993 resultados para Well stimulation
BACKGROUND: Circulating progenitor cells (CPC) treatments may have great potential for the recovery of neurons and brain function. OBJECTIVE: To increase and maintain CPC with a program of exercise, muscle electro-stimulation (ME) and/or intermittent-hypobaric-hypoxia (IHH), and also to study the possible improvement in physical or psychological functioning of participants with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). METHODS: Twenty-one participants. Four groups: exercise and ME group (EEG), cycling group (CyG), IHH and ME group (HEG) and control group (CG). Psychological and physical stress tests were carried out. CPC were measured in blood several times during the protocol. RESULTS: Psychological tests did not change. In the physical stress tests the VO2 uptake increased in the EEG and the CyG, and the maximal tolerated workload increased in the HEG. CPC levels increased in the last three weeks in EEG, but not in CyG, CG and HEG. CONCLUSIONS: CPC levels increased in the last three weeks of the EEG program, but not in the other groups and we did not detect performed psychological test changes in any group. The detected aerobic capacity or workload improvement must be beneficial for the patients who have suffered TBI, but exercise type and the mechanisms involved are not clear.
Over the last five years there have been significant changes in higher education in Brazil as well as in research funding. As a contribution to the development of Science and Technology, and aiming to portray Chemistry today in Brazil, in the context of last year´s elections for President, State Governors, National Congress and Legislative Chamber, the Directors and Consulting Council of the Brazilian Chemical Society, SBQ, initiated in 2002 a series of activities to produce a document entitled Mobilizing Axes in Chemistry. This discusses undergraduate and graduate teaching in Chemistry, a new model for research funding, and the overall state of the art, and future perspectives. Six mobilizing axes have been identified and discussed to date: 1. Training of highly qualified personnel; 2. Decentralization, and discouragement of institutional in-breeding; 3. Stimulation of entrepreneurship and interdisciplinarity; 4. A guaranteed budget for Science and Technology; 5. Proactive interaction of academics with economic activity; and 6. Removal of institutional bottle-necks of all sorts. The Brazilian Chemical Society hopes that the new administration will in the near future begin the task of improving the national education system and increase funding for Science and Technology.
Abstract Background: Little is known about how sitting time, alone or in combination with markers of physical activity (PA), influences mental well-being and work productivity. Given the need to develop workplace PA interventions that target employees’ health related efficiency outcomes; this study examined the associations between self-reported sitting time, PA, mental well-being and work productivity in office employees. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Spanish university office employees (n = 557) completed a survey measuring socio-demographics, total and domain specific (work and travel) self-reported sitting time, PA (International Physical Activity Questionnaire short version), mental well-being (Warwick-Edinburg Mental Well-Being Scale) and work productivity (Work Limitations Questionnaire). Multivariate linear regression analyses determined associations between the main variables adjusted for gender, age, body mass index and occupation. PA levels (low, moderate and high) were introduced into the model to examine interactive associations. Results: Higher volumes of PA were related to higher mental well-being, work productivity and spending less time sitting at work, throughout the working day and travelling during the week, including the weekends (p < 0.05). Greater levels of sitting during weekends was associated with lower mental well-being (p < 0.05). Similarly, more sitting while travelling at weekends was linked to lower work productivity (p < 0.05). In highly active employees, higher sitting times on work days and occupational sitting were associated with decreased mental well-being (p < 0.05). Higher sitting times while travelling on weekend days was also linked to lower work productivity in the highly active (p < 0.05). No significant associations were observed in low active employees. Conclusions: Employees’ PA levels exerts different influences on the associations between sitting time, mental well-being and work productivity. The specific associations and the broad sweep of evidence in the current study suggest that workplace PA strategies to improve the mental well-being and productivity of all employees should focus on reducing sitting time alongside efforts to increase PA.
Noradrenergic neurotransmission has been associated with the modulation of higher cognitive functions mediated by the prefrontal cortex. In the present study, the impact of noradrenergic stimulation on the human action-monitoring system, as indexed by eventrelated brain potentials, was examined. After the administration of a placebo or the selective 2 -adrenoceptor antagonist yohimbine, which stimulates firing in the locus ceruleus and noradrenaline release, electroencephalograpic recordings were obtained from healthy volunteers performing a letter flanker task. Yohimbine led to an increase in the amplitude of the error-related negativity in conjunction with a significant reduction of action errors. Reaction times were unchanged, and the drug did not modify the N2 in congruent versus incongruent trials, a measure of preresponse conflict, or posterror adjustments as measured by posterror slowing of reaction time. The present findings suggest that the locus ceruleusnoradrenaline system exerts a rather specific effect on human action monitoring.
