964 resultados para Wistar Rats


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Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is the causative agent of human TBE, a severe infection that can cause long-lasting neurologic sequelae. Langat virus (LGTV), which is closely related to TBEV, has a low virulence for human hosts and has been used as a live vaccine against TBEV. Tick-borne encephalitis by natural infection of LGTV in humans has not been described, but one of 18,500 LGTV vaccinees developed encephalitis. The pathogenetic mechanisms of TBEV are poorly understood and, currently, no effective therapy is available. We developed an infant rat model of TBE using LGTV as infective agent. Infant Wistar rats were inoculated intracisternally with 10 focus-forming units of LGTV and assessed for clinical disease and neuropathologic findings at Days 2, 4, 7, and 9 after infection. Infection with LGTV led to gait disturbance, hypokinesia, and reduced weight gain or weight loss. Cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of RANTES, interferon-γ, interferon-β, interleukin-6, and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 were increased in infected animals. The brains of animals with LGTV encephalitis exhibited characteristic perivascular inflammatory cuffs and glial nodules; immunohistochemistry documented the presence of LGTV in the thalamus, hippocampus, midbrain, frontal pole, and cerebellum. Thus, LGTV meningoencephalitis in infant rats mimics important clinical and histopathologic features of human TBE. This new model provides a tool to investigate disease mechanisms and to evaluate new therapeutic strategies against encephalitogenic flaviviruses.


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OBJECTIVES Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus is associated with impaired osseointegration. Diabetic individuals might benefit from bone anabolic therapies. Intermittent administration of 1-34 parathyroid hormone (PTH) stimulates bone formation in rodent models. However, this anabolic effect fails in diabetic rats. Whether the anabolic effect of PTH can be achieved in insulin-controlled diabetic rats has not been investigated yet. MATERIALS AND METHODS After diabetes induction with streptozotocin in 40 female Wistar rats, the animals were randomly divided into 4 groups: diabetes, diabetes plus PTH, insulin-treated diabetes, and insulin-treated diabetes plus PTH. After 1 week, miniscrews were inserted in the tibiae. Osmotic pumps with insulin or saline solution were implanted. Animals received 60 mg/kg PTH or saline solution. Histomorphometric analysis was performed. RESULTS In diabetic rats, no changes of medullary periimplant bone area or bone-to-implant contacts (BICs) were achieved with or without treatment with PTH. However, also animals treated with insulin failed to response significantly to PTH regarding bone area (7.4 ± 4.1% and 8.1 ± 4.1%) and BICs (33.7 ± 16.9% and 49.9 ± 11.9%). CONCLUSION These results demonstrate that the metabolic characteristics of the diabetic rats produced a condition unable to respond to PTH treatment, even when hyperglycemia was controlled with insulin.


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Inhalation anesthesia with isoflurane is a well-established and safe method used in small laboratory animals. In most cases oxygen is used as a carrier gas for isoflurane, but room air or mixtures of oxygen with air or nitrous oxide are also being used. Anesthesia is therefore administered using different fractions of inspired oxygen (FiO2), and this may have consequences for the outcome of experiments. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of FiO2 on rat hind limb ischemia/reperfusion injury and to refine the used inhalation anesthesia. Male Wistar rats were subjected to 3.5 h of ischemia and 2 h of reperfusion, and divided into three groups according to FiO2 in the O2/air/isoflurane anesthesia gas mixture: 40%, 60%, and 100% O2. Normal, healthy rats were used as controls. Muscle edema and creatine kinase MM, a marker for myocyte necrosis, were significantly increased with 40% FiO2 as compared with 100% FiO2 (P<0.05). Partial pressure of oxygen, oxygen saturation, and oxyhemoglobin were significantly higher in the 100% O2 group as compared with 40% O2. No significant differences were detected for other parameters, such as the oxidative stress markers malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase. We conclude that a refined inhalation anesthesia setting using 40% FiO2, reflecting more or less the clinical situation, leads to a more severe and more physiologically relevant reperfusion injury than higher FiO2. Oxidative stress did not correlate with FiO2 and seemed to have no influence on reperfusion injury.


