915 resultados para WOOD FIBERS
Selectively filled photonic crystal fibers with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a silicon-type material, have been studied. Is has been demonstrated that polarization properties of these hybrid devices and the properties of the guided light in relation with the temperature changes, finding that the state of polarization (SOP) change with the increasing temperature but remains constant for a wide spectrum of wavelengths for a determinate temperature.
Over the past few years, polyolefin fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete has shown high performance in both fresh and hardened state. Its fracture behavior for small deformations could be enhanced with a small amount of steel-hooked fibers, obtaining a hybrid fiber-reinforced concrete well suited for structural use. Four types of conventional fiber-reinforced concrete with steel and polyolefin fibers were produced on the basis of the same self-compacting concrete also manufactured as reference. These concrete mixtures were manufactured separately with the same fiber contents being subsequently used for two more hybrid mixtures. Fracture properties, in addition to fresh and mechanical properties, were assessed. The research showed both synergies (with the two types of fibers working together in the fracture processes) and an improvement of the orientation and distribution of the fibers on the fracture surface
Resumen: Descripción: vista de Portaceli desde el monte muy frondoso. La Cartuja se deduce en segundo término
Nonlinear effects in optical fibers
A photonic crystal fiber selectively filled with silver nanoparticles dispersed in polydimethylsiloxane has been numerically studied via finite elements analysis. These nanoparticles possess a localized surface plasmon resonance in the visible region which depends on the refractive index of the surrounding medium. The refractive index of polydimethylsiloxane can be thermally tuned leading to the design of polarization tunable filters. Filters found with this setup show anisotropic attenuation of the x-polarization fundamental mode around ?x = 1200dB/cm remarkably higher than the y-polarization mode. Moreover, high fiber birefringence and birefringence reversal is observed in the spectral region of the plasmon.
Nondestructive techniques are widely used to assess existing timber structures. The models proposed for these methods are usually performed in the laboratory using small clear wood specimens. But in real situations many anomalies, defects and biological damage are found in wood. In these cases the existing models only indicate that the values are outside normality without providing any other information. To solve this problem, a study of non-destructive probing methods for wood was performed, testing the behaviour of four different techniques (penetration resistance, pullout resistance, drill resistance and chip drill extraction) on wood samples with different biological damage, simulating an in-situ test. The wood samples were obtained from existing Spanish timber structures with biotic damage caused by borer insects, termites, brown rot and white rot. The study concludes that all of the methods offer more or less detailed information about the degree of deterioration of wood, but that the first two methods (penetration and pullout resistance) cannot distinguish between pathologies. On the other hand, drill resistance and chip drill extraction make it possible to differentiate pathologies and even to identify species or damage location. Finally, the techniques used were compared to characterize their advantages and disadvantages.
El presente trabajo de Tesis se ha centrado en el diseño, fabricación y caracterización de dispositivos basados en fibras de cristal fotónico infiltrado selectivamente con cristales líquidos, polímeros y una mezcla de ambos. Todos los dispositivos son sintonizables, y su área de aplicación se centra en comunicaciones ópticas y sensores. La manipulación y fusionado de fibras fotónicas, el llenado selectivo de determinadas cavidades y la alineación recíproca de fibras mantenedoras de polarización son tareas muy específicas y delicadas para las que se requieren protocolos muy estrictos. Previo a la fabricación de dispositivos ha sido necesaria por tanto una tarea de sistematización y creación de protocolos de fabricación. Una vez establecidos se ha procedido a la fabricación y caracterización de dispositivos. Los dispositivos fabricados se enumeran a continuación para posteriormente detallar una a una las singularidades de cada uno. • Interferómetros intermodales hechos a partir de una porción de fibra fotónica soldada entre dos fibras estándar, bien monomodo o PANDA (mantenedora de polarización). Estos interferómetros han sido sumergidos o bien llenados selectivamente con cristales líquidos para así sintonizar la señal interferométrica guiada a través de la fibra. • Infiltración de fibras fotónicas con cristales líquidos colestéricos con especial énfasis en la fase azul (blue phase) de estos materiales. Las moléculas de cristal líquido se autoalinean en volumen por lo que la infiltración de fibras fotónicas con estos cristales líquidos es muy interesante, pues es conocida la dificultad de alinear apropiadamente cristales líquidos dentro de cavidades micrométricas de las fibras fotónicas. • Grabación de redes holográficas de forma selectiva en las cavidades de una fibra fotónica. Estas redes holográficas, llamadas POLICRYPS (POlymer-LIquid CRYstal-Polymer Slices), son redes fabricadas a base de franjas de polímero y cristal líquido alineado perpendicularmente a dichas franjas. Las