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The epoch of reionization remains one of the last uncharted eras of cosmic history, yet this time is of crucial importance, encompassing the formation of both the first galaxies and the first metals in the universe. In this thesis, I present four related projects that both characterize the abundance and properties of these first galaxies and uses follow-up observations of these galaxies to achieve one of the first observations of the neutral fraction of the intergalactic medium during the heart of the reionization era.

First, we present the results of a spectroscopic survey using the Keck telescopes targeting 6.3 < z < 8.8 star-forming galaxies. We secured observations of 19 candidates, initially selected by applying the Lyman break technique to infrared imaging data from the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) onboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). This survey builds upon earlier work from Stark et al. (2010, 2011), which showed that star-forming galaxies at 3 < z < 6, when the universe was highly ionized, displayed a significant increase in strong Lyman alpha emission with redshift. Our work uses the LRIS and NIRSPEC instruments to search for Lyman alpha emission in candidates at a greater redshift in the observed near-infrared, in order to discern if this evolution continues, or is quenched by an increase in the neutral fraction of the intergalactic medium. Our spectroscopic observations typically reach a 5-sigma limiting sensitivity of < 50 AA. Despite expecting to detect Lyman alpha at 5-sigma in 7-8 galaxies based on our Monte Carlo simulations, we only achieve secure detections in two of 19 sources. Combining these results with a similar sample of 7 galaxies from Fontana et al. (2010), we determine that these few detections would only occur in < 1% of simulations if the intrinsic distribution was the same as that at z ~ 6. We consider other explanations for this decline, but find the most convincing explanation to be an increase in the neutral fraction of the intergalactic medium. Using theoretical models, we infer a neutral fraction of X_HI ~ 0.44 at z = 7.

Second, we characterize the abundance of star-forming galaxies at z > 6.5 again using WFC3 onboard the HST. This project conducted a detailed search for candidates both in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field as well as a number of additional wider Hubble Space Telescope surveys to construct luminosity functions at both z ~ 7 and 8, reaching 0.65 and 0.25 mag fainter than any previous surveys, respectively. With this increased depth, we achieve some of the most robust constraints on the Schechter function faint end slopes at these redshifts, finding very steep values of alpha_{z~7} = -1.87 +/- 0.18 and alpha_{z~8} = -1.94 +/- 0.23. We discuss these results in the context of cosmic reionization, and show that given reasonable assumptions about the ionizing spectra and escape fraction of ionizing photons, only half the photons needed to maintain reionization are provided by currently observable galaxies at z ~ 7-8. We show that an extension of the luminosity function down to M_{UV} = -13.0, coupled with a low level of star-formation out to higher redshift, can fit all available constraints on the ionization history of the universe.

Third, we investigate the strength of nebular emission in 3 < z < 5 star-forming galaxies. We begin by using the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope to investigate the strength of H alpha emission in a sample of 3.8 < z < 5.0 spectroscopically confirmed galaxies. We then conduct near-infrared observations of star-forming galaxies at 3 < z < 3.8 to investigate the strength of the [OIII] 4959/5007 and H beta emission lines from the ground using MOSFIRE. In both cases, we uncover near-ubiquitous strong nebular emission, and find excellent agreement between the fluxes derived using the separate methods. For a subset of 9 objects in our MOSFIRE sample that have secure Spitzer IRAC detections, we compare the emission line flux derived from the excess in the K_s band photometry to that derived from direct spectroscopy and find 7 to agree within a factor of 1.6, with only one catastrophic outlier. Finally, for a different subset for which we also have DEIMOS rest-UV spectroscopy, we compare the relative velocities of Lyman alpha and the rest-optical nebular lines which should trace the cites of star-formation. We find a median velocity offset of only v_{Ly alpha} = 149 km/s, significantly less than the 400 km/s observed for star-forming galaxies with weaker Lyman alpha emission at z = 2-3 (Steidel et al. 2010), and show that this decrease can be explained by a decrease in the neutral hydrogen column density covering the galaxy. We discuss how this will imply a lower neutral fraction for a given observed extinction of Lyman alpha when its visibility is used to probe the ionization state of the intergalactic medium.

