1000 resultados para Welding test
Työssä tutkittiin Kempin WiseRoot-prosessilla hitsattujen päittäisliitosten väsymiskestävyyttä laboratoriokokein ja väsymiskestävyyden mitoitusmenetelmillä. WiseRoot-hitsausprosessi on räätälöity lyhytkaariprosessi juuripalkojen hitsaukseen yhdeltä puolelta. Väsytyskoekappaleissa käytettiin eri lujuusluokan rakenneteräksiä sekä materiaalipaksuuksia. Mantsinen Group Ltd Oy hitsasi lisäksi yhdeltä ja kahdelta puolelta hitsattuja vertailukappaleita normaalilla MAG-hitsausprosessilla. Väsymismitoitus tehdään yleisesti perustuen väsymisluokkiin, joten väsytyskokeilla ja mitoitusmenetelmillä saatuja tuloksia tarkasteltiin näiden luokitusten avulla. Tuloksia vertailtiin sekä keskenään että standardeista löytyviin väsymisluokkasuosituksiin. Väsymiskestävyyden mitoitusmenetelmistä työssä käytettiin nimelliseen jännitykseen, teholliseen lovijännitykseen ja paikalliseen venymään perustuvaa menetelmää sekä murtumismekaniikkaa. Laboratoriokokeiden perusteella voidaan todeta, että WiseRoot-hitsausprosessilla on mahdollista tuottaa yhdeltä puolelta päittäisliitos, jonka väsymiskestävyys on verrattavissa kahdelta puolelta hitsattuun päittäisliitokseen. Mitoitusmenetelmillä saadut tulokset olivat pääsääntöisesti konservatiivisia verrattuna koetuloksiin. Ainoastaan paikalliseen venymään perustuvalla menetelmällä saadut väsymisluokat olivat suurempia kuin väsytyskoetulosten perusteella lasketut väsymisluokat.
In this thesis, the components important for testing work and organisational test process are identified and analysed. This work focuses on the testing activities in reallife software organisations, identifying the important test process components, observing testing work in practice, and analysing how the organisational test process could be developed. Software professionals from 14 different software organisations were interviewed to collect data on organisational test process and testing‐related factors. Moreover, additional data on organisational aspects was collected with a survey conducted on 31 organisations. This data was further analysed with the Grounded Theory method to identify the important test process components, and to observe how real‐life test organisations develop their testing activities. The results indicate that the test management at the project level is an important factor; the organisations do have sufficient test resources available, but they are not necessarily applied efficiently. In addition, organisations in general are reactive; they develop their process mainly to correct problems, not to enhance their efficiency or output quality. The results of this study allows organisations to have a better understanding of the test processes, and develop towards better practices and a culture of preventing problems, not reacting to them.
Ruostumattomien terästen hinta on kasvanut maailman laajuisen kysynnän kasvun seurauksena. Samoin on käynyt myös ruostumattomien terästen valmistukseen käytettävien seosaineiden hinnalle. Terästen valmistajat ovatkin kehittäneet lean duplex teräksiä vastatakseen hintatietoisten markkinoiden kysyntään. Näissä lean duplex teräksissä kalliita seosaineita kuten nikkeliä ja molybdeenia on korvattu typellä ja mangaanilla. Houkutteleviksi vaihtoehdoiksi perinteisille ruostumattomille teräksille lean duplex laadut tekee myös niiden hyvät lujuus- ja korroosio-ominaisuudet. Kirjallisuus osio esittelee lasereiden toimintaperiaatteen. Myös avaimenreikähitsauksen periaate on esitetty. Ruostumattomien terästen yleisimmät seosaineet ovat esitelty, kuten myös syy niiden seostamiseen. Ruostumattomat duplex-teräkset on esitelty samoin kuin lean duplex teräkset. Kokeellisen osion koehitsit hitsattiin osin samalla tuotantolinjalla lopputuotteen kanssa ja osin laboratoriossa. Koemateriaaleina olivat lean duplex teräkset 1.4162 ja 1.4362 joiden materiaalipaksuudet olivat 1.2 mm ja 1.5 mm. Hitsatuille lamelleille tehtiin painetestaus. Makroskopiaa ja valomikroskopiaa käytettiin koehitsien arvioinnissa kuten myös ristivetokoetta. Kiinnostavimmista hitseistä määritettiin myös faasisuhde. Lean duplex teräs 1.4362 havaittiin sopivammaksi laaduksi tämän kaltaisessa sovelluksessa, mutta myös laatu 1.4162 täyttää sovelluksen hitsille asetetut vaatimukset, tosin huomattavasti pienemmässä parametri ikkunassa. Valittu menetelmä faasisuhteen määrittämiseen osoittautui epätarkaksi, joten faasisuhteen osalta tämän tutkimuksen tulokset ovat vain suuntaa-antavia.
