928 resultados para Village Icatu


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A plan of part of the lands of the Six Nations Indians, dated January 26, 1833. A note on the plan reads “Part of the lands of the Six Nations Indians as surveyed by order of their Superintendent, John Brant, Esq. Dated at the Mohawk Village, the 29th day of April, 1831. Part of which was returned to the office of the Honourable, the Commissior of Crown Lands, on the 31st Oct. 1831, and now rendered more complete by a continuation of the survey under the same order in 1832, and by information obtained from private practice not connected with my official instructions all of which is most respectfully submitted to the inspection and for the information of His Majesty’s Government by Lewis Burwell, Surveyor”. The map shows the early loyalist land holdings in the Brantford area.


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A document titled "Plain Facts, In relation to the state of intemperance at Meredith Bridge, ascertained by a committee recently appointed for that purpose". The introduction to the document reads: "The whole population of the village, embracing a tract of territory less than one mile from the Bridge, is nine hundred forty. The number of families within those limits is one hundred and sixty-six. Of the heads of these families, thirty-eight are intemperate, - seventy are temperate drinkers; the remainder abstain wholly from the use of distilled and vinous liquors. There are ninety-six children in those families,in which there is one intemperate parent. The number of children who have temperate parents is one hundred and fifty-nine. The other families have one hundred and forty-four children. Beside the above, there are thirty-seven young men. Of this number, twelve are decidedly intemperate; seventeen are temperate drinkers, and eight subscribe to the doctrine of total abstinate. In the whole Village, there are, at the least, fifty-two decidedly intemperate. There are sold in this Village, annually nine thousand gallons of spirituous liquors, at a cost not less than $6,750. Add to this the other cost attendant on the use of spirituous liquors, estimated to equal that of the liquor itself, and we have an item of expense of $13,500, occasioned by the use of intoxicating drink. The above facts are offered for the serious consideration of the citizens at Meredith Bridge. March 1836".


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Indenture regarding land sold by Solomon Quick of Niagara Township to Henry Woodruff from London District consisting of 1/4 acre and 4 perches in the Village of St. Davids. This was registered on February 2, 1826 - instrument no. 6761, February 3, 1821.


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Indenture by which Timothy Street of Niagara Township allowed Stroughton Moore of Lewiston, New York to lease a brick house in the Village of St. Davids for $160.00 payable annually. Mr. Moore would also have use of half the barn. Ezekiel Woodruff was a witness to the signing of this lease, January 29, 1822.


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Indenture stating that George Shaw of Niagara sold 1 acre, 2 roods and 1 perch in the Village of St. Davids to Richard and William Woodruff. The price was 66 pounds - instrument no. 6926, June 9, 1824.


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Indenture of conveyance between George Shaw of the Township of Niagara and Richard Woodruff and Company, merchants of the Township of Niagara, all living in the Village of St. Davids for a share of water ("course of water running in a hole one inch diameter"), April 15, 1825.


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Indenture of mortgage between William Arnott and Elizabeth Arnott of Welland County to Nathan Thomas Fitch of Welland County for Lots numbered 37 and the south half of 40 and 41 in the village of Merritville - instrument no. 5400, September 12, 1836.


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Indenture of statutory mortgage between William and Margaret Wilson of the Village of Grimsby to Stephen M. Jarvis of Toronto regarding part of Lot no. 10 in the 1st Concession in Grimsby - instrument no. 502, February 26, 1869.


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Indenture of assignment of mortgage between Jacob Thomas Nottle, land agent of Hamilton and George Steel of the Village of Romoka in the County of Middlesex regarding a parcel of land in the village of Romoka composed of Lot no. 17 in Block U. Robert Telfer granted to Ira Spalding these lands and premises subject to payment of principal money and interest (2 copies), June 18, 1874.


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Indenture of assignment of mortgage between George and Barbara Steele [incorrectly listed as Shute on the first page of the first copy] of the Village of Romoka of the County of Middlesex of the first part and Joseph Augustus Woodruff, sheriff, of St. Catharines whereas a mortgage dated April 7, 1857 in consideration of the same to Robert Telfer who did grant the land to Ira Spalding regarding a parcel of land in the Village of Romoka composed of Lot no. 17 in Block U, June 28, 1876.


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A 2 ½ page letter addressed to The Editor of the Presbyterian Magazine, care of [illegible], London, C.W. The writer describes the Village of Chippawa and its location in Ontario. He writes that there are many people there of Scotch [Scottish] descent. He says that a congregation was formed and 39 names were on the roll. The letter is from J.P. [John Porteous] with an added note from Wm. Porteous. The letter is from St. Catharines. There is one postmark – St. Catharines, April 6, 1823 A 1 ½ page letter addressed to Rev. W. Proudfoot, Ed. Of Presbyterian Mag., London, C.W. This letter is from Walter Mitchell in St. Catharines. He sends a list of peoples’ names and the amounts that they have paid toward the Presbyterian Magazine. Mr. Mitchell is acting as an agent for the magazine. This letter has 1 postmark – St. Catharines, Sept. 13, 1842 A 2 page letter addressed to Rev. W. Proudfoot, London, C.W. This letter is from John Jennings of St. Catharines. The writer claims that he is ill but he makes plans to meet Reverend Proudfoot in Toronto in order to go to a meeting in Rochester. The writer expects that Reverend Proudfoot will preach in Rochester. The letter has 1 postmark – St. Catharines, Aug. 14, 1843. A 2 page letter addressed to The Rev. Professor Proudfoot, London, C.W. from John Porteaus of St. Catharines. The writer says that he will not preach in Detroit. He says that the people of Detroit are expecting Mr. Dalrymple [who was sent as a missionary to Canada from Scotland in 1846] and also, he doesn’t want to leave his congregation for 2 Sabbaths. The letter has 2 postmarks – St. Catharines, August 1846 [this postmark is very faint] and Hamilton, August 2, 1846.


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Fred Holmes regarding the completion of the grading, levelling and rolling in the village of Port Robinson, Nov. 10, 1856.


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Indenture of mortgage between Robert and Eunice Telfer of the Township of London to Ira Spaulding of the Township of Stamford for Lot 17 in Block U in the Village of Komoka, Middlesex – instrument no. 1044. This was recorded on Dec. 21, 1857 in Liber B, folio 945, Apr. 7, 1857.


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Indenture (vellum) between the Honorable William Dickson of Galt to Robert Dickson of Niagara, William Dickson the Younger of Galt and Walter Dickson of Niagara for 3 roods and 38 perches in the Village of Galt in the Township of Dumphries. This is enclosed in a vellum folder, Oct. 18, 1836.


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Indenture between the Honourable William Dickson and of Niagara and Commander Thomas Bushby, then Lieutenant in the Royal Navy for land in the village plot of Sherbrooke – instrument no. 230. This was recorded on Sept. 15, 1843 in Book A, folio 281-282. April 15, 1843.