Finally, we utilize the recent CANDELS wide-field, infra-red photometry over the GOODS-N and S fields to re-analyze the use of Lyman alpha emission to evaluate the neutrality of the intergalactic medium. With this new data, we derive accurate ultraviolet spectral slopes for a sample of 468 3 < z < 6 star-forming galaxies, already observed in the rest-UV with the Keck spectroscopic survey (Stark et al. 2010). We use a Bayesian fitting method which accurately accounts for contamination and obscuration by skylines to derive a relationship between the UV-slope of a galaxy and its intrinsic Lyman alpha equivalent width probability distribution. We then apply this data to spectroscopic surveys during the reionization era, including our own, to accurately interpret the drop in observed Lyman alpha emission. From our most recent such MOSFIRE survey, we also present evidence for the most distant galaxy confirmed through emission line spectroscopy at z = 7.62, as well as a first detection of the CIII]1907/1909 doublet at z > 7.

We conclude the thesis by exploring future prospects and summarizing the results of Robertson et al. (2013). This work synthesizes many of the measurements in this thesis, along with external constraints, to create a model of reionization that fits nearly all available constraints.


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The effect of alcohol solution on single human red blood Cells (RBCs) was investigated using near-infrared laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS). In our system, a low-power diode laser at 785 nm was applied for the trapping of a living cell and the excitation of its Raman spectrum. Such a design could simultaneously reduce the photo-damage to the cell and suppress the interference from the fluorescence on the Raman signal. The denaturation process of single RBCs in 20% alcohol solution was investigated by detecting the time evolution of the Raman spectra at the single-cell level. The vitality of RBCs was characterized by the Raman band at 752 cm(-1), which corresponds to the porphyrin breathing mode. We found that the intensity of this band decreased by 34.1% over a period of 25 min after the administration of alcohol. In a further study of the dependence of denaturation on alcohol concentration, we discovered that the decrease in the intensity of the 752 cm(-1) band became more rapid and more prominent as the alcohol concentration increased. The present LTRS technique may have several potential applications in cell biology and medicine, including probing dynamic cellular processes at the single cell level and diagnosing cell disorders in real time. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley T Sons, Ltd.


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Part I

The spectrum of dissolved mercury atoms in simple liquids has been shown to be capable of revealing information concerning local structures in these liquids.

Part II

Infrared intensity perturbations in simple solutions have been shown to involve more detailed interaction than just dielectric polarization. No correlation has been found between frequency shifts and intensity enhancements.

Part III

Evidence for perturbed rotation of HCl in rare gas matrices has been found. The magnitude of the barrier to rotation is concluded to be of order of 30 cm^(-1).


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Materiais nanoestruturados têm recebido destaque na comunidade científica, destacando-se, dentre eles, os nanocompósitos à base de polímeros e argila. Quando esses materiais são obtidos no estado líquido, ressalta-se também o uso de água em substituição a solventes orgânicos, devido a questões ambientais. Neste trabalho foram sintetizadas dispersões aquosas à base de poliuretanos (WPUs) e argila hidrofílica do tipo montimorilonita (MMT) de natureza sódica, com o objetivo de avaliar as propriedades de barreira a gases conferidas pela presença de argila e pela variação nas proporções entre os segmentos flexíveis poli(glicol propilênico) (PPG) e o copolímero em bloco à base de poli(glicol etilênico) e poli(glicol propilênico) (EG-b-PG). Os monômeros empregados na síntese foram: poli(glicol propilênico) (PPG); copolímero em bloco à base de poli(glicol etilênico) e poli(glicol propilênico) (EG-b-PG), com teor de 7% de EG; ácido dimetilolpropiônico (DMPA), diisocianato de isoforona (IPDI) e etilenodiamina (EDA), como extensor de cadeia. Foram sintetizadas dispersões aquosas com e sem a presença de argila, fixando-se a razão entre o número de equivalentes-grama de grupos diisocianato e hidroxila (razão NCO/OH) em 1,5. Nas formulações foi variado também o teor de argila em relação à massa de prepolímero em 0,5% e 1%. Foi adicionada uma etapa de agitação adicional com dispersor Turrax em algumas formulações. A argila foi previamente deslaminada em água deionizada e incorporada à formulação na etapa da dispersão do prepolímero. As dispersões foram avaliadas, quanto ao teor de sólidos totais, tamanho médio de partícula e viscosidade aparente. Os filmes vazados a partir das dispersões foram caracterizados por espectrometria na região do infravermelho (FTIR) e permeabilidade ao CO2. A resistência térmica dos filmes foi determinada por termogravimetria (TG). Foram observadas modificações nas propriedades dos filmes obtidos com a inserção da argila e com a variação no teor de segmentos à base de poli(glicol etilênico). A inserção da argila promoveu uma melhoria na resistência térmica das membranas bem como uma redução na permeabilidade das mesmas. Foi observado um aumento na permeabilidade das membranas obtidas a partir das formulações com maior percentual de copolímero (EG-b-PG), com e sem argila.