This paper presents the design for a graphical parameter editor for Testing and Test Control Notation 3 (TTCN-3) test suites. This work was done in the context of OpenTTCN IDE, a TTCN-3 development environment built on top of the Eclipse platform. The design presented relies on an additional parameter editing tab added to the launch configurations for test campaigns. This parameter editing tab shows the list of editable parameters and allows opening editing components for the different parameters. Each TTCN-3 primitive type will have a specific editing component providing tools to ease modification of values of that type.
Lämmöntuonnilla on oleellinen vaikutus hitsausliitoksen ominaisuuksiin, koska se vaikuttaa liitoksen jäähtymisnopeuteen, jolla on puolestaan suuri vaikutus jäähtymisessä syntyviin mikrorakenteisiin. Jatkuvan jäähtymisen S-käyrältä voidaan ennustaa hitsausliitokseen syntyvät mikrorakenteet. S-käyrät voidaan laatia hitsausolosuhteiden mukaisesti, jolloin faasimuutoskäyttäytyminen sularajalla saadaan selvitettyä. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli kehittää hitsausvirtalähteen ohjaustapaa lämmöntuontiin ja jatkuvan jäähtymisen S-käyriin perustuen. Jatkuvan jäähtymisen S-käyrillä ja lämmöntuontiin perustuvalla hitsausparametrien säädöllä on yhteys. Työssä tutkittiin, miten haluttuun jäähtymisnopeuteen johtava lämmöntuonti voidaan määrittää S-käyrälle luotettavasti. Työssä perehdyttiin jatkuvan jäähtymisen S-käyriin ja eri jäähtymisnopeuksilla hitsausliitokseen syntyviin mikrorakenteisiin sekä hitsaus-inverttereiden ohjaus- ja säätötekniikkaan. Teoriaosuuden jälkeen tarkasteltiin eri vaihtoehtoja, miten hitsattavan materiaalin koostumusvaihtelut sekä lämmöntuontiin vaikuttavat tekijät voidaan ottaa huomioon virtalähteen ohjauksessa lämmöntuonnin perusteella. S-käyrältä määritettyjen lämmöntuonnin arvojen perusteella tehtiin kahdet koehitsaukset, joissa käytettiin kolmea eri aineenpaksuutta. Tulosten perusteella arvioitiin lämmöntuonnin arvojen toimivuutta käytännössä ja tutkittiin liitokseen syntyviä mikrorakenteita. Tutkimuksen pohjalta esitettiin jatkokehitystoimenpiteitä, joiden mukaan voidaan edetä lämmöntuontiin perustuvan säätöjärjestelmän kehitysprojektissa.
Quantifying soil evaporation is required on studies of soil water balance and applications aiming to improve water use efficiency by crops. The performance of a microlysimeter (ML) to measure soil evaporation under irrigation and non-irrigation was evaluated. The MLs were constructed using PVC tubes, with dimensions of 100 mm inner diameter, 150 mm depth and 2.5 mm wall thickness. Four MLs were uniformly distributed on the soil surface of two weighing lysimeters conducted under bare soil, previously installed at Iapar, in Londrina, PR, Brazil. The lysimeters had 1.4 m width, 1.9 m length and 1.3 m depth and were conducted with and without irrigation. Evaporation measurements by MLs (E ML) were compared with measurements by lysimeters (E L) during four different periods in the year. Differences between E ML and E L were small either for low or high atmospheric demand and also for either irrigated or non-irrigated conditions, which indicates that the ML tested here is suitable for measurement of soil evaporation.