franjas son a su vez perpendiculares al eje de la fibra como lo puede ser una red de Bragg convencional. El cristal líquido, al estar alineado perpendicularmente a dichos franjas y paralelo al eje de la fibra, se puede conmutar aplicando un campo eléctrico externo, modificando así el índice efectivo de la red. Se puede fabricar por lo tanto una red de Bragg sintonizable en fibra, muy útil en comunicaciones ópticas. • Llenado selectivo de fibras fotónicas con polidimetilsiloxano (PDMS), un polímero de tipo silicona. Si se realiza un llenado selectivo asimétrico se puede inducir birrefringencia en la fibra. El índice de refracción del PDMS tiene una fuerte dependencia térmica, por lo que se puede sintonizar la birrefringencia de la fibra. • Estudio teórico de llenado selectivo de fibras fotónicas con PDMS dopado con nanopartículas de plata de 5, 40 y 80 nm. Estas nanopartículas poseen un pico de absorción en torno a los 450 nm debido a resonancias superficiales localizadas de plasmones (LSPR). La resonancia del plasmon tiene una fuerte dependencia con el índice de refracción del material colindante, y al ser éste PDMS, la variación de índice de refracción se ve amplificada, obteniendo una absorción sintonizable. Se ha propuesto la fabricación de polarizadores sintonizables usando esta técnica. Como ya se ha dicho, previamente a la fabricación ha sido necesaria la protocolización de diversos procedimientos de fabricación de alta complejidad, así como protocolizar el proceso de toma de medidas para optimizar los resultados. Los procedimientos que han requerido la formulación de protocolos específicos han sido los siguientes: • Llenado selectivo de cavidades en una fibra fotónica. Dichas fibras tienen generalmente un diámetro externo de 125 μm, y sus cavidades son de entre 5 y 10 μm de diámetro. Se han desarrollado tres técnicas diferentes para el llenado/bloqueado selectivo, pudiéndose combinar varios protocolos para la optimización del proceso. Las técnicas son las siguientes: o Llenado y bloqueado con un prepolímero. Dicho prepolímero, también llamado adhesivo óptico, está inicialmente en estado líquido y posee una cierta viscosidad. Las cavidades de la fibra fotónica que se desea llenar o bloquear poseen un diámetro diferente al resto, por lo que en el proceso de llenado aparecen dos frentes de llenado dependientes de su diámetro. A mayor diámetro, mayor velocidad de llenado. Polimerizando cuando existe dicha diferencia en los frentes se puede cortar por medio, obteniendo así una fibra parcialmente bloqueada. o Colapsamiento de las cavidades de menor diámetro mediante aplicación de calor. El calor producido por un arco voltaico de una soldadora de fibra estándar fusiona el material exterior de la fibra produciendo el colapsamiento de las cavidades de menor diámetro. En esta técnica también es necesaria una diferencia de diámetros en las cavidades de la fibra. o Bloqueo una a una de las cavidades de la fibra fotónica con adhesivo óptico. Este procedimiento es muy laborioso y requiere mucha precisión. Con este sistema se pueden bloquear las cavidades deseadas de una fibra sin importar su diámetro. • Alineación de una fuente de luz linealmente polarizada con una fibra mantenedora de polarización ya sea PANDA o fotónica. Así mismo también se han alineado entre sí fibras mantenedoras de polarización, para que sus ejes rápidos se fusionen paralelos y así el estado de polarización de la luz guiada se mantenga. • Sistematización de toma de medidas para caracterizar los interferómetros modales. Éstos son altamente sensibles a diversas variables por lo que el proceso de medida es complejo. Se deben aislar variables de forma estrictamente controlada. Aunque todos los dispositivos tienen en común el llenado selectivo de cavidades en una fibra fotónica cada dispositivo tiene sus peculiaridades, que van a ser explicadas a continuación. ABSTRACT The present Thesis has been centered in the design, fabrication and characterization of devices based on photonic crystal fibers selectively filled with liquid crystals, polymers and a mixture of both. All devices are tunable and their work field is optical communications and sensing The handling and splicing of photonic crystal fibers, the selective filling of their holes and the aligning of polarization maintaining fibers are very specific and delicate tasks for which very strict protocols are required. Before the fabrication of devices has therefore been necessary task systematization and creation of manufacturing protocols. Once established we have proceeded to the fabrication and characterization of devices. The fabricated devices are listed below and their peculiarities are detailed one by one: • Intermodal interferometers made with a portion of photonic crystal fiber spliced between two optical communication fiber pigtails, either single mode or PANDA (polarization-maintaining) fiber. These interferometers have been submerged or selectively filled with liquid crystals to tune the interferometric guided signal. • Infiltration of photonic fibers with cholesteric liquid crystals with special emphasis on their blue phase (blue phase). The liquid crystal molecules are self-aligning in volume so the infiltration of photonic fibers with these liquid crystals is very interesting. It is notoriously difficult to properly align liquid crystals within micron cavities such as photonic fibers. • Selectively recording of holographic gratings in the holes of photonic crystal fibers. These holographic gratings, called POLICRYPS (POlymer-LIquid CRYstal-Polymes Slices), are based on walls made of polymer and liquid crystal aligned perpendicular to them. These