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Sustained hyperleptinemia of 8 ng/ml was induced for 28 days in normal Wistar rats by infusing a recombinant adenovirus containing the rat leptin cDNA (AdCMV-leptin). Hyperleptinemic rats exhibited a 30–50% reduction in food intake and gained only 22 g over the experimental period versus 115–132 g in control animals that received saline infusions or a recombinant virus containing the β-galactosidase gene (AdCMV-βGal). Body fat was absent in hyperleptinemic rats, whereas control rats pair-fed to the hyperleptinemic rats retained ≈50% body fat. Further, plasma triglycerides and insulin levels were significantly lower in hyperleptinemic versus pair-fed controls, while fatty acid and glucose levels were similar in the two groups, suggestive of enhanced insulin sensitivity in the hyperleptinemic animals. Thus, despite equivalent reductions in food intake and weight gain in hyperleptinemic and pair-fed animals, identifiable fat tissue was completely ablated only in the former group, raising the possibility of a specific lipoatrophic activity for leptin.


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Os ratos Wistar são amplamente empregados como modelo animal na pesquisa biomédica e o controle sanitário dos biotérios é essencial para garantir a qualidade dos experimentos. O objetivo do estudo foi a caracterização do estado sanitário da colônia de ratos Wistar em sistema de criação convencional e para tanto determinar as bactérias, fungos, virus e parasitos, bem como caracterizar as lesões anatomopatológicas do sistema respiratório. Foram utilizados 273 ratos (N), machos (M) e fêmeas (F), das faixas etárias 4, 8, 12, 16 a 20 semanas e entre 12 a 18 meses, para as determinações de peso e condição corpórea (N=273, 140M, 133F); avaliação bacteriológica de orofaringe, mucosa intestinal e lavado traqueobrônquico (N=40, 20M, 20F); determinação de anticorpos para vírus e bactérias (N=20, 10M, 10F); exame parasitológico (N=60, 30M, 30F); identificação molecular de Mycoplasma pulmonis em amostras de pulmão (N=25, 15M, 10F), e caracterização anatomopatológica da cavidade nasal, orofaringe, laringe, traqueia e pulmão (N=106, 53M, 53F). Foram realizadas ainda avaliações microbiológicas das salas dos ratos em três períodos com isolamento de Micrococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Bacillus spp., Aspergillus spp. e Penicillium spp. O peso se mostrou homogêneo dentro da faixa etária e gênero, com apenas sete animais magros (2,56%) e nove em sobrepeso (3,30%). Não foram isoladas bactérias patogênicas na orofaringe, mucosa intestinal e lavado traqueobrônquico por cultivo. Mycoplasma pulmonis foi determinado em 72% das amostras pulmonares e em 100% dos soros testados. Em 35% foram detectados anticorpos para Reovirus tipo III e em 100% para bacilos associados ao epitélio respiratório ciliado. Syphacia muris foi diagnosticada em 91,67%, Eimeria spp. em 3,33% e Entamoeba muris em 1,67%. Lesões relacionadas a infecção por agentes exógenos foram observadas em cavidade nasal e na orofaringe, laringe e traqueia a partir da 4 semanas de idade e, em pulmão desde as 12 semanas, com aumento de frequência de ocorrência e do grau de progressão, com o avançar da idade, nos vários segmentos estudados. Concluímos que a caracterização do estado sanitário dos ratos permite conhecer as particularidades do modelo biológico utilizado e compor base de dados para auxiliar no desenho e na interpretação experimental dos pesquisadores, além de garantir uma base para o programa de monitorização sanitária de biotérios em condições similares


