950 resultados para Weyden, Rogier van der, 1399 or 1400-1464.
This study was supported by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NE/H019456/1) to CJvdG, by the Wellcome Trust (WT 098051) to AWW and JP for sequencing costs, and by The Anna Trust (KB2008) to KDB. AWW and The Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, University of Aberdeen, receive core funding support from the Scottish Government Rural and Environmental Science and Analysis Service (RESAS). We thank Paul Scott, Richard Rance and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute’s sequencing team for generating 16S rRNA gene sequence data.
Acknowledgements The iHARP database was funded by unrestricted grants from Mundipharma International Ltd and Research in Real-Life Ltd; these analyses were funded by an unrestricted grant from Teva Pharmaceuticals. Mundipharma and Teva played no role in study conduct or analysis and did not modify or approve the manuscript. The authors wish to direct a special appreciation to all the participants of the iHARP group who contributed data to this study and to Mundipharma, sponsors of the iHARP group. In addition, we thank Julie von Ziegenweidt for assistance with data extraction and Anna Gilchrist and Valerie L. Ashton, PhD, for editorial assistance. Elizabeth V. Hillyer, DVM, provided editorial and writing support, funded by Research in Real-Life, Ltd.
Acknowledgements Gokul Gopalan (a Senior Global Medical Director [Respiratory], at Teva Pharmaceuticals, Frazer, PA, US, at the time of this study), assisted with study design. Funding Funds to acquire the dataset from the Pharmo Institute for Drug Outcomes Research (Utrecht, the Netherlands) were provided by RiRL. The study received institutional support from Teva Pharmaceuticals Europe B.V. Gokul Gopalan, a Senior Global Medical Director (Respiratory), at Teva Pharmaceuticals, Frazer, PA, US, at the time of this study, assisted with study design, but neither Teva Pharmaceuticals Europe B.V. nor Teva Pharmaceuticals, Frazer, PA, US, contributed, either in part or in whole, to the collection, analysis, or interpretation of study data, manuscript writing, or the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. Erratum The original version of this article unfortunately contained errors that have since been corrected. The word “pharmo” has been fully capitalised to “PHARMO” throughout the article. The reference to Table 2 in the first and second sentence under the Outcomes heading has been replaced with Fig. 3. Under the Abbreviations heading ‘extrafine-particle’ was repeated, this has been corrected to ‘EF-HFA-BDP [Qvar®]: extrafine-particle hydrofluoroalkane beclomethasone dipropionate’. The competing interests of Nicolas Roche and Theresa Guibert have been amended. Academic affiliations for Dirkje S. Postma (2), Richard J. Martin (3), Ron M.C. Herrings (4), Jetty Overbeek (4), and Nicolas Roche (7) have been corrected. Figure 3 in the online and pdf version did not match, this been amended
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Drosophila shibire and its mammalian homologue dynamin regulate an early step in endocytosis. We identified a Caenorhabditis elegans dynamin gene, dyn-1, based upon hybridization to the Drosophila gene. The dyn-1 RNA transcripts are trans-spliced to the spliced leader 1 and undergo alternative splicing to code for either an 830- or 838-amino acid protein. These dyn-1 proteins are highly similar in amino acid sequence, structure, and size to the Drosophila and mammalian dynamins: they contain an N-terminal GTPase, a pleckstrin homology domain, and a C-terminal proline-rich domain. We isolated a recessive temperature-sensitive dyn-1 mutant containing an alteration within the GTPase domain that becomes uncoordinated when shifted to high temperature and that recovers when returned to lower temperatures, similar to D. shibire mutants. When maintained at higher temperatures, dyn-1 mutants become constipated, egg-laying defective, and produce progeny that die during embryogenesis. Using a dyn-1::lacZ gene fusion, a high level of dynamin expression was observed in motor neurons, intestine, and pharyngeal muscle. Our results suggest that dyn-1 function is required during development and for normal locomotion.
Although integration of viral DNA into host chromosomes occurs regularly in bacteria and animals, there are few reported cases in plants, and these involve insertion at only one or a few sites. Here, we report that pararetrovirus-like sequences have integrated repeatedly into tobacco chromosomes, attaining a copy number of ≈103. Insertion apparently occurred by illegitimate recombination. From the sequences of 22 independent insertions recovered from a healthy plant, an 8-kilobase genome encoding a previously uncharacterized pararetrovirus that does not contain an integrase function could be assembled. Preferred boundaries of the viral inserts may correspond to recombinogenic gaps in open circular viral DNA. An unusual feature of the integrated viral sequences is a variable tandem repeat cluster, which might reflect defective genomes that preferentially recombine into plant DNA. The recurrent invasion of pararetroviral DNA into tobacco chromosomes demonstrates that viral sequences can contribute significantly to plant genome evolution.