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The field of cavity optomechanics, which concerns the coupling of a mechanical object's motion to the electromagnetic field of a high finesse cavity, allows for exquisitely sensitive measurements of mechanical motion, from large-scale gravitational wave detection to microscale accelerometers. Moreover, it provides a potential means to control and engineer the state of a macroscopic mechanical object at the quantum level, provided one can realize sufficiently strong interaction strengths relative to the ambient thermal noise. Recent experiments utilizing the optomechanical interaction to cool mechanical resonators to their motional quantum ground state allow for a variety of quantum engineering applications, including preparation of non-classical mechanical states and coherent optical to microwave conversion. Optomechanical crystals (OMCs), in which bandgaps for both optical and mechanical waves can be introduced through patterning of a material, provide one particularly attractive means for realizing strong interactions between high-frequency mechanical resonators and near-infrared light. Beyond the usual paradigm of cavity optomechanics involving isolated single mechanical elements, OMCs can also be fashioned into planar circuits for photons and phonons, and arrays of optomechanical elements can be interconnected via optical and acoustic waveguides. Such coupled OMC arrays have been proposed as a way to realize quantum optomechanical memories, nanomechanical circuits for continuous variable quantum information processing and phononic quantum networks, and as a platform for engineering and studying quantum many-body physics of optomechanical meta-materials.

However, while ground state occupancies (that is, average phonon occupancies less than one) have been achieved in OMC cavities utilizing laser cooling techniques, parasitic absorption and the concomitant degradation of the mechanical quality factor fundamentally limit this approach. On the other hand, the high mechanical frequency of these systems allows for the possibility of using a dilution refrigerator to simultaneously achieve low thermal occupancy and long mechanical coherence time by passively cooling the device to the millikelvin regime. This thesis describes efforts to realize the measurement of OMC cavities inside a dilution refrigerator, including the development of fridge-compatible optical coupling schemes and the characterization of the heating dynamics of the mechanical resonator at sub-kelvin temperatures.

We will begin by summarizing the theoretical framework used to describe cavity optomechanical systems, as well as a handful of the quantum applications envisioned for such devices. Then, we will present background on the design of the nanobeam OMC cavities used for this work, along with details of the design and characterization of tapered fiber couplers for optical coupling inside the fridge. Finally, we will present measurements of the devices at fridge base temperatures of Tf = 10 mK, using both heterodyne spectroscopy and time-resolved sideband photon counting, as well as detailed analysis of the prospects for future quantum applications based on the observed optically-induced heating.


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Na Odontologia, ao se confeccionar peças restauradoras dentárias, pela técnica indireta, o processo mais rotineiramente empregado utiliza um modelo de gesso, obtido a partir de um molde de elastômero, tomado de um dente preparado. Vários fatores podem influenciar na boa precisão de ajustes destas peças como o escoamento do material de vazamento dentro da moldagem, a compatibilidade do material de vazamento com o da moldagem, o tempo de presa, a estabilidade dimensional, a resistência mecânica do material quando da separação moldagem/modelo, a resistência a abrasão e a fidelidade de reprodução de detalhes. Materiais foram introduzidos na odontologia para utilização na confecção de troquéis no intuito de minimizar as desvantagens do gesso, como baixa resistência a abrasão e ligeira expansão de presa. Dentre eles os troquéis metalizados e as resinas epóxicas, que tem vantagens em relação às propriedades mecânicas, porém o primeiro exige técnica demorada e de alto custo e o segundo apresenta contração. O presente trabalho se propõe a testar uma nova composição de poliéster insaturado com estireno adicionado ao carbonato de cálcio em diferentes proporções (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 e 70%) e compará-la ao gesso tipo IV e a resina epoxídica com óxido de alumínio, através de ensaios mecânicos, de abrasão e de alteração dimensional, para avaliar a possibilidade de sua utilização como material de confecção de troquéis para a construção de restaurações indiretas. Para caracterização dos materiais foram feitas análises de espectrometria no infravermelho, Calorimetria de varredura diferencial, termogravimétrica e Microscopia eletrônica de varredura. O compósito a base de poliéster insaturado com 50% de carbonato de cálcio se mostrou viável para utilização como material para troquel. Quando comparado aos materiais de controle mostrou propriedades mecânicas próximas as da resina epoxídica e bem superiores ao gesso, resistência a abrasão superior ao gesso e inferior a resina epoxídica e alteração dimensional próxima a resina epoxídica e maior ao gesso. Sendo a formulação do poliéster/carbonato de cálcio apenas constituída de polímero, catalisador e carga, é possível melhorar a formulação modificando a carga e/ou acrescentando aditivos visando minimizar a contração de polimerização.