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A metacognição é processo conceituado como o julgamento que um organismo (humano ou não humano) faz sobre seu próprio saber ou não saber. Há relatos de pesquisas sobre esse processo com seres humanos e diversas espécies de não humanos. Poucos estudos, porém, discutem a ocorrência de metacognição em ratos, e os resultados são controversos, em função de questionamentos sobre os procedimentos experimentais empregados. Este estudo teve o objetivo de investigar o efeito da manipulação de diferentes proporções de reforço produzidas em duas alternativas, sendo uma probabilística e outra com reforçamento contínuo, sobre o desempenho de ratos em uma tarefa de discriminação de diferentes durações de estímulos sonoros. O procedimento empregado é uma adaptação do utilizado por Foote e Crystal (2007), que investigou a ocorrência de metacognição em ratos. Foram utilizados cinco ratos machos, da linhagem Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) mantidos a 80% de seu peso ad libitum. O aparato utilizado foi um labirinto em Ey. O procedimento consistiu de quatro fases: 1) Treino exploratório no braço em Y, no qual o animal foi exposto a alternativas que continham seis pelotas de ração; 2) Treino de discriminação de estímulos sonoros, no qual foram treinadas duas discriminações condicionais com duas durações de estímulo sonoro, uma curta (2s), e uma longa (8s), cada uma correlacionada com a escolha de uma das portas do braço em Y; 3) Treino exploratório no braço em I, no qual os animais foram expostos a uma alternativa livre, que continha três pelotas de ração; e 4) Fase de Teste, na qual foram apresentadas diferentes durações de som (2.00, 2.44, 2.97, 3.62, 4.42, 5.38, 6.56 e 8.00s), a partir das quais o animal poderia escolher entre o braço em Y (fazer o teste), e receber seis pelotas de ração caso escolhesse a porta correta (correlacionada à duração curta ou longa), ou escolher a alternativa de recusa do teste, produzindo, com certeza, a quantidade de ração estabelecida pela condição em vigor. Foi analisada a porcentagem de escolhas realizadas pelos animais nos braços Y e I em cada condição, assim como a relação entre a porcentagem de acertos e erros nos testes e recusa, para cada duração de som. Todos os sujeitos atingiram o critério de aprendizagem estabelecido na fase de treino. Na fase de testes, observou-se que o som deixou de exercer controle sobre a resposta de escolha de todos os animais. À medida que a proporção de reforço variou na alternativa de recusa, os animais alteraram o padrão de escolha, de propensão para aversão ao risco, de acordo com a condição em vigor. A escolha por uma alternativa não se mostrou sob controle da acurácia dos animais em discriminar as durações dos estímulos apresentados, mas sim da proporção e probabilidade do reforço em cada alternativa. Discute-se a necessidade de se recorrer ao conceito de metacognição para descrever o desempenho dos animais em tarefas como a empregada no presente estudo.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos de dois modelos experimentais de dietas hipercalóricas em comportamentos de ansiedade, processos de aprendizagem e memória e alterações metabólicas. Os animais foram divididos em seis grupos experimentais, de acordo com a condição nutricional. 1) Controle (C); 2) Dieta de Cafeteria (DC); 3) Dieta Hiperlipídica (DH); 4) Controle AIN-93 (C/AIN-93); 5) Dieta de Cafeteria AIN-93 (DC/AIN-93), e 6) Dieta Hiperlipídica AIN-93 (DH/AIN-93). Posteriormente, os grupos foram subdivididos em dois grupos independentes, conforme a tarefa à qual foram submetidos. Pesagens foram realizadas semanalmente até os 98 dias de vida; foram verificados os pesos do fígado, do coração e o peso de tecido adiposo retroperitoneal e epididimal e foram realizadas dosagens de glicose, triglicérides, TGO e TGP no soro e gordura total, colesterol total e triglicérides no fígado. Os testes utilizados: Labirinto em T Elevado (LTE), Caixa Claro/Escuro e Labirinto Aquático de Morris (LAM). Os resultados de peso corporal, os dados comportamentais do LAM, do LTE e os dados de peso dos tecidos extraídos no dia do sacrifício e as análises bioquímicas foram submetidos a uma Análise de Variância (ANOVA). Quando apropriado, foi utilizado o teste de comparações múltiplas de Newman-Keuls (p< 0,05). Os dados comportamentais do teste claro/escuro foram submetidos ao teste t-Student (p< 0,05). Animais tratados com dieta hiperlipídica apresentaram maiores medidas de peso e ganho de peso comparados aos animais controle e dieta de cafeteria, tratados com pellet e com dieta AIN-93. Animais DH1, DC1, DH1 AIN-93, DH2 AIN-93 e DH2 apresentaram maior peso no dia do sacrifício. Animais DH1, DH1 AIN-93, DH2 e DH2 AIN-93 apresentaram maior acúmulo dos tecidos adiposos retroperitoneal e epididimal. Animais DH1 AIN-93 e DC2 AIN-93 apresentaram maiores níveis de glicose. Animais C2, DH2 e DC2 apresentaram maiores níveis de triglicérides. Animais DH1 e C1 apresentaram menores valores de TGO. Animais C2 e C2 AIN-93 apresentaram maiores níveis de TGO. Animais C1, DH1, C2 e DH2 apresentaram maiores níveis de TGP. Animais DH1 AIN-93, DH1, DH2 e DH2 AIN-93 apresentaram maiores valores de gordura total no fígado. Animais DH1 AIN-93 e DH2 apresentaram maiores níveis de colesterol no fígado. Animais DH1, DC1, DH2 e DH2 AIN-93 apresentaram maiores níveis de triglicérides no fígado. Com relação ao consumo alimentar, animais DH apresentaram maior consumo calórico e maior consumo lipídico quando comparados aos animais C e DC, com ração em pellet ou dieta AIN-93. Com relação ao LTE, não foram verificadas diferenças nas esquivas e na fuga. Animais DC1, DH1 e DH1 AIN-93 apresentaram menores níveis de ansiedade verificados a partir dos dados do teste da caixa claro-escuro. Animais DC2 AIN-93 apresentaram pior desempenho em tarefa de memória. Os dados obtidos a partir deste estudo demonstraram que as dietas utilizadas foram capazes de acarretar ganho de peso, acúmulo de tecido adiposo, alterações metabólicas, diminuição da ansiedade nos animais e pior desempenho em uma tarefa de memória em um dos grupos nutricionais.


