961 resultados para Wheatley, Francis, 1747-1801.


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The first of a number of public commentaries contributing to the mid-eighteenth century debate over the nature of literary property (see also: An Enquiry into the Nature of Literary Property (uk_1762a); An Argument in Defence of Literary Property (uk_1774a)).
Warburton, a strong proponent of the common law rights of the author, provided the first significant commentary upon the nature and classification of property and its relevance to, and relationship with, an author's work. Part of this commentary discusses Warburton's attempts to articulate a clear conceptual distinction between the claim of an inventor to the protection of a patent provided by the state, and the natural right of an author to the property in his work.


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Legislation extending the effect of the Statute of Anne 1710 (uk_1710) to Ireland (following the Act of Union 1800 and the unification of Great Britain and Ireland), as well as the first statutory provision to make use of the term ‘copyright'. The commentary assesses the substance of the legislation, its relationship with the King's Bench decision of Beckford v. Hood (uk_1798a), and its impact upon the Irish book trade.


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Introduction to special edition of Womens History Review special edition on Gender War and Conflict


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In this paper, we focus on a Riemann–Hilbert boundary value problem (BVP) with a constant coefficients for the poly-Hardy space on the real unit ball in higher dimensions. We first discuss the boundary behaviour of functions in the poly-Hardy class. Then we construct the Schwarz kernel and the higher order Schwarz operator to study Riemann–Hilbert BVPs over the unit ball for the poly- Hardy class. Finally, we obtain explicit integral expressions for their solutions. As a special case, monogenic signals as elements in the Hardy space over the unit sphere will be reconstructed in the case of boundary data given in terms of functions having values in a Clifford subalgebra. Such monogenic signals represent the generalization of analytic signals as elements of the Hardy space over the unit circle of the complex plane.


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The self-reference effect (SRE) in memory is thought to depend on specialized mechanisms that enhance memory for self-relevant information. We investigated whether these mechanisms can be engaged “by proxy” when we simulate other people, by asking participants to interact with two virtual partners: one similar and one dissimilar to self. Participants viewed pairs of objects and picked one for themselves, for their similar partner, or their dissimilar partner. A surprise memory test followed that required participants to identify which object of each pair was chosen, and for whom. Finally, participants were shown both partners’ object pairs again, and asked to indicate their personal preference. Four key findings were observed. Overlap between participants’ own choice and those made for their partner was significantly higher for the similar than the dissimilar partner, revealing participants’ use of their own preferences to simulate the similar partner. Recollection of chosen objects was significantly higher for self than for both partners and, critically, was significantly higher for similar than dissimilar partners. Source confusion between self and the similar partner was also higher. These findings suggest that self-reference by proxy enhances memory for non-self-relevant material, and we consider the theoretical implications for functional interpretation of the SRE.


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Language is widely recognized as an inescapable mediating tool for professional learning, and with this text we want to contribute to a better understanding of the particular role that guided writing can play in in-service professional reflective learning. We analysed one pre-school teacher’s written portfolio, the construction of which was guided to scaffold deep thinking about (and the transference of theory into) practice during participation in an in-service program about language education. Our case study shows that the writing process sustained robust learning about professional knowing, doing and learning itself: The teacher elaborated an integrative ethical understanding of the discussed theory, fully experienced newly informed practices and assessed her own learning by using theory to confront her previous knowledge and practices. Throughout the portfolio, the learning stance revealed by her voice varied accordingly. The study illustrates the potential of guided writing to scaffold reflective learning in in-service contexts.


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El presente trabajo de investigación está dedicado a estudiar al pintor Francisco Zorrilla y Luna (1679-1747), natural de la villa riojana de Haro pero que desarrolló prácticamente toda su carrera artística en Madrid, lo que justifica que su estilo entronque con la escuela madrileña de finales del siglo XVII, con la que se formó, recogiendo las influencias de los pintores cortesanos, nacionales y extranjeros, con los que coincidió en las primeras décadas del siglo XVIII. El primer capítulo lo hemos dedicado a trazar su biografía: los primeros años en su villa natal, la llegada a Madrid en fechas tan tempranas como 1698 y, tras los difíciles años de la Guerra de sucesión, su asentamiento en la Corte donde a lo largo de más de dos décadas lo encontramos plenamente integrado en la sociedad madrileña, haciéndose un hueco en su panorama artístico y en la que realizó la mayor parte de sus obras, hasta su regreso a Haro en 1742. Nos ha preocupado especialmente hacerle partícipe de la sociedad de su época, interesándonos sobremanera conocer cuáles fueron las relaciones que mantuvo, al estar convencidos de que en muchos casos las personas de su entorno posibilitaron que fuese a él a quien se le encomendase un determinado trabajo. En cuanto a su actividad, nos ha resultado de sumo interés encontrarlo al frente de una Academia, establecida en su domicilio, así como la defensa que Francisco Zorrilla, entre otros, hicieron de la Pintura como Arte liberal, pues vemos en ello el germen que, años más tarde, fructificó en la creación de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Tras un apartado dedicado a su labor como tasador, dedicamos los últimos capítulos a estudiar el catálogo de su obra pictórica, realizado de forma cronológica, donde damos a conocer las pinturas, dibujos para estampas, decorados teatrales y tareas de restauración por él realizados, destinados a una clientela diversa, pues trabajó para particulares, cofradías, ayuntamientos y, especialmente, para diversas órdenes religiosas, destacando las series dedicadas a santos de la orden trinitaria, tanto descalzos como calzados, que adornaban los claustros de los conventos de Madrid y Alcalá de Henares, así como las obras realizadas para el monasterio benedictino de San Martín de Madrid o de personas a él vinculadas, como los obispos de Mondoñedo, Osma y Almería...