Control of cell identity during development is specified in large part by the unique expression patterns of multiple homeobox-containing (Hox) genes in specific segments of an embryo. Trithorax and Polycomb-group (Trx-G and Pc-G) proteins in Drosophila maintain Hox expression or repression, respectively. Mixed lineage leukemia (MLL) is frequently involved in chromosomal translocations associated with acute leukemia and is the one established mammalian homologue of Trx. Bmi-1 was first identified as a collaborator in c-myc-induced murine lymphomagenesis and is homologous to the Drosophila Pc-G member Posterior sex combs. Here, we note the axial-skeletal transformations and altered Hox expression patterns of Mll-deficient and Bmi-1-deficient mice were normalized when both Mll and Bmi-1 were deleted, demonstrating their antagonistic role in determining segmental identity. Embryonic fibroblasts from Mll-deficient compared with Bmi-1-deficient mice demonstrate reciprocal regulation of Hox genes as well as an integrated Hoxc8-lacZ reporter construct. Reexpression of MLL was able to overcome repression, rescuing expression of Hoxc8-lacZ in Mll-deficient cells. Consistent with this, MLL and BMI-I display discrete subnuclear colocalization. Although Drosophila Pc-G and Trx-G members have been shown to maintain a previously established transcriptional pattern, we demonstrate that MLL can also dynamically regulate a target Hox gene.
The thermal re-isomerization of retinal from the 13-cis to the all-trans state is a key step in the final stages of the photocycle of the light-driven proton pump, bacteriorhodopsin. This step is greatly slowed upon replacement of Leu-93, a residue in van der Waals contact with retinal. The most likely role of this key interaction is that it restricts the flexibility of retinal. To test this hypothesis, we have exchanged native retinal in Leu-93 mutants with bridged retinal analogs that render retinal less flexible by restricting free rotation around either the C10—C11 (9,11-bridged retinal) or C12—C13 (11,13-bridged retinal) single bonds. The effect of the analogs on the photocycle was then determined spectroscopically by taking advantage of the previous finding that the decay of the O intermediate in the Leu-93 mutants provides a convenient marker for retinal re-isomerization. Time-resolved spectroscopic studies showed that both retinal analogs resulted in a dramatic acceleration of the photocycling time by increasing the rate of decay of the O intermediate. In particular, exchange of native retinal in the Leu-93 → Ala mutant with the 9,11-bridged retinal resulted in an acceleration of the decay of the O intermediate to a rate similar to that seen in wild-type bacteriorhodopsin. We conclude that the protein-induced restriction of conformational flexibility in retinal is a key structural requirement for efficient protein–retinal coupling in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle.
Since their discovery, protein tyrosine phosphatases have been speculated to play a role in tumor suppression because of their ability to antagonize the growth-promoting protein tyrosine kinases. Recently, a tumor suppressor from human chromosome 10q23, called PTEN or MMAC1, has been identified that shares homology with the protein tyrosine phosphatase family. Germ-line mutations in PTEN give rise to several related neoplastic disorders, including Cowden disease. A key step in understanding the function of PTEN as a tumor suppressor is to identify its physiological substrates. Here we report that a missense mutation in PTEN, PTEN-G129E, which is observed in two Cowden disease kindreds, specifically ablates the ability of PTEN to recognize inositol phospholipids as a substrate, suggesting that loss of the lipid phosphatase activity is responsible for the etiology of the disease. Furthermore, expression of wild-type or substrate-trapping forms of PTEN in HEK293 cells altered the levels of the phospholipid products of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and ectopic expression of the phosphatase in PTEN-deficient tumor cell lines resulted in the inhibition of protein kinase (PK) B/Akt and regulation of cell survival.
Nuclear domains, called cleavage bodies, are enriched in the RNA 3′-processing factors CstF 64 kDa and and CPSF 100 kDa. Cleavage bodies have been found either overlapping with or adjacent to coiled bodies. To determine whether the spatial relationship between cleavage bodies and coiled bodies was influenced by the cell cycle, we performed cell synchronization studies. We found that in G1 phase cleavage bodies and coiled bodies were predominantly coincident, whereas in S phase they were mostly adjacent to each other. In G2 cleavage bodies were often less defined or absent, suggesting that they disassemble at this point in the cell cycle. A small number of genetic loci have been reported to be juxtaposed to coiled bodies, including the genes for U1 and U2 small nuclear RNA as well as the two major histone gene clusters. Here we show that cleavage bodies do not overlap with small nuclear RNA genes but do colocalize with the histone genes next to coiled bodies. These findings demonstrate that the association of cleavage bodies and coiled bodies is both dynamic and tightly regulated and suggest that the interaction between these nuclear neighbors is related to the cell cycle–dependent expression of histone genes.
The ability of antigen-presenting cells to sample distinct intracellular compartments is crucial for microbe detection. Major histocompatibility complex class I and class II molecules sample the cytosol or the late endocytic compartment, allowing detection of microbial peptide antigens that arise in distinct intracellular compartments. In contrast, CD1a and CD1b molecules mediate the presentation of lipid and glycolipid antigens and differentially sample early recycling endosomes or late endocytic compartments, respectively, that contain distinct sets of lipid antigens. Here, we show that, unlike the other CD1 isoforms or major histocompatibility complex molecules that each sample restricted only intracellular compartments, CD1c is remarkable in that it distributes broadly throughout the endocytic system and is expressed in both recycling endosomes and late endocytic compartments. Further, in contrast to CD1b, which requires an acidic environment to function, antigen presentation by CD1c was able to overcome dependence on vesicular acidification. Because CD1c is expressed on essential antigen-presenting cells, such as epidermal Langerhans cells (in the absence of CD1b), or on B cells (without CD1a or -b), we suggest that CD1c molecules allow a comprehensive survey for lipid antigens throughout the endocytic system even in the absence of other CD1 isoforms.