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Nos últimos anos, a irradiação por micro-ondas tem sido cada vez mais usada na síntese de varias moléculas orgânicas, devido a uma série de vantagens que essa nova tecnologia apresenta. Até o momento, existem poucos estudos sobre polimerizações assistidas por micro-ondas e menos ainda sobre a modificação de polímeros usando essa nova fonte de energia. Polímeros heterocíclicos contendo anéis azóicos, como o tetrazol possuem interesse acadêmico e comercial devido as suas várias aplicações. Nesta Dissertação foi estuda a modificação química da poliacrilonitrila pela incorporação em sua cadeia polimérica de 10% de grupos tetrazol empregando-se a irradiação de micro-ondas e o método convencional (térmico). Foram utilizados um forno de micro-ondas doméstico e um reator de micro-ondas monomodo nas reações assistidas por micro-ondas. As reações em reator foram realizadas em vaso aberto, em solução (DMF) ou em massa, sendo variado o tempo e a temperatura reacional, bem como a potência do equipamento. Os copolímeros produzidos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR) e os teores de grupos tetrazol incorporados na PAN foram determinados por titulometria de neutralização. A poliacrilonitrila foi modificada quimicamente com sucesso tanto no forno doméstico quanto no reator de micro-ondas, como foi verificado pela sua análise de FTIR. Pela determinação do grau de incorporação de grupos tetrazol nos polímeros concluiu-se que, para a reação em solução, nas temperaturas mais elevas, bem como em uma potência maior, o teor de heterocíclico incorporado no polímero está muito próximo do valor obtido pelo método convencional. Já as reações conduzidas em massa apresentaram graus de incorporação inferiores as das feitas em solução.


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Much of the chemistry that affects life on planet Earth occurs in the condensed phase. The TeraHertz (THz) or far-infrared (far-IR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum (from 0.1 THz to 10 THz, 3 cm-1 to 300 cm-1, or 3000 μm to 30 μm) has been shown to provide unique possibilities in the study of condensed-phase processes. The goal of this work is to expand the possibilities available in the THz region and undertake new investigations of fundamental interest to chemistry. Since we are fundamentally interested in condensed-phase processes, this thesis focuses on two areas where THz spectroscopy can provide new understanding: astrochemistry and solvation science. To advance these fields, we had to develop new instrumentation that would enable the experiments necessary to answer new questions in either astrochemistry or solvation science. We first developed a new experimental setup capable of studying astrochemical ice analogs in both the TeraHertz (THz), or far-Infrared (far-IR), region (0.3 - 7.5 THz; 10 - 250 cm-1) and the mid-IR (400 - 4000 cm-1). The importance of astrochemical ices lies in their key role in the formation of complex organic molecules, such as amino acids and sugars in space. Thus, the instruments are capable of performing variety of spectroscopic studies that can provide especially relevant laboratory data to support astronomical observations from telescopes such as the Herschel Space Telescope, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), and the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA). The experimental apparatus uses a THz time-domain spectrometer, with a 1750/875 nm plasma source and a GaP detector crystal, to cover the bandwidth mentioned above with ~10 GHz (~0.3 cm-1) resolution.

Using the above instrumentation, experimental spectra of astrochemical ice analogs of water and carbon dioxide in pure, mixed, and layered ices were collected at different temperatures under high vacuum conditions with the goal of investigating the structure of the ice. We tentatively observe a new feature in both amorphous solid water and crystalline water at 33 cm-1 (1 THz). In addition, our studies of mixed and layered ices show how it is possible to identify the location of carbon dioxide as it segregates within the ice by observing its effect on the THz spectrum of water ice. The THz spectra of mixed and layered ices are further analyzed by fitting their spectra features to those of pure amorphous solid water and crystalline water ice to quantify the effects of temperature changes on structure. From the results of this work, it appears that THz spectroscopy is potentially well suited to study thermal transformations within the ice.