The ventral striatum / nucleus accumbens has been implicated in the craving for drugs and alcohol which is a major reason for relapse of addicted people. Craving might be induced by drug-related cues. This suggests that disruption of craving-related neural activity in the nucleus accumbens may significantly reduce craving in alcohol-dependent patients. Here we report on preliminary clinical and neurophysiological evidence in three male patients who were treated with high frequency deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens bilaterally. All three had been alcohol dependent for many years, unable to abstain from drinking, and had experienced repeated relapses prior to the stimulation. After the operation, craving was greatly reduced and all three patients were able to abstain from drinking for extended periods of time. Immediately after the operation but prior to connection of the stimulation electrodes to the stimulator, local field potentials were obtained from the externalized cables in two patients while they performed cognitive tasks addressing action monitoring and incentive salience of drug related cues. LFPs in the action monitoring task provided further evidence for a role of the nucleus accumbens in goal-directed behaviors. Importantly, alcohol related cue stimuli in the incentive salience task modulated LFPs even though these cues were presented outside of the attentional focus. This implies that cue-related craving involves the nucleus accumbens and is highly automatic.
Editorial al volum 14, número 1 del 2015 de la revista 'Psicoperspectivas : Individuo y Sociedad', dedicat al benestar en la infància i l'adolescència
This Master's thesis is devoted to semiconductor samples study using time-resolved photoluminescence. This method allows investigating recombination in semiconductor samples in order to develop quality of optoelectronic device. An additional goal was the method accommodation for low-energy-gap materials. The first chapter gives a brief intercourse into the basis of semiconductor physics. The key features of the investigated structures are noted. The usage area of the results covers saturable semiconductor absorber mirrors, disk lasers and vertical-external-cavity surface-emittinglasers. The experiment set-up is described in the second chapter. It is based on up-conversion procedure using a nonlinear crystal and involving the photoluminescent emission and the gate pulses. The limitation of the method was estimated. The first series of studied samples were grown at various temperatures and they suffered rapid thermal annealing. Further, a latticematched and metamorphically grown samples were compared. Time-resolved photoluminescence method was adapted for wavelengths up to 1.5 µm. The results allowed to specify the optimal substrate temperature for MBE process. It was found that the lattice-matched sample and the metamorphically grown sample had similar characteristics.
Nuorten tunneilmaisun yhteys psyykkiseen oireiluun Aleksitymialla tarkoitetaan persoonallisuuden piirteistöä, jolle on tyypillistä heikko kyky tunnistaa ja ilmaista tunteita sekä vähäinen mielikuvitus ja konkreettinen, ulkokohtainen ajattelutapa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella aleksitymian yhteyttä psyykkiseen oireiluun nuorilla sekä tutkia aleksitymian kehittymiselle altistavia yksilöllisiä lapsuudenaikaisia tekijöitä. Tutkimusaineisto koostui aiempaan nuorten syömishäiriöoireilua tarkastelevaan tutkimukseen osallistuneista nuorista (n = 320) ja heille satunnaisotannalla poimituista verrokeista (n = 640). Seurantakyselyssä käytettiin vastaajan itsensä täytettäviä mittareita ja aineisto kerättiin postikyselynä. Yhteensä 729 henkilöä (78 %) palautti lomakkeen täytettynä, muodostaen näin lopullisen tutkimusaineiston. Tyttöjä vastanneista oli 74 % ja poikia 26 %. Aineiston keski-ikä oli 19 vuotta tämän tutkimuksen aikaan. Aineistosta oli käytettävissä neuvolatiedot syntymästä lähtien. Tutkimusaineistossa todettiin aleksitymian yleisyydeksi tytöillä 8,2 % ja pojilla 8,5 %. Sukupuolten välillä ei todettu eroa 20-osioisella Toronto Alexithymia Scale-kyselyllä (TAS-20) pistemäärissä (tytöillä 44.7 ja pojilla 46.0). Syömishäiriöoireiden todettiin olevan yleisempiä aleksityymisillä nuorilla verrattuna ei-aleksityymisiin. Syömishäiriöoireita mitattiin