ao cobre e ao zinco no solo e no material de escoamento superficial quando da aplicação de água residuária de suinocultura (ARS) em solo cultivado com soja, sob condição de chuva simulada. O experimento foi instalado em Toledo - PR, sendo aplicadas ao solo cinco taxas de ARS (0; 50; 100; 150 e 200 m³ ha-1 no ciclo), em três repetições por tratamento, divididas em seis aplicações ao longo do ciclo da soja. Foram instaladas calhas coletoras do material escoado e fizeram-se seis simulações de chuva durante o experimento, resultando em seis coletas do material escoado. Ao final do ciclo da soja, foram coletadas amostras de solo em cada uma das parcelas experimentais, em três profundidades, para a determinação do pH, da capacidade de troca de cátions, da matéria orgânica, do cobre e do zinco. Observou-se que houve perda de cobre e de zinco via escoamento superficial e que as maiores concentrações de cobre foram verificadas nas profundidades de 20-40 e 40-60 cm, enquanto o zinco apresentou maior concentração na camada de 0-20 cm e, ao final do experimento, aumentou nas demais profundidades.