The rural electrification is characterized by geographical dispersion of the population, low consumption, high investment by consumers and high cost. Moreover, solar radiation constitutes an inexhaustible source of energy and in its conversion into electricity photovoltaic panels are used. In this study, equations were adjusted to field conditions presented by the manufacturer for current and power of small photovoltaic systems. The mathematical analysis was performed on the photovoltaic rural system I-100 from ISOFOTON, with power 300 Wp, located at the Experimental Farm Lageado of FCA/UNESP. For the development of such equations, the circuitry of photovoltaic cells has been studied to apply iterative numerical methods for the determination of electrical parameters and possible errors in the appropriate equations in the literature to reality. Therefore, a simulation of a photovoltaic panel was proposed through mathematical equations that were adjusted according to the data of local radiation. The results have presented equations that provide real answers to the user and may assist in the design of these systems, once calculated that the maximum power limit ensures a supply of energy generated. This real sizing helps establishing the possible applications of solar energy to the rural producer and informing the real possibilities of generating electricity from the sun.
Among studies focused on increasing soybean grain yield, the ones related to sowing process are the most significant. Considering that soybean has an epigeal emergence, it becomes difficult to hint at the length covered by hypocotyl up to soil surface, or the actual planting depth. This study aimed to find an indicator that allows the identification of an ideal soybean planting depth. For this purpose, two complementary assays has been carried out in a greenhouse. The first aimed to identify structures that could be indicators of seed planting depth, on a medium-textured soil from Campos Gerais region, in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Spring NK 8350 cultivar seeds were sown at five theoretical depths (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 cm). As seedlings emerged, the “differentiation zone” and the “root curve” depths were measured. The second assay was the validation of the suggested indicators in assay 1 from two soils, one medium-textured and one clay-textured. For this assay, it was used BRS 232. Both the methodologies showed high correlation with the theoretical planting depth. Although their correlation coefficient values were close, the differentiation zone appeared to be the most efficient reference with less planting depth overestimation.
Diplomityössä tutkittiin puumuovikomposiittien liitettävyyttä hitsaamalla ja liimaamalla. Työn kirjallisessa osuudessa tutustuttiin aiheeseen liittyviin tutkimuksiin, jotta saatiin käsitys miten liittäminen voisi onnistua. Työn empiirisessä osuudessa tehtiin liitoskokeita valituilla materiaaleilla eri menetelmillä. Liitoksia tutkittiin sekä rikkovilla, että rikkomattomilla aineenkoestusmenetelmillä. Valitut materiaalit poikkesivat koostumuksellaan hieman toisistaan, joten tuloksista pystyttiin päättelemään, mitkä ominaisuudet vaikuttavat milläkin tavalla liitettävyyteen. Johtopäätöksinä tässä tutkimuksessa voidaan todeta, että komposiitit ovat sekä hitsattavissa, että liimattavissa, mutta materiaalin koostumus vaikuttaa merkittävästi siihen, millä tavoin kappaleet liittyvät toisiinsa. Pääasiassa kaikki materiaalit liittyivät kohtuullisella tavalla. Oikeanlaisten liittämisarvojen määrittäminen reseptikohtaisesti vaatii tarkempia tutkimuksia.
Konecranes Corporation manufactures huge steel structures in 16 factories worldwide, in which the environment and quality varies. The company has a desire to achieve the same weld quality in each factory, regardless of the manufacturing place. The main subject of this master’s thesis was to develop the present box girder crane welding process, submerged arc welding and especially the fillet welding. Throughput time and manufacturing costs can be decreased by welding the full penetration fillet weld without a bevel, changing present groove types for more appropriate ones and by achieving the desired weld quality on the first time. Welding experiments of longitudinal fillet welding were made according to the present challenges, which the manufacturing process is facing. In longitudinal fillet welding tests the main focus was to achieve full penetration fillet weld for 6, 8 and 10 millimeters thick web plates with single and twin wire submerged arc welding. Full penetration was achieved with all the material thicknesses, both with single and twin wire submerged arc welding processes. The main problem concerning the weld was undercutting and shape of the weld bead. The question about insufficiency of presently used power sources with twin wire was risen up during testing, due to the thicknesses that require high welding current. Bigger power source is required when box girders are welded nonstop, if twin wire is used. For single wire process the penetration was achieved with significantly less amperage than with twin wire.