SCOFF-mittarilla (“Sick”, “Control”, “One”, “Fat”, “Food”). Aleksityymisten nuorten keskimääräinen SCOFF-pistemäärä oli merkitsevästi korkeampi kuin ei-aleksityymisten ja SCOFF-positiivisten (pistemäärä vähintään 2) osuus oli aleksityymisten ryhmässä kolminkertainen ei-aleksityymisten ryhmään verrattuna. Myös ahdistuneisuuden todettiin olevan yhteydessä aleksitymiaan nuorilla. Ahdistuneisuutta mitattiin State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-mittarilla (STAI) ja lisäksi mitattiin masennusoireita ja alkoholinkäyttöä. Aleksityymisten nuorten STAI-pisteet olivat merkitsevästi korkeammat kuin eialeksityymisten. Ahdistuneet aleksityymiset nuoret olivat myös yleisemmin masentuneita ja käyttivät runsaammin alkoholia kuin yhtä ahdistuneet ei-aleksityymiset nuoret. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin aleksitymian yhteyttä sosiaaliseen tukeen sekä koettuun vanhempien hoivaan ja ylisuojelevaisuuteen. Käytetyt mittarit olivat Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support ja Parental Bonding Instrument. Aleksitymia oli merkitsevästi yhteydessä sekä heikompaan koettuun sosiaaliseen tukeen – erityisesti ystäviltä saatavaan − että korkeampaan vanhempien ylisuojelevaisuuteen. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin 5-vuotisneuvolatarkastuksen tietoja sen arviointiin, mitkä kehitykselliset tekijät saattavat olla yhteydessä aleksitymian ilmenemiseen. Puheenkehityksen ongelmien todettiin olevan miehillä selvästi yhteydessä aleksitymiaan. Tutkimuksen perusteella aleksityymisillä nuorilla esiintyy ei-aleksityymisiin ikätovereihin verrattuna selvästi yleisemmin psyykkisiä oireita. Koska aleksitymia heikentää hoitovastetta todennäköisesti myös nuorilla, tulisi aleksitymian mahdollisuus selvittää tehokkaasti psyykkisesti oireilevilla nuorilla. Lisääntyvä tutkimustieto aleksitymian kehittymisestä mahdollistaa riskitapausten varhaisemman tunnistamisen ja tilanteeseen puuttumisen.
One of the aims of the study was to clarify the reliability and validity of the Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) and the Eigenzustand (EZ) method as measures of the objective characteristics of work and short-term mental work load in the Finnish data. The reliability and validity were examined taking into consideration the theoretical backgrounds of the methods and the reliability of the measurements. The methods were used for finding out the preconditions for organisational development based on self-improvement and clarifying the impacts of working environment (organisational functioning and job characteristics) on a worker’s mental state and health. The influences were examined on a general level - regardless of individual personal or specific contextual factors. One aim was also to clarify how cognitions and emotions are intertwined and how they influence a person’s perception of the working environment. The data consisted of 15 blue-collar organisations in the public sector. The organisations were divided in target and comparison groups depending on the research frames. The data was collected by questionnaires by post. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (Lisrel) were used as the main statistical methods in examining the structures of the methods and impacts between the variables. It was shown that it is possible for organisations to develop their working conditions themselves on specific preconditions. The advance of the development processes could be shown by the amount of the development activity as well as by the changes of the mental well-being (ability to act) and sick absenteeism of the personnel. It was found that the JDS and the EZ methods were reliable and valid measures in the Finnish data. It was shown that, in addition to the objective working environment (organisational functioning and job characteristics), also such a personal factor as selfesteem influences a person’s perception of mental work load. However, the influence did not seem to be direct. The importance of job satisfaction as a general indicator of perceived working conditions was emphasised. Emotional and cognitive factors were found to be functionally intertwined constituting a common factor. Organisational functioning and the characteristics of work had connections with a person’s health measured by sick absenteeism.
ELY Centres strategy brocshure.