walls are perpendicular to the axis of the fiber as it can be a conventional Bragg grating. The liquid crystal is aligned perpendicular to the walls and parallel to the fiber axis, and can be switched by applying an external electric field and thus change the effective index of the grating. It is thus possible to manufacture a tunable Bragg grating fiber, useful in optical communications. •Asymmetrically selective filling of photonic crystal fibers with a silicone polymer like called polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) to induce birefringence in the fiber. The refractive index of PDMS has temperature dependence, so that the birefringence of the fiber can be tuned. • Theoretical study of photonic crystal fibers selectively filled with PDMS doped with silver nanoparticles of 5, 40 and 80 nm. These nanoparticles have an absorption peak around 450 nm due to localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR). Plasmon resonance has a strong dependence on the refractive index of the adjacent material, and as this is PDMS, the refractive index variation is amplified, obtaining a tunable absorption. Fabrication of tunable polarizers using this technique has been proposed. Before starting the fabrication, it has been necessary to optimize several very delicate procedures and different protocols have been designed. The most delicate procedures are as follows: • Selective filling of holes in a photonic crystal fiber. These fibers generally have an outer diameter of 125 μm, and their holes have a diameter around between 5 and 10 μm. It has been developed three different techniques for filling / selective blocking, and they can be combined for process optimization. The techniques are: o Filling and blocked with a prepolymer. This prepolymer also called optical adhesive is initially in liquid state and has a certain viscosity. The holes of the photonic crystal fiber that are desired to be filled or blocked should have a different diameter, so that in the filling process appear two different fronts depending on the hole diameter. The holes with larger diameter are filled faster. Then the adhesive is polymerized when there is such a difference on the front. A partially blocked fiber is obtained cutting between fronts. o Collapsing of holes of smaller diameter by application of heat. The heat produced by an arc of a standard fusion splicer fuses the outer fiber material producing the collapsing of the cavities of smaller diameter. In this technique also you need a difference of diameters in the fiber holes. o Blocking one by one the holes of photonic crystal fiber with optical adhesive. This procedure is very laborious and requires great precision. This system can block unwanted cavities regardless fiber diameter. • Aligning a linearly polarized light source with a polarization-maintaining fiber (either a PANDA fiber as a photonic crystal fiber). It is needed also an aligning between polarization-maintaining fibers, so that their fast axes parallel merge and that is state of polarization of light guided is maintained. • Systematization of taking measurements to characterize the modal interferometers. These are highly sensitive to several variables so the measurement process is very complicated. Variables must be fixed in a very controlled manner. Although all devices have the common characteristic of being selectively filled PCFs with some kind of material, each one has his own peculiarities, which are explained below.
A regular heart beat is dependent on a specialized network of pacemaking and conductive cells. There has been a longstanding controversy regarding the developmental origin of these cardiac tissues which also manifest neural-like properties. Recently, we have shown conclusively that during chicken embryogenesis, impulse-conducting Purkinje cells are recruited from myocytes in spatial association with developing coronary arteries. Here, we report that cultured embryonic myocytes convert to a Purkinje cell phenotype after exposure to the vascular cytokine, endothelin. This inductive response declined gradually during development. These results yield further evidence for a role of arteriogenesis in the induction of impulse-conducting Purkinje cells within the heart muscle lineage and also may provide a basis for tissue engineering of cardiac pacemaking and conductive cells.
K.S.N. wishes to thank the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research [No. 03(1264)/12/EMR-11] Government of India for the financial support.
Bordetella dermonecrotizing toxin causes assembly of actin stress fibers and focal adhesions in some cultured cells and induces mobility shifts of the small GTP-binding protein Rho on electrophoresis. We attempted to clarify the molecular basis of the toxin action on Rho. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of toxin-treated RhoA revealed the deamidation of Gln-63 to Glu. The substitution of Glu for Gln-63 of RhoA by site-directed mutagenesis caused a mobility shift on electrophoresis, which was indistinguishable from that of the toxin-treated RhoA. Neither mutant RhoA-bearing Glu-63 nor toxin-treated RhoA significantly differed from untreated wild type RhoA in guanosine 5′-[γ-thio]triphosphate binding activity but both showed a 10-fold reduction in GTP hydrolysis activity relative to untreated RhoA. C3H10T1/2 cells transfected with cDNA of the mutant RhoA bearing Glu-63 showed extensive formation of actin stress fibers similar to the toxin-treated cells. These results indicate that the toxin catalyzes deamidation of Gln-63 of Rho and renders it constitutively active, leading to formation of actin stress fibers.