The monoclonal a-70-kDa heat shock protein (hsp70) antibody recognizes in crude extracts from watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris) cotyledons two hsps with molecular masses of 70 and 72 kDa. Immunocytochemistry on watermelon cotyledon tissue and on isolated glyoxysomes identified hsp70s in the matrix of glyoxysomes and plastids. Affinity purification and partial amino acid determination revealed the 70-kDa protein to share high sequence identity with cytosolic hsp70s from a number of plant species, while the 72 kDa protein was very similar to plastid hsp70s from pea and cucumber. A full-length cDNA clone encoding the 72-kDa hsp70 was isolated and identified two start methionines in frame within the N-terminal presequence leading either to an N-terminal extension of 67 amino acids or to a shorter one of 47 amino acids. The longer presequence was necessary and sufficient to target a reporter protein into watermelon proplastids in vitro. The shorter extension starting from the second methionine within the long version harbored a consensus peroxisomal targeting signal (RT-X5-KL) that directed in vivo a reporter protein into peroxisomes of the yeast Hansenula polymorpha. Peroxisomal targeting was however prevented, when the 67-residue presequence was fused to the reporter protein, indicating that the peroxisomal targeting signal 2 information is hidden in this context. We propose that the 72-kDa hsp70 is encoded by a single gene, but targeted alternatively into two organelles by the modulated use of its presequence.
The acquisition of genotoxin-induced mutations in the mammalian germline is detrimental to the stable transfer of genomic information. In somatic cells, nucleotide excision repair (NER) is a major pathway to counteract the mutagenic effects of DNA damage. Two NER subpathways have been identified, global genome repair (GGR) and transcription-coupled repair (TCR). In contrast to somatic cells, little is known regarding the expression of these pathways in germ cells. To address this basic question, we have studied NER in rat spermatogenic cells in crude cell suspension, in enriched cell stages and within seminiferous tubules after exposure to UV or N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene. Surprisingly, repair in spermatogenic cells was inefficient in the genome overall and in transcriptionally active genes indicating non-functional GGR and TCR. In contrast, extracts from early/mid pachytene cells displayed dual incision activity in vitro as high as extracts from somatic cells, demonstrating that the proteins involved in incision are present and functional in premeiotic cells. However, incision activities of extracts from diplotene cells and round spermatids were low, indicating a stage-dependent expression of incision activity. We hypothesize that sequestering of NER proteins by mispaired regions in DNA involved in synapsis and recombination may underlie the lack of NER activity in premeiotic cells.
Exposure of plants to elevated temperatures results in a complex set of changes in gene expression that induce thermotolerance and improve cellular survival to subsequent stress. Pretreatment of young tobacco (Nicotiana plumbaginifolia) seedlings with Ca2+ or ethylene glycol-bis(β-aminoethylether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid enhanced or diminished subsequent thermotolerance, respectively, compared with untreated seedlings, suggesting a possible involvement of cytosolic Ca2+ in heat-shock (HS) signal transduction. Using tobacco seedlings transformed with the Ca2+-sensitive, luminescent protein aequorin, we observed that HS temperatures induced prolonged but transient increases in cytoplasmic but not chloroplastic Ca2+. A single HS initiated a refractory period in which additional HS signals failed to increase cytosolic Ca2+. However, throughout this refractory period, seedlings responded to mechanical stimulation or cold shock with cytosolic Ca2+ increases similar to untreated controls. These observations suggest that there may be specific pools of cytosolic Ca2+ mobilized by heat treatments or that the refractory period results from a temporary block in HS perception or transduction. Use of inhibitors suggests that HS mobilizes cytosolic Ca2+ from both intracellular and extracellular sources.
Protein-protein interactions typically are characterized by highly specific interfaces that mediate binding with precisely tuned affinities. Binding of the Escherichia coli cochaperonin GroES to chaperonin GroEL is mediated, at least in part, by a mobile polypeptide loop in GroES that becomes immobilized in the GroEL/GroES/nucleotide complex. The bacteriophage T4 cochaperonin Gp31 possesses a similar highly flexible polypeptide loop in a region of the protein that shows low, but significant, amino acid similarity with GroES and other cochaperonins. When bound to GroEL, a synthetic peptide representing the mobile loop of either GroES or Gp31 adopts a characteristic bulged hairpin conformation as determined by transferred nuclear Overhauser effects in NMR spectra. Thermodynamic considerations suggest that flexible disorder in the cochaperonin mobile loops moderates their affinity for GroEL to facilitate cycles of chaperonin-mediated protein folding.