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The neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) plays an essential role in reward-related incentive learning, whereby neutral stimuli gain the ability to elicit approach and other responses. In an incentive learning paradigm called conditioned activity, animals receive a stimulant drug in a specific environment over the course of several days. When then placed in that environment drug-free, they generally display a conditioned hyperactive response. Modulating DA transmission at different time points during the paradigm has been shown to disrupt or enhance conditioning effects. For instance, blocking DA D2 receptors before sessions generally impedes the acquisition of conditioned activity. To date, no studies have examined the role of D2 receptors in the consolidation phase of conditioned activity; this phase occurs immediately after acquisition and involves the stabilization of memories for long-term storage. To investigate this possible role, I trained Wistar rats (N = 108) in the conditioned activity paradigm produced by amphetamine (2.0 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) to examine the effects of the D2 antagonist haloperidol (doses 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0, & 2.0 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) administered 5 min after conditioning sessions. Two positive control groups received haloperidol 1 h before conditioning sessions (doses 1.0 mg/kg and 2.0 mg/kg). The results revealed that post-session haloperidol at all doses tested did not disrupt the consolidation of conditioned activity, while pre-session haloperidol at 2.0 mg/kg prevented acquisition, with the 1.0 mg/kg group trending toward a block. Additionally, post-session haloperidol did not diminish activity during conditioning days, unlike pre-session haloperidol. One possible reason for these findings is that the consolidation phase may have begun earlier than when haloperidol was administered, since the conditioned activity paradigm uses longer learning sessions than those generally used in consolidation studies. Future studies may test if conditioned activity can be achieved with shorter sessions; if so, haloperidol would then be re-tested at an earlier time point. D2 receptor second messenger systems may also be investigated in consolidation. Since drug-related incentive stimuli can evoke cravings in those with drug addiction, a better understanding of the mechanisms of incentive learning may lead to the development of solutions for these individuals.


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Endurance exercise is widely assumed to improve cardiac function in humans. This project has determined cardiac function following endurance exercise for 6 (n = 30) or 12 ( n = 25) weeks in male Wistar rats (8 weeks old). The exercise protocol was 30 min/day at 0.8 km/h for 5 days/week with an endurance test on the 6th day by running at 1.2 km/h until exhaustion. Exercise endurance increased by 318% after 6 weeks and 609% after 12 weeks. Heart weight/kg body weight increased by 10.2% after 6 weeks and 24.1% after 12 weeks. Echocardiography after 12 weeks showed increases in left ventricular internal diameter in diastole (6.39 +/- 0.32 to 7.90 +/- 0.17 mm), systolic volume (49 +/- 7 to 83 +/- 11 mul) and cardiac output (75 +/- 3 to 107 +/- 8 ml/min) but not left wall thickness in diastole (1.74 +/- 0.07 to 1.80 +/- 0.06 mm). Isolated Langendorff hearts from trained rats displayed decreased left ventricular myocardial stiffness (22 +/- 1.1 to 19.1 +/- 0.3) and reduced purine efflux during pacing-induced workload increases. P-31-NMR spectroscopy in isolated hearts from trained rats showed decreased PCr and PCr/ATP ratios with increased creatine, AMP and ADP concentrations. Thus, this endurance exercise protocol resulted in physiological hypertrophy while maintaining or improving cardiac function.