A rapidly growing area of genome research is the generation of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in which large numbers of randomly selected cDNA clones are partially sequenced. The collection of ESTs reflects the level and complexity of gene expression in the sampled tissue. To date, the majority of plant ESTs are from nonwoody plants such as Arabidopsis, Brassica, maize, and rice. Here, we present a large-scale production of ESTs from the wood-forming tissues of two poplars, Populus tremula L. × tremuloides Michx. and Populus trichocarpa ‘Trichobel.’ The 5,692 ESTs analyzed represented a total of 3,719 unique transcripts for the two cDNA libraries. Putative functions could be assigned to 2,245 of these transcripts that corresponded to 820 protein functions. Of specific interest to forest biotechnology are the 4% of ESTs involved in various processes of cell wall formation, such as lignin and cellulose synthesis, 5% similar to developmental regulators and members of known signal transduction pathways, and 2% involved in hormone biosynthesis. An additional 12% of the ESTs showed no significant similarity to any other DNA or protein sequences in existing databases. The absence of these sequences from public databases may indicate a specific role for these proteins in wood formation. The cDNA libraries and the accompanying database are valuable resources for forest research directed toward understanding the genetic control of wood formation and future endeavors to modify wood and fiber properties for industrial use.
The discrepancy between the structural longitudinal organization of the parallel-fiber system in the cerebellar cortex and the functional mosaic-like organization of the cortex has provoked controversial theories about the flow of information in the cerebellum. We address this issue by characterizing the spatiotemporal organization of neuronal activity in the cerebellar cortex by using optical imaging of voltage-sensitive dyes in isolated guinea-pig cerebellum. Parallel-fiber stimulation evoked a narrow beam of activity, which propagated along the parallel fibers. Stimulation of the mossy fibers elicited a circular, nonpropagating patch of synchronized activity. These results strongly support the hypothesis that a beam of parallel fibers, activated by a focal group of granule cells, fails to activate the Purkinje cells along most of its length. It is thus the ascending axon of the granule cell, and not its parallel branches, that activates and defines the basic functional modules of the cerebellar cortex.
Rho and Rab Small G Proteins Coordinately Reorganize Stress Fibers and Focal Adhesions in MDCK Cells
The Rho subfamily of the Rho small G protein family (Rho) regulates formation of stress fibers and focal adhesions in many types of cultured cells. In moving cells, dynamic and coordinate disassembly and reassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions are observed, but the precise mechanisms in the regulation of these processes are poorly understood. We previously showed that 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) first induced disassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions followed by their reassembly in MDCK cells. The reassembled stress fibers showed radial-like morphology that was apparently different from the original. We analyzed here the mechanisms of these TPA-induced processes. Rho inactivation and activation were necessary for the TPA-induced disassembly and reassembly, respectively, of stress fibers and focal adhesions. Both inactivation and activation of the Rac subfamily of the Rho family (Rac) inhibited the TPA-induced reassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions but not their TPA-induced disassembly. Moreover, microinjection or transient expression of Rab GDI, a regulator of all the Rab small G protein family members, inhibited the TPA-induced reassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions but not their TPA-induced disassembly, indicating that, furthermore, activation of some Rab family members is necessary for their TPA-induced reassembly. Of the Rab family members, at least Rab5 activation was necessary for the TPA-induced reassembly of stress fibers and focal adhesions. The TPA-induced, small G protein-mediated reorganization of stress fibers and focal adhesions was closely related to the TPA-induced cell motility. These results indicate that the Rho and Rab family members coordinately regulate the TPA-induced reorganization of stress fibers and focal adhesions that may cause cell motility.
The association of a particular mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutation with different clinical phenotypes is a well-known feature of mitochondrial diseases. A simple genotype–phenotype correlation has not been found between mutation load and disease expression. Tissue and intercellular mosaicism as well as mtDNA copy number are thought to be responsible for the different clinical phenotypes. As disease expression of mitochondrial tRNA mutations is mostly in postmitotic tissues, studies to elucidate disease mechanisms need to be performed on patient material. Heteroplasmy quantitation and copy number estimation using small patient biopsy samples has not been reported before, mainly due to technical restrictions. In order to resolve this problem, we have developed a robust assay that utilizes Molecular Beacons to accurately quantify heteroplasmy levels and determine mtDNA copy number in small samples carrying the A8344G tRNALys mutation. It provides the methodological basis to investigate the role of heteroplasmy and mtDNA copy number in determining the clinical phenotypes.