This thesis is part of the Arctic Materials Technologies Development –project, which aims to research and develop manufacturing techniques, especially welding, for Arctic areas. The main target of this paper is to clarify what kind of European metallic materials are used, or can be used, in Arctic. These materials include mainly carbon steels but also stainless steels and aluminium and its alloys. Standardized materials, their properties and also some recent developments are being introduced. Based on this thesis it can be said that carbon steels (shipbuilding and pipeline steels) have been developed based on needs of industry and steels exist, which can be used in Arctic areas. Still, these steels cannot be fully benefited, because rules and standards are under development. Also understanding of fracture behavior of new ultra high strength steels is not yet good enough, which means that research methods (destructive and non-destructive methods) need to be developed too. The most of new nickel-free austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless steels can be used in cold environment. Ferritic and martensitic stainless steels are being developed for better weldability and these steels are mainly developed in nuclear industry. Aluminium alloys are well suitable for subzero environment and these days high strength aluminium alloys are available also as thick sheets. Nanotechnology makes it possible to manufacture steels, stainless steels and aluminium alloys with even higher strength. Joining techniques needs to be developed and examined properly to achieve economical and safe way to join these modern alloys.
CHARGE syndrome, Sotos syndrome and 3p deletion syndrome are examples of rare inherited syndromes that have been recognized for decades but for which the molecular diagnostics only have been made possible by recent advances in genomic research. Despite these advances, development of diagnostic tests for rare syndromes has been hindered by diagnostic laboratories having limited funds for test development, and their prioritization of tests for which a (relatively) high demand can be expected. In this study, the molecular diagnostic tests for CHARGE syndrome and Sotos syndrome were developed, resulting in their successful translation into routine diagnostic testing in the laboratory of Medical Genetics (UTUlab). In the CHARGE syndrome group, mutation was identified in 40.5% of the patients and in the Sotos syndrome group, in 34%, reflecting the use of the tests in routine diagnostics in differential diagnostics. In CHARGE syndrome, the low prevalence of structural aberrations was also confirmed. In 3p deletion syndrome, it was shown that small terminal deletions are not causative for the syndrome, and that testing with arraybased analysis provides a reliable estimate of the deletion size but benign copy number variants complicate result interpretation. During the development of the tests, it was discovered that finding an optimal molecular diagnostic strategy for a given syndrome is always a compromise between the sensitivity, specificity and feasibility of applying a new method. In addition, the clinical utility of the test should be considered prior to test development: sometimes a test performing well in a laboratory has limited utility for the patient, whereas a test performing poorly in the laboratory may have a great impact on the patient and their family. At present, the development of next generation sequencing methods is changing the concept of molecular diagnostics of rare diseases from single tests towards whole-genome analysis.
Rapid depletion of easy-to-access fossil fuel, predominantly, oil and gas resources has now necessitated increase in need to develop new oil and gas sources in ever more remote and hostile environments. This is necessary in order to explore more oil and gas resources to meet rapidly rising long-term energy demand in the world, both at present and in the nearest future. Arctic is one of these harsh environments, where enormous oil and gas resources are available, containing about 20% of the world total oil and gas, but the environmental conditions are very harsh and hostile. However, virtually all the facilities required for the exploration and development of this new energy source are constructed with metals as well as their alloys and are predominantly joined together by welding processes and technologies. Meanwhile, due to entirely different environment from the usual moderate temperate region, conventional welding technologies, common metals and their alloys cannot be applied as this Arctic environment demand metals structures with very high toughness and strength properties under extremely low temperature. This is due to the fact that metals transit from ductility to brittleness as the temperature moves toward extreme negative values. Hence, this research work investigates and presents the advanced welding technologies applicable to Arctic metal structures which can give satisfactory weldments under active Arctic service conditions. .