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Objective: This study aimed to investigate how local pain relief is mediated by laser therapy and how dose affects the relationship. Methods: Inflammation was induced in the hind-paws of Wistar rats. Two groups of rats received 780-nm laser therapy (Spectra-Medics Pty Ltd.) at one of two doses (2.5 and 1 J/cm(2)). One group acted as a control. Scores of nociceptive threshold were recorded using paw pressure and paw thermal threshold measures. Results: A dose of 1 J/cm(2) had no statistically significant effect on antinociceptive responses. A dose of 2.5 J/cm(2) demonstrated a statistically significant effect on paw pressure threshold (p < 0.029) compared to controls. There was no difference in paw thermal threshold responses and paw volumes at either dose. Immunohistochemistry in control animals demonstrated normal beta-endorphin containing lymphocytes in control inflamed paws but no beta-endorphin containing lymphocytes in rats that received laser at 2.5 J/cm(2). Conclusion: The results confirm previous findings that the effect of laser therapy is dose-related. The mechanism of effect may occur via a differentiated pressure-sensitive neural pathway rather than a thermal-sensitive neural pathway. The significance of the immunohistochemistry findings remains unknown.


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Epidemiological evidence and in vitro data suggest that COX-2 is a key regulator of accelerated remodeling. Accelerated states of osteoblast and osteoclast activity are regulated by prostaglandins in vitro, but experimental evidence for specific roles of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)) in activated states of remodeling in vivo is lacking. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of specific inhibitors of sPLA(2)-IIa and COX-2 on bone remodeling activated by estrogen deficiency in adult female rats. One hundred and twenty-four adult female Wistar rats were ovariectomized (OVX) or sham-operated. Rats commenced treatment 14 days after surgery with either vehicle, a COX-2 inhibitor (DFU at 0.02 mg/kg/day and 2.0 mg/kg/day) or a sPLA(2)-group-IIa inhibitor (KH064 at 0.4 mg/kg/day and 4.0 mg/kg/day). Treatment continued daily until rats were sacrificed at 70 days or 98 days post-OVX. The right tibiae were harvested, fixed and embedded in methylmethacrylate for structural histomorphometric bone analysis at the proximal tibial metaphysis. The specific COX-2 or sPLA(2) inhibitors prevented ovariectomy-induced (OVX-induced) decreases in trabecular connectivity (P < 0.05); suppressed the acceleration of bone resorption; and maintained bone turnover at SHAM levels following OVX in the rat. The sPLA2 inhibitor significantly suppressed increases in osteoclast surface induced by OVX (P < 0.05), while the effect of COX-2 inhibition was less marked. These findings demonstrate that inhibitors of COX-2 and sPLA(2)-IIa can effectively suppress OVX-induced bone loss in the adult rat by conserving trabecular bone mass and architecture through reduced bone remodeling and decreased resorptive activity. Moreover, we report an important role of sPLA(2)-IIa in osteoclastogenesis that may be independent of the COX-2 metabolic pathway in the OVX rat in vivo. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Omapatrilat, a vasopeptidase inhibitor, inhibits both neutral endopeptidase and angiotensin-converting enzyme with similar potency. The aim of this study was to investigate whether omapatrilat prevents or reverses cardiovascular remodeling and hypertension in deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt rats. Male Wistar rats (313 2 g, n=114) were uninephrectomized (UNX) with or without further treatment with DOCA and 1% NaCl in the drinking water. Compared with UNX control rats, DOCA-salt rats developed hypertension, cardiovascular hypertrophy, perivascular and interstitial cardiac fibrosis and inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and the prolongation of ventricular action potential duration within four weeks. The administration of omapatrilat (40 mg/kg/day po) for two weeks commencing two weeks after surgery attenuated the development of cardiovascular hypertrophy, inflammation, fibrosis, and ventricular action potential prolongation. In contrast, omapatrilat treatment did not lower systolic blood pressure nor improve endothelial dysfunction. This study concludes that the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone, natriuretic peptide, and bradykinin systems are directly involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular remodeling in the DOCA-salt model of hypertension in rats, which may be independent of their effects on blood pressure.