To advance the study of liquids with THz spectroscopy, we developed a new ultrafast nonlinear THz spectroscopic technique: heterodyne-detected, ultrafast THz Kerr effect (TKE) spectroscopy. We implemented a heterodyne-detection scheme into a TKE spectrometer that uses a stilbazoiumbased THz emitter, 4-N,N-dimethylamino-4-N-methyl-stilbazolium 2,4,6-trimethylbenzenesulfonate (DSTMS), and high numerical aperture optics which generates THz electric field in excess of 300 kV/cm, in the sample. This allows us to report the first measurement of quantum beats at terahertz (THz) frequencies that result from vibrational coherences initiated by the nonlinear, dipolar interaction of a broadband, high-energy, (sub)picosecond THz pulse with the sample. Our instrument improves on both the frequency coverage, and sensitivity previously reported; it also ensures a backgroundless measurement of the THz Kerr effect in pure liquids. For liquid diiodomethane, we observe a quantum beat at 3.66 THz (122 cm-1), in exact agreement with the fundamental transition frequency of the υ4 vibration of the molecule. This result provides new insight into dipolar vs. Raman selection rules at terahertz frequencies.

To conclude we discuss future directions for the nonlinear THz spectroscopy in the Blake lab. We report the first results from an experiment using a plasma-based THz source for nonlinear spectroscopy that has the potential to enable nonlinear THz spectra with a sub-100 fs temporal resolution, and how the optics involved in the plasma mechanism can enable THz pulse shaping. Finally, we discuss how a single-shot THz detection scheme could improve the acquisition of THz data and how such a scheme could be implemented in the Blake lab. The instruments developed herein will hopefully remain a part of the groups core competencies and serve as building blocks for the next generation of THz instrumentation that pushes the frontiers of both chemistry and the scientific enterprise as a whole.


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Spectral data are presented, giving intensities of the Brackett ɤ (B7) line at six positions in M 42 and of the Brackett ten through fourteen (B10-B14) lines plus the He 4d3D-3p3p0 line at three positions in M 42. Observations of the Brackett ɤ line are also given for the planetary nebulae NGC 7027 and IC 418. Brackett gamma is shown to exhibit an anomalous satellite line in NGC 7027. Broadband data are presented, giving intensities at effective wavelengths of 1.25 μ, 1.65 μ, 2.2 μ, 3.5 μ and 4.8 μ for three positions in M 42.

Comparisons with visual and radio data as well as 12 micron and 20 micron data are used to derive reddening, electron temperatures, and electron densities for M 42 and the two planetaries, as well as a helium abundance for M 42. A representative electron temperature of 8400°K ± 1000°K, an electron density of 1.5 ±0.1 x 103 cm-3 and a He/H number density ratio of 0.10 +0.10/-0.05 are derived for the central region of M 42. The electron temperature is found to increase slightly with distance from the Trapezium.

M 42 is shown to emit in excess of the predicted recombination radiation throughout the entire infrared spectrum. The variations in the excess with wavelength and with position are analyzed to determine which of several physical processes may be operating. The longer wavelength infrared excess is shown to be dominated by dust emission, while the shorter wavelength infrared excess is caused by dust scattering. The dust is shown to be larger than the average interstellar particle. A new feature of the Orion red star ORS-1 is found in that it appears to have a reflection nebula around it.


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A combinação de excelentes propriedades mecânicas aliadas à biocompatibilidade torna a borracha natural um material amplamente empregado na fabricação de artefatos voltados à saúde, tais como bicos de chupetas e de mamadeiras, e luvas cirúrgicas e de procedimentos não-cirúrgicos. Esses artefatos são processados a partir de látices de poli(cis-isopreno) extraído de seringueiras. Entretanto, o grande número de insaturações presentes na cadeia polimérica, mesmo após a vulcanização, resulta em uma baixa resistência desse material ao envelhecimento, causado principalmente pela associação de fatores como temperatura, oxigênio, ozônio e radiação. Outro inconveniente associado à aplicação da borracha natural é a presença de proteínas no látex, com potencial alergênico, podendo promover reações fisiológicas em alguns usuários. Por esse motivo artefatos comerciais à base de material sintético também são encontrados no mercado. Esses artefatos também não são isentos dos processos naturais de desgaste e decomposição. Esta Dissertação teve como objetivo realizar um estudo comparativo de propriedades dos produtos comerciais à base de borracha natural e à base de material sintético (bicos de chupeta e de mamadeiras e luvas) de diferentes fabricantes, como adquiridos e após sofrerem envelhecimento acelerado. O estudo foi feito empregando-se as técnicas de espectroscopia na região do infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e termogravimetria (TG). Uma avaliação mecânica com métodos padronizados foi também realizada