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This paper questions the current concept of quality as used in research assessment rankings and peer review, with special reference to the link often established between impact and the way this impact is measured in the form of citation counting. Taking translation studies as a case study, we will offer a two-level approach to reveal both the macro- and micro-level biases that exist in this regard. We will first review three key aspects related to the idea of the quality of publications, namely peer review, journal indexing, and journal impact factor. We will then pinpoint some of the main macro-level problems regarding current practices and criteria as applied to translation studies, such as Thomson Reuters World of Science's journal coverage, citation patterns, and publication format. Next we will provide a micro-textual and practical perspective, focusing on citation counts and suggesting a series of corrective measures to increase comparability.


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This article analyses the interrelationship between educational mismatch, wages and job satisfaction in the Spanish tourism sector in the first years of the global economic crisis. It is shown that there is a much higher incidence of over-education among workers in the Spanish tourism sector than in the rest of the economy despite this sector recording lower educational levels. This study estimates two models to analyse the influence of the educational mismatch on wages and job satisfaction for workers in the tourism industry and for the Spanish economy as a whole. The first model shows that in the tourism sector, the wage penalty associated with over-education is approximately 10%. The second reveals that in the tourism sector the levels of satisfaction of over-educated workers are considerably lower than those corresponding to workers well assigned. With respect to the differences between tourism and the overall economy in both aspects, the wage penalty is substantially lower in the case of tourism industries and the effect of over-education on job satisfaction is very similar to that of the economy as a whole in a context where both wages and the private returns to education are considerably lower in the tourism sector.


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This flyer promotes the event "Pope Francis and his Visit to Cuba: A Conversation" , a lecture by Monsignor Thomas Wenski, Dagoberto Valdes, and Giselle Jamison, Professor of Political Studies at St. Thomas University. The lecture was held at St. Thomas University Convocation Hall on October 3, 2015.


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As práticas intensivas que são utilizadas em aquacultura implicam que exista um contacto extremo entre indivíduos promovendo o stress, que atuando conjuntamente com diversos outros fatores, como é o caso de bactérias, são passíveis de induzir nos peixes um estado de doença. Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida (Phdp) é uma bactéria gram-negativa reconhecida por causar surtos graves de doença em diversas espécies de peixes. É considerada mundialmente como uma das maiores enfermidades para as práticas aquícolas, plausível de causar danos irreversíveis nestas populações. Neste trabalho pretendeu-se elaborar um protocolo de infeção com Phdp em Argyrosomus regius estabelecendo num primeiro ensaio a dose que causa mortalidade a 50% de uma população (LD50), estudando posteriormente num segundo ensaio, a infeção, o destino que a bactéria teria no peixe através de análise PCR, as consequências da infeção a nível hematológico e nos parâmetros imunitários, utilizando um modelo de coabitação, expondo indivíduos saudáveis a indivíduos doentes. Foi comprovada a virulência da estirpe AQP 17.1 de Phdp sobre indivíduos da espécie A. regius com um peso médio de 28,3±10,9g, situando-se o LD50 em 2,29×105 UFC ml-1, apresentando os peixes alguns sintomas típicos da doença crónica. O modelo de coabitação utilizado no segundo ensaio, permitiu-nos confirmar que Phdp infetou por coabitação indivíduos da espécie A. regius com peso médio de 23,4±8,6g. Os resultados sugerem que as brânquias podem ter sido um dos locais de entrada da bactéria no corpo do peixe, disseminando-se após 24 horas para o rim e intestino anterior. Phdp induziu em A. regius uma resposta imune inata que se avaliou ao longo do tempo quando comparados os indivíduos coabitantes do controlo (vetores injetados com tampão salino de Hanks) com os indivíduos coabitantes infetados (vetores injetados com suspensão de Phdp a uma concentração igual ao LD50). Esta resposta inflamatória ficou visível não só no aumento do número de leucócitos no sangue, mas também no aumento de atividade dos parâmetros humorais imunes. Os resultados sugerem que a maior atividade da resposta imunitária se deu após as 24 horas de coabitação, momento que determina também a invasão do patógeno em órgãos como o intestino anterior e o rim. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho sugerem que Phdp pode induzir um estado de infeção em A. regius através de um modelo de coabitação, invadindo num curto espaço de tempo os órgãos do hospedeiro, desencadeando a atividade do sistema imune inato como resposta à infeção.


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In this paper we consider the second order discontinuous equation in the real line, (a(t)φ(u′(t)))′ = f(t,u(t),u′(t)), a.e.t∈R, u(-∞) = ν⁻, u(+∞)=ν⁺, with φ an increasing homeomorphism such that φ(0)=0 and φ(R)=R, a∈C(R,R\{0})∩C¹(R,R) with a(t)>0, or a(t)<0, for t∈R, f:R³→R a L¹-Carathéodory function and ν⁻,ν⁺∈R such that ν⁻<ν⁺. We point out that the existence of heteroclinic solutions is obtained without asymptotic or growth assumptions on the nonlinearities φ and f. Moreover, as far as we know, this result is even new when φ(y)=y, that is, for equation (a(t)u′(t))′=f(t,u(t),u′(t)), a.e.t∈R.