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The pleiotropic effects of statins represent potential mechanisms for the treatment of end-organ damage in hypertension. This study has investigated the effects of rosuvastatin in a model of cardiovascular remodeling, the DOCA-salt hypertensive rat. Male Wistar rats weighing 300 to 330 g were uninephrectomized (UNX) or UNX and treated with DOCA (25 mg subcutaneously every fourth day) and 1% NaCl in the drinking water. Compared with UNX controls, DOCA-salt rats developed hypertension, cardiovascular hypertrophy, inflammation with perivascular and interstitial cardiac fibrosis, endothelial dysfunction, and prolongation of ventricular action potential duration at 28 days. Rosuvastatin-treated rats received 20mg/kg/d of the drug in 10% Tween 20 by oral gavage for 32 days commencing 4 days before uninephrectomy. UNX and DOCA-salt controls received vehicle only. Rosuvastatin therapy attenuated the development of cardiovascular hypertrophy, inflammation, fibrosis, and ventricular action potential prolongation, but did not modify hypertension or vascular dysfunction. We conclude that the pleiotropic effects of rosuvastatin include attenuation of aspects of cardiovascular remodeling in the DOCA-salt model of hypertension in rats without altering systolic blood pressure.


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The neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) plays an essential role in reward-related incentive learning, whereby neutral stimuli gain the ability to elicit approach and other responses. In an incentive learning paradigm called conditioned activity, animals receive a stimulant drug in a specific environment over the course of several days. When then placed in that environment drug-free, they generally display a conditioned hyperactive response. Modulating DA transmission at different time points during the paradigm has been shown to disrupt or enhance conditioning effects. For instance, blocking DA D2 receptors before sessions generally impedes the acquisition of conditioned activity. To date, no studies have examined the role of D2 receptors in the consolidation phase of conditioned activity; this phase occurs immediately after acquisition and involves the stabilization of memories for long-term storage. To investigate this possible role, I trained Wistar rats (N = 108) in the conditioned activity paradigm produced by amphetamine (2.0 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) to examine the effects of the D2 antagonist haloperidol (doses 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0, & 2.0 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) administered 5 min after conditioning sessions. Two positive control groups received haloperidol 1 h before conditioning sessions (doses 1.0 mg/kg and 2.0 mg/kg). The results revealed that post-session haloperidol at all doses tested did not disrupt the consolidation of conditioned activity, while pre-session haloperidol at 2.0 mg/kg prevented acquisition, with the 1.0 mg/kg group trending toward a block. Additionally, post-session haloperidol did not diminish activity during conditioning days, unlike pre-session haloperidol. One possible reason for these findings is that the consolidation phase may have begun earlier than when haloperidol was administered, since the conditioned activity paradigm uses longer learning sessions than those generally used in consolidation studies. Future studies may test if conditioned activity can be achieved with shorter sessions; if so, haloperidol would then be re-tested at an earlier time point. D2 receptor second messenger systems may also be investigated in consolidation. Since drug-related incentive stimuli can evoke cravings in those with drug addiction, a better understanding of the mechanisms of incentive learning may lead to the development of solutions for these individuals.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate if the ileum resection changes the functioning liver cell mass, the hepatic metabolism and the biodistribution of radiopharmaceutical in rats. METHODS: Twelve Wistar rats weighing 285g±34g were randomly divided into the ileum resection group (n = 6) and sham group rats (n = 6). After 30 days, they were anesthetized and 0.1mL of 99m-Tc-phytate(0.66MBq) was injected via femoral vein. After 30 minutes, blood samples were collected for red blood cells radioactive labeling and serum ALT, AST and gammaGT. Liver samples were used for 99m-Tc-phytatepercentage of radioactivity/gram of tissue and histopathology. Student’s t test was used with significance 0.05. RESULTS: There was a higher uptake of 99m-Tc-phytate in the liver of sham rats, compared to the ileum resection group (p<0.05). GammaGT, ALT and AST were increased in ileum resection rats compared to sham (p<0.05). The he patocytes count was significantly lower in ileum resection group than in sham (p<0.05). Liver: body mass ratio was lower in experimental animals than in sham group (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: These data support that the ileum has important role in liver function and liver mass regulation, and they have potential clinical implications regarding the pathogenesis of liver injury following lower bowel resection.